
Paulsen Ad Quotes WCCO's Pat Kessler Out Of Context

A new campaign ad from Republican Congressman Erik Paulsen is generating a lot of comments from WCCO-TV viewers -- and questions about whether the ad is legal, reports Pat Kessler (3:29). WCCO 4 News At 5 – September 20, 2018

WCCO - CBS Minnesota

5 years ago

a new campaign ad from Republican congressman Eric Paulsen is generating a lot of comments from our viewers and questions about whether the ad is legal and Pat joins us right now because Pat's actually featured in the ad how did that happen I mean it's curious yeah we've heard a lot from our viewers about this particular ad a Paulsen ad congressman called Paulson it uses WCCO television video of me that's edited in a way that makes it appear I'm endorsing Paulson's attacks on Democrat Dean Phill
ips so we're going to show you part of this wildly out of context ad and then what I actually said billionaire Dean Phillips slashes health care for nurses he can't be trusted because he says one thing but doesn't do it well this is the kind of ad where spin doctors take one kernel of truth they exaggerate it then they twist it into something that is completely unrecognizable we were all surprised to see this so it's something I think that we're gonna see a lot more and this is all related to a
reality check that you did Austin's planes that Phillips did not offer health care to his employees yeah last week we did this a reality check Paulson is trying to make it seem like Phillips doesn't give his health care work his workers health care that's false it's a personal attack on Phillips because he did call it a moral right but he did not offer it to part-time workers when he opened his coffee shop business two years ago here is what I actually said about that on our mid-morning show las
t week it was true at the time but it's not true anymore he pays full-time employees just not part-time employees but here's the kicker Dean Phillips says that health care is a moral right so Eric Paulson is going after him because he says one thing but doesn't do it so there's a lot to unpack with this so a lot of different layers here but you're not gonna see that in a political ad it's just gonna be boom like that I think the biggest question people have Pat is why completel gold candidates t
ake snippets of our news and is it legal and right for them to do that yeah they can do it they can actually do it that politicians we don't like it but politicians do this all the time they don't ask us whether they can do it and it is legal it's called fair use but I think now is a good time just to clear away all the smoke over this for a moment because that's what they're trying to do create confusion here are the facts about Dean Phillips he does give health care to all of his full-time cof
fee shop employees like most companies he does not offer health care to part-time workers he does pay part-time workers fifteen bucks an hour plus tips that's far above the normal wage but we're not going to get all of that nuance we're not going to get all of these kinds of details because they're just hammering us with all of these political ads and you got to be really skeptical just like that one when you watch them because many of them are just not true these are all tight races I mean we h
ave three or four of amount of eight districts know about the economy they're talking about character and negative attacks that's what they're talking about right all right Thank You Pat well thank you you can get the inside scoop on politics right now on your phone you can download Pat Kessler's political podcast called Minnesota politics 101 and you'll find that at or search Pat Kessler where you get your podcasts
