
ORIGINAL FOOTAGE | Omaha Beach Assault Wave | WN60 and the German Defenders | Normandy WW2

In the early morning hours of June 6, 1944, the men of L Company, 16th Infantry Regiment, 1st Infantry Division, stepped inside their LCAs (Landing Craft Assault). They had been training for the invasion from the moment they arrived in the UK after fighting their way through North Africa and Sicily. They trained for the landings so often that the majority of men felt confident in their ability to face the enemy and win. Unfortunately, their H Hr would be delayed and then enemy were not destroyed by the preliminary bombardment. The men of L Company would run ashore into the German fire. In this video I look at the original footage taken on D Day and I take you to the location where it was filmed. I then take you to the German position overlooking this stretch of beach and see where the German were located. If you enjoyed this video please hit the like button. drop me a comment and subscribe to the channel. Omaha Beach: The First To Fall | Original Footage | Wn60 and the Germans Defenders | Normandy WW2 If you'd like to purchase the 'Brenslinger' T Shirt from Reaper One Seven or any of there other items please visit the online shop using the link below. Reaper One Seven is a VETERAN owned and VETERAN operated brand. Please support them if you can. __________________________________________ If you want to dress like Chris Craighead (Kenyan Hotel Siege Hero) try these links : - La Sportiva Men's Hiking Shoes - Fjallraven Men's Sarek Trekking Shirt - Arc'teryx LEAF Assault Balaclava __________________________________________ #tactical #guns #military #history #british #army #soldier #ww2 #germany #usa #history #para #hellletloose If you'd like to support this channel and gain access to exclusive content and perks, why not consider becoming a Patreon support? business: TIKTOK: TWITTER: ___________________________________________

The History Explorer

4 months ago

[音乐] d [掌声] [音乐] [音乐] 所以我们在奥马哈海滩,这是奥马哈海滩的远东侧翼,被称为狐狸 红,这是第 16 步兵团登陆的地方。大红色的是第一 步兵师,就是在这个地点,著名的美国士兵被射击的镜头 ,不幸的是其中一些人被呃德国军队击中的镜头就是在这个视频中拍摄的,我将向 你展示我到底在哪里 相信这段视频是从 1944 年 6 月 6 日凌晨开始的, 我将向您展示 我相信德国人在等待已久的对欧洲要塞的攻击中射击的具体位置, 您可以看到背景中的悬崖 被海军和空中轰炸产生的烟雾,你可以看到中间有静止的小黑暗物体, 这可能是人们挤在一起寻找掩护,但也可能是海滩上的伤亡 ,在前景中,你可以看到重型拉登人员试图将他们需要的东西涉上岸就像 诺曼底登陆日的兔子,相反,他们更像乌龟,所以让我们更详细地看一下这个,你可以 在这里看到瞄准这些士兵的子弹的撞击痕迹,包括 来自左侧的 机枪 扫射。 至于我们的故事,屏幕上显示的是 诺曼底登陆日 0700 点,已经比 shedu 晚了 30 分钟,当时 LCA 载着约翰·阿拉洛上尉的人员 抵达奥马尔海滩,坡道降下的那一刻,人员们看到的唯一东西就是 180
MERS 的海面。他们前面是开阔的海滩,有陡峭的悬崖,前面是 德国的 W60 堡垒,所以让我们看看地面,这是诺曼底 海岸线的一段,被诺曼底登陆计划者命名为奥马哈海滩,距离很远这里比剑海滩和朱诺海滩更加乡村, 只有小村庄和内陆村庄,您可以在这里看到 绿色的奥马哈海滩大约 10 公里或 6 英里长,它被分为几个部分 查理狗绿色狗白色狗红色简单绿色简单红色盒子绿色和狐狸红色它 在海滩上有自然出口,称为 D1 D3 E1 E3 和 F1 记住敌人获得投票,他们 部署了俯瞰这些出口的要点我们的故事从奥马哈海滩的东端开始, 作为第二个的主要元素当第 16 步兵团的第三营 接近海滩时,很明显,许多敌军据点并未被 入侵前的轰炸所消灭,因为登陆艇下降了坡道, 人们在试图逃离海滩时伤亡。其他船只在海浪中挣扎 或试图跑过沙地时被击中,他们的浸水设备压得 很重,你可以看到L连的这些人很可能在上岸等待时被击中, 所以我现在处于我认为的情况这是那个著名镜头的拍摄地点, 摄影师显然在悬崖上寻求避难所,他正在拍摄随后 登陆的海浪,就在这个视图中,你可以看到那些勇敢的 美国之子从悬崖上被射击上面,我相信他们是从 VA
stanness 60 处被射击的, 该位置就在上方悬崖上这段视频的右侧 ,我认为这是因为你可以看到一些在水中的撞击出现在 上面的悬崖上。士兵们表示,射击位置稍微偏东一点,他们 同样可以从 62 号看台发射,该看台距离 那里的一个真正强大的防御阵地稍远一些,但我确实认为他们是直接 从前面 射击的 他们来自 VA 看台和 S60,在这段视频中,我将带您到 V stanz 60 ,看看那些德国士兵到底在哪里,他们正在向那些 在这里跑上岸的勇敢的美国士兵开火,所以我相信这几乎就是 那些士兵到来的确切位置,当然,你永远不能 100% 确定,因为悬崖 已经发生了侵蚀,海滩防御工事也不再在这里作为参考,但如果你 这样查找,你就会发现可以看到上面的悬崖,那里的树木几乎位于 镜头的中心,现在是 VA Stan S60,从那里我们可以看到布鲁克斯的战壕位置 有防御阵地,德国人正在向这片海滩开火,实际上距离并不 远,摄像机可能使它看起来比实际距离更远,但在直接视线范围内, 很可能不会超过 400 m,有效射程为轻武器火力和 机枪,我相信正是从德国人所在的那个位置,当 第16步兵团在这里登陆时,他们正在向
他们开火,特别是 L连和L连是攻击那个阵地的编队,我们将看看 他们到达 60 号站的路线以及他们如何到达那里以及他们如何 很快 占据这个位置 [音乐] [音乐] 所以这些是你可以在其中看到的一些独特的悬崖 我与你分享的 一些图片和镜头 ,当然这里有很多侵蚀,所以它永远不会是 完全相同的位置,但毫无疑问,在我看来,这些是同一种 结构,你可以在其中看到呃,士兵们寻求庇护,他们受伤了,躺在这些悬崖的底部, 从他们上方的德国炮火中逃脱,这是不可能的, 我喜欢做的当时和现在的照片,但毫无疑问,在我心里这是相同的 [音乐]地点 [音乐] 所以它是悬崖,就像海滩顶部的那样,步兵会在那里 寻求避难所杀戮场,因为他们穿过海滩绝对是 可怕的,但这些悬崖给了他们避难所从上面 vs Nest 60 的火势来看 ,我们现在要看看 vs Nest 60 现在 让我们详细看看地面 w60 占据了布拉夫斯, 俯瞰狐狸红区和远东端的 F1 平局在 这里,您可以使用卫星图像看到左侧绘制的位置, 今天您仍然可以看到战壕,所以让我们覆盖战壕系统 w60, 布鲁克斯有两门迫击炮 5 厘米 MS,为该位置提供间接火力支援 布鲁克
斯后方 还有 两挺机枪用于掩护阵地 ,海伍德一侧还有多挺机枪,还有两挺 7.5 毫米野战炮,可以沿着海滩射击, 甚至可以向 D1 抽屉射击。被铁丝网和两个雷区包围 ,这确实是一个令人生畏的阵地,由多达 40 名德国 士兵把守。 快速休息一下,我们已经有 100,000 名订阅者。您 只需花一杯咖啡的钱,就可以通过加入赞助人俱乐部(例如 警卫装甲师温斯特德俱乐部、扎克和肮脏的 13,所以一旦步兵登陆,他们就离开海滩,他们使用像 这个一样的出口进入陆地,正是在高地的那个位置他们正试图 到达VA看台Nest 60,所以我们现在就去那里,一旦L连离开 海滩,他们就沿着这条土路前进,就像当时一样,试图从侧翼包围VA看台和 位于Nest的S60布鲁峰的顶部,所以到那里需要走一段路,一旦我们到达 山顶,我们就开始拍摄,左边的吉米·蒙蒂夫带路,带领他的士兵离开海滩,爬上这个 折返口,从侧翼包抄敌人[音乐]位置这是我第一次去w60 ,美国士兵的勇敢至今仍让我震惊,记住这不仅仅是 离开海滩然后进攻的情况他们还 必须忍受多次反击,因为德鲁当天他们实际上设法在 诺曼底登陆日 0900 左右压制住了这个阵地,当
我们克服了这一上升趋势时,我们将在 奥马哈的长度上看到令人惊叹的景色海滩看到 VA 站在 60 号这里, 在我看来,这里是保存最完好的位置之一,然后我们就可以看到奥马哈 海滩的景色了,我们就在 VA 站 60 号,悬崖上的有利位置,俯瞰着 我们已经登陆的海滩刚刚去过,致命 火力就是从这个位置发出的,我们将探索战壕并探索 德国人在这里创建的防御系统,我将向您展示为什么这里防御如此严密 现在,如果没有 我身后奥马哈海滩的强制性呃背景镜头,就不会是奥马哈海滩的视频,你可以看到海滩的弧形新月延伸到远处, 新月非常重要,因为防御火力正在穿过海滩上 他们不会像有些人想象的那样向海里开火,所以海滩呈新月形和弧形的事实 实际上使这些火灾变得更加有效,而且这里的膨胀火灾真的很 残酷,好吧,VA站在S60然后占领了这个悬崖这个 Promet Tre 覆盖了 我们刚刚访问过的登陆海滩,这里被大约 40 名德国士兵占据,所以它有许多 T Brooks 与这些战壕相连,这些 战壕是原始的,它们还没有被挖掘就像战后西线的一些地方, 这些都是原始战壕,我们将 在这段视频中探索所有这些,我们将沿着德国人用来 保卫这个
阵地的 战壕行走 为布鲁克斯、强点和 机关枪巢穴提供补给,来到这里真是太超现实了,这实际上是我第一次来, 这真是太棒了,不是吗 ? 这是我们第一次来布鲁克在网站上,它位于 w60 的左侧或 远西侧,您可以在这里看到这个锯齿状的呃开口,就像战壕一样,您 不想要笔直的战壕,就像您不希望直接进入防御阵地 一样是偏转任何弹片以确保有你必须在周围战斗的角落,这使得 攻击变得非常困难,现在它们有点被淹没了,所以我不会进去,但这 是我们在诺曼底各地看到的典型建筑这个有一个铅笔 支架,很可能用于[音乐]迫击炮 ,所以这是 el 公司的成员,他们刚刚从海滩上岸来到这里 ,经历了我们在视频中看到的可怕场景,他们 走上那条轨道,我们走上去,他们袭击了大约 40 名 德国人占据的阵地,德国人在这里进行了非常顽强的抵抗,所有与 你交谈的人都说这里的德国人没有受过良好的训练,或者没有真正准备好进行战斗。战斗我 认为不一定是这种情况,特别是像这样的地方,呃, 那里有一些弹药库,德国人付出了巨大的努力来尝试反击以恢复这个阵地, 所以这表明它对敌人来说是多么重要,这就是观点降落到 那个登陆地点,所以德国人驻扎在这里,在
前沿阵地,他们 向那些正在登陆的士兵开火,在我们看到的镜头中,这 绝对让我大吃一惊,他们很可能就站在这里,所以我们将继续 在这里 拾取 这条呃战壕线,我们现在正在走向防御工事的东侧, 你可以在这里看到,这里还有另一个 结构, 可以看到着陆点的绝佳视野,就在 奥马哈海滩神圣之地,它是非常荣幸能够来到这里 拍摄并尝试分享在这里战斗的美国人的故事当然这没什么新鲜的, 那里有数百个视频,人们已经做了很多很多很多 呃而且人们做得更好 比我多,但 能够来到这里看到这些地点并与[音乐]人分享它们 确实是一种绝对的荣幸 [音乐] 看看你可以完美地看到沟渠系统的之字形,正如你所期望的那样 想让你的攻击者在拐角处战斗,而不能 向战壕的长度开火,我第一次去过这个地方,实际上回想起我第一次 去很多这样的地方时,我可能有类似的反应,这是呃,对我来说都是新的 ,所以如果我在这里听起来有点奥特,我会道歉,但这是呃,我一直想去的地方, 所以现在在远东端的位置,我只想覆盖周边 ,然后去回来看看防御措施,但这是一个抽屉 这里和这些几乎都有特征,嗯,你在这里看到的那种地形, 基本上有一个可重入的地方,但这些实际上是离开海滩
和着陆地点的很好的出口,这个出口不一定是用来离开的海滩他们 使用了我们走上去的抽屉,那是因为它有一条很容易爬起来的土路 ,但嗯也因为它可能也允许更多的掩护,你可以想象如果你 在这里有沟渠系统或你的位置会直接开火而不受惩罚,坦率 地说,你可以在这里有一个机枪战壕系统,甚至可以从悬崖的另一侧的两侧向抽屉里射击 ,所以真的 很好地防守了他们唯一无法做到的事情。当然,我们要做的就是开火进入死者地面, 他们看不到的地面,这是L连使用的轨道,剩下的吉米· 蒙特夫,我们现在正朝着WN60的西侧返回,这就是你的地方我会 看到更多布鲁克斯和一个高射炮区域以及 20 m 20 mm 平射炮,它 几乎位于阵地的中心,我要去看看那些 现在都与战壕确实很好的防御位置 如果你只是向你展示后方的平坦和开放,那么 我将向你展示从这个 位置清楚 任何潜在火炮的高度 火场, 所以这是布鲁克机枪的入口,朝向阵地的后方,这里 是火场,只要看看无障碍的视野,他们可能会预期敌人的攻击 来自哪里,事实上他们确实发生了攻击从这里再往右一点,就在那个 方向,当他们沿着轨道走上来时,这个位置没有被淹没,所以我们要去 直接看一下,你可以
看到这个位置的防守者会 开火的 站立位置 他的机枪,在左右两侧你可以看到弹药储存 区域,所以这里真正的限制因素是你可以在这个位置储存多少弹药, 因为你必须通过这些战壕重新补给,但如果你开始 被割伤你的补给也将被切断,所以它会看看 里面是的 ,有趣的是,这个里面没有储存区域,也许他们会 在这些壁架上,可能有弹药箱,但它是相当很容易用完 弹药,而且速度也很快,尤其是当你惊慌失措并且处于防御状态时, 入侵终于来到了阵地的南部,这里是兰德伍德一侧, 今天这里基本上是大玉米地,但那时在那里让你知道可能不会 是玉米,他们会想要保持干净,这样他们就可以拥有一个清晰的火力场, 我们已经得到了来自我们刚刚 进入 的机枪的战壕系统 下一个位置现在确实有水和泥土,我们将看看我们是否可以进入 那里 [音乐] ,这里没什么可看的,但这就是呃 20 毫米扁炮应该位于中心的位置那个阵地 ,有一个小强点,用机枪对 布鲁克进行掩护,L连来攻击这个阵地,就在 那边,这就是我摔倒的地方 [音乐] 我希望你喜欢这个视频,我计划再次访问w60未来将讲述吉米·蒙蒂夫中尉的故事 ,以及当他们夺取这个职位时,他如何被授予荣誉勋章 如
果您确实喜欢该视频并且您欣赏我分享它的努力,为什么不喜欢该视频 并通过这样做发表评论该视频在 YouTube 上得到了更多推广,更多的人看到了 它,所以您确实做出了巨大的改变,感谢您的支持,直到下次 [音乐], 有几个人询问了我在某些场合穿着的 Bren Slinger 上衣这些视频 ,他们询问在哪里可以得到它 Reaper 17 是我 使用的商店,所以访问他们的网站,你可以在描述中找到它,以得到你的手这件上衣 其他人只是喜欢它 我并没有真正在这个频道上推广品牌,但我对这个品牌破例, 他们是退伍军人拥有并由退伍军人经营 您需要的所有链接都在 下面的 描述 [音乐] 中



I just want to give you a heartfelt thank you. Both of my grandfather's received the medal of Honor, on my father's side and my mother's side, respectively. I love to be able to see exactly what they saw. I live in Illinois in the United States, and will most likely never be able to step foot there in person so, your first hand account is incredible and POV filming is awesome! Again, thank you so much for your hard work and filming this. Also as it is Christmas, Merry Christmas to you and yours. I'm sorry, I want to add that I really love the map overlays and trench overlays you do as well as the point of view positions and trench overlays. Maybe I'm the only one here, but as someone who studies war, I really appreciate that stuff and I know it takes a lot. So thank you for that as well!


As a French Man i did appriciate your video,it's worthy!!! We the French we'll.never forget what the allies Americans English Canadians ,did for us!!! We are really grateful about this sacrifice!!! I m 69 years old i was born 10 years after the Landing! Thank you very much indeed!!! Stay safe ,God Bless! Denis From France...


I am a Vietnam era veteran and son of a WWII Army veteran. Dad was part of an Army AAA unit assigned to Guadalcanal 1943-44. These guys were heroes to me as a young boy. It saddens me knowing that soon the last of these brave men will depart to their eternal rest.


Honestly the fact that we can still go here today and see exactly where the footage was taken is amazing, huge respect to all the men who bravely fought and made the sacrifices they did


My grandfather landed on omaha with the first wasve of the first division that morning he was a seargeant at the time he abd 2 orivates were the only survivors from his boat of 30 men ! Ever since i was young my grandfather told me about the war and the things he did . Everytime i see this viseo i cry immensley it breaks my heart but this is what my grandad endured and all the other men that fell or survived that fate full day . Im glad to learn where this footage was taken . R.i.p. all to all those men that fought there and the bravery and sacrifice they endured . God bless you all my grandfather and all those there you are my biggest heros!


Beautifully done! My grandfather, Pvt. Michael Oles, came ashore somewhere along Omaha Beach about 6 weeks later as a replacement, and joined the 28th Infantry Division's, 1st Battalion, 112th Infantry Regiment as a combat medic. He would see fighting along the Siegfried Line, followed by the Huertgen Forest and was finally captured by the Germans when his Battalion Aid Station was overrun on 17th December 1944 during the Ardennes offensive. He would spend the next four and a half months as a prisoner of the Germans at Stalag 9-B. Beautifully done video! I was equally as moved and awed by my 2 visits to the area. I just subscribed.


My grandmothers fiance was in the initial wave on Omaha on D-Day. I believe dog red sector. He survived the landings and Normandy campaign but was later killed in the Hurtgen Forest, age 22. My Grandmother would go on to marry another soldier after the war, My Grandfather who landed in Normandy July 1944 and served until war's end with Patton's 3rd Army. Thank you for breaking down this iconic footage.


This almost takes my breath away, knowing what they were in for. So brave, so young. It's incredibly sad. My uncle was in WWII-not sure if he was in the D Day invasion, however he died in a Paris hospital on Aug 21, 1944 of his injuries. He was a POW. He lies in the Canadian War Cemetery in Calais France. Only 21 yrs.


My Uncle was one of those brave soldiers in that first wave on Omaha Beach. He would never talk about it. He spent the rest of his life a peaceful man.


Agree with all of the comments below, and the comments are serious, respectful and very well done. This is an absolutely stunning and beautiful presentation of Omaha Beach. Like some of the commentators , I have also been to Omaha Beach. But even having been there, the experience does not equal this video. The camera and the audio here shows so much that cannot be appreciated walking the ground at Omaha Beach. The massive 6 mile expanse of the complex battlefield is very difficult to fully appreciate on site. The filming, editing, study and loving care put into this video are nothing short of historic art. It is very difficult to put into words how powerful this work is. It has great impact, and should be required viewing for serious students of WW ll history in high school, college and graduate studies for ages to come. Cannot thank you enough.


I used to be the trusted beer getter for my grandpa when my great uncle showed up. They both served in WWII & would talk more as the night wore on. Uncle George had it rough in Italy. My grandpa was a replacement so within the first two weeks. They were moving fast he said. Just kids saving the world. Awe inspiring.


Hello, I had to add another comment. I just realized you are the same person whose shorts videos I watch along with my son of the War pictures, then and now. I have actually been brought to tears watching them. It touches me deeply, it's so sad. The music is perfect.


One of my great-grandfathers was KIA as a pilot during WWII. If there’s an afterlife I hope I get to meet him. I think all veterans deserve a big thanks (not to pat myself on the back, being a veteran myself) but I truly admire these guys that fought in WWII


Fascinating video! I'm visiting Normandy in September with my son and daughter-in-law. Looking forward to seeing this and so much more. The beauty is breath taking and it's hard to imagine so much carnage and destruction took place during that fateful battle in 1944.


Was here last month. Reversed - started at WN60 and walked down F1 draw to Fox Red and Fox Red. Hair-raising video and narration. Thank you!!! ❤


Never get over footage like this. Absolutely harrowing. Thanks Rob great video


Excellent. You really set out the situation from both sides. Those guys landing and running across the beach were just crazy brave.


What an amazing video. My Uncle was in the Marine regiment that was in the first landing on Peleliu in the South Pacific and told similar stories. These videos bring tears to me eyes for these young men's sacrifice and bravery.


I love it when someone posts videos about retracing the steps of historical moments in human history. It's like you're walking and seeing what those who came before you saw. Truly amazing, excellent footage mate👍.


Very enjoyable video. I am a 67 year old veteran, son of a veteran. A cousin fought in the south Pacific. I visited (business) Europe about 15 years ago, but, regretfully, could not make it to Normandy beach. It's visions of the landing that go through my mind every time I hear the National Anthem. I want to go there so badly, but it's very unlikely that I will ever make it back. Thank you for giving us this tour.