
ParaABnormal Activity (2014) - A Short Thriller Movie

PARAABNORMAL ACTIVITY (A Yosafat Thenario Film) Dedicated for School's English Project. STARRING Wilson Immanuel, Regina Monica, Carmelia, Cindy Tiono, Andre Halim, and Yosafat Thenario. DIRECTED, PRODUCED, RECORDED, AND EDITED BY YOSAFAT THENARIO.

Yosafat Thenario

8 years ago

I heard the steps of the guard outside. Iím sure he must be checking my room. So, itís time for me to escape. I have to make a noise. Hahaha... My knees... My knees... Help! Is everything alright Mr. Chocondam? Mr. Chocondam, if you do really need some help, I will come in. Oh my God, what happen with you? Chocondam, are you alright? Heís alive. Wake up, wake up! Where am I? Am I supposed to be here? What happened last night? I canít remember anything. Wow, a house... Hello? Hello? Hello? Hello?
Hello? Hello... Hello... Hello... Hey, Amel! Do you hear that sound? I hear it too. Where the hell does it come from? It sounds noisy. Well, we have to tell Ms. Regine to sort it out. - Let's call Ms. Regine! - Yes. Ms. Regine! Hey kids, are you alright? Yes we are okay. Ms. Regine, where does the soundcome from? I donít know. I think the sound comes from outside. Letís check it out! Who is he? He must be homeless. How poor he is? Shall we invite him in? Maybe he needs some help. Ah, donít! Don
't let a stranger come in. I think itís better for us to have a little chat with him. Hello? Hello? Hello? Hello... Hello... Help! Help! Help! Help! Hey young man! Are you alright? Do you want some water? Walter? Walter? - Water! Not Walter... - Would you like to have a drink? Yes, Iíve been waiting for it since a long time ago. Come in and have a drink! Okay, okay! I will open for you! Come in, come in! Come in! Please have a seat! What's your name, young man? And where are you from? Water... W
ater... Ah, so your name is Walter. Nice to meet you. - By the way,... - Hello young lady! ...what do you do? I remember nothing. We have a job for you. Do you want to work as a servant here? Nice house! Good! Welcome to Ms. Regineís guesthouse. Now we are family. Water! Water! Alright, you can start working here. Roger that! Will you join me? I want to take you around. Sounds good. Where are they? - Come on! - Come on! This is the living room, that is the guest's bedroom. We have two guests her
e. These are Amel and Daisy. Hello, I'm Daisy and this is Amel my friend. Hi, nice to meet you, Walter! Ah, both of you are ladies! I like ladies. You're funny Walter! And now, I'm going to invite you to kitchen. Okay. This is a refrigerator, cabinets, stove and sink for washing dishes. Ah, sink, glass. You have a lot of nice things, Ms. Regine. Thank you. Oh, what a lovely thing! What are you doing with my fork? Why do you bite it? Do you have a toothache? Much better. I love it. Okay, okay, if
it makes you feel better. And now, Iím going to give you a briefing about what do you have to do. Okay, at the morning, you have to clean the house. You have to do sweeping and cleaning the furniture. And at the evening, you can do laundry upstairs. And your room is upstairs. There is a bathroom and a cozy bed for you. I hope you can enjoy staying... ... while working here. Is it clear? Hello? Walter, do you hear me? Yes, I hear a voice. What am I going to do now? You can start cleaning the din
ing table now! Roger that! Walter, you can have a rest now, if you feel exhausted. Go upstairs and have a sleep. I will see you tomorrow morning. Good morning Ms. Regine! Morning. Good. Morning Ms. Regine. Morning. Where is my bread? I put it on the table last night... ...and it should be my breakfast today. Gone? How could it be? I don't know. Amel didn't see it too. There are only four of us in this house. If itís not me or Amel, could it be Walter? I don't think so. He is a good guy, I think.
By the way, I found this... ...while I was watching Walter sweeping the terrace. Isnít he look like Walter? Yes, they are look alike. Could they be the same person? Maybe... And if itís true, we will be in danger. But in the mean time, we donít have any evidence. Yeah... Um... Oh, Iím almost late! I have to go first and we'll talk about it later. - Okay. - Bye. Hey, young man. Iíd like to know where you come from. Sorry, are you talking to me? Yes, young man. Iím from... I canít remember anythi
ng. Many things happened in my life... ...but I have a mind problem and I canít remember my past. Take a seat! Take a seat! But fortunately, I remember an old story of mine. When I was 17 years old, I had a bad experience. In that time, I was at Senior High School. There was a beautiful girl whom I liked. Her name was Fena. She was so pretty and everyday I had been thinking about her. Beside that, I also had a bestfriend named Dan. We had been together since we were a child. We loved to share ou
r stories, eat together and play together. But when we grew up, Dan became close-minded because he also loved Fena. One day, I decided to confess my love to Fena. I bought a lollipop and wanted to give it to her. When the time had come, I saw Fena walking together with Dan... ...and she looked so happier than before. I became so jealous and I depressed. I couldnít do anything and I wanted to end my life. But in my mind, I didnít suppose to do it. So, I took my lollipop and smashed it to the grou
nd I cursed the lollipop and since that day, I lost my control. I became insane and didnít know which thing is right or wrong. Wow, that sounds so terrible... Iím so sorry to hear that. No! Everything is good, isn't it? Haaa??? Forget it! Wow, what a busy day today. - I have some many homeworks to do. - Umm, so do I. My lecturer asked me to make a project to research about Psycopathology. And in this era, there's so many psycopath gads in the street, that look like a normal person... ...but actu
ally they have evil mind andncan make a public mess. Yeah, Iíve ever heard about that. A long time ago, I met a guy who loved to bite his right finger to his mouth. He walked like an idiot but if you approached him, he could harm you. His finger was pointing to everyone he met. Fortunately, I didnít walk near him. I felt so scared. - And do you know what happened next? - What? The guy... The guy suddenly saw a woman on the street, he pointed his finger and took his knife. He ran and chased the w
oman to kill her. The woman was very surprised and she ran as fast as she could. When the guy approached the woman and held the womanís shoulder. Then, the woman screamed. AARRGGGHH...... Sorry to make you scream. But I want to know if the bread on the table is yours? No, it belongs to Amel. Yes, Walter. It is mine. I bought it for my tomorrow's breakfast. Do you want me to keep it on the cabinet? No, thanks. Iíll put it in my bedroom. Iím afraid I will lose my bread like Daisyís. Leave it on th
e table! Roger that. I will go upstairs and have a good dream. Yeah, you may sleep now, Walter and have a good dream! Oh my God! Daisy, wake up!! What? My bread has gone. Oh my God! We have the same accident! - We have to call Ms. Regine. - Yes. Ms. Regine!! Come over here!! What? Did you call me? Yes, we did. My bread has gone. Well, thereís plenty of the time before your lecture starts. You can buy some food outside because... ...I only have enough food for my needs today. I think Amel and I s
hould go to buy some food and attend the class. Okay. Walter, come here. Have you seen where Amelís bread is? The bread is missing. Sorry maíam. I have no idea. I slept from 9 pm until 6 am and I didnít see anything suspicious. What did the last thing you see or you remember last night? Did you see where Amel put it? Maybe she could forget where the last time she put her bread. No maíam. In fact, she would put her bread beside her bed by herself. Okay. You may leave now. Hello. Good Afternoon. H
ello. Good afternoon, this is Mr. Andrewís Department of Investigation. - Can I help you? - Yes, sir. I have a trouble in my house. Something weird happened in these two days. I have a guest house and there are two girls who stay with me in my guest house. In these two days, every morning when my guests wake up,... ...they found their bread for breakfast has gone. I think they might have been stolen by someone in my house. Can you come and investigate? Sure we can! When can we start the job? Yes
, sir. It would be nice if you start today. Okay ma'am, what is your address and what time should we arrive there? My address is at Dharmajaya 1. I hope you will arrive at 11 am. OK, our agent will be there. Anything else ma'am? No, sir. I think thatís all. Thank you. Okay. Thank you. Thanks for calling us. Have a nice day. Detective Andrew! Ready to serve! WOW, What a beautiful house. Where did the accident happen? Come in! I will show you. Here, at my guest room. There are two girls who stay h
ere. Each of them usually buy bread for their next breakfast, ...after they finish their lecture. And... But in these two days, their breads have been missing. Iím curious that this accident is not just a usual accident. I think somebody had stolen it. - Is this a bread? - Yes Oh. How many people live with you here? There are three, two girls and one young man. The young man has just been working here... - As a servant for three days. - Wow, a duck. I like the duck. I think he is a nice man and
he wouldn't do such a thing like that. Have you interrogated him? Yes, I have. But he didnít have any idea. And... Umm, please off. Please. But Mr. Andre... Oh no! Andrew please! Andrew! Not Andre! Okay. I'm sorry, Mr. Andrew. I have a recorded CCTV video at the bedroom last night.... ...and the dining room two days ago. I think you want to watch it. - Okay, okay. Let's go there. - Let's go. - Have a seat, Mr. Andre. - Okay, thank you. No! Not Andre again! Andrew! Mr. Andrew! I'm sorry. I'm sorr
y. Yes, Mr. Andrew. This is the video. Oh ya, I see. I see. Mr. Andrew, can I have a suggestion? Can you stay in this house tonight... inspect what will happen? I think the same accident is going to happen again tonight. OK, if you wish like that. I will stay. I will buy a bread and drop it on the floor... ...from the bedroom until the living room. And then, I will make a trap to make the bread robber eats all of the pieces of the bread.. until he eats the main bread in the living room. Is
it okay? What a brilliant idea! I agree! I will not tell to anyone about this plan including my guests and my servant. Where can I hide maíam? I must hide while the operation begins. I will watch from the living room. And then, I can see the bread robber. Yes, you can hide anywhere you want. OK, I will pick my place. May I leave now, maíam? Yes, you may. If you donít mind, you can comeback here around 11 pm. Oh, Okay. That would be nice. Thanks for your cooperation. Maíam, I found the person. H
urry, come here to the living room. - Is.. Is he Chocondam? - Yes, Sure. He is 100% Chocondam. I saw it yesterday at pamflet. He was from mental hospital three days ago. He ran away. I should send him back to the mental hospital. - Okay, I have to call 911. - OK. Hello? 911? 911, whatís your emergency? Sure maíam. Weíll send the mental hospital ambulance to you. Can I have your address? OK ma'am, the ambulance is on the way. Well, well. My little poor guy! Hey, We haven't met for a long time. Do
n't you want to say hello to me? Where am I? Am I supposed to be here? Do you see these plasters on my face? It was becaused of you! You hit my face until I become unconcious! And do you know what? I'm alive right now. So by the way, where have you been? I can't remember. You know I'm forgetful. Bullshit! We all know you that you have disguised as a servant at Ms. Regineís house. How smart you were.. ..but this time you have to come home to your place. I remember that lady, Ms. Regine. She is mu
ch better than you. Oh really? But she is not here, is she? And do you know what? I have a gun at here. If you try to escape again, Iím sure this bullet in my gun will go through your head. Do you understand? Do you understand? Affirmative, sir. Is the gun real? Iíve seen a similar gun like yours at the supermarket. It is said for children above 3 years old. Oh really? Taste the bullet if you really want to. How to taste it? I donít understand. Soon you will! How to taste it? I don't understand
I want to taste it! Taste me! Taste me! Go to hell! Iíve tasted him the bullet and he's tasted the bullet. He has tasted the bullet. He has tasted it! What a wonderful experience! Where am I? Am I supposed to be here? Hello? Hello? Hello?
