

WARNING: The video is a horror parody of a famous cartoon but it contains scary and violent scenes, so it's not recommended for children. To better understand the video you want to look at the previous movies

Fumettista Anarchico

6 years ago

Oh sorry, my friend were you sleeping? did not want to bother you Yes, yes, you're right ... I do not understand you but you're right I'm here to take only berries You know ... I feed myself, I'm not like you that you only feed yourself with sleep I prefer to eat a nice blueberry cake, you know how we humans ... continue to sleep Well, I'm finished ... make good sleep I continue the journey It's been a while since I've walked this path I remember that beautiful spicy mushrooms were born nearby m
aybe I can find someone But yes .. it's still early, before leaving today to take another stroll Oh what luck, it's just these ahahah Well, they can also be enough MMM ? Just a Limorosh I had to meet ... and I thought that there were no more in this wood ...damn... If he had the longest tail now I would be dead and now he was already eating me what do I do? if he went right ... I'm going left I must hurry It is useless to waste the fire on this asshole He did not even burn the hair on his legs I
have to find another way to destroy it Look at it there, it looks like a big shit stuck in the toilet tube ah, but it's stuck ... you can not move ... it is completely immobilized I have to take advantage of it Oh no The wall is breaking If I do not hurry up, this frees itself and then there will be trouble for everyone This is all I found A can of gasoline and two gas cylinders and a rope, and a grappling hook And I must also use the wheelbarrow behind the courtyard Now I have to go up to the
window because the scale is blocked A great effort is waiting for me Mmm .. but what a nice shitty breath What did you eat ... dead mice that were shit on? mmm maybe there is a solution It would take a nice fresh candy for your breath A bit strong candy Aah ... my arms hurt, look what I have to do because of this asshole Fuck,fuck,fuck Come on .... get up ....come on... get up !!! Goodbye It's over Finally I vindicated you I killed all those damn monsters Now rest in peace I will never forget yo
u Hihihihihi Heheheheh Hahahaha Hehehehahahah Ci ki la ke tee ..Ti ki na ke tiii Ci pi la te ki sen devdos Ikna ki e lait Opna devdos te ke laitok Ci kne na vols i te ka Ipne la da ti kellos And who the fuck are you? Hihihihi I am the Pranimal witch You wanted a guilty of all this Here it is ... I created it So you did not avenge anyone Hihihihi So I do it now I will kill you Let me see U Hihihihi I do not think so Why do not you come see me .... I wait for you Hello But ... where do you come fr
om? What strength do you have? But who are you ? Where are you coming from ? You have a monstrous force Excuse me for a moment I have to clean my sword from this blue shit .. I answer you Anyway I'm looking for the Pranimal witch Do you know where it is? eh...eee....It is the councilor of the King What do you want? I want to kill her because she killed my parents But what you're saying? We are dominated by Shapeshifter They are the ones who command the kingdom All the kingdoms, all the twelve ki
ngdoms are dominated by them and the fortress is impregnable The fortress is practically unknown It's impossible for someone to go there It is controlled by hundreds of thousands of soldiers Only the elected can only approach those territories And then we are dominated by shapeshifters And who are these shapeshifters? They are very muscular beings that also change appearance can change the limbs, I can change in any shape They are very difficult even to kill It's a giant army, millions of people
will be And then there are the generals who command them, and they are gigantic and monstrous beings It is an empire impossible to defeat Our armies have been defeated And so it is they who now dominate us It is also impossible to succeed in freeing my territory that is small It's impossible Yes, yes..bla bla bla ... Just show me the way and I kill them all What happened to my sword? He has another aspect ... that strange Has your sword turned? Is not that by chance you come from another dimens
ion? Another thing? All right, you saved my life after all I will show you the road that leads to the King's Fortress Here you see ? Behind those hills Is very far.... ... it will be a very long journey .. not envy you... ... it's an impossible undertaking .. I do not know how many days it will take .... .... but I will have my revenge.



Esta historia pasó de ser crepypasta a ser una película de acción y suspenso , el mejor crepypasta de peppa que vi en mi vida


I wish there was 100M episodes good job creator this is funny


No for kids? So any way I started watching it.


I like the song 😀


the story was so sad i cried like a baby when i see the the end


Rip daddy pig,mom pig,George rip house Peppa Pig descansar em paz


La mejor historia del mundo/The best story of the world 😢😙


It was great plz 😨😨 continue part 8


The moon looks perfectly good just like the real moon in real life


Me:gets a little nervous.


Title: NO FOR KIDS Me: Watching it on my moms phone so i can see


Very good effert taken please make another video I think you should have 700,000000 subscribers.


When is the next episode I’m excited for it


This actually scared me


This video's the best


this was cool i like peppa's sword


I am doing my homework and watching this in qurantine


Peppa pig: I must be careful I don’t wanna be killed


Thank you for playing