
Owasso police release audio, video recordings from investigation into Nex Benedict's death

Owasso police released audio and video footage from the investigation into the death of Nex Benedict, 16. The footage released on Friday afternoon includes 911 calls and surveillance videos leading up to the teen's death. Benedict died on Feb. 8th, one day after being involved in a fight at their high school. Read more at #oklahoma #owasso #nonbinary #lgbtq

KJRH -TV | Tulsa | Channel 2

6 days ago

hi hey stranger hey Mr Thompson I'm Mom oh Thompson we spoke on the phone the other day yes I'm glad you're here so what happened today I got jumped tell me about it what happened uh they've been antagonizing uh you know the people that I got caught with uh you mean from the other day The Vaping situations uh they were in this St okay okay yeah uh where's my glasses can't see anything sorry okay what I was told they they called me I'll just start here they called me and well I know all week long
she's been in I feed right doing great okay and everything we had a long talk I mean we've been doing awesome and she told me she said mom she said these three girls there are just they they won't leave me alone they're making comments they're y they calling us names they're throwing stuff at us and this is an ISP I'm like well who's over this place I said ignore it Dad me get get above it you know just ignore it sure she did until she couldn't in the bathroom and they said that there was three
girls that were on top of her just beating the crap out of her and I said okay so what are we doing about this oh well in a couple days we'll talk about it I said no I want something who who said it in a couple days the the principal okay why are they saying that I said I think we need to have a police off it's assault because she never touched them she never touched them now she did based on your understanding yeah now she did um and it's and everyone has said it she did throw some water at th
em because they you know so let me and I appreciate mom you you filling her in but but miss dagy why don't you tell me okay I'm sorry no no you're good mom you're good okay I'm just mad I'm very mad sure sure and I don't want to cut you off but um I like to hear from especially the older they are yes they they can tell me essentially what happened so so let me let me ask you this first and I'm taking this off of what mama just said so clear up the the confusion the confusion when this first star
ted happening whatever this is going this banter back and forth between you and and the other individuals did you at any point contact any school administration whether it be counselor um the the teacher that you know sits in that classroom did you let any of them know at any point in time no okay and I'm just asking there's no right or wrong but why not um I didn't really see the point in it I I told my mom though sure sure but you didn't tell the school where they could actually do something a
t any point during this whole situation and I use the wor the the the word Loosely but the bantering or whatever it is going back and forth between you guys obviously you know each other obviously you both got well you know of each other with the Vape situations and all that or no we before this we had no rec before this ISP thing we had we never saw each other the Freshman were sophomore okay we didn't know any I don't know their names I don't know okay so so they just up and decided to start m
essing with you there was there yeah because of the way that we dress okay so you didn't do anything at all at any point in time that would have uh even a couple days ago or even a month ago or or anything like that I don't know these girls okay all right so so they just continue to to to pick on you and pick on you um then at some point you did what what happened they they got up and confronted you in class or we were or did you say it was the bathroom or the hallway okay the bathroom we were g
oing to sa chairs and we after we sa chairs we went to the bathroom and I was talking with my friends they were talking with their friends and we were laughing and they had said something like why do they laugh like that and and they were talking about us in front of us and so I went up there and I poured water on them and then all three of them came at me you know U pour in the water cuz I'm I'm trying to get this in my mind so I see you know as best I had a water bottle thank you that's what w
as asking where did you where did you get this water was it a cup you found was it your water bottle it's my uh your daily water bottle you car about I think it was a plastic water bottle okay fair enough okay so you squirted them with water threw water on whatever it was okay okay um then at that point what happened uh they came at me they grabbed on my hair I grabbed on to them uh I threw one of them into a paper towel dispenser and then they got my legs out from under me and got me on the gro
und started beating the [ __ ] out of me okay and then my friends tried to jump in help but I'm not sure I blacked out when when did this happen today uh around one okay so around around lunch time yeah okay yeah um so I'm I'm going to follow up mom as far as you're concerned I'm going to definitely follow up with the school tomorrow morning um figure out because guess any criminal type action the school is supposed to give us a call that's um so whether they just got and I'm not make excuses fo
r them but I've seen it happen both ways either they maybe they forgot maybe there was other things going on who knows but the fact of matters they they they dropped the ball in this one of not notifying me or right away I told them I wanted something done said that is assault she never laid her hands now she did the water that was wrong well and I'll I'll explain the the criminal side of that in just a second but as far as the school goes um just for what it's worth just I I will on your behalf
I will speak to the school tomorrow not that it's going to make it any better but I'm also going to gather all the information I can from all parties okay so not only talking to you guys but I am going to go talk to all the other parties tomorrow as well and and they're their um their their Guardians as well and all that good stuff okay but yes typ they're supposed to but they're human I know but if I tell them why would they do it I I I don't know I can't account for that I I don't know I don'
t know and they told me I had to wait also but also Mom and and again I'm not again I'm not taking their side or anything I'm just telling you just just parent to parent kind of thing adult to adult nothing says that you can't pick up the phone either that's why I did from but I mean before even being here at the School hey uh 911 I'm at whatever school I'm at the west campus I've asked the school to contact one of the school resource officers they're not doing it what in a timely manner dispatc
h me one out then they get on my main side Channel Hey officer Thompson come out just like right now officer Thompson we've got a student with an altercation situation happened at the west campus sometime today can you go follow up now at the ER so that that they'll just get me to the to the high school uhhuh that much quicker okay for for for your preference you see I'm saying okay so I should have went ahead and did it if if the school if the school does not want to call you have every right a
s a guardian okay I want a police officer if the school's not going to do it fine you you take the initiative you pick up the phone and you go ahead and call and say I would like an officer here okay they can't they I will show up okay okay so it's doesn't matter if it comes through the channel of the school or the channel of the city yeah I will get both feeds I will be there one way or another okay so just just for thought for the future okay well hopefully it doesn't happen again just anythin
g in in life you know yeah um now as as to the specifics of the criminal crime okay I'm this is what I'm going to tell you yes I can technically do a report for the assault and batter absolutely okay um because it's unwanted touching of one individual to another they put their hands on you okay and it was unwanted I will also tell you though that other saying what's good for the goose is good for the gander mean the way you the the courts are going to look at is it's it's a mutual fight okay so
if both parties are victims but both parties are also suspects in this you get what I'm saying your offender as well so I will absolutely do a port if that's what you want I can do okay but I'm just letting you know the other party wants to do the same thing she's going to be uh the assault will be on her as well um because she first assaulted she was the one who initiated it essentially because you got freedom of speech you can do all this all day the action of physically the moment she threw t
hat water You' now assaulted somebody you made the first jab just because it doesn't make it right but they defended themselves quote unquote you retaliated back now we've got this back and forth when both parties had equal opportunity to separate so that's where I'm saying it's it's not going to be in the best of light for you but I can absolutely do that if that's what you like I'm just telling you is it may not go the direction you want it to go I am not the judge I'm not the jury I'm here to
just say this is the facts this is what's presented but mom as guardian because essentially juvenile cannot make that legal decision if you want to proceed with it absolutely I will have you write out a statement I'll document it but I'm going to have to do the same thing for them and if they say that I'm going to gather their information as well and based on her own admittance on camera as well as whatever else she essentially started it yes you see what I'm saying so so I'm not trying to the
buser anything like that I'm just like you know this is what will probably happen going forward yeah but I can absolutely do that if that's the documentation that you would walk through the criminal side now through the school side the school has their own it's a zero tolerance just like the Vapes if all parties involved everyone gets in trouble with this one it's more of we're going to see we're going to cut down and see what elements meet any kind of specific crime um if she was when she was f
irst explaining to me hey I didn't do a dang thing minded my own business I went to the bathroom they followed me in there and they attacked me okay she's a true victim of assault and battery mhm she did nothing but the fact that she through that water it kind of It kind of kind of puts her even though she didn't put hands on them it's still a salt and batter it's it's salt the the the water the water you see what I'm saying if you have not have done that absolutely victim all day long and I got
you and I still got you because I'm here to just put the facts down I'm not here to but I'm just telling you this is a good chance of the direction it will go when it goes to the Ada or when he goes to the judges they're going to look at it and say okay let's break it down piece by piece element by element who actually started the situation run in the mouth is freedom of speech yes unfortunately you can say mean hurtful things all day long mhm and you got to let it roll off your shoulder the mo
ment someone retaliates or does something physically M or a directive threat verbally now you have something throwing that water on there just cuz of water doesn't make it any better it could have been urine it could have been paint it could have been anything what about because there was three of them and she only threw water on one doesn't matter I mean it matters for the school the school's going to to everyone's going to be disciplined that everybody that went in there everyone that was in h
er her group everybody that was in the other group don't there's 30 of them fighting they're all going to be disciplined in the school from a criminal side of things it doesn't make it okay you had three versus one it doesn't matter what matters is who started it and how what where's where how bad of a situated like was there weapons involved was there not things like that okay but but the biggest part is the fact that it's a mutual fight so they all are victims but they're all suspects but she'
s in a little bit more of a situation because she's the one who started it by throwing a object or an item onto another individual starting the incident she she's she's the one who started the domino effect yeah if she had never done that and I'm not blaming you I know if you had not have done that we may not even be here or they would have went ahead and did their thing to you you you know okay now again hey I was in the bathroom my friends minding my own business they started yapping we starte
d yapping but nothing happened then they threw us in the wall okay now I have where again a true victim but again I'll show you essentially shut your mouth as soon as you hit them with water okay doesn't give them the right to do it by any means it still does not give them a right to put their hands on you at all that's why I say they're just as guilty as you are 100% it's just I hate to see you both a criminally wise get hung up on something so minuscal but I am here to do that if that's what y
ou like okay what I want done or what I would like done and I hope you agree is that you go to the school and find out why they did not call you m and and you know what I mean I want that to be known because they are in the wrong for that oh I I agree with you I was I was wrong I should have I didn't know I could right there and then they said okay well in 24 48 hours when I get all of our statements and this and that then we'll call someone in if you want and I I'm like okay I thought that's th
e way it was done and then I talked with my sister and she said no h when you take her up there get someone up there right away yeah um and I will certainly absolutely have their talk um and I will document my own internal with my notes because again this there's a digital call here for this m so so so it's not like there's no I mean it's not a formal report but there's a digital and in that note I'm going to explain you know I'll put in there the fact I explain the options to you you chose hey
we're you know and I don't want to put words in your mouth but essentially you do not want a formal Char prosecute right now yeah and right now you would rather handle it civil yeah internally if you will yes between parent guardian and the school yes okay um doesn't mean you can't civy sue them it doesn't mean that you can't have protective orders against them I'm just giving you those options I just want those girls to know that they need to cuz they actually started everything from the get-go
okay the they you know from what I understand from um talking with uh the friend you know I know all the girls Okay and she told me and then separately she told me and the stories I mean it wasn't like they were together saying okay this is what happen and and that's my plan is to find out tomorrow with with the admin what is all going on from all sides all corners and if I can get additional facts of anything mom um I don't have a problem I'll contact you and let you know hey look there's more
more to the story or this is what is believed to be I want the parents to know what yeah I want the parents to know also what their their girls are doing so so right and so with that um because it's a juvenile I can't tell you what is right I I just want you so what I can tell you is I will be in on conversation with the school however that capacity may be with the parent yes so so if I'm able and I have the ability to sit down with parent and say look this is what's what which is what I'm hopi
ng for then absolutely yes if it's a situation where it's already been handled for whatever reason and I'm behind on catching up to all that I'm not going to call parents in after the fact and reash everything all over but with you I don't mind calling you saying okay look this is what school has said this is the information I've gotten um Mom this is where I'm at now at this point kind of thing I have no problems with that okay and and if you decide to change your mind I mean tomorrow morning w
hen I call you mid morning you know before noon if you say hey look I slept on it I really feel like I want to go ahead and absolutely Mom okay then then you can come up to I can actually I can send you an email with a digital um so you don't have a a hard copy here I'll send you a digital print of our witness statement there you go you can fill that out on her behalf MH of what she told you kind of thing um I don't know is she are you going to be at school tomorrow or okay they're going to keep
you they suspended her okay so well and again yeah that's that's the school thing but you'll be home so if you say look I was Restless sleeping last night we we we think we'd rather go ahead and do it not a problem okay I I'll still take care of you I'll just reopen this call I'll start a report I'll send you an email you can fill it out with her mhm um what she says don't add lit you know just put but you know um put the facts um and I will be asking you that when I call you that'll be the fir
st thing I ask you before I give you additional information okay because I don't want to sway you one way or another um well here's additional facts oh well then this that and the other um I would say Mom you've had 12 hours of sleep on it as a guardian what do you want to do as a parent um you make the decision kind of thing if you stand by it I'm with you if you change your mind so be it um and then once you send me the email back and I get it all confirmed by replying back um with the case nu
mber and all that so that way you have a a number associated you can go to the records and obtain that if you want now it won't give you very many facts of anything it's going to be the basic who went win were wise yeah to everything but um to to get the actual detail of everyone's statements um schools parents kids all that stuff you have to actually subena for it and all that record act and all that but I don't think that's necessary personally but but that's your prerogative um but I will fol
low up tomorrow morning with you sometime okay between 9: and noon that's fine um depending on what other calls I get through the 15 schools and we'll we'll go from there okay if medically here she's got a fractured this that the other whatever it may be um that documentation have that as well because if if you decide to move forward with one of the press charges and there is something legitimate more than just a scratch you know what I'm saying you know something that's okay then we can documen
t that and and go from there okay um but but I'm just giving you all I'm just vomiting everything to you right now yeah yeah I'm going to talk with with her some more and I know she's hurting right now it's bad well I mean it always hurts when you get in a fight whether you're the winner or the loser yeah it stresses the body out and it's really not worth it oh yeah so so um okay well that's what I'll do like said I'll I'll get with school as soon as I can in the morning okay um try try to get w
hat I can and we'll go from there chastise them from not calling well we we'll definitely have a talk about that because they know better and and and I will say for what it's worth um I've worked with her for five years she's you she's typically spoton meaning the one who was with us in in our she is one she's one of the best in School of yeah that's what I don't understand yeah so so if I was a betting person I would venture to say that there was something else a little bit more precedent you k
now that was going on not that this was not but I think you know like anything maybe it a little overwhelming maybe she had something else going on and it just slipped her mind probably um because as soon as I I sent her a text message I said do you know anything about a fight at the school because I'm going to the ER and she goes oh my gosh oh my gosh yes um can I call you get I said I'm pulling them to the now I I'll get with you tomorrow and she's like okay I'm so sorry yes there was an incid
ent at the end of the day um I'll get with you tomorrow and I was like get ready to fill out statements and everything else because I need to know details and she said yes sir I know so um all right thank you if it was any other individual I may be a little bit more harsh about it but she's usually on her toes usually so but I'll get with your mom all right all right thank you so much thank you for coming up here it's nice to me nice to meet you in person good Lu to you I'll see you around hopef
ully well no yeah hopefully not well not in a bad way I mean hopefully I see you around school and class and wander in the halls and all that good stuff you can smile and wave and say hey Thompson and you know all that good stuff so yeah all right you guys have a good evening



I was stabbed outside my high school 11th grade. School never contacted my mom. Neither did the cops. My sister called her. I was underage so they needed her permission to treat. Schools don’t care.


My daughter fell out of her bunk bed and hit her head. We didn't know she hit her head, as she seemed just fine. The next morning she was unresponsive. THANK GOD she survived although has long term issues due to TBI. I DEMAND ARRESTS OF THE MURDERERS


They clearly said, “I blacked out”. A scan should’ve been done


My friend got kicked in the head by someone went home was fine then died hours later from a bleed.


So hard to watch them both knowing mom’s world soon to be irrevocably crushed forever. As a mom, unimaginable. Prayers for mom and family for a peace which passes all understanding. She finally stands up for yourself and gets punished eternally. 😢


So according to the officer, the school was supposed to notify the cops but they didn’t? Best case scenario it was an honest mistake, worst case, they don’t care like most schools


How many kids have to die until laws are put in place to protect the vulnerable? Why are schools STILL in denial about how bad bullying is? The integrity of EVERY authority at that institution that was aware of this, should be questioned. My 14 year old nephew tried to kill himself, luckily my brother in law was off work that day and caught him in the act when he went to get his gun to commit suicide. Turns out, he was being bullied so bad at school, kids accusing him of being gay, boys on the sports teams he was on were following him to the bathroom, being abusive, putting their hands on him. It’s so sad, the schools CAN do better. They need to be held accountable. New laws need to be implemented.


There should be a law that gives more severe charges for escalating the level of assault. It’s ridiculous he implies that throwing water on someone is on par with beating someone to death 3 on 1.


School is the one place our children should be safe. At your work if there’s an issue you’re fired. Why do we tolerate violence at school?


When I was in HS, my friend's dad fell off a step ladder and hit his head and seemed mostly fine at first, but she found her dad dead on the couch the next day from the head injury.


One thing is for sure; this is a monumental turning point. Anyone that jumped to conclusions, and are proven wrong, is going to lose all credibility going forward.


He called bullying " banter" smh


Kudos to this officer. He handled this well. The school and the HOSPITAL did NOT. Whenever a patient says they lost conciseness, they get a CT Scan and X-rays. Death can occur days, weeks after a blow to the head. The ‘bruise’ on the brain can bleed slowly. It also can come from mild head trauma, depending upon several factors. The patient may not have symptoms until it’s too late. I don’t know if that is what occurred with Nex, but let this be an opportunity for us to learn about traumatic brain injury. Godspeed to Nex and others bullied.


Hearing a person (the cop), who so careful picks his words, say that freedom of speech is unfortunate makes my skin crawl. I hear that tag way too often for it to be coincidence. I wonder if the specialized training officials and officers receive may influence that word choice. We are incredibly lucky to have our freedom of speech. It is not and will never be unfortunate.


It’s disturbing how many people are looking for any excuse to blame a child for their own death.


They said they are doing toxicology because they don’t have a cause of death.


She threw water on someone and then she threw them headfirst into the paper towel holder? Not the innocent story I first heard.


It is terrifying to see how head injuries can turn so serious. Its such a complex injury. There’s no predicting how it will progress. I just wonder if they did sufficient scanning. Heartbreaking to see something turn so tragic when it seemed everything would be ok.


The part about her throwing the water and throwing the other girl into the dispenser seems oddly downplayed in the media.


I was teased incessantly through all of grammar school, but I never threw anything at anyone or physically touched any of my bullies in any way, because as my Mom said you just have to rise above it not reduce yourself to their level. Unless they’re physically harming you, nobody has a right to touch anyone, with any weapon or item or their own hands. Kids today need to learn that, it’s sad