

акуна матата собрались с друзьями поговорить о межрасовых отношениях и интернациональных семьях в россии. каково это быть в отношениях с иностранцем? в чём особенности интернациональных брака? какая была реакция родителей, родственников и друзей? и в чём отличие африканцев в сэксе? гости: • линз • ася • тэо мы: • макс эломбила • сэм адегбие бит: автор: контакты: навигация: *знакомимся* 0:00 — разгоняемся 1:45 — белая мама чёрный ребёнок 3:35 — изучаем язык йорубá 4:45 — знакомимся: тэо из нигерии 8:10 — знакомимся: ася из комсомольска-на-амуре 9:55 — знакомимся: линз из руанды 16:00 — знакомимся: игорь из ярославля 17:05 — русский впервые в африке. первые впечатления 18:35 — трудности жизни в южном судане 22:30 — акуна матата aka african time 29:00 — белый снобизм . *межрасовые отношения* 29:45 — как познакомились игорь и линз 32:00 — эстанья врывается в кадр 33:05 — как познакомились тэо и ася 36:15 — реакция африканского парня на русскую девушку 38:10 — ася о знакомстве с тэо 41:10 — межрасовые отношения это про фетиш? 52:00 — почему африканские парни любят обьемные фигуры 55:40 — африканские парни & девушки более чувственные 57:10 — чёрная девушка о межрасовых отношениях в россии 59:20 — реакция близких и друзей на межрасовые отношения 1:02:50 — агрессивные фетишисты-охотники 1:05:15 — реакция близких и друзей на межрасовые отношения . *семья с человеком из другой культуры* 1:10:10 — культурные разногласия в межрасовых семьях 1:16:25 — африканский романтизм vs европейский романтизм 1:19:55 — линз о романтичности игоря 1:22:10 — какого это строить с человеком из другой культуры компания meta, владеющая социальными сетями facebook и instagram признана экстремистской на территории российской федерации.

juju people

4 days ago

sam: let's get going max max: we're just kicking it still max: so why were u late? asya: we're very sorry max: yo, it's alright... sam: nah u've made them uncomfortable sam: they'll ignore all of ur questions max: at first we were kind of pissed sam: who's the "we"? max: me & u theo: as u should... max: but then i saw ur kids max: and i was like "oh... alright" max: the father in me understands the sitution asya: i hate being late. and theo as well theo: the thing is that we placed the order a h
our in advance theo: and it took us 50 minutes to actually get a cab asya: so it's 50 minutes of searching for a taxi sam: it's because of the kid, right? theo: yeah, u need a seat, so drivers r reluctant to... sam: moreover it's a black kid... theo: but he can't see who's the kid sam: don't u have a photo on ur profile? theo: no, it's not my face sam: so u hid ur face anticipating the bs sam: do u have a "russian" name... sam: u use when u r searching for a flat for example? theo: no... i just
say "theophilious" sam: wait, u introduce urself as "theophilious"? sam: imagine u r renting a flat, and u get a call from "theophilious" max: oh, wait, the londong guy? sam: right, theophilious london sam: and there's a theophilious monk as well theo: actually ppl r cool w/ my name sam: no crazy reactions? max: my wife had a situation in the cab max: she get's into a cab w/ our child max: and the driver was like... max: "yo. the dad is a negr?" max: how should u respond to shit like that asya:
i woulda said... sam: nah, the wife is a "negr" igor: this not my kid max: btw situations like that happen a lot too max: she's out w/ our girl... and ppl don't belive she's the mother asya: yeah, i get that as well asya: ppl always ask me who am i to the kid asya: sister, or nany... sam: my sister works as a tutor and she had a similar situation sam: so she was on a stroll w/ one of her students... sam: and a babushka started harassing her max: let go of the child! sam: yeah, the old lady was v
ery aggressive sam: so my sister had to call the mother of the child... sam: i forgot sam: damn i forgot max: what's the name of your eldest? max: and the youngest? asya: estanya & damilola asya: am i saying it right? igor: and the best mum of the year goes to... theo: i think i'm going to... asya: yeah, he's doomed to be check me the whole of his life max: what's the meaning behind "damilola"? max: is there a translation? theo: it goes like "oluwa damilola". which means... theo: god gave me...
theo: "ola" is theo: actually that's my second name sam: so u were like why overthink sam: my son, take theo: no, i love the name, but don'r really use it a lot sam: u mean while introducing yourself theo: yeah, i always go by theophilious sam: so u gave ur son something u don't use sam: i love u max: wait... i think i have something in the attic igor: really love the name, but i never use it sam: i guess, let's start w/ u theo sam: what's ur name, where r from theo: u want my full name? sam: i
guess u can theo: where am i looking at? theo: theophilious emanuel damilola theo: i'm from nigeria theo: i came to russia... theo: 11 years ago. around that time theo: i'm an artist theo: i also teach english theo: i'm into content as well sam: initially u came to russia to study, right? sam: the question i ask all foreigners — why russia? theo: why russia? theo: my uncle was working in moscow at the time... theo: so he advised my mother to send me here theo: when we were deciding where i was g
oing for college theo: he told us about moscow. the tuition here... theo: are less expensive than in canada, where i was thiking to go at first theo: in my head i was like theo: if mum would pay less for tuition... theo: she'll have more to give me theo: and i heard about the "russian woman" sam: so u were in nigeria hearing about russian women? theo: yeah, ofc sam: did your uncle also came here to study theo: no, he was a diplomat sam: were u not afraid of having to learn russian language? theo
: a bit, but... theo: actually, i have no idea how i made my mind for russia theo: but i was satisfied w/ my choice sam: got it. that was 2012? theo: 2013 sam: and u went to pfur, right? sam: yo, pfur has to sponsor our shit sam: we should've done that a long time ago sam: we're giving them free promo every episode asya: i think u need to give them ur full name asya: the "full" name theo: oh... emmanuel theophilious damilola oshomoshofo theo: usuf max: wait... where are u from? max: are u from n
igeria as well? sam: let's tell them why u asked whether he's fulani linz: because he's features r fulani linz: especially he's nose linz: had he been from rwanda his nose would've said it too linz: because tutsi have a pointy nose like me sam: so u can tell a tutsi by a pointy nose sam: fulani r one of the largest ethnic groups of west africa sam: and i asked him if he was yoruba, because... sam: when i was a kid i had friend by the name of damilola sam: so it's mr. theo. and w/ him we have...
sam: young lady introduce yourself asya: my name is asya asya: i make music asya: i'm a professional dancer asya: and i organise events from time to time sam: where are u from? asya: i come from komsomolsk-na-amure max: oh, siberia... asya: not really... it's further east. the far east asya: we're a small city close to khabarovsk asya: i came to moscow around 2014 as well asya: can't remember sam: studies? asya: yeah, to study asya: that's it, i guess sam: so we have asya from komsomolsk-na-amur
e sam: what's it i need to know about komsomolsk-na-amure? sam: a curious fact about your city asya: they build planes in our city asya: the superjet 100 max: is it a military craft? asya: no, it's the... igor: it's an airliner asya: actually i also don't know much asya: i just know this fact about my city asya: also the amur river passes through our city sam: so, that's why it's komsomolsk-na-amure max: that was a good one max: u get a point sam: komsomolsk-na-amure salut. we love u sam: we sh
ould go visit, right? max: i've been to... not khabarovsk max: i've been somewhere there w/ a standup asya: maybe it was vladivostok? max: i know u guys have a standup club there max: and a large comedic scene max: blagoveshensk is somewhere close, right? asya: btw, my classmate is a standup comedian asya: and he's in moscow now max: what's his name? asya: evgeniy gorodnitskiy sam: linz, what's your story? linz: my name is kamara namare linz linz: my last name is kamara linz: ppl usually confuse
my first & last name linz: also africans have a number of names linz: just like theo linz: i was born in moscow linz: lived here till i was 8 linz: then i moved to uganda linz: i mean it was rwanda first. w/ my grandmother linz: and brother linz: our parents took us out of russia because of... linz: the racist tensions in the 90s linz: i'm sure u've all heard of the skinheads linz: and the overall state of the country then linz: so i moved to my grandmother linz: while in rwanda we spoke russia
n linz: we were born to russian & french languages sam: u mean u spoke russian w/ ur brother? linz: yes... so we spoke russian, english & french linz: and when we got to rwanda — we suffered from a language barrier linz: we couldn't speak kinyarwanda linz: so we had to learn it asap linz: which lead to us forgetting russian language linz: after a while we moved to uganda linz: there i went to school linz: and got my first college degree linz: but my brother returned to russia after school linz:
leaving me behind in uganda linz: at one point my parent offered me to move to moscow linz: although i had plans to get my mba in singapore linz: also i had fears of coming back to moscow linz: to learn the language from scratch linz: getting used to the city, the ppl... linz: and i still had memories vivid of the country i left sam: so they stuck w/ u linz: yes, i remembered everything linz: so u can say i had somewhat of a fear of returning back linz: but eventually i made the move. and begun
adapting linz: i had to find a way to blend in linz: it took me 3 month to restore my fluent russian language theo: what year was that? linz: i came back in 2015. in november linz: there was no time for me to enroll for an mba program that year linz: because i missed my entrance exams linz: so i decided to start afresh linz: the choice was between mslu & msu linz: i thought of going to pfur, but... linz: i hope i won't sound racist, but... sam: spit it out linz: i thought since there was a lot o
f africans in pfur... linz: i won't really be able to mix w/ the russians linz: i mean would always hang out w/ africans just i was in uganda linz: and i won't get to undestand this country linz: being out of touch was my biggest fear linz: so despite my fear of being the only black student linz: i got into msu linz: chinesse languages & cultures sam: i love how her story gets more & more complicated w/ each turn asya: how many languages already sam: at the age of 8 moved to uganda. thne rwanda
sam: had plans for singapore, but came to russia sam: while in russia decides to study chinese sam: crazy sam: so u studies chinese? max: u speak chinese? sam: bro... sam: she spoke russian, french & english as a child sam: then chinesse... and kinyarwanda asya: five igor: u forgot about spanish linz: oh, yeah... spanish sam: wait u speak spanish too? sam: yo look at max's face sam: broski finding it hard to handle english sam: how long did it take... sam: so u were in russia till 8 y.o sam: wen
t to africa sam: at first u could only speak russian sam: at what point did u & ur brother "forgot" russian language linz: i think it was somewhere around 2004... sam: that's how many years since u left russia linz: that 4 years after sam: so after that time u could'nt speak russian linz: yes, we couldn't speak, nor read in russian any longer linz: and when once we came to moscow for holidays linz: russian sounded like a foreign language to us sam: how long did it take u to restore the language
when u finally came back linz: i think... linz: 6 months sam: this is a very important thing, because bilingual kids... sam: are very good at learning new languages sam: but this is my first time hearing of a bilingual kid... sam: loosing and regaining a language as quick as u did max: it's the same w/ me & french max: if i eventually force myself to regain it igor: maybe, most likely, i hope so... max: yeah, if... sam: here's the spot for an ad sam: igor, what's ur story? igor: my name is igor.
i'm from yaroslavl. that's not far from moscow igor: i work in criminalisitcs igor: in 2022 i got transfered to moscow by my office igor: then just in 4 months i got a lucky chance... igor: my office then appointed me on a un-mission to south sudan igor: and while in africa i visited uganda igor: yeah, they get offended when u call it wrong sam: so u were sent on a peacekeeper mission? igor: yea, i was a peacekeeper... un police sam: was that ur first trip to africa? igor: yes sam: talk about t
he experience of a russian guy first time in africa igor: lot's of impressions. but the most vivid one... igor: was when we just got on ground... igor: we were in a transit point in addis ababa igor: so it was 12 of us. 12 mzungu igor: and around us were africans only igor: they were looking suprised at our group igor: then the girls among us were almost crying igor: imagine what's it like for an ordinary russian person... igor: to travel to african for a whole year max: yo, u were there for a w
hole year? igor: yes, i was there for a year. though i could prolong my stay, but... igor: so my first impression was amuzement igor: when i was a child i loved movies like "blood diamond" igor: things like indiana jones igor: so to me it was all an adventure igor: everything amuzed me igor: like when i saw meerkat jumping everywhere igor: we were stationed in bor in the state of jonglei igor: and we had a whole baboon living w/ us on our base max: yo, a whole year max: u've got to be really bra
ve to... max: i mean if someone would've told me max: "yo, u r going to uganda for a year" igor: uganda was alright igor: a year in uganda is... linz: dope igor: yeah... but south sudan. the poorest... igor: i mean the only place they got paved roads is... igor: in juba... and maybe a 100 km around juba. up till bor igor: and it's mostly because one of the president's relatives lives around there igor: and that's it. nowhere else igor: there are places that u can only reach via plane or atv igor
: it's 6 months rainy season. then 6 of dry igor: and during the rainy season the roads r basically full washed out igor: that's it igor: btw there're lots of russian kamaz over there igor: un supplied russian kamaz sam: i guess that's the ussr legacy igor: no, they're newly bought vehicles. not the old soviet onces igor: i mean not the old models... max: imagine living there for a year sam: so what? sam: uganda scares u? igor: no... uganda is... max: no. i'm just trying to imagine. i'm a russia
n dude... max: ...someone tells me i'm going to africa for a year max: and i don't know a thing about africa max: i'm leaving everything behind... sam: what if it was "a year in luxemburg"? max: yeah, that's alright max: canada also, or... sam: "a year in peru"? max: that's... sam: i'm trying to understand what's the reason of ur pushback max: uncertainty max: being sent to uganda or south sudan, and having no clues... max: ...whatsoever about those places igor: i guess, max is talking about con
veniences: ordering food, getting a cab max: yeah... igor: while over there u can only hope to order a fly-bird service sam: so it's hardcore... max: and that's the same bird u r eating igor: but i have to say that we got to experience civilization when... igor: ...when we left south sudan for uganda igor: they had roads over there. highways built by chinese igor: they even had food delivery igor: i lost my mind when i found sushi-rolls in uganda igor: "gimme all u got" igor: they were way too e
xpensive and nasty, but theo: i got a question... theo: what were ur expectations about africa max: what did u expect to see igor: as i said my image of africa was based on movies igor: one thing that really touched me was when... igor: i saw a bunch of kids. like 8 y.o igor: and like all kids they were all covered w/ bruises, but... igor: i saw flies swarming in their bruises igor: they had flies in their eyes, but stood unbothered igor: i mean they're so used to such a primitive lifestyle igor
: they have no idea about cellphones... or whatever... igor: that was one my most vivid impression about africa igor: but there were positive impressions as well. like... igor: i got a chance to visit the nyege nyege festival sam: haven't heard of it sam: that's like a popular national festival? igor: it's considered one of the largest... linz: think of it like american coachella igor: so it's 4 days, a bunch of stages max: was there a stereotype that u were able to shake off... max: i mean some
thing that fell apart once u got to experience the place igor: my cell fell apart... sam: max is talking about cultural things igor: my culture shock came from meeting a total hakuna matata igor: it took me about 2 months to get a visa card igor: and it's like that everywhere. they tell u do this... igor: ...u do it. they tell u come tomorrow igor: u come the next day and they tell u igor: "sorry we can't find ur application" igor: and it all goes like that igor: or... igor: my friend pays for a
service, but i'm the one getting his sms igor: they got our numbers mixed up... sam: the so called african time... sam: asya have u gotten used to "african time"? asya: i hate it theo: me too, btw. i hate it too sam: u hate "african time"? asya: yes, he's always on time asya: let's forget about today... theo: when i'm not w/ kids — i'm always on time asya: it's easier when there're no kids theo: what i'm trying to say is "african time"... theo: yeah, it's just an excuse theo: i mean, yeah, it's
real. but theo: ppl use it as... sam: but it's also a culture marker sam: in the sense that in europe ppl r... theo: i guess... sam: ...very attached to the concept of time. while in africa... sam: it shows in everything. birthdays... max: but that's not just an african thing... max: it's true for all "warm" states... asia, south america sam: but there's a thing called "african time" max: there's a similar word in thailand sam: "thai time"? max: no... there's a word... sam: have u ever heard of
of "thai time"? max: no, i'm telling ut there's a word for it in thailand max: ah... forget about it sam: i guess u mean they have something similar to hakuna matata max: so what u r talking about is common in "warm" states igor: i mean it was kinda wild for me to hear igor: "yo, it's 5 min to the train?" igor: "u'll catch the next one" igor: "even if u miss it. so what" igor: and be like "really... who cares" theo: when this happens in africa. where the infrastructure isn't that good theo: i c
an understand it. but here theo: when the app tells u the exact duration of ur trip theo: "african time" isn't something we should hold to theo: i don't even want to hear about "african time" here sam: so that's not something u want to claim? max: he's right. what's good about it? sam: that's a different mindset. a different culture sam: i have a close friend who had recently returned from thailand sam: he's a russian guy. and he was there for about 6 months sam: so he told me sam: "being a russ
ian person. part of the european culture" sam: "i've always been fascinated by aesthetics" sam: "what type of car am i driving" sam: "is my appartment renovated to the latest trends" sam: "but after living in vietnam & thailand" sam: "i was surprised to how uninterested were ppl w/ aesthetics over there" sam: "a guy w/ money could be riding a raggedy bike" sam: "but as long as the bike is working — that's all he cares about" sam: but we that were developed under the influence of european culture
sam: think that if a house isn't made to the latest trends — the owner is poor sam: no. it's a different perspective on life sam: and in my opinion the same applies to "african time" sam: africans see the concept of time differently sam: and there's nothing "bad" about it sam: it even shows in birthdays sam: my parents. and all our african friends don't really fance birthdays sam: we have close african friends... sam: and i have no idea about their age sam: and that's ok. africans regard such t
hings in a different way linz: the thing sam is talking about has to do w/ mentality linz: i won't compare africa to asia or south americas. different cultures linz: it's not that africans don't respect time... linz: it's a different mentality linz: like i'm the "african time" kind of person linz: and it's not that i don't value time... linz: but i need to engage in everything i'm doing to the fullest linz: dedicating all of my time... even if it's... linz: just getting ready for a shoot. it req
uires time linz: food also requires time linz: and a lot of ppl in africa do things w/ full concentration linz: that's why it's sometimes hard for ppl to follow time limits igor: alright. tell me then what do africans do to kids that r late to school linz: they flog their kids max: u heard that? max: i'm sure if u ever stay in africa for a year... max: u will loose ur mind max: because of how different the place is sam: no. i'm ready to adapt to all kinds of cultures sam: btw, that's what we wer
e discussing yesterday sam: europeans. russians. british. french... sam: have a tendecy of considering their ways as the most "civilized" sam: the most "objective". "justified" sam: but there's nothing like that sam: evey culture has it's on perspective on things sam: so when u get to a different place and find everything "upside down" sam: it doesn't mean that they're less developed. or they know less sam: no it's a different perspective sam: that's why i brought up my friend in thailand sam: h
e told me that before he got to thailand he had a prejudice... sam: but after living there for 6 months. he told me he was surprised to... sam: seeing ppl enjoy life as we enjoy it in moscow. even though... sam: ...the level of aesthetics is a billion levels below sam: it doesn't mean that they're "uncivilized" max: but i'm sure that igor had situations when he was like... max: "damn blacks..." theo: would u go to africa once more? igor: yes, i'd love to igor: if things work out in my favour igo
r: actually i wanted to stay for another 6 months, but... igor: i had to return igor: if things work out — i'll return in 2025 sam: acutally we're here to... sam: we've been trying to put this together for a while now... sam: interracial relationships in russia sam: our goal is to try and dispell at least 5% of stereotypes max: or we might confirm a bunch sam: i see what time u on. alright sam: let's strat w/ ur lifestories max: we can start w/ igor & linz since... igor: alright... the story goe
s like... igor: as i've mentioned earlier... igor: i was at the nyege nyege festival igor: and there i met w/ a girl... igor: so we were kicking it... igor: i told her i was a russian from moscow... igor: then she was like "i got a sister from moscow" igor: she basically took my phone and sent a dm to linz from my account igor: "hi... i'm a..." sam: "i found a husband for u" igor: "i just met ur friend" things like that igor: and she sent just sent the message igor: time passes. i forgot about t
he whole thing igor: linz never responded igor: later... the name of the girl was rachel igor: she told me that linz was a model igor: so i was like "a model from moscow. no chance" igor: but in a couple of days linz eventually wrote me back like igor: "wtf r u?" igor: and the thing is that i didn't check the initial message igor: it was all about "hi. i met ur friend. was up?' igor: but she didn't specify "which friend" or "where did we meet" igor: so i had to record linz a video igor: like thi
s is me igor: this is rachel. we met a festival in uganda max: cash app 1000 rubles igor: so we started texting, but... igor: it was all video igor: i was showing her what i was up to in uganda... igor: she showed me her life... so that's how it all started sam: so it's "thank you rachel" right? igor: more like uganda max: is rachell ur sister of friend? linz: a friend w/ went to school together in uganda sam: bet... bet... sam: estanya join us asya: can i go get her? sam: she can't take this an
ymore *laughing in kinyarwanda max: how old? theo: 4 years theo: turning 5 this year sam: yo, we have a new guest on the pod sam: ladies & gentlemen, please welcome sam: estanya sam: she's not ready to show her face yet sam: u guys r not ready for such beauty asya: what's goin on? asya: we're surpised as well sam: theo let's go. how did u meet asya? theo: so... the first time theo: she was perfoming at show w/ her crew... theo: and i remember how... theo: it was a big... u remember, right? *disc
ussing uni stuff theo: it's a huge hall... i'm way back in the end... theo: i swear... just like in the movies... theo: even now... theo: for real... it was like 6/7 ppl, but... theo: just like in the movies... theo: the light singled her out... sam: then u heard god's voice saying "asya" theo: no, i didn't know her name at the time theo: anyways... theo: it was an experience... theo: after some time i went up to her... theo: btw... i never do that sam: u mean approaching first? theo: yeah, appr
oaching girls for no reason theo: but at that moment i couldn't help myself sam: and what did u say theo: yeah, it was "hi". then... theo: "that was a dope choreo" theo: "i'd love to follow ur "crew" theo: "can u share the link" theo: my plan was to get her crew's page and then... theo: and through that find her account theo: but she gave me her page right away theo: like "don't worry about the group. u can just..." sam: "just dm me. why do u need my crew" theo: so i shoot her a message... theo:
she replies... theo: i think she did... so i was like "let's meet up" asya: excuse me. where's the toilet sam: bye bye estanya theo: so i was trying to hook up a date theo: but u know how girls do... theo: "i'm busy today" sam: "ask me again" theo: i asked her out 3 times theo: and eventually i was like "whatever" theo: then after a year theo: she texted me about some video theo: and she was looking for a guy theo: i agreed, but... theo: at the time her english wasn't that good theo: so the way
she was describing the thing i thought... theo: it sounded like p*rn theo: i thought... she was like... sam: bet theo: i wasn't going to loose the chance so... sam: "girl, what's this?" igor: so u agreed right away theo: yeah, i agreed... theo: if they were going to ask me undress... theo: then i would've said no sam: did u have relationshiops w/ russians before asya? theo: yes theo: well, actually... sam: talk about the experience of a nigerian... sam: a nigerian guy comes to russia... sam: an
d meet a girl from a different culture for the first time sam: the russian girl sam: what's that like theo: well... it was all cool theo: as i said... theo: btw i wasn't the only black guy... theo: we were about... sam: nah i'm talking about ur experience... sam: u came to russia sam: u've never met white ppl... sam: haven't seen a russian girl... sam: so ur first encounter as an african man w/ the russian woman sam: talk about that. what surprised u... sam: the nice part. things that were weird
... sam: an african man meets a woman from a totally different culture sam: what's it like theo: honestly i dont remember sam: everything that happened before asya... theo: yeah... i really don't remember theo: i always knew that they we're really beautiful sam: u mean u heard about that back in nigeria? theo: yeah... didn't u? theo: i mean, yeah. that's the gossip theo: so when i came i found it to be true max: yo, imagine... approaching... max: have u ever approached girls abroad? sam: abroad?
no sam: u talking about the uncertainty max: i would've freaked out sam: like what r the standarts in her culture? max: yeah... that she... max: that's crazy max: like the whole dating a foreign culture seems hard sam: yeah, we'll get to that sam: asya, what was ur first reaction? sam: he came to see u dance. then he asked for ur crew contacts sam: u guys were texting for a whole year and then u invited him... max: no, they were not talking that whole year sam: oh, it was silence for a year asy
a: actually, when i moved to moscow asya: i got mixed up w/ the dancehall & afro community asya: so i had contacts w/ africans asya: and... asya: i had a bunch of dms from africans asya: they're very... sam: out spoken asya: yes. when they like — that's it... sam: i will wife u asya: exactly sam: he's the only shy one asya: when he came up to me... asya: the reason we didn't really talk that year max: u got lost in all ur dms asya: true asya: so when he came up max: basically it was nothing new
to u max: because u were an afro dancer — u got lots of attention max: so u thought "yet another guy" asya: honestly, exactly my thoughts asya: but after a year max: theo says u were filming a video max: so why was it theo u texted asya: at the time i was looking for a guy asya: he was droping likes on my ig page sam: fellas hope u getting it down. likes max: jokes aside, that helps u stay on her radar max: yeah, u reminding her about yourself max: press the button once a week sam: "once a week"
? max: keep ur hand on her pulse sam: bet max: eventually... after she breaks up... sam: yeah, she'll be like... sam: "yo, where's that dude liking my page? here we go" asya: so i noticed his likes. went to his page asya: and i thought "nice" asya: so i wrote him about the video max: meaning u had no romantic intentions asya: i was sure he had a girl. dunno why asya: and i thought i'd better ask if he would be alright w/ it sam: and did u ask? asya: yes sam: let's take it further sam: and i exp
ect total honesty max: yo, u want to tell them about us? sam: r u ready tho? max: yes sam: is that the reason we have matching beads? sam: it's 3 couples here, actually max: wait. that's not allowed in russia sam: what's forbiden? max: that thing u were about to say sam: but i haven't max: nice. keep it to urself sam: lemme ask u about the obvious thing sam: i expect honesty. do u have a fetish... sam: for ppl of opposite race sam: lemme start sam: most likely... we've talk about this before sam
: i think that 90% of girls that i've been w/... sam: ...were girls that would eventually be like sam: "yo, i've always had a thing for will smith" sam: "i've always liked rap" max: that used to piss me off max: u remember "get out"? max: the saddest moment in that movies was... max: when the guy found out that all her exes were black sam: "damn... i thought i was special..." max: exactly... sam: "i thought she was into my personality..." max: but the saddest thing is when... max: ...u find out
her ex was a guy from kavkaz sam: yo, max going crazy sam: so who'll start. do u have a fetish? max: i don't think that's the way to put it... max: rather... where's the interest coming from max: interest to a different race sam: but u got to admit the interest first max: it's a hard one... sam: do u have a fetish? max: dunno...don't think so... max: i was basically surrounded by white ppl max: that was what i saw on the tv... max: also it's... max: important to take into account... max: what im
age is sexualized in one's surrounding max: like in russia it's a white woman max: so that's my norm max: blonde... white... sam: yo and u were arguing w/ me... sam: like blonde wasn't ur type sam: i have a theory... sam: we got the pc theo today theo: i wouldn't say i got a fetish, but... theo: i'll admit... theo: they are... theo: look more appealing than... theo: just because i grew up w/ black girls... theo: they're gorgeous too sam: ofc theo: but i'm curious... sam: so u call it "curiousit
y" theo: curiousity... sam:did u ever imagined urself w/ a white girl back in nigeria? theo: no... only here sam: so theo calls it curiousity... max: i think the whole thing differs for guys & girls... max: most of the times guys... max: grab what they get max: i mean if a guy is surrounded by black girls max: hard to imagine him wanting to be w/ a white girl sam: u remember we had... max: wait, one more thing max: i'm trying to say girls look for the best option... max: while guys are more prag
matic max: what's more available... max: something i can get for sure max: that's why girls r usually like... sam: that's a nice thought sam: but remember even the foe was here... sam: and he told us he'd never been w/ a russian girl sam: despite living in russia 10/12 years sam: he's never been in a relationship w/ a russian girl sam: asya, do u have a fetish? asya: let me be honest, i think i do asya: because... where does it comes from asya: movies... music... asya: i've always listened to...
sam: rap asya: no... hip-hop asya: so when i came to moscow asya: somehow... asya: african guys appreciated me more asya: i mean they admired my beauty more than russian guys... asya: or that was my impression max: i think they were more expressive... asya: yeah... max: maybe there's a "i love u asya" graffiti sam: did u ever imagined urself w/ a black guy? asya: if u mean having fantasies or romanticizing sam: "mixed kids", "black husband" & "he'll take me to africa" asya: don't think i ever t
hought about that... asya: i'm still in shock from being married and having 2 kids... asya: i mean i never dreamt of marrying & having kids asya: my thing was developing myself, hustling... asya: dancing... sam: so u just had a thing for black guys sam: bet... linzie... linz: since i was born in moscow... linz: when i moved to uganda... there was a lot of europeans in uganda linz: and to me mzungu... linz: weren't something special linz: but i remember when i was young... linz: i remember havin
g a crush on omarion sam: oh, wow... max: he black? sam: yeah, he's an r&b-singer linz: i liked chris brown also linz: when i returned to moscow linz: honestly speaking... sam: yo, she's checking igor's vibe sam: igor bracing himself... igor: i'm taking notes sam: bet... linz: later in time... when i got to moscow... linz: i was more attracted to mixed guys... sam: because they were'nt many in uganda? linz: yes max: i've never heard something like this... sam: u r surprsied someone finds u attra
ctive? max: i mean someone separating mixed ppl from black max: i mean we're all black sam: it's because we live in russia. we don't really have a black community sam: in any country england, france, usa sam: the "dark skin" vs "light skin" culture is real igor: visiting africa opened my eyes on the "african" & "mixed" thing igor: i mean now i see the difference igor: it's like learning to tell a nepalese asian from a thai asian igor: or a korean from a japanesse & chinesse sam: he's talking abo
ut the stereotypes within the black community max: what igor's saying too igor: now i can see when it's an african — dark skin igor: and all other... sam: and that other junk like this guy... max: can it be that a girl prefers dark skin like u, but... max: she won't mess w/ someone like me sam: in russia it's the other way round. light skin r more attractive max: because they're more familiar? sam: do u agree? theo: what? theo: no, i got that russians prefer mixed more than black sam: russian gi
rls sam: they're more attracted to light skin than dark sam: i mean if it was a guy from sudan vs... sam: a mixed guy sam: the dark sudanesse guy wouldn't get any theo: i agree sam: light skin r more popular in russia theo: like they're less threatening sam: not so black max: more r&b like max: i'm r&b black igor: i would agree igor: it comes from 90s music videos... the likes of beyonce... igor: so we're drawn to the light tone more... igor: because the dark tone gives "wild africa" igor: kind
of frightening max: it gives heroin sam: max, do u remember this is juju people sam: we're about spreading the positive image of africans sam: igor, do u have a stereotype? sam: i mean fetish... igor: i think u guys will agree... igor: it's two asian girls or twins sam: do we agree? igor: i guess, men r more straightforward in this regard igor: it's just about having sex igor: and... ur preferences change igor: when i was in hs — i was influenced by beyonce videos igor: so it was all about a big
ass for me igor: then it was the red hair era igor: afterwards came the barbie doll era sam: so u never had a certain type igor: i never had... say blonde midgets get me going igor: i don't have a certain fetish sam: have u ever imagined a relationship w/ a black girl? igor: honestly, no igor: i mean i never thought i'd go to africa igor: the community u grow up w/ r the ppl u imagine igor: but something happened... igor: a year or two before my trip to africa... igor: i started thinking of how
nice it would be... igor: build a family w/ a foreigner sam: that thought came in africa? igor: no, 2/3 years prior to that igor: in general i finally recognized... igor: fascination w/ other cultures, traveling igor: i'd love to see a lot of places igor: and a part of it would be creating a family w/ a foreigner igor: traveling w/ my family igor: and basically becoming a man of the world... igor: unlike attaching myself to a certain country max: that's the imperalistic part of igor
speaking max: the russian imperial blood igor: it's more like i can't contain myself max: i have a bunch of fellas, russians max: that be like max: "we need to get a mixed girl in a sauna" max: i know a bunch max: i'd say there's a sexual fetish w/ black girls in russia max: i see more as a desire to try something new... sam: i.e. fetish igor: lemme tell u a story about fetish from my time in south sudan igor: guys in south sudan... igor: rather african men in general... igor: i asked them abou
t their preferences igor: the reason i asked was because during parties igor: i had noticed that girls built like linzie... igor: ...r not very popular over there igor: they're more about big sizes sam: yeah, a different standard igor: so i asked them why is that max: so it's black girls, but thick? igor: yeah... igor: i'm trying to avoid steretypical descriptions igor: but basically it's a thick figure and big ass igor: they told me it must've came from the ancestors... igor: the man is a warri
or & the woman keeps the house igor: so a thicker woman would be better at this job igor: that's how they see it igor: i was curious about their standards sam: theo, did u experience a shift... sam: i mean u grew up w/ african women. thick figures and so on sam: then u come to russia where the beauty standard is a 180 sam: how did u went through that change theo: in my experience... theo: i've met a lot of black girls... theo: that were not all "fat ass"... theo: so russia wasn't anything new to
me theo: so i won't say that standard applicable to all black theo: but south africa... theo: they are the one... out of 10 theo: 9 will have a fat ass... theo: i mean fat... theo: while in any other african country theo: it's more like 5 out of 10 girls sam: i have one more theory... sam: all thick girls in russia r more popular w/ africans sam: i mean russian guys skip them, but africans go for it sam: do u agree? judging from ur fellas theo: they are... what girls? sam: girls in russia w/ a
thick figure, additional weight sam: are ignored by locals & popular among africans theo: a 100% igor: so it works here too theo: but i once asked myself why theo: i don't know why... theo: take asya... theo: she's not thick, but... igor: she compensates it w/ charisma theo: yeah, she charismatic theo: so... theo: i don't need a girl to be so big theo: she just has to have something to grab theo: there r thick girls that r too much sam: really? theo: i mean she's just big theo: no details... i d
unno... igor: no aesthetics... theo: i went off... talking about something else igor: to me it seems like... igor: african girls igor: have a different energy igor: they're so... igor: let's take a russian girl igor: from my experience igor: we get to a place & she'll be like igor: "wow, it's so nice" igor: and an african girl max: saw those clips w/ africans reacting to food linz: yeah, we love those sam: i've heard this about african guys before sam: and it's curious to hear it about girls too
igor: i mean they're more lively... igor: and that applies to everything. sex as well igor: i enjoy that igor: maybe it's my fault i haven't met such girls among russians sam: nah, i've heard that a lot about africans guys... sam: i mean girls that've dated black... sam: one of their most popular reasons is "they're more lively" sam: "they're open w/ all their feelings & emotions" sam: but this is the first time i hear the same about our girls sam: that's curious sam: let's wait for asya & move
to the next block igor: wait, let's ask linzie theo: yep, why not sam: ask linzie what? igor: all that... white vs black men max: look how he's pushing it max: "we all want to know" igor: if i've been spilling my guts max: let's start w/ have u dated black guys? sam: she grew up in africa... max: who knows, maybe... sam: so she was looking for white guys in africa max: maybe she's never been in a relationship max: so it was in rwanda? uganda... max: what about blacks in russia... linz: yeah, i
dated 1 black guy in russia linz: but we had cultural misunderstanding linz: i mean we were cool... linz: he spoke russian as well... linz: had gotten use to the russian culture linz: but we didn't match linz: he was hard on his african traditions... sam: wait, u won't get off hook sam: answer the question... sam: it's a black man vs white linz: i'm getting there... linz: so when i dated a russian guy... linz: don't know how to put it... linz: most of all it was just a fetish linz: it never got
to the next stage linz: w/ a russian guy it was all about... sam: it is what it is linz: yeah, we're just having fun max: i've never heard of "a russian guy" feitsh sam: bro, that's the big camera, please sam: and speak up sam: "i've never heard of...!" sam: right, i thought so sam: let's move on to relationships sam: i'm curious, what was the reaction... sam: ...from ur family, friends, coworkers, ppl on ur social media pages sam: when they saw u dating out of ur race sam: yo, stop w/ this bs s
am: u guys had 40 mins to get ur thoughts straight. now it's on theo: ok, let me start... theo: so my mum... theo: she had no problems w/ it theo: she came to russia for my graduate asya: graduation... theo: graduation... met asya for the first time & it was all cool asya: actually, i think she was kind of... asya: sceptical at first asya: because she thought all white girls... asya: ...r like american white girls asya: can't cook... home messed up sam: so she was like sam: "this girl will destr
oy my son"? asya: she never said anything... asya: i just saw it in her eyes theo: she was watching us... asya: yes, she was watching & testing me sam: so ur mum was cool. what about friends & siblings theo: my guys were already used to my taste sam: so no one was like "yo, a white girl..." theo: no sam: bet. asya ur turn... sam: lesgo girl. komsomolsk-na-amure. theophilious. bring it on! asya: there was a dude that texted me on vk some nasty ish asya: in the comments asya: "wait. r u dating thi
s..." max: was it that ur classmate? asya: no sam: ignore him sam: i'm wondering... asya: but my favorite reaction was from my granny asya: so she came to visit us. and she was shocked ofc asya: she was 80 at that time sam: "wait, so they're real?" asya: but u know what happened... asya: so she was leaving w/ us for 6 months asya: and one day she came up to me like... asya: "asya, i got a chance to look at theo today" asya: so her eyes were bad... asya: ...and that day she decided to take a time
& look asya: "asya, he's so handsome" asya: so that was a dope reaction asya: my mum was shocked, but... theo: i think she can't belive in it still asya: yeah, she didn't show it asya: because she's a soviet person asya: so she kept it to herself sam: what about friends? asya: dunno... sam: this is a very pc episode we have today sam: what's going on theo: no, really... max: why r instigating? sam: because i know how it goes down max: it's like u want the drama theo: honestly, there were no cra
zy reactions theo: as if she was black theo: no one gave a f*ck sam: and u also had no strange reactions from ur side asya: not from my friends max: i have a question... for theo & sam max: there's a certain type of girls in russia max: that chase a mixed kid max: white girls that... max: do all it takes to get pregnant from a black guy max: and have a mixed kid max: that shit scares me. because i know a girl max: a white girl max: randomly posting photos of mixed kids max: i mean out of nowhere
max: "check this cutie" max: and it be random black kids asya: as if they were cats, right? max: exactly igor: u know how many girls in uganda... igor: ...dream of getting pregnant from a white guy max: have u met girls like that? theo: i haven't max: i mean a girl that made u know she was in it just for the kid asya: u can tell a girl is a hunter right away max: yeah, u can feel it asya: u just have to avoid them sam: says who... sam: u can work w/ them sam: my email in the description max: we
re girls hunting u in uganda? igor: r we still on the pc-mode? igor: yes, yes, yes max: i know how it works in russia, but how was it over there igor: i was shocked igor: so imagine u r at the club... igor: and usually it's the guy doing the job igor: but there they were all scanning... igor: i mean i had my eyes on her just for 2 sec igor: and she came up to me like igor: "u r so handsome. let's have fun" igor: i mean u could totally ignore her, but she won't leave theo: mad... i've never exper
ienced anything like that sam: i guess, that's a natural thing sam: when a mono-state like russia or uganda... sam: gets something completely different sam: ppl would love to try out the new thing sam: linz & igor tell us about the reactions of ur ppl sam: u guys r just 3.5 months together, right? sam: see, i know everything about u guys sam: u guys met december 20th, right? igor & linz: 17th sam: december? i got it right? igor: yeah, it was on the 17th of december sam: magic! juju people! sam:
please, continue... sam: friend's reactions... linz: how did my friends react... linz: my mum... brother linz: they were all cool w/ it linz: i mean my friends kind of expected it linz: "she's a model, ofc she's dating a mzungu" linz: they were'nt surprised linz: my mum was also cool... linz: brother as well. they were happy for me linz: although my brother had a lot of questions linz: "where's he from?" linz: "how long have u known him?" linz: "u trust him?" linz: "where does he work?" li
nz: "what was he doing in south sudan?" linz: "how did he end up in the un police?" linz: he had a lot of questions... linz: and really wants to meet him... linz: i hope when he returns from dubai they'll eventually meet sam: so igor hasn't passed "the brother's exam" sam: he's preparing linz: yeah, he's preparing igor: we got to find a neutral territory max: get a tan as well igor: i had a whole year of tanning bed sam: max, must i remind u that this is juju people sam: no stereotypes, please s
am: igor, what was the reaction of ur ppl igor: so i introduced linzie to... igor: two of my closest friends igor: what can i say... igor: before we all met... igor: i had a conversation w/ them igor: to avoid all those stereotypes like igor: "so how was it over there?" igor: yeah, all the jokes igor: so i was kinda worried igor: so they won't say something stupid when we meet igor: and i was suprised they all behaved igor: linz was very satisfied igor: and after the dinner my guys wrote me like
igor: "she's awesome" igor: "she's totally russian" igor: and all the other good words max: i think ppl have... max: learned how to act right max: that's why most of the odd stories come w/ grand parents max: they're more straightforward max: whereas ppl nowadays r more civilized max: but still it's kind of tricky max: even w/ all their acting right... max: ...u sense it when something's wrong max: in my example. when we told my wife's parents about her pregnancy sam: alright... max: i mean it
was all cool max: when she introduced me to them. they were cool max: but when my wife got pregnant. her mum was like... sam: so it was serious max: and u could feel it max: it's not so simple as i had thought sam: her granny? max: her mother sam: how long did it take for her to get used to u? max: i think she has accepted the fact max: what i'm saying... each one of u... max: had those small moments of truth max: when u feel the true attitude... max: ...even if the person's not showing it sam:
i'm sure there are stories w/ straightforward negativity sam: it's one thing when u live in moscow and u r used to seeing blacks sam: and it's all nother ball game when ur kid brings in a black partner sam: we're just lucky that this cast is about positivity sam: or they're hiding it asya: nah, it's all good asya: but now i remember one of my relatives was like asya: "he must marry u!" asya: when they found out i was pregnant asya: "we don't want no..." sam: so it's the "black men always dip" st
ereotype asya: yeah, so he won't runaway igor: i don't think this about race... igor: any parent expects his daughter to be treated decent sam: yeah, but there's a stereotype... sam: that most mixed kids in russia sam: come from families where the african guy left his wife & family igor: yeah, i saw the girls' pod asya: me too sam: exactly sam: and many russians have that stereotype in mind sam: we're almost done sam: and i have a deep question sam: what's it like sam: to be in a relationship w/
a person from a different culture? sam: do u feel the difference? sam: or maybe we're so acustomed to our differences... sam: ...that we don't even notice them? sam: u r dating a person from a different world sam: do u feel that? asya: ofc u do sam: explain asya: that a completely different culture asya: i mean completely max: that's ur answer max: "they don't celebrate ny" asya: yes, and their christmas is on the 25th of december asya: the thing is that... asya: i got to experience that cultur
e even before meeting theo asya: i mean african cultures asya: african cultures are different asya: even within one country u have different cultures asya: but... i'm an open-minded person that's curious to know more asya: their cutsotms... the way they raise their kids asya: their family traditions asya: how they build the child-parent relationship asya: in general, i've always been curious sam: was there a thing that caused missunderstanding? sam: i mean theo w? his nigerian culture... sam: ..
.introduces something that u r not used to asya: harsh discipline sam: what do u mean? asya: i mean they flog their kids in school asya: so i was trying to raise his concern... sam: wait, u guys r that couple where u have... sam: ...a strict african man & a meek european woman sam: how do u guys agree? asya: it's not that bad. we listen to each other sam: what do u think about that? asya: but it's very rare theo: i also don't enjoy... theo: i mean she cries after... sam: and u r like "why did i
do that..." theo: i understand that i have to. but i don't enjoy it theo: so i spank her less that i was disciplined *corrects his grammar theo: i think my mum never even... theo: i think she had no remorse while flogging me theo: but i feel kind of... sam: ofc. u've abandonded ur traditions after 12 years in russia sam: got completly assimilated... sam: u'll start eating fufu w/ fork & knife soon theo: u sound like my mum now theo: whenever i say something that just my opinion theo: she cries r
ussian influence sam: ofc. u got brainwashed sam: u forgot ur traditions theo: on a serious note... i was neve the... theo: ..."flogging only" guy theo: i'm not against it. it's needed theo: but the way we were disciplined theo: that was sam: it was too much theo: u have to try & negotiate a bit at least theo: i mean there were situations where i could flog estanya... theo: but i found a way to talk her to her senses theo: and now she talks to me like... theo: "dad pls give me more 5 minutes" th
eo: u understand theo: or if she does something wrong theo: she forseas my reaction theo: yes, what's coming... theo: so, yes, i approve of beating... sam: bro, say "discipline"... sam: cause all ppl will hear now is "beat ur child"... theo: alright, discipline. u have to discipline ur child theo: but not everytime sam: so asya's example is harsh discipline sam: do u have such things in russian culture or asya... sam: ...that took u time to get used to? sam: she said it was ur harshness sam: wha
t's it for u theo: yeah... sometimes when... theo: like we made a decision theo: and the she... theo: for example, i said theo: "let's cut on the candies for 2 days" theo: as a discipline sam: so for ur child theo: yes. but the same evening she might be like... theo: "i forgot" theo: things like that... theo: but i understand... she's not like that all the time theo: and i know sometimes... theo: ...estanya can be too cute & u can't sam: say no theo: so i undestand. but don't overdo it sam: is t
here a moment in russian culture that took u time to get use to? sam: i mean u were like "why do they do that" theo: no theo: i'm a big fan of... asya: no, ccontinue sam: u peep that? sam: "my husband, can i pls speak?" theo: maybe, i just can't remember theo: now it all seems reasonable sam: i guess, it's all part of ur routine so u can't remember theo: that part asya: what about the part that ppl here r more secluded than in nigeria theo: like u said earlier theo: ur borther told u to keep qui
et in moscow and... theo: that was strange to me sam: what exactly? u guys were on some african transmition shit igor: invisible connection sam: yeah. "ur borther said..." and she was like "yeah, sure" theo: remember she told us initially when she came to moscow... theo: her brother advised her to keep it low sam: oh, the "don't smile" thing theo: yes, that was strange for me theo: everyone was on some... theo: damn, as if... theo: there was no joy theo: that part sam: it threw u off? max: how d
id u guys get married? max: was it after u had a kid? theo: before max: so u propossed to her? sam: is this ur personal enquiry? max: nah i'm just asking max: because usually... sam: u talking about ur case max: blacks in russia don't usually do the whole thing sam: oh, u mean they don't marry theo: my mum was very adamant max: ur mum? theo: yeah, my mum was like "u must marry" max: that was before the pregnancy? theo: when i gave her the news... theo: she was like... theo: to be honest initiall
y i was into it... theo: i mean i wasn't ready to marry at 24 theo: but... theo: asya is so wonderful theo: i was... i am in love. i'm still in love theo: so i thought in any case... theo: we could split if anything went wrong theo: then the understanding came... theo: ...this is the person i want to live my life with max: what was the proposal like? sam: max, u seraching for ideas? sam: take his number & ask him privately max: nah, i'm leading to romance max: how romantic africans are asya: the
o isn't a romantic asya: and i'm also not romantic theo: i mean she was pregnant already. what else do u need sam: it's done max: it seems like africans r not really romantic sam: it's a different culture max: what's "african romance"? asya: i'm also not romantic btw max: tell us what is romance w/ africans? sam: i think i've said the before... sam: i can't remember my dad giving my mum flowers sam: it seems like... correct me if im wrong sam: it seems like africans r not really into... sam: say
in russia in russia women get flowers at every holiday sam: and i can't remember my dad giving my mum flowers sam: when i bring her flowers once in a while... sam: she goes out of her way to show me how much she appreciates it sam: africans don't have that in their culture max: linz, how was it when u were dating africans max: there was no chivalry as well? sam: no, it's not that they're not gentlemen sam: but it's of a different manner sam: an african man can be chivalrous. he doesn't.... sam:
the flower thing, gestures... max: so i'm asking what's african romance like sam: money, brother linz: so when i was in uganda... linz: i guess i can call it romance linz: my boyfriend at the time would... linz: he could pay the check. or when we... max: yo, that's a prerequisite max: i mean... igor: it might be for u, but for someone else linz: when we were together he'd always pay linz: and those kind of things. but flowers and... igor: he'd walk u home i guess... linz: sometimes max: what ab
out poems linz: no poems, no serenades... linz: guys would just walk up to u and be like linz: "hi. i like u" linz: that's it linz: yeah, that's how the romance starts max: what about igor? max: romantic thigs sam: what's the most romantic igor has ever been? sam: let's jump igor igor: go for it. kll the mzungu! linz: i'm feeling shy. let me remember... linz: there were many moments... igor: phew... linz: so i'm trying to pick out my favorite linz: i think... linz: the most heartwarming thing ab
out igor... linz: is that he is... linz: igor wants to be w/ me always... sam: what do u mean? linz: if i'm going to a shoot he will be like... linz: "lemme go together" linz: if i'm planning to go somewhere he'll be like... linz: "lemm pick u up" linz: if i tell him i'm not feeling good & i need this and that... linz: he'll get it done for me linz: or if i ask him for help w/ my issues linz: igor is like my sos button linz: we're always together linz: i cherish the strong bond we have sam: russ
ian men going up in the charts rn asya: i can say the same thing about theo sam: no one cares about this nggas max: what was ur most romantic move? sam: this pod ain't about me sam: here r ur couples sam: what was ur most romantic move? max: i did a lot max: but i've never been... max: the "let's stay together" guy max: i'd love to have it that way max: but then i'm like "who cares..." sam: will i have to cut this part? max: i thought african guys r generally more pragmatic max: but asya's sayin
g that they're always together asya: we're always together theo: i don't think it's about "african"... sam: it's ur type of character theo: yes... it's about matching or not sam: let's get to my final question sam: what's it like to be in a mixed relationship in russia? sam: i want to hear ur final thoughts sam: what's it like theo: i don't have any negative situations from our experience asya: it's the other way round — we get into funny situations asya: for example... this always brings smile
on my face asya: so we were walking... asya: and some russian guy of age asya: came up to me and was like... asya: "u got such a handsome one" sam: "what a wonderful merchandise u cop" sam: "tell me whe u bought it?" igor: "send me the link pls" asya: it was so cute. i mean... asya: usually a guy get a compliment about his girl asya: while here i got a compliment about my man sam: linzie, igor? linz: i would agree that we get a lot of attention linz: when we're together w/ igor we get a lot of a
ttention linz: whereever we go to — ppl r all in our faces linz: it's a flattering thing linz: ppl would come up & tell us we look beautiful... linz: i get most of the compliments ofc igor: ofc... who am i linz: so... but in general linz: we feel alright linz: we're not shy igor: i'd say i even enjoy the fact that... igor: we stand out igor: and also... igor: partially... i mean i enjoy igor: how tolerance... igor: ...towards africans in russia has really improved igor: it goes both sides igor:
africans know more about russians igor: and russians r more aware of africans igor: i mean u don't see skinheads anymore... igor: their time is long gone igor: whenever we're together i catch the stares igor: but they're more of amusement sam: but i'm sure that the looks u get differ... sam: ...differ from those theo gets sam: i mean when ppl see a black girl w/ a russian guy... sam: their reaction differs from that to a black guy w/ a russian girl sam: but we must take into consideration the fa
ct that... sam: ur ppl r kinda used to u guys communicating... sam: ...w/ ppl from other cultures sam: igor due to his work. asya due to her art sam: i'm sure there's a couple out there... sam: w/ a partner from k-n-a... sam: someone that has never been to pfur or even to moscow asya: ofc, we're going to get a different reaction if we go to k-n-a asya: actually i'd love to see what's going to happen sam: u gotta do a vlog sam: "theo eden emmanuel first time in k-n-a" max: u know what i think...
max: a person like that won't end up w/... max: had asya / igor not being attracted to african culture... max: i don't think they would've noticed these partners sam: that's somewhat what i was asking earlier... sam: what role does fetish plays in our relationships sam: i don't have an answer sam: maybe for u to be w/ a person from a drastically different culture sam: ur tolerance to other cultures must be... sam: have u solved ur issue? sam: can we continue? sam: nice. thank u sam: maybe for u
to be w/ a person from a different culture... sam: ...u infact have to be exposed sam: and there might be couples... sam: ...w/ a partner that has never "been abroad" but.... sam: ...he/she fell in love w/ a person from a different culture sam: that's one the goals of juju people sam: so u guys come & tell ur stories sam: i'm sure a couple of viewers would be like... sam: "wow, girls from rwanda" igor: she's taken sam: ofc, linzie is happy... sam: but taking a trip to rwanda or uganda max: "i th
ink they mentioned rachel"



Линси такая инопланетная!Прямо как Египетская царица!


Парень в кепке так прикольно всё "портит" 🤣


пришел домой уставшим с учебы, зашел в ютуб, и увидел, что у джуджу-пипла новый ролик, сразу настроение поднялось!


Игорь образованный мужчина, с хорошей последовательной речью, затрагивает интересные темы. Приятно его слушать


Ребята,вы классные. Огромное спасибо за те вопросы,которые вы обсуждаете в ваших подкастах. Обращаюсь ко всем у кого другой цвет кожи,разрез глаз и другие внешне отличительные черты. Вы такие же люди как все кто вас окружает. Не стесняйтесь общаться с людьми другой расы,или вероисповедания. Все мы люди,и нам нужно жить в дружбе. Всем мира и добра


У всех ребят и девушек кайфовый вайб! Малышка - просто очаровательная


Я каждый раз восхищаюсь этими подкастами, вы единственные такие, безумно Рада новому выпуску, так интересно, благодарю вас за работу!😘🫶


Какие же вы все классные, невероятное удовольствие получил от видео😍❤❤❤


крутые ребята, у каждого такая разная история


Линз, конечно, просто огонь, умница и красавица


Чуваки, кайф выпуск. Много смеялась с вами. Добавьте пожалуйста вопрос про юмор к гостям. Есть ли разница в юморе и получается ли шутить в новой культуре. Спасибо за эфир! ❤


Базаров Сэм Базарович. Базар, вообще базар


Шикарный выпуск, Сэм и Макс! Спасибо вам большое за вас! Офигенно интересно! Всех благ всем смешанным парам!


Ребят, спасибо за ваши выпуски. Очень интересно! Раздвигаете рамки и кругозор


Очень классный выпуск. Приятно слушать и смотреть. Очень позитивно получилось! Спасибо


Ну 🔥 опять же. Спасибо за выпуск, ждём ещё!


Speaking as a Caucasian girl, отличный блок про фетишизм, а точнее, двусторонний аспект этого вопроса. Приятно, что озвучили этот вопрос UCkszU2WH9gy1mb0dV-11UJg/hands-yellow-heart-red


Хотела немножко посмотреть, а получилось что попала на весь выпуск. Очень интересно и откровенно получилось. Гости очень красивые и умные ❤


За всех говорить не буду, но лично я рад и, более того, счастлив видеть как русская культура проникает в африканский мир, дополняет его и вместе с тем сама развивается! Россия - дом народов!


классный, очень позитивный и полезный выпуск) спасибо!