
Particle Physics Most Famous Anomaly (almost) Solved

Learn the fun and easy way on Brilliant! First 30 days are free and 20% off the annual premium subscription when you use our link ➜ Three years ago, there was a frenzy over an experiment at Fermilab that confirmed anomaly of the muon - a fundamental particle in the standard model. Since then, physicists have debated whether the theory needs to be revised or whether there is something wrong with the calculation. A new paper now says it's neither. Paper: 🤓 Check out my new quiz app ➜ 💌 Support me on Donatebox ➜ 📝 Transcripts and written news on Substack ➜ 👉 Transcript with links to references on Patreon ➜ 📩 Free weekly science newsletter ➜ 👂 Audio only podcast ➜ 🔗 Join this channel to get access to perks ➜ 🖼️ On instagram ➜ #science #sciencenews #physics

Sabine Hossenfelder

4 days ago

Three years ago, we saw a lot of headlines  about a remarkable experiment at Fermilab in the United States. They confirmed an anomaly  of the muon, that’s a heavier version of the electron. Their measurement doesn’t fit together  with the prediction from the current theories. This discrepancy could be evidence that  the theory is wrong and that there are new particles or new forces of nature. Or  it could mean that the theory is right, but something is wrong with the calculation. So  which is it
? Theory? Or the Calculation? Well, a new paper now says that it’s  neither. Let’s have a look. The muon is one of the fundamental particles  in the standard model of partical physics. It’s unstable and decays within a few microseconds.  It has a magnetic moment that tells you how fast the particle spins in a magnetic field. Without  quantum effects, the magnetic moment of the muon, usually denoted "g" should be 2. Physicists  are interested in the quantum contribution, that’s often just called
the “g minus two”.  The g-2 of the muon can be predicted from the standard model. Just to give you an  idea, the prediction is this value whereas the experimental value is this and that’s  why people are afraid of particle physics. How does one measure this? These experiments are  basically rings of magnets in which the muons go in circles until they decay, a process that  you can also observe in Twitter discussions. But unlike Twitter threads which just  decay into obscurity, muons decay into o
ther particles of which one can measure the  momentum and from that one can infer the g-2. Already in 2001, an experiment at  Brookhaven found that the measured value of the muon g-2 deviates from  that predicted by the standard model, though it wasn’t a huge deviation. In 2021, a  follow-up experiment at Fermilab confirmed the earlier result, raising the statistical  significance to four point two sigma. Last year in August then, the Fermilab group  released more data and confirmed the anomaly
they’d previously measured. The additional data  decreased the uncertainty of the measurement, and increased the significance to 5 sigma, that’s less than a one in 3 million  chance of it being a fluctuation. That the statistical significance of the  result is now so high it means that the discrepancy between the prediction and  the observation is very unlikely to be due to a measurement error. It could mean that  something is missing in the standard model, maybe new particles or other new physi
cs. Since  the standard model contains three forces and then there’s gravity, which makes four, in  the media they often call the possibility of new physics a fifth force. I explained  in an earlier episode what that means. I’ve always suspected that the discrepancy  isn’t due to a new force, but a problem with the calculation. This is because these calculations  are really hard. It’s not just because it’s a lot of mathematics. It’s also because in parts  we don’t have the mathematics. So physic
ists just do the maths approximately on a computer  with what’s called a lattice calculation. This opens another can of worms because how do you  know that these approximations are even good. And in case you thought  that’s complicated already, there’s another complication because all these  calculations require further input that needs to come from other experiments. So first you  need to extract some numbers from other data and then that goes into your calculation  of which you then do an appr
oximation. And that last bit, the input from other  experiments seems to be the problem. The authors of the new paper have re-calculated  all these contributions to the muon g-2 and they say there is one in particular that  doesn’t fit with the data, and that’s the process in which a pair of pions are involved.  The pions are themselves pairs of quarks and the data for their properties comes from other  measurements and that seems to bring in an error. To me, this paper is like Sherlock Holmes w
ith  maths. It’s amazing detective work. But that’s not the end of the story. Now they’ll have to get  better data for this particular process and then redo the calculation to see if it fits. If it  does, there’s the question whether this wrong number was used for other calculations,  which might bring up other problems. So this correction might initiate a shift of other  results, which is going to be very interesting. Did you know there's a free and easy way to  learn more about the science beh
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Well, they opened a can of Pions, you mean ?


As a software developer, when I hear of this sort of "we found the bug 6 steps back" kind of problem, I start wanting to see the "build graph" for all of physics. It would be an interesting project to try to aggregate all the calculations everything is built on in a form that would allow researchers to re-run them, either in their original form (giving access to all the intermediate values) or in modified form (simplifying checks of how changes in fundamental assumption alter other things).


Hi Sabine, what an incredible thing to wake up to! You’re one of my science idols, and someone who helped build my love for physics, and now you’re discussing my group’s work! I thought your explanation was great, though of course a little incomplete. The primary way that this contribution to g-2 is determined is through e+e- -> hadrons data using dispersion relations. Lattice data has only more recently been in significant use, and the lattice collaborations are all in agreement somewhere in between the dispersive method and the fermilab results. Our group decided to try to compare dispersive and lattice data as best we could, which is an incredibly difficult task and one that the majority of our paper focuses on! The benefit for this approach is that we can focus on an intermediate-energy range, which lattice collaborations are able to calculate to a level of accuracy needed (IE, they aren’t able to calculate the full HVP contribution to g-2 very readily). Our results are indeed interesting, that the majority of the discrepancy between lattice and dispersive results are within the 2pi channel. The plot changes even more, ever since the CMD-3 experiment results make the discrepancy much smaller. We can only guess on what the future of this topic will hold, but I know that I’m excited to see it!! Thank you so much again for talking about our group’s research, and I would love to answer any questions anyone had about our work! Thanks, Genessa


What always made me slightly uncertain/dubious (beyond never having been a physicist nor able to do the math myself ;) about this experiment was, while it was conducted in two different places, Brookhaven and Fermi labs, it was done on the same piece of equipment which was shipped from Brookhaven to Fermi labs. I'm sure that was top on the experimental physicists' minds but wouldn't this cut into the 5 sigma level of certainty?


Muon, not to be confused with a spherical cow in a vacuum which is a moo-on.


For Sabines relativity course on Brilliant: make sure your math is fresh, although a good basis at high school is sufficent (I mean: the schooling from 16 till 18 years, so not higher eduction). However, you have to know how to multiply matrices. Also: after you've done a lesson, study it. You have to grasp it well enough to be able to do the next one. In the beginning it will work out, but especially the later lessons of the course will become hard if you don't know enough of the first ones. Except for that, I would like to see that in a book.


Well, I can only hope this paper was published on 3/14. Thanks, Sabine! 😊 Stay safe there with your family! 🖖😊


If a mathematician thinks your calculations might be incorrect, it's probably a good idea to check again.


I have often wondered if one or some combination of the consensus rules of mathematics might begin to introduce noise at these levels of precision. The reason being the difference between proving something is necessarily the case and proving something is necessary for "well-functioning" use of further mathematical approximation.


It's no coincidence that the problem is PI-ons making the calculation only aROUND the experimental finding.


You are an amazing presenter who can breathe life for the 'every-day person' into a highly complex and specialised area. Well done Sabine.


1:13 we engineers be like: that's literaly the same number!!!


Im half way through your book "existential physics" and I'm loving it. Its a nice change up from reading books written buy people who lived 1500 years and ruled roman empires haha. Also, my anxiety has decreased. Its amazing what a little extra understanding of the big picture does for the restless troubled mind.


I love the humor in the presentation.


It's very easy to solve this problem with a simple new partical, a mewon would fit perfectly.


2:04 Funny, I personally know one of the authors right in the middle of the block. He's a geodesist (handles alignment of the instrument). "7" means Fermilab, I assume.


I truly enjoy catching up with science news from your channel.👍🤠


I love your channel! Your presentation style is charming, and your accent is addictive to what little hearing I still have. Sabine, you have really brightened my days, since I became disabled.


My modest physics knowledge literally grew up with this. Is there a calculation for the decay of twitter discussions, too? Navier-Stokes?


That's strange. Even in Switzerland - NB outside of CERN - pions are studied now for 40 years. So enough trustworthy data should be around.