
Oregon Senate Debate & Vote on Permanent Standard Time (2024 March 4)

👉 Click here to tell your state legislators to end Daylight Saving! 👉 Click here to tell your Congress members to end Daylight Saving! On March 4, the Oregon Senate debated and voted on SB 1548 A, authored by Senator Kim Thatcher (R-11). This amended bill seeks to ditch Daylight Saving Time (fast time) and restore permanent Standard Time (natural time) in the portion of the state that is in the Pacific Time Zone, in coordination with California and Washington. The bill’s policy is endorsed by a majority of nonprofits, and its policy is approved by federal law. 468 members of the public submitted written testimonies on this bill: 292 (62.4%) in support, 175 (37.4%) in opposition. 0:00 Senator James Manning Jr EdD (D-7) calls the clerk to read the bill. 0:09 Sen Thatcher speaks for her bill. 1:13 Senator Aaron Woods (D-13) speaks in opposition, calling for permanent DST. 4:29 Senator Lynn Findley (R-30) speaks in opposition, calling for re-inclusion of the Mountain Time Zone. 7:11 Senator Bill Hansell (R-29) speaks in support, thanking for addition of regional pact. 8:26 Sen Thatcher offers clarifications. 10:06 Senator Elizabeth Steiner MD (D-17) speaks in support, noting Standard Time is healthier. 11:54 Sen Manning calls for vote. Approved 16–14–0! More information about this legislation is on its official webpage: 🌞 Data and history show permanent Standard Time is the best option for public health, public safety, workplace productivity, individual prosperity, energy use, environmental preservation, and religious freedom. Urge lawmakers in Congress and your state or province to oppose permanent Daylight Saving and to restore permanent Standard Time!

Save Standard Time

7 days ago

clerk please read the next bill Senate Bill 1548 relating to standards of time recognize Senator Kim thater thank you Mr President a mere 13 days later before you is an amended version of The Standard Time Bill and it is very still has to relate to to Standard time but it is very different and here's where it's different instead of Oregon leading on the issue and having other states follow we've installed an if and then clause which means that if California and Washington adopt a bill or a law t
o observe Standard Time only then Oregon will observe Standard Time it just includes a trigger similar to what we had years ago in the daylight savings time only at that time we had to include and Congress or the department of of Labor so we don't have that but we still have a trigger it's it just keeps us in sync with the states around us please join me in voting yes on this amended version discussion to the measure recognize Senator Ern Woods thank you Mr President uh colleagues today I Rise t
o address Senate Bill 1548 a while I understand and respect the intentions behind this BT I must vote my opposition I've heard from many people in my district each sharing their unique views on this issue their feedback has been crucial helping me just helping me to see just how much this bill would impact oregonians daily lives my stance is not one of outright rejection but a call for a different path forward one that aligns more closely with the unique needs and benefits of our region it is fo
r this region reason that I advocate for legislation that would commit Oregon to permanent Daylight Savings Time rather than the permanent Standard Time proposed by S sp548 the arguments in favor of permanent daylight savings time are compelling to me first and foremost the mental health benefits associated with increased exposure to Daylight cannot be overstated the safety benefits are clear Studies have shown that extending daylight hours into the evening reduces traffic accidents a critical c
onsideration as we strive to protect our communities economically the argument for permanent daylight savings time is equally strong longer daylight hours encourage spending bolstering local businesses and stimulating our economy Oregon's unique geographical position makes the benefits of daylight savings time especially pronounced our latitude means that the shift in daylight hours can have a significant impact on our daily lives from the way we work to the way we play I understand the complexi
ty of this issue and the you and the sincere arguments on both sides however I firmly believe that the path to permanent daylight savings time is the one that best serves the interest of Oregon should our sister States Washington and California move in this Direction I Would wholeheartedly support a similar transition for Oregon in conclusion while I stand opposed to sb50 548a my opposition comes from a place of supporting a alternative that I believe better serves our state I look forward to wo
rking with all of you to explore this alternative and to chart a course that ensures the health safety and prosperity of all who are goings thank you further discussion to the measure recognize Senator Lynn Finley thank you Mr President Mr President uh I would like to thank the carrier of this bill for addressing some of my concerns my concerns are I'm the only member only member of the 90 legislators in this building that live in another time zone I live in the Mountain Time Zone uh so when the
carrier asked me what I thought what I thought would be best for Mal here here County I suggested that we stay on the Mountain Time Zone because all of our Commerce all of our news all of our activities related to the Mountain Time Zone in Idaho and she carved it out and I appreciated the effort in that the issue I have with this bill is if Idaho were to change by carving us out as ticks us with the US code Idaho changes Mal here County can't change so I would we would be off for Mal here Count
y we would be off from my would be off from Oregon kind of like an island out there so I was told by the carriers their best they said we'll carve it out we'll fix it on when when it happens we'll put in a fix Mr President I'm a little L of fixes uh in Mal here County we had a bill passed by the then speaker now Governor Tina cotek sponsored this bill to help the economic region of maler County to compete better with Idaho and says we will put you in a border region and pro and support legislati
on to make you more competitive with Idaho and work for that so in the last five years I've brought about 15 bills forward to do that one bill has made it through so the fact that the thought that I would have have a bill carved out and fix the time zone inequities for maler County don't leave me a lot of hope that it would really happen because it doesn't you know the proof is in the pudding every time we go through to try to make get more competitive with Idaho it's never been the case we can'
t get them through because reported to me we don't like oneoff we don't like this we don't like that so if this if this fix wasn't made mayor County would be two hours off of Oregon an hour off idah home just kind of an an island and and I can't support that while I appreciate the efforts I was told that a carve out couldn't happen because we couldn't trigger off of another state however this bill is a g Su triggers off Ida or off Washington or triggers off California but we can't trigger off Id
aho I don't understand that I'm just simple guy from Eastern Oregon but that doesn't make sense to me so I've opposed this Bill thank you further discussion recognize Senator Bill Hansel uh thank you Mr President when this bill was before us I pointed out that my District 29 on the entire eastern border of it and the entire northern border of it it borders two states Washington to the north Idaho to the East and that as uh the communities that are part of the counties uh to have a different time
zone particularly to the north which is the longest border would cause a lot of difficulties for us particularly in my area where we do a lot of Commerce and interchange in the state of Washington primarily Walla Wala or even the Tri Cities so I said there were no triggers in the bill therefore I was opposed to it want to commend the carrier of the bill when it went to rules they put the triggers in that I wish uh that I had hoped would be put in uh in this case both California and Washington a
re part of it and uh so my vote while it was no before will be a yes today thank you Mr President seeing no other uh in a que body uh the carrier has requested to speak a second time recognize Senator Kim Thatcher thank you for that I need to make a correction at least in my memory I think I said that the daylight savings time Bill that we passed five years ago would have depended on the Department of Labor and that is incorrect it would have been the Department of Transportation but that was wh
en we were going to go as a group of Pacific coast states and make that application but California never came along and they're looking like they are reversing their position on daylight saving time and that's why why this bill is brought before you um because if the Department of Transportation did not approve then it would have to rely on Congress cough cough and um that is also not the direction that that things are moving so um as far as Idaho is concerned yes uh there was a request to be le
ft out of the original Bill and then when I was asking if we could have um that part of the state follow with Idaho I don't know if there's a miscommunication or what but my takeaway from the conversation with um legislative Council was that they couldn't I think it was because the bill has to do um the underlying bill has to do with the part of the state that's in Pacific time which is all the state except for Mal here County so anyway those those are just a couple of things um and this just al
igns us with moves that other states make it doesn't have us jump out ahead and so I just want to make that correction thank you further discussion to the measure say hun Senator Steiner you're closing thank you Mr President um just briefly colleagues I'm not going to add all the things that I added when we first discussed this bill you remember them I hope about religious freedom about the value of staying on the same time all year about the Circadian rhythm um being attuned to the Natural Rhyt
hm Of The Sun and while I appreciate the comments from my colleague from Senate District 13 about the value of natural light and the exposure to daylight in the that is particularly important in the morning our bodies benefit the most from light in the morning and were we to stay on permanent daylight savings time we would not have the value of that morning light at any time of year and particular in the winter when given that our days are so short we particularly need that Morning Light many pe
ople in the northwest use artificial light daylight spectrum light early in the morning in the winter to correct the challenges from our brain chemistry so one of the things that this bill will do is make sure that we don't have to have even more trouble with that going forward um there is no question that this bill has generated an enormous amount of controversy you would not think that the time that we live in uh the time day it is would generate so much mail on both sides of the issue but my
constituents and many of yours feel very strong ly about this they're about split 50/50 but in terms of health benefits in terms of consistency in terms of going with what our bodies are naturally programmed to do in terms of allowing people whose religious calendars depend on being able to do certain things after the Sun is up permanent Standard time is the best thing for all of us I urge your I vote thank you Mr President question I'll Rises to point third reading final passage Senate bill 548
a those who are of the opinion the bill should be passed will answer I as your name is called those who oppos old clerk please call the r Weber Woods Anderson bonam boquist compos no demro Finley Frederick giler Blen giler Len gerro golden gorsi yes Hansel Hayden drama canot Liber Lum Manning Meek Patterson ronski Robinson roock Smith roock Smith soulman Steiner Taylor Thatcher giler Blen Brock Smith giler Blen president Wagner voting nay bonam boquist I'm sorry bonam compos Finley geler bluen g
erro Hayden Jama kenot Liber Manning Patterson Rock Smith Taylor Woods 16 I Senate Bill 1548 a haven't received a constitutional majority is declared passed clerk please read the next bill



Oregonian here. I just want everything to be on permanent standard time like Hawaii and Arizona. In a nutshell, permanent DST amounts to voting that everyone must now start their day and be to work and school a full hour earlier all year long, whether we want to or not, and regardless of how different people’s body clocks run or the seasonal placement of the sun. Having everyone on standard time would also make global time zones so much less complicated. It seems to me that people often discuss this as if we control the amount of light we get in the day rather than acknowledging that we are ultimately only choosing what time to start the day. Permanent DST would be especially miserable for getting up in the winter. The clock switching twice a year is also miserable. Thank you to the folks who are at least trying to put us on standard time all year.