
Our vision for using AI to improve educational practices

We know we can't replace the human touch of teachers, but by using Artificial Intelligence (AI) we can empower teachers to maximise their impact. In the first episode of our mini-series exploring AI in education, Neil Miley, Deputy Chief Executive and Francisco Recalde Canete our Cross Cutting AI Champion, start to explore AI's tremendous potential in improving educational outcomes and what this could mean for our sector.

Dixons OpenSource

5 days ago

hi Dixons I'm Neil Miley deputy chief executive with Francisco raldi a cross cutting AI champion in this video we will explore Ai and its educational implications and share our vision and plans for AI at Dixon's from turing's Vision to today's AI it's a journey of human Ingenuity Transforming Our World Milestones achieve in the 1970s with the first robot called shaky and breakthroughs with neural networks AI Evolution brought practical Solutions in health care finance and more changing how we li
ve and work AI is a field blending science and engineering it involves creating algorithms that enable machines to mimic human intelligence AI learned patterns in data from recognizing faces to understand leing language using vast data sets AI predicts the next pixel in an image or the next note in music by processing these data AI uncovers insights and makes informed predictions as AI evolves it redefines the limits in machine capability and human Innovation artificial intelligence is spearhead
ing the fourth Industrial Revolution following the transformative impact of steam power elect electricity and electronics AI as a general purpose technology GPT is pervasive with a potential to enhance systems across various sectors it is the digital fabric intertwining with every aspect of our work revolutionizing how we solve problems and interact with technology concete popular belief AI is not a haringer of job displacement across all sectors it complement human intelligence relying on human
input to function effectively AI excels in task specific applications enhancing productivity but it's not a one siiz fits all solution AI can't replace the human touch of teachers but it can Empower them to maximize their impact the three primary pitfalls firstly privacy concerns how to handle personal data secondly the blackbox problem of explainability it's unclear how AI trained models have arrived at some conclusions and thirdly there are inherent biases in algorithmic decision- making thes
e issues raise significant ethical considerations ensuring AI respects a stakeholder privacy maintaining transparency in its operations and the avoidance of replicating societal biases is crucial at Dixon's we recognize ai's tremendous potential in improving educational outcomes especially by automating administrative tasks such as form completion report writing and resource creation to reduce teachers workloads this shift allows teachers to focus more on teaching rather than low value tasks our
vision is clear adopt AI to maximize our impact in tackling educational and social disadvantage by empowering every student with equal opportunities enhanced by AI we are conscious of avoiding the pitfalls of new technologies mindful of past hype and unmet expectations such as the unfulfilled Promises of interactive whiteboards and iPads in earlier educational reforms is easy to be cynical about new inventions yet equally easy to be over optimistic we're aware that good education isn't repl rep
aced by AI but augmented by Decades of learning research we aim to bridge the gap between what we know about learning and ai's potential to enhance it there is enormous promise for a successful revolution in education reconnecting technology with best educational practices we hope you enjoyed our first AI miniseries video and stay tuned for the next exploring large language models powering the AI Revolution



Great to see Dixons embracing AI. Thank you for sharing.