
Organizing Photos on Your Android Device | Technology Education

Learn how to organize the photos on your Android device using Google Drive and the Google Photos App. For adults. 🎬 New videos premiere each Wednesday and Friday at 1:00 p.m. (Central Time). ✔️ If you find our content helpful, please subscribe to this channel: @MCPLMO 🤝 Share this video with a YouTube friend: ⭐ Recommended playlists within the MCPLMO Channel: 🔖 Visit us on Facebook at MCPL360: 🔗 Other Links to explore: Mid-Continent Public Library: 📝Online Learning: NOTE: Most resources require your MCPL library card information. The resources available on the Online Resources page may change from time to time.

Mid-Continent Public Library

2 hours ago

hi everyone this is Anna one of the digital Innovation specialists at Midcontinent Public Library today we are going to look at how we can organize photos on an Android device using the Google photos and Google Drive apps if you are an Apple device user go ahead and check the m cplm o YouTube channel to find a video about organizing photos on your iPad or iPhone organizing photos is not just about putting them in folders and forgetting about them the first step is going to be to organize the ima
ges into folders that make sense for you and then moving forward continued maintenance of those folders and images is really important to keep them organized and stop them from becoming very overwhelming today we are going to look at some practical steps for managing our photo collection directly on our device so the first thing that you're going to want to do is locate all of your photos there may be multiple apps that are current currently housing your digital photos so you'll want to look in
multiple places Google photos might be the app that your device saves photos to by default or automatically but there could be other apps as well for example if you have a Samsung device they do have their own photo app called gallery photos can also be saved in any cloud storage apps so this can include Google drive or Dropbox are just a few examples of those my suggestion would be to go through any app where you think you've seen your photos and make a list of any apps where you find them so t
hat'll give you a good place to start then you're going to want to look at these apps and try to determine if photos are duplicated so are you seeing the same photos in multiple places now that you've kind of gathered that information you're going to want to determine where you want all of your photos to live so the easiest way to keep them organized is to save them all to the same place in today's video we are going to use the Google photos app because it is pre-installed on most Android device
s and it may already be the default app for your photos but you can choose another app if you find something that suits you better the organization steps are going to be the same no matter what kind of photos app you are using so we will also look at how to send a photo from one app to another in a few minutes but the first thing I want to do is open up the Google photos app and if you already have some photos saved this is how your app is going to display showing all of your photos and separati
ng them by date this date could be the date the photo was taken or it could be the date that you added the photo to the app so maybe if you saved it from somewhere online it might not show up the date that the photo was taken but it will show up on the date that you added it to your collection so already the app is helping us start to organize by grouping the images by date and as I scroll through you can see how the app it groups the photos I can group them by day then by month and year and at
the top of my screen there is a search box I can tap this and from the suggestions I can see that I can search for certain types of photos or even for videos to get out of this if I don't want to do a search I'll just tap the back arrow in the upper left corner now in the upper right corner I can see a little icon with the letter A tapping this icon is going to show me what Google account I'm using this is important if you have more than one Google account that you're using on a device because t
his is going to tell you where to look for your photos if you're trying to access them from another device or from a web browser this is also where you can set photos to be backed up to your Google account so this is how you can save the photos with cloud storage if you want to be able to access the photo from any internet connected device you're going to want to turn backups on otherwise the photos are going to be stored on the device only so if you prefer that you can turn the backups off here
I'm just going to tap the X in the upper right corner of this popup to close it I do have some options to change the layout of my photos on the screen so I'm going to tap this three dot icon that's on the right beneath my account icon so the icon with the letter A it was an a because that's the first letter in my name Anna you may be seeing a different letter for your account or if you have added a profile picture to your Google account you may see a very small version of that in that icon we a
re now going to tap the three dot icon that's right beneath that account icon and here I can see that my layout is currently set today so it's dividing the images by the date that they were saved but I can also change it to comfortable or month comfortable doesn't seem to be working for me today my guess is that I don't have enough photos to make make that option available but I can see that if I choose month it does change how the images are grouped together on this main screen I also have a me
nu on the left side of my screen right now I can see because it's highlighted that I am looking at the photos page I can tap the next icon down memories to see memory memories that have been created by the app or I can create these myself if I don't have backups turned on this feature isn't going to work on its own so that's just something to note if I tap libraries the next option down in that left side menu I do get another menu and at the top I have options to turn my photos into printed book
s or other types of photo prints I can tap view all and that's going to take me to Google's print store where I can look at images on many different formats and purchase them directly if I choose in this app below those print options I can see various albums that are created automatically these include favorites archived photos utilities trash as well as photos taken with a camera and photos downloaded to the device so the archive and the trash options they are also available in the left side me
nu so there's more than one place that you can access them this is also where I'm going to see any of the albums that I create so I can can start creating an album from this page as well if I don't see that option right away you might need to scroll down to the bottom of the page to find the option to create album so we'll just tap that and you will want to give your album a title and then tap select photos now I'm seeing all of my photos again and I can tap individual photos that I want to add
to the album when I tap the photos I should see a check mark display on the image and that lets me know that the image has been selected I can also tap and hold with my finger while I slide it along the screen to select multiple photos and even entire rows at once and then once I have the images that I want I'll tap add in the upper right corner of my screen to finish creating the album I can still add more photos to this album later as I can see from the add photos button that is located here I
can also share the album so tapping share gives me a popup with different sharing options so I can share the album with other people if I so choose now if I go back to my library I can see my new album as well as the option to create a new album so this page should be utilized a lot when you're organizing your photos I can also create albums right from a photo so if I have a photo open like this I have options in the upper right corner to cast the image to another device such as a projector or
a television I can tap the star icon to favorite the photo or I can tap the three dot icon to open a more menu and this menu gives me lots of options if I want to start a new album I'm going to tap add to album and then in the popup that appears instead of choosing an album that already exists I'll tap new album at the top and then I'll give it a title and I do have the option to choose more photos to add right now and when I'm done with that I'll tap the check mark in the upper left corner to s
ave those choices and there are just a couple of other options on the left side menu so I can tap search which is just another way to get to that search option like the search box I can also tap on device to see the photos that are saved to my device so this is going to be helpful if you're trying to figure out if a photo is saved to the device or to the cloud if it's showing on this page it's definitely saved to the device it could also be saved to the cloud and then here I have my archive and
trash options again if I tap trash I can see that backed up items will stay in the trash folder for 60 days while photos that are only saved to my device are going to be permanently deleted after 30 days so if I have backups turned on or that really just means if I have Cloud sync turned on the photos will remain available for 60 days if I only have the images saving to my device that length of time shortens to 30 days but anytime before those deadlines if I realize that I made a mistake and I w
ant to put that photo back in my collection I can restore it which removes it from the trash folder and puts it back into the photo photo library and in any albums that I have added it to the next step in organizing our photos is going to be to save all of our photos to this designated Google photos app so now I'm going to go back to my home screen to find the Dropbox app and I'm choosing Dropbox just because it's a cloud storage app where you can save images so I found images in my Dropbox I'm
going to tap to open the app and here I can see that yes I do have some photos saved to this account to save a photo to my Google photos I'm just going to tap on the photo I want to select and then I should see an option to share so I'll tap share and I want want to export a copy of the photo so I will tap that option and then instead of tapping where it says save image I'm actually going to tap on the more menu that is just to the right of that option which is those three dots the icon of the t
hree dots from here I have the option to add it to photos and I can see that it is the Google photos app based on the icon that is displaying here I know that this is the same icon that I use to access Google photos so I'm just going to tap the icon and then I'm going to tap upload on the next screen then I'm going to repeat this process for all of the photos that I want to save I also do have the option to select multiple files in Dropbox by tapping the checkbox icon in the upper right corner o
f the screen and this allows me to copy multiple files at once so I don't have to do this process one image at a time and after I've saved a copy to Google photos I can delete the copy that's in Dropbox you can delete them as you go along or if you do have enough storage space you could move copies to Google photos and after you moved everything you wanted you could just delete all from Dropbox so this has been an overview of how to organize photos on an Android device using the Google photos ap
p thanks for watching that's it for today's video if you liked it make sure you let us us know by following our mcpl 360 page on Facebook and our mcpl Mo o Channel on YouTube We Premiere new videos every Wednesday and Friday at 1 p.m. and if you miss the live event you can always find all of our videos on YouTube on one of our many technology related playlists on our YouTube channel thanks again for watching and we will see you again next time time
