
Part I: The Science & Spirituality of the UFOs and the Space Brothers

Part 1 of 2, recorded December 2020 00:00 Introduction 01:43 What is the Ageless Wisdom teaching? 04:59 What is the Emergence of Maitreya the World Teacher and the Masters of Wisdom? 08:00 Why are the Masters emerging into the world today? 08:39 What is the spiritual principle of sharing? 09:52 How did Gerard Aartsen begin writing about UFOs and contactees? 11:50 Who is George Adamski, pioneering contactee? 15:22 What are the most important mass contactee stories? Who is Giorgio Dibitonto? 24:15 What was the disinformation campaign against contactees in the 1950s? 29:51 What does post-materialist science say? 42:35 What do the Space Brothers have in common with Maitreya, the World Teacher? 52:01 Who are the thirteen officials stating that extraterrestrials are real? 52:36 How can the message of "Oneness" by the extraterrestrials make a difference? 54:15 What is Maitreya's Day of Declaration? 56:25 Why is unity needed in our political, economic and social systems? Gerard Aartsen's website: End the UFO/ET Disclosure nonsense! with Gerard Aartsen Guest Gerard Aartsen discusses his latest book, Pioneers of Oneness: The Science & Spirituality of the UFOs and the Space Brothers. This work brings together groundbreaking scientific thought, profound testimony from UFO contactees, and modern analysis based on the Ageless Wisdom teachings to present a cohesive argument underscoring the imperative for planetary transformation. According to the Ageless Wisdom teachings, the vanguard of our own Earth humanity, known as the Masters of Wisdom/Lords of Compassion, are now in the process of stepping forward into full public life. At their head is Maitreya, who fulfills the expectations of the return of a great teacher by the world's religions, and is variously known as the Christ, Maitreya Buddha, the Imam Mahdi, Krishna and the Messiah. His message is for all people. He is here to inspire us to remake the world on the basis of sharing, justice and cooperation. The activity of the UFOs and the Space Brothers is said to be in support of and in response to the emergence of these great teachers.

What in the World is Happening?

1 day ago

What in the World is Happening? a show about the  Emergence of Maitreya the World Teacher and the Masters of Wisdom. Today we're going to explore  another aspect of the story the Space Brothers so today's topic is the Science and Spirituality  of UFOs and the Space Brothers and we're happy to have with us author Gerard Aartsen who's recently  written a book called Pioneers of Oneness he's written many other books this is his most recent  and so we get to discuss the this fascinating topic with h
im today my name is Tim Boetskes I'm  broadcasting from Edmonton Alberta Canada and with me as always my good friends Sabina Qureshi also  broadcasting from Edmonton. --Hi Tim, hi everyone. And Cielito Pascual from Seattle. Hi  Cielito. Hey Tim, Sabina and Gerard and welcome everyone. --And of course we have Gerard Aartsen  all the way from Amsterdam. Good evening Gerard. --Hello, thank you for having me. nice to be here. --Okay  great, so before we get into the topic and Gerard's book we're go
ing to discuss  a few of the fundamentals and the resources to give some background information and then we'll  get right to it. If you're interested in some of this material also we do have some resources  you can check out. There's a website share- that's  Also there's some great videos on YouTube on the Share International channel and some  books and downloads on and so there's some great discussions on  what's called the Ageless Wisd
om teachings. And the Ageless Wisdom teachings are hidden  teachings, esoteric teachings meaning hidden, that have always been around and available to a few  individuals or groups throughout human history and and now as of the turn of the century the, 20th  century, have become more widely known especially in the west through the writings of Helena  Blavatsky, Alice Bailey, Helena Roerich, and most recently Benjamin Creme and we'll talk about them  as well and we'll also talk about the Constitut
ion of Man here just to give you some background  information as we delve into this topic as well. So here on the slide we see Soul, spirit, and matter, the vehicle. So this is our essential constitution. We are  all Souls in incarnation, Divine spark of God if you will and it's a merging of spirit and  matter into a physical body, an astral body, and a mental body. So when we talk about some of these  experiences in today's show some of them might be working in through different layers of these
  bodies, the astral body or the mental body. --And one of the things that we like to talk about  is the fact that although we see ourselves as the personality and the physical body the Ageless  Wisdom teaching emphasizes that it's the soul that's our true self that's our real identity and  so part of the process of the evolution of our consciousness is for us to begin to identify more  and more with ourselves as a soul in incarnation and the writers whose whose work we reference  in this show i
n the next slide we see these four people of course there are others as well  but these are the main authors that we turn to Helena Blavatsky, Alice Bailey, Helena Roerich, and most recently Benjamin Creme and you can find their writings online in bookstores and if you  go to the website that we showed earlier you can find a lot of information that Benjamin Creme gave out and also all of his books are there. So do go ahead it's extremely interesting  and rewarding seeing ourselves as a soul in i
ncarnation means that we immediately realize  that we don't just live once but we live many many times the concept of reincarnation and that  brings into play the concept of Karma as well, as you sow so shall you reap and the Ageless Wisdom  teachings also tell us that in the process of evolving our consciousness at a certain point we  will reach a type of mastery over ourselves over all of our bodies and those who have gone ahead  of us and have already reached that point we call them Masters o
f Wisdom. They have Mastery over  themselves and one of the main topics that we bring up in our shows is how at this moment  in time with a transition between two great ages the age of Pisces and the age of Aquarius  with the change of energies there is all also another law that comes into play the law of cyclic  return meaning that there is always a teacher who comes at the time of change between ages to help  Humanity in that transition and so our information is that the teacher this time is c
oming not only  himself but also with an entire group of his colleagues the Masters of Wisdom because this  great teacher is one of the Masters of wisdom and it's an amazing event to be  witness to to be alive for at this time this is a great time and in regards to the changing of Ages we can see in the world a lot of transition happening it's  very difficult and challenging time there's also great opportunities at this time as Sabina  said there are Masters of Wisdom who are now on the physica
l plane in the world and we are  also in the middle of a change of two great ages so every few thousand years or so we get into  energetic alignment with a different constellation of the zodiac and these great Cosmic energies transmit onto the planet and they help shape our structures political economic and social and so  on and so we're stepping from the age of Pisces into Aquarius and so all of our structures  are undergoing a change in energetic support if you will Pisces offered us over the
last few  thousand years the energies of individuality so that we could move out of the herd mentality  and from being unconscious sheeple to strong individuals that could with qualities to offer  and then from Pisces we switched to Aquarius which is individuals with these qualities working as  a group so going from just the individual to the group we're bringing in group energy and the  idea of unity and diversity and that we're all one also in Pisces we have the energy of idealism  where we se
t these high standards and ideals but Aquarius brings them into manifestation it  synthesizes and brings these ideals for example the ideal of Human Rights and right human  relations into something that we're manifesting so you see a lot of that in the world people fighting  out in the streets for justice racial justice social justice and so on so they want to manifest  these ideals in their the energies of Aquarius are supporting that the younger generation have really  got that energy focused
and they're working very well in the world right now towards change and so  we also have those that are trying to hold on to the old ways old ways of Pisces and trying to slow  that process down as well so this creates a lot of the tension that we see in the world right now and  so it brings in the Masters of wisdom to help with these changes they're fully aware of of all of  this as well as the Space Brothers because right now is a cosmic event we have humanity's ready for it in our growth of c
onsciousness there's the change of Ages and it is a cosmic  event so like Sabina is saying the Masters of Wisdom are in the physical plane for the first  time in 98 000 years they've always been around inspiring Humanity but now they're in the world  along with Maitreya the World Teacher who is the Master of Masters again when we  say Masters we don't mean Masters over anybody these are individuals who have mastered  themselves and evolved out of the Human family we can consider them as loving E
lder Brothers  that demonstrate perfect love and wisdom and they have a set of priorities knowing all the  ups and downs of humanity they know exactly what we're going through what energies are at work  and they do coordinate and work with the Space Brothers Maitreya's Mission we have a quote  here from Him about sharing which is key to resolving the problems that we're facing now  sharing the resources of the world on a global scale there are lots of individuals that have  these plans in place
we just need to implement them and bring the will to make this happen  and His quote is "without sharing there can be no justice without Justice there can be  no peace without peace there can be no future" now that's a powerful quote indeed it sums up  so much right there and as we now move into talking with Gerard about his book the title  of his recent book is Pioneers of Oneness and this this word Oneness is about unity and so  you can see that the concept of sharing is based on this idea th
at we are together we're  one so we can't leave anybody out Gerard has worked with the network of volunteers of  which we're members for many years we see here a picture of him translating for Benjamin  Creme at a conference some time ago and so Gerard you have been part of this work  of making known the news about Maitreya and the Masters of Wisdom for quite some time and  then you began to branch out into writing about our visitors from other planets other places how  did that begin for you w
hat what led you to that what level yes I remember yes indeed I've  been around for a while I've that photograph you just showed with me translating  for Benjamin Creme was taken in 1982 during his national talk here  in Amsterdam and you have on the screen I see the title of my first website which I  published in 2008 Our Elder Brothers Return and that is a website where I've compiled an  annotated catalog of teachings as confirmed by DK, the Master Djwal Khul through Alice Bailey, by Benjamin
Creme's Master and of course those are the Wisdom teachings  that you guys have just given the outline for and it's actually you know  it's not hidden anymore they used to be hidden and since the work  of Blavatsky they've gradually been reinstated in in the modern world available  for anyone who's ready and willing to to dive into them and study them and and apply them to  their own lives and my interest I've always been interested in flying saucers and contactees but I never really had the tim
e to do much about it and then I learned about what everybody  thought at the time was George Adamski's first book wisdom is it wisdom of the masses the  yes Wisdom of the Masters of the Far East in 1936. and I was so surprised to find that the  title and it had been reprinted a few times and that's when I started looking into  his work more closely and of course as his books about contacts sightings and  contacts with flying saucers and people from the flying sources stem from the 1950s his  fi
rst Contact was documented in November 1952 and when I re-read his book Inside the Spaceships  the teachings that he received from what he called Masters from other planets the Masters from  from Saturn and from Venus specifically was so it's so much in alignment with and in  agreement with the teachings that we know through Benjamin Creme Alice Bailey and Helena Blavatsky that I wanted to know more and I started studying his books more  and of course I was fortunate enough to find a copy of Wis
dom of the Masters of the Far East  and I looked into some other cases of contact specifically Giorgio Dibitonto an Italian contactee and some other of the American contactees there was a whole group of people especially of course in the United States and I say of course because  those are the best known especially in North America but it happened all over the world  it happened in South America it happened in Europe and it happened in other parts in South  Africa that I know of flying saucers w
ere reported in China in 1947 when the Roswell crash  happened so it was happening all over the world and in 2008 I believe I published my  first article about the similarities between the teachings the Ageless Wisdom teachings as we  know them and the teachings from space through George Adamski and the other contactees  so that's really where it started for me I have a question Gerard, for our audience not that familiar-- I've read three of your books-- I'm always stunned that there  is informa
tion out there accessible to anyone but little known about a contactee between space  brothers and one of us Earth people over time we think that they just you know at the most  they land in a farm somewhere and and maybe people witness it until five in the morning but you  touched on it there. Can you talk about some of the more remarkable contactee experiences  that occurred over a period of time and with multiple, you know large numbers of people  well of course the the the most important con
tact story I believe is that of George  Adamski in his first contact happened in the in the presence of six witnesses even  though they were at a slight distance from from the actual saucer where  one of the occupant occupants stepped out and talked to Adamski who had  walked up to the spot and later on you know his contacts continued over  many many years actually until his death and several others several  other people have been witness to those contacts as well although the  majority of the c
ontacts were with him by himself taken up in in saucers and going on motherships but the the Italian contactee I mentioned, Giorgio  Dibitanto, he started having dreams in 1980 and eventually he figured out the dreams  were telling him to go to a certain spot in the nearby forest and at one point in time in  1980 he took two or three of his friends to to check out that spot and they were contacted  there so there was a group of people and at first the contacts were just with people having steppe
d  out of the spaceships and the initial acquaintance I believe that happened a few times until  the whole party was invited on board and received teachings and blessings and and  and the teachings were very much in line again with the Ageless Wisdom teachings and one of  the remarkable things in that case was that I believe it was on the first or one  of the early meetings with these people from the spaceship were with the same people that  George Adamski had described and met in 1953 on his jo
urneys on motherships Georgia Adamski  had recurring contacts with people from Venus Mars and Saturn and he had given them  names not their real names because they apparently they don't use names on their planets  personal names but when these were introduced to Giorgio Dibitonto he recognized them and  then he was finally introduced to someone else and who was introduced as your namesake he was  known as George when he lived on your planet and and he didn't say he didn't speak  himself this bei
ng who used to live on earth as George Adamski but he was described  as a very very friendly and and quite quite familiar with you know a lot of  information. --So George Adamski passed away in 1965? In 1965. --And so he reappeared in this  experience with the Italian in 1980? with his colleagues who he had been in contact with  and and Georgia Adamski I think he was of Polish heritage but he lived primarily in California  is that correct? Yes he moved with his family to the United States at ar
ound age  four or five so he lived in America his whole life his entire life and  he moved to California around 1920 -26, -27, -28 around that time. --Again for those who are new to this information and have never heard about George Adamski before why don't we just make a distinction  between the disinformation or misinformation in connection to contactees. Oftentimes we hear about UFOs and in our minds we just lump it all together as being one  thing and that's happening but there's major dist
inctions. What would you want the  audience today to to understand about the difference between Adamski's experiences  and many other reported UFO contacts? Well we had George Adamski in America  we had Daniel Fry, Truman Bethurum and Orfeo Angelucci, and several others who were  all contacted in the early 1950s and very often they were contacted on more than one occasion  and asked to share their story with the people through writing about it or speaking about  it which these people did. This t
ook place in the 1950s as I mentioned which is when the  Western Nations led by the United States and the East bloc led by the Soviet Union were  engaged in a war of ideologies, the Cold War, and I think it is significant  and it's the reason, partly the reason why there was such intense  attempts to contact people and inform the world about the existence and presence  of these Brothers and Sisters from space because we lived on here on Earth  under the threat of nuclear annihilation and of cour
se the misguided attempts  of our governments to stave off the perceived totalitarianism of the Soviet Union and  vice versa the perceived injustice in in Western Nations on the part of the Soviet  Union you know it required huge expenses in terms of armaments and and nuclear weapons that  had just of course been invented in the 1940s and there was an enormous build up and that  required public consent and public support to spend that much money. In order to  not lose that support it was importa
nt that people were not lending their  ears to messages of peace and Brotherhood that these Space Brothers and Sisters were  bringing through the contactees. So there were you know all kinds of misinformation was  let loose on these people of course we had the Roswell incident the crash  in Roswell according to Benjamin Creme that was a sacrifice on the part of the Space Brothers to  give our military and scientists some materials to research and investigate and  tell them let them know you know
we're real we're here there were even some bodies involved  of extraterrestrial occupants of the saucers and that was all covered up. I just read about a new three-part documentary series on the History Channel upcoming about this Roswell crash and so that was all covered up and  then these contactees started coming out with their stories about having been  contacted by people from other planets. And you know there was a fair  amount of interest among people because we were living in fear. Hum
anity was living in  fear of nuclear destruction and if not nuclear destruction, occupation by you know the Reds so governments needed the continued support of the public and I believe that was one of  the reasons why a lot of misinformation related disinformation was let loose to confuse the whole  field and to scare people about the aliens so that is where I believe the story  and the information of the contactees was deliberately muddled  up and and ridiculed and denounced. And of course our
science wasn't really helping  because our first space probes were sending in data about the surface of Mars or  Venus and there were no signs of Life there which of course is understandable if you know that life is universal and doesn't really depend on  a carbon-based physical dense physical body. So in fact when you talk about that not  depending on a dense physical carbon body that leads into what we want to talk about next  the different planes of matter because what you're essentially say
ing is that although on the  perspective of the solid physical plane of matter nothing is visible for example on the surface of  Mars or Venus there in fact is life there can you explain that to us? Yes according to the  teachings life is universal it's not an accident in the backwaters of the Milky Way that we have  life here what we call life in dense physical manifestation people walking the face of the Earth  for birds flying in the in the sky and and fish swimming in the sea but life is rea
lly the  essence of the universe that's where it begins and it manifests on many many different levels  According to the teachings the Milky Way is a living being, the solar system is a living being,  and the planet, planet Earth each of the planets are living beings so life sort of descends  and descends into, involves itself into a matter of one vibration or another  and on our planet it has involved itself on the densest level of physicality as the  teachings tell us and as our experience tel
ls us and on other planets it may have not gone  lower than for instance the etheric planes of matter or it has evolved back up to the  etheric planes of matter if it was on the dense physical planes maybe thousands or  millions of years ago, so it's a matter of life manifesting itself through the the  planes cosmic planes that we cannot know anything about just because our awareness our  consciousness has not evolved to that point yet and the interesting thing is what I find in  my research now
is that science, just mainstream science is going in the same direction, is  coming closer to acknowledging the fact that there must be more to life than what we can actually  observe and see in empirical terms. Astrophysics has been saying for many years now that 96 percent of  the universe they can't pinpoint it they can't they know based on the calculations of the mass  of the universe they know there must be a lot more mass than we can see through you  know all kinds of astronomical and ast
rophysical observations not even just you know  through telescopes and probes but through infrared cameras and telescopes and  things like that so there must be much much more to the universe  than we at our level can observe. So are you saying essentially that there is more  in the universe than we right now are capable of of perceiving like are our instruments, our measurements just don't perceive it? Exactly. The universe is a living being, space is a living being. If you look beyond mainstre
am science and what is called post-materialist science which  is gaining a lot of traction these days it recognizes that matter is not the  basic building block of the Universe Matter actually doesn't exist according to  post-materialist science and even quite a few mainstream  scientists you know Max Planck and other famous scientists have  concluded even though they can't prove it that matter is not as solid as we experience it  and in post-materialist science the general idea now is that cons
ciousness lies at the foundation of  matter and our experience of the physical world so that's where we come very close to the Wisdom teachings which says that there's this absolute, you know religious  people would call it God the space people often refer to it as  the Infinite Father that projects an idea into space with a masculine and a feminine energy  which at one point meet and creation takes place and of course this takes I don't know how long  billions of years the universe or the Milky
Way I believe no our universe according  to astrophysicists is 4.7 billion years old I believe the Big Bang happened 4.7 billion billion  years ago so it takes ages from our perspective but these cycles of creation and evolution have brought forth this enormous, I  don't know if you've ever looked at the recent photographs from the Hubble telescope they  are so beautiful they are so evocative in terms of you know the different lights  and the shapes that we continue to find throughout the  Univ
erse and beyond our, well I can't say beyond our own universe, but it is so unbelievably large that it would be arrogant of us to say life you know if we can see it then it's  life and if we can't see it doesn't exist and unfortunately more and more scientists are  coming to that conclusion and the interesting thing that I have documented in my new book  especially is that you know the forefront of science nowadays is coming closer and closer  to the postulates of the Wisdom Teachings that were
first reintroduced to the World by Madame  Blavatsky. I juxtapose various quotations from Blavatsky's work with quotations from scientists  such as Hungarian Professor Ervin Laszlo and a German Professor Harald Walach who made an  extensive study recently about the nature of reality and their conclusion is that reality  really is Oneness, everything is one. You know we we often say so either we're all one you  know that's why we need to share but it's an actual fact and science is now on the ver
ge of proving it with many many scientists in theory having come to that conclusion and we're  getting closer and closer to being able to prove it right mathematically. --Gerard, I'm curious  you know physics has been around for as long as it's been around and yet what do you think is  changing today that more and more scientists are supporting this idea which is still  a hypothesis, they're delving into it, that Consciousness is more fundamental than  matter. What do you think the change has b
een? Well the change I think is twofold. On  one hand of course we have the new energies coming in from Aquarius as you pointed  out in the beginning of your presentation which imbues the whole planet with new ideas  and changes our view of life even if we're not aware of it and people who are open to  it like many many scientists and people active in other fields are beginning to be more open  to looking in different directions and that's what I've tried to document in my book and of  course sy
stem science on the other hand, it's actually perhaps a result, an early result of  those new energies. It was first proposed in the 1950s, and also we had contactees in the  1950s, we had the Cold War in the 1950s trying to denounce and ridicule the contactees but the system  science was also first proposed and and set up in a way in the 1950s as a interdisciplinary way  of looking at findings from different scientific disciplines, different scientific avenues including  quantum theory for inst
ance so even though for many it may still be a theory based on what we know at the quantum level of existence it is very much considered  a reality that, you know, we're all interconnected everything is interconnected not just us people  as one human race on this planet but actual literal Oneness in the interconnectedness  and thereby interdependence. Let's bring it back to, oh go ahead Sabina. --Well  it was this: what you were saying was reminding me of one of the things that Benjamin Creme ha
s  said about how every atom is interconnected with every other atom in the universe and the first  time I heard that, on an intuitive level it makes sense, but then when my mind tries to think about  it and understand it I get stuck, I can't figure out how that can possibly be true. --Yes and I've struggled with that myself but the more you go into it and study all  the different approaches that come to the same conclusion, the more of  a reality it becomes. --Yeah and I guess one of the things
I noticed reading your book was the  description of how it's consciousness through consciousness it goes in a different, I don't  know if direction is the right word or plane, but that the connection between everything is that you can access that through consciousness so it's like a different dimension or a  different access or something through which to discover that and that seemed to be also  what for example this this scientist Ervin Laszlo was talking about when he describes  consciousnes
s as being fundamental and so that's also fascinating to think about in terms of  when and how will our scientists be able to perceive consciousness in a way that they would  consider an objective fact or something that they can prove somehow. --Well, maybe shy of  proving many are already there. They are already accepting and working on the premise that  consciousness is at the basis of our lives of our reality and understanding life, and I think  this is crucial, understanding life if when we
realize that understanding life is  really a matter of understanding the expansion of our awareness of life and  then we can see that it is the evolution of consciousness that life is all about and as consciousness first involves itself and then evolves and in the case of  the Human Kingdom evolves into the the next kingdom in nature, the Spiritual Kingdom the Hierarchy of Masters and beyond, then you know we're beginning to see things more in a cyclical  manner, we see cycles of involution a
nd evolution and that brings us closer to  an understanding of how everything is connected and one and the quote you just brought up  from Ervin Laszlo, the striking thing is that in what was really his first book, The Invisible Ocean, George Adamski wrote in exactly the same terms in 1932. So before he's  acknowledged space contacts he was teaching about consciousness and we're actually living, we don't see it Benjamin Creme you just quoted him Sabina but it's also said we live in an  energetic
universe you know and that's also a very much accepted scientific postulate. We  live in an energetic universe and this energy that's really again a manifestation of  this consciousness so you know and George Adamski was he's quite brilliant if you  ask me in terms of explaining rather intricate complex matters in the simplest terms and  he compared the reality of life to an invisible ocean where the different strata of pressure  allows for different manifestations of life so he says at the bot
tom of the ocean the fish are  used to the high pressure and they can't really go up very much so they can't see what's beyond  their particular stratum of pressure and so he's he was really really way ahead of his  time and teaching about consciousness I believe --that's a great yeah that's a great metaphor. I want to bring it back to the activity of the UFOs and the Space Brothers. We've been  talking about consciousness and how scientists are more and more recognizing the  fundamental aspect
of consciousness more primary than matter so let's connect it back to UFO  activity we're seeing it seems to be increased activity of UFOs you've been talking about these  extensive communications from Space Brothers with earth-based people we're talking about the  different levels of the etheric planes and how life manifests on these different levels  and one level may not be aware of the other level so what are the Space Brothers telling the  contactees? What's been the common message? --The c
ommon thread in the message is  humanity is One and we need to manifest that Oneness in a brotherly approach to living together  sharing these planets and making sure that we don't destroy the planet. That was the main point of the communications. I've delved a bit deeper and I've also come  to find in the case of several contactees George Adamski, Giorgio Dibitanto, also a very little  known Finnish American contactee Margit Mustafa, is that her name, yeah I think yeah Mustafa  and a French co
ntactee who is not known in the English-speaking world Pierre Monnet they in so many words sometimes not in so many words were given the notion that you  know they are here, the Space Brothers are here because this is a particularly  significant time in human history, the time between the transition between those two ages and the return of a Teacher for the New Age  as you explained in the beginning of the program every Age is inaugurated by a member of the  Spiritual Kingdom and the Teacher for
for that particular Age and --So they're very aware --This time is no different and one of the reasons for their presence here is to  support that Emergence of the new Teacher and this is also of course what Benjamin  Creme has said about their presence. --And so they are very aware of what's happening here and  why should they be aware and concerned? What's their connection to Earth? ---Well, you know  the idea is Oneness, the solar system is one we are only one planet and not a very advanced 
planet in the solar system and they want to make sure that without forcing themselves on  us or forcing us to do anything that we do not willingly want to do but they're trying to help us realize that we are One and to act on that realization and to manifest that Oneness  so that we can take the next step as a planet and as a human race and join rejoin our brothers  and sisters on the other planets and help in that sense the evolution of the solar system  even though that sounds grandiose but y
ou know we have to face the facts you know we're one solar system we are one planet and and you know yes Humanity could decide through its separatism and its competition and its strive to destroy itself but the Space  Brothers and Sisters will not allow us and the the beings ensouling the planets and the solar  system will not allow us to destroy the planet because that would upset the balance in the solar system. --That's extremely reassuring. --Yeah well you know even if we somehow manage to 
destroy ourselves and we're well on on our way to doing that with the destruction of the natural  world on this planet, we are setting back you know, even if the planet remains intact, we  are setting back the evolution of Humanity on this planet from by millions of years perhaps  so it's still not good a good thing to happen. But you know the fact that the Teacher is here  Maitreya the World Teacher is in the world since 1977, 14 of the Masters of wisdom are in the  world the Space Brothers ar
e here, have always been here of course, but increasingly some since  the 1950s that should give us reason for hope and and inspire us to do the best  we can to bring around enough people to to cooperate and instigate  the need, make enough people aware of the need to share the natural resources, the food, the technological know-how, etcetera so that we can take the next step inspired  and supported by our Elder Brothers the Masters of Wisdom and the Space Brothers and Sisters. --Gerard there's
a question from an audience member: At what level of our evolution or our  consciousness can we develop etheric vision? I'm not sure what the answer to that is, do you  know? --Well I I can't give a exact answer of course I'm not a Master of Wisdom I'm not in contact  with the Master of Wisdom as far as I'm aware but I do remember what the Master DK and Benjamin  Creme have said about that in general terms and that it's not so much to do with a  particular level of evolution, point in evolution
but more to do with your own particular makeup  you know. You may be born in a body that is particularly sensitive to one or other  of the etheric planes of matter and that would give you etheric vision even if you're not really very far advanced so it's not necessarily a sign of enormous  progress if you have etheric vision. Interesting Gerard this is just absolutely  fascinating I want to bring it to some recent news major news in terms of UFOs  uh across newswires it was reported that forme
r director of the Israeli space agency  his name is haima shed is speaking openly about UFOs and their interaction with  governments can you comment on that it reminded me very much of a statement made  by the former deputy director of the Bulgarian Space Research Center Lachezar Filipov in 2009 who also made the news big headlines at the time saying that in the terms  of the media at the time the aliens are here and they're watching us all the time and they  they they won't contact us directly
because we're not evolved far enough and I thought I found the  statements from Haim Eshed very similar to those statements I've read a few some of the Articles  reporting on on the statements made by this head of was he head of the security  space space Security Agency yes and some of the information there I believe  is it's either warped by the journalist or but partly tainted by this information but the  the essence and and that's that's really also how I how I work how I do my research you k
now you  have to look for the similarities don't focus on the details because the details will will differ  depending on people's understanding or people's access to information or people's access to  this information that they're not aware of that it's this information so if you focus on  the on the similarities in all the different sources and then a very interesting picture  emerges which I think you know it's just another confirmation this latest headline  of something that's been known for
a long time I've you know I've put out a video in 2015  video compilation of 13 officials and dignitaries over the decades stating positively that you  know the extraterrestrials are here and that there is contact and you know so many scientists and  militaries and government officials know about it it's really it's really not news that's the fun  thing you know it's really not news it's just and and the the problem is really with the media not  making the connection between one statement now 1
1 years ago and this statement you know they see  everything in isolation and that's what I try to break through in my new book bring it  together synthesize the information that we do have and a completely new picture and  huge picture emerges of of life and reality do you think we're talking to Gerard  arts and he's the author of Pioneers of Oneness: the Science and Spirituality of  UFOs and the Space Brothers and we hope you'll join us again next week Gerard will you  be able to do that yes a
bsolutely wonderful I wanted to ask you even if we have all this  information even if it's it's on it's even if the information is coming out in its purest  most undistorted form even if lots of people are talking about it including you know high  officials can do you see the possibility or how do you see the possibility of this message actually  registering becoming a reality like taking hold what do you think needs to happen for this message  of Oneness to actually take a hold in the world wel
l of course obviously you know the only way  this will happen is by Maitreya the World Teacher stepping forward and acknowledging well first of  all declaring who he is and what his mission is and when it happens as I'm sure you've discussed  before on program on the Day of Declaration he will telepathically overshadow all of humanity to  to bring his message to individually through telepathy speak to every single one of us and at  the same time his his energy of love from which he is of which h
e is the embodiment on our planet  will stream out in such potency that Benjamin Creme has said it will feel as if He embraces us  physically that will be the time the moment when for most people they you know the  coin will drop and and the realization will come wait this is this is real and now I have to  do something and Benjamin Creme has also said that Maitreya will and the Masters will confirm the reality  of the Brothers and Sisters from space and their presence on Earth and their unrelen
ting work  on behalf of humanity in keeping the planet intact and so I think that's that is the only thing  that will that will confirm it for people and make it a reality at least for you know a critical mass  of humanity and yeah when will that happen it depends on I suppose Humanity being desperate  enough to be open to his message of of Oneness and and love and and Brotherhood you  know Justice and freedom for for everyone because Oneness if if we don't we can we can you know  meditate and a
nd feel one with the universe but if we don't do anything about it if we then going  to a road rage because somebody cuts us in traffic doesn't mean that you can never you know you  wouldn't we would never get mad again but um we have to we have to make sure that our  systems our structures political economic educational reflect that awareness  of Oneness unless unless we work for that unless we Advocate that we Manifest this  Oneness in terms of unity express our awareness experience to some de
gree of Oneness in  unity to to ensure that everybody on this planet has enough to eat as as a safe shelter and  education and Healthcare it doesn't need anything well in Gerard when you say that I'm thinking of  the people who are on the streets in growing numbers calling for this type of Oneness for  transparency for justice and one of the quotes in your book that I that I really liked was the mention that Unity is not the same thing as uniformity because very often when people  hear the word
Unity they fear some type of imposition of a uniform way of thinking or being  but really that's not the case and when you look at these large numbers of people on the streets  in many countries around the world calling for transparency for a fair distribution of resources  you see an infinite variety of people of types of people but they're all calling for the same thing  each in their own way and and that to me seems like a very good way to relate to Unity and and  the fact that we have to cal
l for it to be made real in our structures as you say that's the  only way very much so yes you know Unity is the national order as science agrees with the  Ageless Wisdom teachings and the contactees tell us and even if you look at the at the central  tenants in in religion you know you'll find that that notion of uniformity goes against the  national order because the national order has the richest possible diversity in the  Human Kingdom, in the Vegetable Kingdom, every every imaginable Kingd
om so even among star systems you  know there's not one there's not two identical galaxies photographed yet you know there's  only diversity so we have to make the distinction Unity yes because that is literally the  the state of reality the reality of life except we are not expressing it we're  not manifesting it in our in our structures in the world at the moment but striving to do that  doesn't mean uniformity because every country will have its own way of of implementing the principles  of f
reedom and Justice and and that is how it should be yeah that makes sense absolutely well  I think maybe this is the moment to move to our next section which is the meditation I wanted  to ask really quickly Gerard you mentioned a video is that found on your website it is on my website  but you have to scroll back to some posts maybe our technical --It should be on  YouTube and on Vimeo in a video it's called Let's End the UFO ET Disclosure Nonsense! --Great. So hopefully our tech guru behind th
e scenes can find that really quick and post  it in the zoom chat and the Facebook chat if our listeners are are curious about  that or they can search for it themselves but thank you so much for all all your work  Gerard and we look forward to continuing this really really fascinating conversation  I can tell our audience on Facebook and zoom they're all in wrapped attention  and because our numbers are holding and they're high so really appreciate you being  able to interpret a lot of complex
information and correlate it with with some fundamental  teachings from the Ageless wisdom thank you very much for having me and I'll be very happy  to join you again next week. --Wonderful thank you.
