
Pet Chakras, Healing Trust, Calming Anxiety, Clearing Fear With Self Healing

Pets have chakras just like people. Simple hands on and hands off healing techniques can be done in just a few seconds or minutes between you and your pet or any animal you wish to work with. Even wild animals can receive your healing intentions from a distance to help calm and balance stressful situations. The heart chakra can be used to help balance trust and calm issues that have created anxiety or fear. Please search for books by Margrit Coates for more information on the Brachial Chakra. *This channel is for entertainment purposes only. This channel does not offer legal, financial, psychological, medical advice or services of any kind. Please call emergency services or a professional in your local area if you are experiencing an emergency of any kind. Everything shared here is for entertainment purposes only. All content is copyrighted and may not be replicated.

Poppy Moon Healing Arts

2 weeks ago

hi everyone this is Melissa and I just wanted to  discuss a chakra healing point that can help you to enhance the connection between you and your  pets it can help to bring healing to your pet but it can also um assist you in creating a stronger  Bond and a sense of trust between you and your pet and how can that benefit you this can benefit you  through any kind of training that you're trying to do it can benit you through healing trauma if  your pet has experienced trauma especially if you hav
e a rescue animal or if you adopted an older  pet any pets that have been in animal shelters usually have um you know some clearing and healing  that they need just going through that process and even Veterinary procedures um they can sometimes  be um really scary and traumatizing for pets and uh sometimes they're very necessary but um it's  something that can help to strengthen that Bond so even things like with training if you have a  dog um that like pulls on a leash for instance and you're t
rying to stop pulling that's  something where even if you um have watched training or reive training for something like  that strengthening that that Bond of trust between you and your pet you can do that through handson  healing and working with the chakras just yourself and that can strengthen the response um from your  pet anything that you're trying to implement so say that you're walking and you want your pet  to respond and listen to you or or maybe you've taught your pet commands and mayb
e there's um you  know you're struggling with getting them to listen to some of it strengthening that connection of  trust and building that trust between you and your pet can create that Bond where they check in with  you and they want to check in with you and they feel safe with you and secure and they want to  look to you to lead them so one of the um things that I that I like to work with is something  called the brachial chakra or the heart chakra so the brachial chakra is something that I
learned  about from the author called margarite coats I believe I I don't know if that pronunciation  is right but she has um you know heal a lot of healing books for pets and she discusses something  called the brachial chakra so I'll show you an image of where this is located on a pet and you  can just um all you have to do is apply your hands here very gently you can apply Ray key or you can  just say that you intend to send healing to your pet okay and you just gently lay your hands on  thes
e chakra areas so we have the heart chakra and then we have the brachial chakra you can  do either one to create a sense of trust and bonding between you and your pet and some pets if  they don't like um your hands on the back you can put it on the front of the chest and you can kind  of see so the brachial chakra is something that I I kind of judge by imagining where the lungs  are inside of the chest and you would sort of hover your hands um above where the lungs would  be in that upper chest
area where the the heart chakra would also be so the brachial chakra you  can move your hands out a little bit so this is something that can bring healing and um a sense  of connection and and if you're pet doesn't like to have the hands laying there you can also just  hover your hands right above and off of their fur so justes not have to be touching them in order  for them to receive it and all you need to do is breathe and relax and you will slowly develop  a sense of relaxation and peace and
this will transfer to your pet okay and that's something  that you can do literally for several seconds up to a few minutes and many times it can create a  sense of grounding and calm between you and your pet and it can help to strengthen um any of the  things that you're trying to do to work with that relationship it can also help to cleanse and clear  um experiences of of distrust okay which many animals can have through U negative experiences  with humans and also just fear uh you know if yo
u have a a pet that was lost and um loose for a  while they develop that as well so creating that sense of trust and calm is something that's really  nice and you can use this on any animal you can um do this on horses rabbits anything you want you  can do it from a distance as well okay so this is just a little information on the brachial chakra  if any of you are interested in that you can look up margarite coats and she has a lot of books  and she specifically talks about this chakra and I ha
ven't seen it before if any of you you have  other information you can you're welcome to share that in the comments below but it also has um you  know a color in it that is more like obsidian it reminds me of the obsidian Stone and Crystal so  that's something that sort of can transmute a lot of negative energy so this is a really nice  chakra for you to just learn for yourself and if you work with animals or you just have a love  of animals it's something that you can Implement first to create
that sense of trust and healing  all right if any of you have any information you'd like to share please feel free to leave your  comments below and I look forward to hearing from [Music] you [Music]


