
[People can Change, Right?...|Luis Sera EDIT]

You Know....I led a pretty Shit life...But now eh?.. Thank you very much for Watching.... ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Game: Resident Evil 4 Remake Song: The Beach - The Neighbourhood -------------------------------------------------------------------------- RESIDENT EVIL 4 EDIT RESIDENT EVIL 4 REMAKE EDIT LUIS SERA EDIT LUIS SERA RESIDENT EVIL EDIT LUIS SERA -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #edit #residentevil #residentevil4 #residentevil4edit #luissera #luisserra #theneighbourhood #thebeach#residentevil4remake #shortvideo #shorts #residentevilshorts

Remordimiento Visual

9 months ago

okay okay it's game time another pretty shitty life [Music] but now me what do you think Leon people can change right [Music]



Nice edit, like the way its syncs to the music

