
overanalyzing death note | pt. 19

your eyes do not deceive you! ya boy is back! Chapters 00:00 - Intro + Everybody Hates Matsuda! 03:40 - The Man Without a Plan! 03:15 - The Worst Date Ever! 06:11 - Light's Lost In Thought! 08:22 - L & Eraldo Coil! 10:09 - The Man Without a Plan! (Pt. 2) 13:26 - How to Use It! 14:53 - Matsuda In Trouble! 18:58 - What Do We Do With Him? 21:16 - Rescuing Matsuda! 24:50 - "The Taro Matsui Show!" 28:11 - See ya later, Hatori! 30:12 - Kira's (Subtle) Self-Snitching! 31:59 - All Eyes On Yotsuba + Outro! #deathnote #deathnoteanime #deathnotereaction Thumbnail created by AsiaActCasual Twitter:

overanalyzing anime

7 months ago

uh welcome back everyone so fun fact this episode marks the halfway point of the series and at the rate I'm going we'll definitely finish this uh eventually so right off the bat something interesting about this episode is that it doesn't start things off by just jumping back into the story it instead begins with a sort of Montage of moments revolving around this episode's titular character matsura and none of them are all that flattering it begins with this clip from episode 7 wherein the chief
chastis is matzah for being so excited about the utility belts that ryuzaki had just given them quiet matsuda knock it off yes sir from there it switches to episode 17 where we see izawa telling Misa and matzanita stop messing around sorry eyes are and following that we head back to this clip from episode 16 where ryuzaki samax amounts of his hand [Music] which I've since found out was a translation snafu wherein in the original Japanese dub rizaki didn't use the correct honorific when addressin
g matsuda which is why he repeated his name back like that but anyway a theme begins to present itself as we take a look back at these scenes from previous episodes one that serves to show that well everybody hates or maybe I wouldn't go that far but I would definitely argue that matsuda stays getting shot on and while part of me definitely feels for the guy Another Part Of Me kinda understands their frustration with him his childlike excitement his easy-going personality his inability to filter
the [ __ ] he says I could see how that might serve to rub people the wrong way especially if this is just a thing that he's doing constantly like from the outside looking in I really like matzuda I think he can be both funny and endearing but that's me watching with no skin in the game because if I had to work with this dude on something that's serious and really as dangerous as this investigation I have very very different feelings about him but anyway the next update shows from the previous
episode wherein the chief says after all the last thing I want is to be dead weight which matsuna takes note of and I like that because he really does just want to contribute to this investigation and he's very much aware of the fact that he currently isn't light was the one who discovered the connection to yotsuba the Chief helped bolster that theory by noticing that the majority of murders were concentrated on the weekends mogi's killing it with research and ryuzaki is out here recruiting new
people for the task force anyway the only one who's really not doing anything right now is matzoda and he wants to change that but given his track record so far which amounts to practically nothing ryuzaki just ends up treating him like an assistant by saying could you get me another cup of coffee which quite frankly is rude as hell but I mean it's rizaki so it's to be expected anyway this little opening ends with amata telling himself I want to help too I want to contribute to the case whilst b
eing surrounded by these somewhat exaggerated depictions of the other members of the task of course uh plus Misa it appearances that these are all of the people who have at one point or another either yelled at talk [ __ ] about made fun of or just outright laid Hands-On matsura hence the absence of both Mogi and wat City given the fact that the former barely speaks as is and the latter is polite to pretty much everyone well when he's not torturing people anyway one of the things I love about th
is shot is the fact that they're all literally looking down on him which is meant to illustrate the idea of how he feels that they all figuratively look down on him in addition to that I love the fact that in his mind for whatever reason azawa has a Bobo Bobo afro even though you know it's really not that big furthermore he has ryuzaki just licking a donut like he's [ __ ] Orochi Mario licking Akuna it's just it's just silly but yeah with all of that out of the way episode 19 matinee so the epis
ode proper starts off with our girl Misa Mane back at work filming a new movie or TV show or something and interestingly enough she's sharing a scene with our boy Hideki Ryuga y'all remember him right freshman representative Hideki Ryuga no no no not him I swear he's perfect there we go dude feels like a recurring meme at this point anyway as Misa and ham are busy filming matsuna's mind wanders elsewhere turning his attention to the yotsuba group's main office because of course they're literally
within walking distance of it while filming and of course it's Friday which as established in the previous episode is when the yield super group meets up to discuss who they'll be killing well isn't that convenient you're telling me Jerry anyway we get yet another series of flashbacks as matzoda recalls the many instances wherein the members of the task force uh collectively shat on him which ultimately prompts him to throw caution and honestly logic to the wind as he abandons his post and rush
es towards the yotes of a group's main office which and look I'm not even 100 mad at him for doing this dude it's like 25 or 26 and while he's not a kid I can definitely at least somewhat understand this sort of rash Behavior especially when you feel like you finally have an opportunity to prove yourself to people who you feel looked down on you and you know what it's not even really a feeling like yes I would argue that the chief in izawa don't actually look down on him do they often times get
annoyed with him sure but they still respect him as their colleague light and ryuzaki however are a different story and the comments they made in the previous episode when they thought he couldn't hear them prove that matzo is acting stupid again well that is his specialty they think he's a dumbass ass and unfortunately this kind of behavior only serves to bolster that argument but nevertheless his heart is in the right place and honestly had rizaki just taken him seriously when he asked what he
could do to help out more this probably wouldn't be happening so yes it is matzuda's fault but I'd argue that it's not just his fault anyway dude makes it to the office and manages to sneak in by crawling past the security guard let me say that again he manages to sneak into the building of a multi-million dollar Company by getting on his hands and knees and crawling past the one security guard that they have on duty what the [ __ ] kind of security is this this is a massive business and this d
ude is all you got uh okay anyway we've transitioned back to Task Force Headquarters where we meet back up with lights who's currently staring absent-mindedly at the wall opposite him the first thing we notice is that he has that look in his eyes again that same glazed over look we saw back in episode one however where his mind was focused on how bored he was back then now his introspection is causing him to question whether or not he was in fact Kira would I punish evildoers and criminals if I
could kill by just seeing a name and face uh yes yes you would like you 100 would my guy but please go on I mean it's true that there are lots of people around that the world could frankly do without and that's interesting because I imagine most people would agree with that while Howie defines who fits into that category might differ depending on who you are and what you believe I imagine that the vast majority of individuals would agree that there are certain people that this world would just b
e better without having thoughts like that aren't inherently wrong however they become an issue if you decide to act on those beliefs because as I just said how we Define who fits into that category differs depending on who you are and what you believe and therefore just because you think the world would be better without certain people it doesn't give you the right to go out and try to get rid of said people I don't think I'd become a murderer just to change the world and this is also super int
eresting to me because you did you absolutely did at the very first opportunity you had to try it out you hesitated all of however long it took you to get home from school and only a few hours after that you did it again and sure you had a mini breakdown after the second one but within a week you had killed scores of people hundreds if not thousands you were reveling in that [ __ ] my guy and yet here you are thinking and I'm not saying all of this to talk [ __ ] about him or anything I just fin
d it fascinating that without his memories he really believes that he wouldn't do this even though that couldn't be further from the truth there's no way anyone could murder so many people and not have any memory of it that's odd that you would draw the line at not being able to remember it when the idea of being able to kill people was just a name and faces equally as ridiculous as having no memory of ever having done it anyway watch that he chimes in and pulls everyone's attention by informing
them that detected by the name of Geraldo Coyle has just received a request to investigate and reveal the identity of L who is Geraldo Coyle you might ask isn't Geraldo Coyle supposed to be the second greatest detective in the world you are right which really is just kind of silly like how does one become the second greatest detective in the world I mean I get the idea that if there's a first there has to be a second but like is it a tier system based on the number of crimes you've solved the c
omplexity of the case how quickly you solved it like where can I find the leaderboard for best detectives in this world anyway watsoni tells the group that this information was requested by masahiko Kira who you might remember from the yotsava group this new information puts the group in a bit of a dizzy is there no concerned about it although Coyle investigating them while they investigate yotsuba but rizazaki quickly is Wages any fears as he reveals the fact that the detective known as Geraldo
Coyle is me he goes on to say that not only is he L and eraldo Coyle but he's also the third greatest detective because of course he is going by the pseudonym it's been my experience try to find me usually fall for this and I mean that's hella smart like I gotta give credit where credit is due because that's a great way to keep your identity safe also the fact that he can manage doing the work of three top tier detectives simultaneously is wild as hell I'll give you this strawberry if you give
it a secret okay uh the [ __ ] I mean ryazaki offering the strawberry isn't too weird to me but it's the fact that Mogi seems to almost gleefully take it that kind of threw me off like the chief lets out a little Grunt and takes a step back when ryuzake offers it but Moki says and leans forward to take it and then instead of actually eating it he puts it in his [ __ ] pocket because why what the [ __ ] anyway we head back to YouTube and see that matsura is just wandering around this place lookin
g for something which is honestly insane given how big this building is like he doesn't even know who he's looking for at this point maybe I should level I still have a chance yes you 100 should leave because this is stupid my guy do you know how ridiculously lucky you'd have to be to find the exact people you need to find in order to get the information that you're looking for it'd be basically impossible not this again look on the bright side at least it falls on the weekend we never know how
long these confidential meetings will go off how convenient how very very convenient but whatever anyway it's worth pointing out that in this scene matsuda actually gets his own color scheme in the same vein as Kira and L and where there's a red and blue respectively his is yellow another primary color which I feel definitely goes to State his overall significance in this story but anyway after these two do up on the elevator he takes note of where it stops and makes a Mad Dash up to the 19th Fl
oor we then head back to the task force where the team is discussing having either act as a rojo coil in order to get close to the oats of a group meanwhile wetty will be hacking into the yotzibar group's main office so that the task force can get a better idea of what's going on in there so that they can hopefully find solid evidence of a connection between yotsuba and Kira all in all it's a solid plan as long as nobody [ __ ] it up which reminds me what's matzah doing again damn it I can't hea
r them clearly if only I could hear just one thing there it is Kira they said it okay you heard them say it and that's awesome you now have confirmation that they are at the very least working with Kira but honestly bro I think it's time you get the hell out of there it was at this moment that he knew he [ __ ] up who the hell are you a dead man clearly but really what prompted them to open the door like do they just periodically open it to check to see if people are outside I mean I can appreci
ate the heightened caution but it just seems kind of random that two of them got up to open the door like that unless zamato was stupid enough to have been scratching up against the door or something which honestly I wouldn't put it past him but anyway we then cut back to the task force just in time to hear ryuzaki say please be sure not to act impulsively out of Panic or haste and don't take matters into your own hands just as Watson chimes in and says that matsuda has activated his utility bel
t and the signal is coming from within the yotsuba main office prompting riosaki to tell everyone to ignore everything he just said and ends with him rightfully saying you idiot we then switch back to matzah and to his credit without missing a beat he immediately switches to his cover and tells him that he's there to pitch Misa as their new spokesperson I just dropped by to ask if your company would be interested in using our top multi-talented star Misa amane as your new spokesperson and I mean
he's still dumb for having done this but I can at least appreciate him quickly reverting to his cover as her manager especially given the fact that he's likely under the impression that at least one of these men is kitta so he's got to be terrified right now so kudos to him on that if absolutely nothing else however the real question is will his cover be enough I suppose time will tell but for now welcome back to how to use it first up if the Death Note is stolen and the owner is killed by the
thief its ownership will automatically be transferred to the thief not too much to analyze in regards to this as it aligns with what we've seen thus far kind of what I mean by that is while light didn't steal the notebook for me so back in episode 13 he still had it in his possession when she gave up ownership in episode 15 and as such he became the owner of that death note and what is death if not Technic likely relinquishing ownership of your death note so I mean this rule makes sense to me ne
xt up when the same name is written on more than two death notes the note which was first filled in will take effect regardless of the time of death so this one's simple enough it's basically like first come first served but the part stating regardless of the time of death is interesting because you killing another person for example when Rim thought that Misa was in danger of being killed by light this rule implies that she could have just prevented that by writing down misa's name in her death
note and including a time of death that's say a minute before she's supposed to naturally die and then Mesa would have just been forever protected from being killed by a Death Note this would also work out in room's favor because she'd never have to put herself in a position where she'd have to kill herself by Saving Misa because Misa would be safe since her time of death would be fixed in place via the Death Note but I have to imagine there's something in place to prevent that because this rul
e kind of seems world breaking if we take it to face value but I digress anyway when we head back we found that matsuda has been taken to a different room by two of the yotsuba members shimoda and haturi please take me samisa into consideration I love the look on their face it's like they're really not buying this [ __ ] at all or even if they do believe him they still need to decide whether or not it's in their best interest to let him live because there's literally no telling what he managed t
o overhear and matsuda is well aware of this and acknowledging the fact that these two are simply acting as guards while the rest discuss what to do with them I wonder if the Emergency Signal got through even if it did will ryozaki come and save me that's man that's sad I feel like we can all agree that it's a given that they would do anything in their power to save one of their own but this man honestly believes that they think so little of him that he has to wonder if they'll even bother makin
g the effort to save him like it's I don't know it was one thing with ukita because he was already dead there was nothing to be gained by going there other than throwing away their own lives so ryuzaki asks that they stay where it's safe but matsuda isn't dead and there's still time to save him especially since he wouldn't have given out his real name and they don't know whether this kid I can kill was just a face alone but regardless the fact that he has to question it at all is insane to me I
don't think any other Task Force member would doubt that someone would at the very least try to rescue them if they were in this situation it's messed up and it speaks to how he feels about himself after months of being talked down to and dismissed he he doesn't even know if they think he's worth saving that's damn okay but why does everyone have the same ringtone go ahead you can answer it don't say that you're here though make sure we can listen in on the conversation so that's smart on their
part him receiving a random phone call could potentially give them a lot of insight on who he is for example if the person calling refers to him as matsuda then that would be a pretty glaring red flag however luckily for him that's not the case yo oh Matsui hi smile buddy yo I love when ryzaki does one of his little voices he really goes all out with it but anyway the conversation itself is relatively short as rizaki or Asahi asked a couple of questions to ascertain whether or not matsuda is wit
h Misa as well as gauging just how much trouble he's currently in oh what's the matter don't tell me your wallet is in trouble again yeah that's right big troubles with money so I will say that the way they're going about this conversation is very clever even if mata's delivery makes it feel a little awkward fortunately it's not that much of a red flag given the fact that he does have a legitimate reason to be nervous right now since he was technically trespassing I mean misa's manager or not he
broke the law so him being nervous here makes a lot of sense he could just be really concerned that they're gonna call the cops on him anyway the call ends and lots of the jumps right back into his pitch however the two men really just aren't buying what he's selling and I mean rightfully so it is weird that this dude just happened to wander up to the 19th floor of this build building looking for someone to pitch this to like there was no one else you ran into before getting here and furthermor
e why come here do you know one of us any of us do you even know what our specific jobs are like you just happen to come up to this floor to this specific office room at this specific time to picture random people in our company like what but I mean luckily for him when they do start to apply pressure by asking for proof he's able to tell them that he can bring her to them once she's done filming which he hopes will buy him some time I have to keep stalling them somehow we then switch back to Ta
sk Force Headquarters where the team is deciding how best to handle the situation well if matsuda dies or suspicions about the yotsuba group would be confirmed and I mean he's not wrong if Matilda dies then that pretty much confirms that these people are working with Kida but still I don't know I suppose realistically there's not much they could do right now anyway it's not a lack of wanting it's just that without me so they can't get in there to do anything I mean there are only 7 of them and r
eally what good would barging in there do aside from possibly getting them all killed it's just nonsensical SO waiting and watching is about all anyone can do until Misa gets out anyway we switch back to the ultimate group where they too are deciding how best to handle the situation what should we do if it's a possibility no matter how small we'll have to kill him uh I can't say I necessarily disagree with that sentiment but I also can't fully co-sign it either for example if he's just a manager
for me some money then sure you could kill him no one's got a bad knife he just randomly dies shortly after this however things get a little more complicated when you consider other options for example at one point it was mentioned that he could be a corporate spy and if they're working under that assumption then I would argue that they need to be more careful with what they decide to do here because if he is a corporate spy then that means he was hired to look into you which means that whoever
hired him will notice if he just suddenly dies shortly after snooping around your office and then there's also the third scenario which is he could be an undercover cop which if true then killing him would be worst possible option because we've seen what happens when kidda goes after cops though Mino ends up responding to that comment by saying no that can't be it the Japanese police have completely withdrawn support from the Kira case and I mean he's right while the chief mohi and matsuda are
still working the case as detectives they aren't aligned with the NPA anymore so even though matsuda is undercover he's not technically an undercover cop which means that killing him won't elicit the same response that say killing ukita did that being said it would still ultimately be the wrong move as Elle would have even more evidence against them if matsura wound up dead anyway this quick scene ends with hikuchi stating that regardless of who he is they have no choice but to kill him and no o
ne objects to it we then switch back to matsura shimura and Hattori with hatori being the first one to break the silence in a pretty surprising way you know now that I think about it it might be good to have her as the face of our company even his boy is like the [ __ ] which I mean is fair that was a weird shift in his attitude about the situation but I mean I could also understand why he might feel that way it's like the dude is here he has photos of her he's claiming she's doing a film nearby
and that she'll call afterwards whether he's lying or not we'll find out the truth soon enough so what point is there in keeping all this hostile energy if he's lying we'll kill him if he's not it might be worth it to half her as our brand ambassador I imagine this deal is the equivalent of having Kendall Jenner do an ad for Pepsi or maybe not that specifically but you get what I mean anyway we transitioned to Misa after filming and she immediately calls light back they talked for a bit and the
n she gets a call from matsura Who acting as her manager tells her to come to the YouTuber group's main office to discuss being in some of their ads she happily agrees and makes her way over immediately after that we focus on ryuzaki and light for a moment as ryuzaki says there is a chance that we may be able to save matsura but we won't be able to do it without miso's help she'll listen to you and do any and this is interesting because as you may remember in episode 17 light was adamant about n
ot wanting to manipulate Misa I can't manipulate a woman's feelings like that which while stupid was meant to exemplify his strong moral code or whatever however now we have a life or death situation with someone that everyone here knows and it I don't know it almost feels like yet another test from ryzaki testing him to see how he responds to this situation and whether or not he'll abandon or maybe a better word would be compromise his morals in order to save someone on the team it's never conf
irmed that he's doing that but I don't know it's just a Vibe I'm getting from this and it would make sense if that's what he's doing like if light is willing to leverage niece's feelings for him in order to save matsuda's life then ryazaki could easily come to him later and ask for him to do it again saying something like well you were willing to do it to save matsuda so why not do it to save the dozens hundreds or thousands of potential victims that kiddo will eventually kill if we don't stop h
im like light's whole thing about not manipulating her has always been kind of stupid but I've already talked about so moving on anyway we transitioned to Misa arriving at the YouTuber group's main office my only role is I don't do nudes which is like okay Misa good to know where you draw the line I guess but yeah with this matzah has proven that he is in fact Lisa's manager however that doesn't mean that he's in the clear the issue Still Remains that they don't know what he heard and therefore
to be safe they should kill him hell if anything they have more of a reason to kill him now since they can feel fairly certain that he's not a spy or a cop he's just this girl's manager that being said this was obviously taken into consideration by the task force as they had Misa say since he ought to buy the big catch I got the okay from her office to have a special reception which leads us to our next scene which is uh well me very pleased to meet you is it just me or is this getting weird you
think I mean they were just in a meeting deciding who they should kill for the week when this random person suddenly drops on in claims to be this famous pop Idols manager and then suddenly they find themselves at a special reception with a bunch of other young cute girls ready to service them it's a little weird but realistically it doesn't take too much to convince them and so they start kicking back and relaxing in no time with the food coming and the drinks flowing matsura who I should note
is acting kind of Tipsy himself is able to find an opportunity to go to the bathroom where he quickly calls rizaki and tells him listen the Eight Men Who Came Here were having a meeting to determine who they get Kira to kill for them and [ __ ] you know what he did get a decent amount of information to them through this they now know the identity of all eight of these men who are currently working with Kida something that would have likely taken a while to figure out otherwise I imagine Kira me
ets with a lot of people throughout the week so it might have taken a substantial amount of time to figure out which of his meetings was the kid I mean but now they know hell they even know which room they meet in now so while it was stupid on his part let me make that very [ __ ] clear it still was overall beneficial if nothing else it saved them a lot of time anyway ryazaki tells Mata that because they caught him stooping they'll likely try to kill him soon however he seems to have a plan for
how to prevent that from happening we need be able to save you but for that to happen you will have to die before they can kill you what right but rizaki goes on to explain how that'll work however we're not privy to that conversation instead we get to see it all play out and while this whole sequence is a little wacky it's also kind of cool so we head back out to the party with a gentleman or schmoozing it up with their young hosts and you know and it's not the only thing that's expanding if yo
u catch my drift oh brother this guy stinks anyway as everyone's having a good old time until it becomes lumbering out of the bathroom looking like something out of The Walking Dead like he legit startles everyone in the room but after a moment he lifts his head and we can see that he's on Full Tilt right now or at least he's pretending to be wow I am so drunk okay buddy anyway in his drunken stupor he heads out to the balcony to give the people what they really want the moment you've all been w
aiting for the Taro Matsui show as he then proceeds to hop up on the balcony railing which [ __ ] drunk or not is an insane thing to do even more so when he kicks it up a notch and does a handstand I mean they are pretty high up like I Gotta Give it to matzah on this one because that's actually super impressive Anyway by this point he's got everyone's attention and they're kind of freaking out and to be fair he's not exactly taking all of this lightly either as we can see from the sweat marks po
uring down the sides of his face unfortunately for him him though it looks like his palms might have been sweaty too because only a second later we see his hand slipping well matsuda goes tumbling off the side of the building and yeah he did he big dead hear that big ass thump did you see that body even got this chick screaming while she looks on in horror or wait a second I know her that's wetty and wait that's not matsuna that's I you know what I can't I'm sorry clearly matsuna isn't dead see
what had happened was immediately after falling dude was picked up by the chief and Mogi which hell of a catch my guys that could have gone so so so wrong honestly I'm still not 100 convinced that that catch was actually possible like that's got to be the firmest bed I've ever seen because I feel like realistically the mattress would have just bent and he would have just kind of bounced off of it and kept falling like I'm not a physicist and math ain't exactly my forte but just I don't know man
something about that doesn't seem right to me but screw it we're gonna roll with it so in addition to catching him they also threw a bag of something onto the ground which gave it that satisfying oh anyway back upstairs the guys are freaking out however Misa just tells them that the girls will handle it and that they should just leave but not before adding just don't forget about me for your next campaign okay which is just an insane thing to tack on after seeing a man plummet to his death but I
mean okay go ahead and get your back girl [ __ ] but yeah the dudes quickly hightailed it out of there with Mito noting the fact that if the Press finds them here they'll be in trouble which makes sense not exactly good for business to have a bunch of high-ranking members of your company intoxicated at a party where someone just fell off the side of the building I imagine that would send your stock price plummeting faster than old boy's body anyway downstairs Iber or matsura gets picked up by a
couple of paramedics while I'm aware of the fact that we're short-handed I'm not very pleased about having to do this sort of thing myself which is totally understandable anyway the following day keeda checks the newspaper and sees an obituary for tarou Matsui confirming that he is in fact dead which basically means that matsuda is in the clear which is great Akita then gets a call and it's from our boy Ivor acting as Geraldo Coyle calling to discuss his terms and the conversation while brief d
idn't exactly go the way keto was expecting what two million dollar advance and 8 million upon completion damn that's a whole lot of money and that's on top of the fact that even if we don't commission him we have to pay him 2 million just to keep him sacked which is insane I mean it's not like they don't have it but damn that's a huge chunk of change that ryzaki is extorting them for but I mean couldn't happen to a better group of people right anyway everyone's kind of whatever about the whole
situation not overly concerned or anything well almost everyone ridiculous I've had it I went out of these meetings right now I don't know who kitta is and I don't care I just don't want to get wrapped up in this and end up in jail oh [ __ ] yikes you uh you probably shouldn't have said that whoo that's damn and it wasn't even really a threat you know it's more just like a matter of fact Like There's No Malice or anger or even regret about it it's just indifference just a cold look in this dude'
s eyes as he condemns him to death and what makes it worse is no one says anything about it they're all just as straight-faced as the person who said it no distinction no coming on hattori's behalf it's just yeah dude's been annexed in the most uncomfortable kind of way because they're not even asking him to leave the meeting or anything he's just allowed to stay because it it doesn't matter anymore it gets even more awkward when he tries to come back with no wait that was only joking I'm in I'l
l see this to the end oh sweetie no no honey you're done there's there's no there's no coming back from that it's it's a wrap but yeah the reason I obscured The Voice this time around is because the individual who said that is Kenna and I feel like the fact that he was the one to say it kind of makes it obvious that he is I mentioned in my previous video that everyone here who's not Kira is [ __ ] that at the end of the day they live or die by Kenna's whim so while they do have input on who will
be killed in regards to boosting the yotsava group's net worth they're still essentially the hostages and we now know what happens when they get out of line so the reason I'm saying that it feels obvious that this individual is Kida is because I mean who else but can I can make a claim like that or better yet who else but Killa would make a claim like that because if you're not the person with the notebook and you say that then whoever does have it could ultimately decide to just not kill him a
nd you'd look kind of silly when he shows it to work the next day if nothing else it would make for a very awkward working environment going forward furthermore the fact that no one stands up for him after this individual makes that comment is also pretty telling again they are hostages who are forced to be here unless they end up like Hattori so what do they have to gain by speaking up right now other than putting a Target on their own back I mean if you're kidda well you can say whatever you w
ant to defend them if that's your prerogative but if you're not not then your best option is to sit there and shut up which is exactly what they all do so it's the combination of these two factors along with the comments they made back in episode 18 that make it increasingly obvious that they are Kenna but yeah the meeting continues and it's as uncomfortable as you might imagine everyone continues discussing whether or not they'll use Geraldo coil and cough up the money meanwhile hatabi is just
looking around I guess trying to suss out whether or not he's good spoiler alert he's not because when he does chime in again with exactly we'll just have to pay him no one even bothers to look at him it's man it's hard to watch but I mean it is what it is so we Flash Forward a few days and found that wedi has successfully infiltrated YouTube's security system security level here is a joke yeah that much was made abundantly clear by matzah that's sneaking in the way that he did but anyway the fi
nal scene of the episode sees the task force watching and listening in on this week's meeting with the members of the yotsava group and if you thought there was any chance of hot City making it out alive well the Sheep's comment makes it pretty clear how things went down but if there's supposed to be eight why are there only seven and we're all credits anyway that's the end of this episode if you like this video then consider dropping a like and if you really liked it then consider subscribing a
nyway that's it for this time until next time friends peace [Music] thank you
