

WHY DOES THIS HAPPEN TO ME (Legacy 62) NEW MERCH OUT NOW! Daily Twitch streams! Find me elsewhere! ★ Twitter: ★ Instagram: ★ Twitch Streams: ★ Stream Reuploads: ★ Sims Gallery: lilsimsie This video is family friendly, but The Sims 4 is rated T for Teen and this video is intended for an audience aged 13 and up. Business Inquiries:


2 years ago

Oh my -- no, no, no, no, no! Why? Literally just as I say finally is  -- oh my god, not the cat in the fire! The cat's on the counter in the fire! Bad news everyone, I think today is  actually the day that Chaz is gonna die, but welcome back to the nightmare legacy  challenge, this is episode 62. And look, I know we've been saying it for  weeks like, ohp, Chaz is gonna die, but besties, the bar is glowing.  It's his time, he's on his way out. I'm not actually very excited  about this, I feel kin
d of sad, but otherwise, Alex is an adult, Anna is  a teen. I forgot how old the dogs are, but hopefully not -- okay,  they're not elders, thank god. We might escape today with just one death. And  you know what, maybe the fact that we've been waiting this long for the death to happen is a  good thing because we're more prepared -- also, have I had these toddler things there since  Anna was a baby? 'Cause that's been a while. There are no toddlers in this house, not even  close, but to quickly c
atch you up to speed, I've decided I want to date  this guy called Milton. My brother's dating a Landgraab, I mean  I think it's pretty clear we have a type in this family. Pretentious names is the type,  but we were here at the gym with Milton before. Don't look so weird, I'm embarrassed by  you for this. Also the traffic light being there -- I always kind of forget these things  exist, it's kind of funny that Sims has like, roads, when you know, there  are no cars to drive on them. Well, there
are fake ones, but it's  just funny how much of the world like, revolves around this and yet meanwhile, no cars.  Anyway, I'm gonna like, hip bump Milton here. I'm thinking if we just interact with him a  little bit on this fine Tuesday afternoon. I might have already checked his traits  in CAS, but I don't remember them so it'll be like I'm learning  again for the first time. I don't pay enough attention to  my Sims, you'd think that I would, considering how attached I feel to them.  This guy'
s name is Bryce, oh, he's gone. Anyway, I knew a guy named Bryce in school  that was really mean to me, so avoid that one. I might actually go home though, I think I  want to have her work on some skills. Look, we need to spend our last teenage years grinding  out skills because when we play on short lifespan, we just don't have enough time  for that when they're older. Is that yours? Oh, go work on it!  I think that was her brother's, but obviously he's a grown-up, so he  can't do it now. Maybe
he could help her! That would be so cute. Okay, but listen,  hear me out everyone. It's a Tuesday, so it's not the most ideal time to get  married. We aren't even engaged, but. Oh, you are my jam, that's cute. Wait,  Alex has way more sentiments than he does. Alex has four and Nathan only has two.  Is Alex more in love with Nathan? Oh, that makes me feel sad. I don't appreciate this  news. I didn't need to know that. Where's the dog? I thought I just clicked on -- well, I'm  gonna try and hang
out with the cats here while I'm working on this as well because I'm  a little bit worried about the animals. Is it -- oh, oh, okay, I was like, I  keep clicking on the dog and it keeps taking me just to the middle of the room,  it's because the dog is under the couch. Oop, okay, get scooting. And we're back.  Good job Worm, you did a -- you did a really good job. I think I might have Chaz  retire when he gets home from work as well. I'm honestly getting concerned,  he can't die at work, right?
You know how your Sims can age up at work  or school and then -- well, they won't like, actually age up there, but they'll like,  start to and then just come home early and then finish aging up at home? That  won't happen with him dying right? Could you imagine, he just like, shows up early  home from work and then dead on the patio? Okay, well is now a bad time to go try and get  engaged? Maybe I'll send a playful text. Sorry, I feel like this video is all over the place, I'm currently arguing
with Daniel on  Twitter about um, pumpkin pie, so. Ancient ruins, that's a fun place to get engaged.  Anyway, I'm distracted. It is a bit snowy, maybe this is not a fun place to get engaged. I  think I may have made a mistake in coming here. Perhaps we could have picked somewhere that was  not literally blizzarding. It's not even like a pretty snowstorm because it's dark outside  and really gross 'cause the weather's so bad. Oh, and he's very sad -- oh, I probably  can't propose to him. Oh, I be
t his mom's dead! Oh no. Yeah, that sucks. No, his mom  is dead because she died at my house! Oh, oh god, sorry. I forgot even.  That only happened last week. A sleepover? Sounds great. You're  staying the night? Oh my god, what if he's there when my dad dies? Sorry, that  wouldn't be funny. Now that I think about it, I actually should have them get engaged  really soon because as soon as Chaz dies, he's gonna be too sad to propose.  That'll delay us by like, three days, and that's a lot when yo
u're playing on short  lifespan. Three days is like, his whole life. Oh, Chaz swiped an object at work and he earned  a vacation day, well hey. I am happy to tell you that you will never have to work a day  in your life, you earned that vacation day, you can retire my guy. I'm sorry that you had to  work as a cheerleader until you were like, 90. Look, he was the dance team captain and he was  good at it. Okay, anyway, I don't know if um, Nathan can stay the night. I don't know where he's  gonna
sleep. Oh wait, we have a double bed still. Should I have the woohoo in the double bed? They  can stay the night there, that would be nice. Oh, you're working out? Okay, I'm impressed. I  guess that makes sense, does she have any like, likes fitness or? Likes video gaming, wellness,  and skiing, and now she likes fitness. Sure. I forgot we were gonna take her skiing. Maybe  that could be a fun date for her and Milton. Skiing together. Okay, we woohooed in my aunt's  bed and now you're doing push
-ups on my parents' balcony. Your first thought was to go outside  and do push-ups on my parents' balcony, right. As my father is laying asleep in the bed  as well, he like, walked past him. Oh wait, the cat's sleeping on the table! My cat does  this. Okay, I'm just gonna send everybody to bed. Well, as soon as she eats, I'll send  her to bed. I still did not get them engaged like I intended to which was  maybe a mistake, but eh, it's fine. And now Nathan's here -- oh my god, they're  sleeping i
n different rooms. Do you think that the parents made them? I don't think that my  Sims would do that. I don't think they'd be like, you have to sleep in different  rooms. I know some parents do that, but I don't -- I can't really picture like,  Terry doing that. Oh, and he left, okay, that's cool. Leave at 2am, now I'm  sleeping in here alone, that's fine. Oh my god, it's Winterfest.  Oh, I totally forgot. Uh oh, how do I always do this? Okay, well that's fine. Do you know what else is hilariou
s? This  -- my Sims game is very much on par with real life right now, like we had Harvestfest  the week of Thanksgiving and now Winterfest, it's December 17th, so it's not quite  Winterfest, but it's almost there. Do you know what? You will make us some pancakes, you will put up some Winterfest decorations.  Okay, there are none. What the heck? Put up Winterfest decorations. Why  are there no lights? I want lights! Oh, now I'm sad. Do I really have to do it  myself? Decorate fences for Winterfe
st, I will, I'll put up my own custom lights. You're  really not making this easy for me. I decorated the fences with some pretty lights.  Maybe I'll do the eaves as well. Come on, give me something. There we go,  that is what I wanted. Finally. Oh my -- no, no, no, no, no! Why? Literally just as I say finally is --  oh my god, not the cat in the fire! The cat's on the counter in the fire! Are you actually  kidding me right now? This has got to be a joke. What? Are you throwing confetti? Confett
i at  a time like this? Look at what's happening in your kitchen! The cat is on the burning  stove -- oh my god, look at this screenshot. What -- look at this. Are you okay? How did he manage to make  such a mess making pancakes? Pancakes? Imagine if he had died. Oh,  that would have been hilarious. Okay, you need to keep taking a  bath, you are disgusting. Okay, I guess we won't be having a nice family breakfast  this morning, um, I take that one back I suppose. Oh, maybe this is why he wants 
to propose though. Maybe -- okay, he has a near-death experience and in it, he's  like, oh my god, I can't live without you Nathan, and so he proposes. That seems like a  reasonable conclusion to come to, right? Oh, Nathan's calling?! So I found a ring in  Alex's bag, I think he is going to propose to me, I don't know what to do. What should I  say? Yes, no, gah. Now, what did I just tell you? I literally just said that I think  Alex is gonna propose, kind of odd for my boyfriend to call me and
tell me he thinks his  boyfriend's gonna propose, but I mean, say yes. You're right, of course I should  say yes, what was I thinking? OMG, I can't believe this is happening.  Nathan just got engaged to -- whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Are you  serious? That's how we got engaged? Over a phone call? Are you serious?  Okay, I get it when it's like, Sims that are not in my household, like if  my cousin was like, hey, should I say yes to my boyfriend? I'd be like, yeah, and I  would get it tha
t there was no proposal. Alex is right here. I feel like Alex was  not involved in this at all, and he's the one who's engaged. What are you doing now? This  cat is really weird. Why are you just hanging off the counter? Did I miss something? Okay,  we're stretching, okay, and we're gone, okay. Well, should I invite Nathan over? Maybe  he can come for Winterfest, I don't know. I think I'd like to get a tree, but  I don't know where to put it because my house -- I forgot my litter box was right 
there in the hallway. That's kind of odd. Oh, maybe we could do the tree and the  presents on this little tiny patio. I'll put the tree like, in  the corner. I'll get a wreath, I don't usually decorate when there's holidays  in the game, but I'm feeling a bit more festive because it's a holiday in real life.  Present. Get a big ol' pile of them, like a huge pile of them, I'll just add in  presents as well, I'm gonna pile them up. You need to take a shower, your fiancé  is coming over and you sti
ll smell after all this time. Okay, maybe you can be the  one to add the presents in. For some reason, the youngest is the one doing all the work. You know what, our dog loves to swim, I will  say that pretty much every dog in The Sims loves to swim. Oh, Tabby's calling,  I should invite her over too. Tabby, Maya, Allen, oops, Allen's already  here, Allen's dressed up. Oh, so is Nikolai, everybody's dressed up. That's so funny,  okay, well you're showering too. Well, as soon as everybody gets he
re, I'll  probably start the present party. Open presents with, honestly -- Tabatha has  spread some juicy gossip about Chaz? Why? What's my sister saying about him? What  does that mean? That doesn't seem very nice, you can't gossip about Chaz, he's  going to die like, yesterday. See, Terry knows. Maybe that was the gossip, hey,  Terry did you hear that Chaz's bar is glowing? Life under a microscope? Ooh,  pile of sports equipment, ooh, I wonder what Nathan's gonna get. The present  Nathan gets
is this family, he gets to be a part of our lovely bunch. Chaz got a bowl of fruit,  okay, it's like, Santa heard he was dying and he was like, you know, maybe some fruit would be good  for you. I think that might help you. Okay, last gift, what do we got? Come on, give me something  good. An easel, okay, okay, that's not bad. I mean look, we got this microscope now.  We got this -- these sports. I'm pretty sure I already have this fruit bowl, but no,  I don't. Oh, I might have had it right the
re, something did burn up that was right  there, it might have been that. Okay, that's nice. Maybe I'll make  Anna do the cooking for the family today. She's gonna need to work on her skills. I can't make a tofurkey dinner because I don't  have any meat substitute, and I put this stupid lot trait on. Whatever, you know what, I'll  make a turkey, I'll make a turkey, it's fine. Do you guys eat turkey on Christmas? I know  a lot of people do, I'm probably the wrong person to ask because I don't eat
meat, so  my family usually makes a bunch of like, vegetables. I like to cook a really fancy  roasted cauliflower dish as like, a main, you know. I don't eat tofurkey either, but I think  a lot of people do turkey on Christmas, right? When I was younger, my mom used to make ham I  think? My grandma also used to make lamb chops, which I never ate them, I thought it was horrible,  but I don't know, I'm not the right person to ask. Also, who put dirty plates on the fancy  kitchen shelf? Which one
of you did that? And don't get that out -- no, no, no, no, you  will not eat milk bread, I'm making a turkey. Your sister has been in the kitchen for hours  making a delicious meal, you're not gonna eat milk bread. How could you? Okay, everyone,  I have made a grand meal. Stop! He got more out! Quit it! Hey, Alex, I was thinking about  our conversation the other day and I decided to go for it, I changed my career. Oh, well  to what? Okay, and? Is he still here? No, he left. Why does everybody le
ave when  I'm trying to have a nice holiday party? Okay, call to grand meal again, maybe they'll  actually grab some servings this time. Oh, can you not get any? Oh, here, grab one. You  can get it now. Come on, come on everybody. Okay, well as soon as Nathan shows  up -- I did invite you over here so that you could have a holiday meal  with us because your mom is dead, but you decided to -- oh, he's right there.  I was gonna complain about him not coming, but he's right there. Okay, I want  to
ask about his career again. Does that say discuss expanding the family?  Oh, he got attacked by my dog! Uh oh, as wonderful as that sounds, I'm not in a position  where I feel comfortable doing that at the moment. Fine. Well, do I know what his job is then? Oh,  he's in the culinary career. Oh, that's cool. I mean because he was unemployed earlier, and then  we had convinced him to get a job with the new story progression update, so he did. Fascinating.  I'm starting to get worried, like why has
n't Chaz died yet how many days does he have left three  and a half bonus days? Oh my god, so he's really not gonna die yet, this guy is gonna be around  forever. Man, the fitness skill and the athletic aspiration and career and stuff, those are no  joke. Like, him having the active trait, that really is helping him live a very long time. He's  living so much longer than the usual Sim on short lifespan, he's been glowing for days, and he still  has days left. He's gonna make it to the wedding th
is weekend if we get married on Saturday, it's  like a miracle or something, I can't believe it. Oh, Alex made 200 simoleons today too, that's  more money than his dad made with his pension. And I'm pretty sure Alex hasn't even gone to  work yet. I honestly -- I don't think he's actually been into the office yet, or  maybe he went in once? That's tough. Oh, Anna acquired the video gaming skill? Okay, well  she wants to practice music for six hours, I was thinking about having her play the guitar
, maybe  we can pretend she got a guitar for Winterfest. Watch, Daddy Winter will bring her one tonight  after I just bought one. I wouldn't even be surprised, but she wants to practice music for  six hours, so we can have her go work on that. She can hang out in her room  with her broken dollhouse and play the guitar, sounds like a blast. Oh my god, and you know what  you can do? Take a shower. Why are you un -- did you work out? Okay, it's  a miracle I noticed that he's dangerously tired. What
did you do? You have to go to  sleep, you're going to die! Oh my god, elders can't be trusted. The number of times  he's put himself in positions where he might almost die from that as well, like he's  been dangerously tired so many times. You can't work out as an elder because you're  gonna die. If I had let that three hours run out, he would die. Is that what you want? I mean  apparently. It would actually be kind of funny. Wait, wait I was kidding. No, no, no, no,  no, 29 minutes?! No, no, n
o, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, does he have enough time to  get up to bed before then? No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, oh, mistake, mistake, mistake,  mistake, mistake, is he gonna make it in time? Stop stop stop stop! Oh my god, look at  that for a second, ten minutes. This close to dying. That was like, genuinely, my life just  flashed before my eyes. Chaz's life just flashed before my eyes. Okay, go get your present little  guy. He's fine, he made it, he made it, it's fine. Okay, you can get
a present. Wait a minute,  Santa, what are you doing? Why are you sitting in my pool? He's dazed, did someone beat  him up for presents? Is that what happened? Is that actually why he's dazed? Is that why  Chaz was dangerously tired as well? Oh, he left! Oh, he poofed right through the chimney!  This game sucks. It's kind of fun that they actually use the chimneys in The Sims  though, that's one of those like, I wouldn't be surprised if they didn't  actually animate that, but they did. When I wa
s a kid I used to be  really concerned because um, obviously Santa has to use a chimney to get  into your house, well, I live in Florida, we don't have a fireplace or a chimney so  I used to be like, really worried about it, but thank god my mom told me if you don't  have a chimney, Santa has a house key, like he can get in just fine, it's no worries, but  I used to always worry about it when I was a kid. Did you just fart? Okay, do you know there  are a lot of people watching this right now. A
lot of people just saw you do that.  I kind of respect it, like own it, but a lot of people just watched you  fart in front of them. No! No! Oh my god, he is dying! I thought he  had three and a half days left. Oh, I guess it did say zero including three  and a half bonus days. This is really bad. Here I was thinking we were  in the clear, I was like, he's gonna make it to the wedding on the  weekend, no, he's not. He's dead on the floor. At least he made it through  Winterfest. This is the wors
t, this is like, actually the worst. No,  one's even awake. No, oh, this sucks! He did have a lot of close  calls today, I will say. So maybe it's a miracle he made it  this far, but of course he dies now. As soon as I got comfortable,  okay, as soon as I was like, oh, he's fine. No, he's not. Oh no, his  poor son has to see it. I'm sorry, I'm sorry, a friend has passed? D'you know  what, that makes me actually feel more sad 'cause Chaz was his stepdad, but he was  more of a dad than his biologi
cal dad is, but like, the way he called him a friend? That's  really sweet. Oh god, he loved Chaz so much. And now they have to like, go to school. School  for Anna starts in about an hour. Her dad died like, three hours ago. D'you know what, this  is bit morbid, but I'll tell you anyway. When my grandpa died, I went to school. My dad  got the call that my grandpa had died at like, 5:30/6am, when I was awake for high school because  my school started at 7:15, and I had an exam my first period an
d I was like, very overwhelmed,  anxious, like panicking, what am I gonna do? I'm awake, but I'm like, devastated obviously.  And then I was like, mom, drive me to school and I went to school and I took the exam. It would  have been fine if I missed it, I didn't like, do it because I couldn't miss it, but I like,  didn't know what else to do, so I went to school and took the exam and then I left school early  afterward because I was like, why am I here, this is horrible. But anyway, I went to sc
hool when  my grandpa died, so keep your chin up Anna, go take your exam, you'll be fine. That's terrible,  I'm sorry. You know what we should do though? Oh, widow from losing a true  love? Agh! I hate this game. Okay, we need to bring Chaz to the graveyard.  Um, do I have any photos of him? I don't even think I have that many? I kind of dropped the  ball with this generation. Oh, I've got loads, okay, I'll bring this one. This'll be nice, I'll  put that in front of their um, their gravestones.
Eventually Terry will be there too.  Maybe I'll have Alex come with and we'll go drop it off. I'm gonna need  a bigger graveyard soon by the way, I'm um, kind of running out of  space. Okay, let's put him... Oh, we've got enough space for the two of them  over here. Okay, good. And then we can put the photo like, in between the graves, eventually  obviously it'll be there too. This is Simsie's fault. Oh god, Sam Bell, ruined Terry's wedding.  Oh god, oh, this makes me feel really guilty. What am
I gonna do when we run out of  space? I guess I could start putting the graves in the middle here, like we  can just get rid of the fountains? Oh, that would be fine because we could always get  rid of the fountains and put the trees like, in the middle and then have graves that way and  this way, and then eventually I could always move to a bigger graveyard. Bring all the bodies with  me. That is morbid, that is -- that is horrible. I didn't even like, do anything ceremonial,  I literally just
put him there and then left. I didn't really think about that, I probably  should have like, had them mourn or something. Instead of just droppin' him off, heading home.  Maybe we could have them cook a meal together, maybe you could -- I don't have much I can cook. Make some cookies together in honor  of Chaz. See, I'm doing something to celebrate. To be clear, to  celebrate his life, not his death. No one is celebrating Chaz being gone. I  know it might feel that way because I like, was kind
of wishing for it for a while, I  just -- I was sick of waiting for him to die, every day I would come in and be like,  today's the day, and then he wouldn't die. It was just -- it was making me  nervous, it was causing me stress. I heard about the passing of someone special  to you, I wanted to offer my condolences. God, could you imagine if your fiancé texted you  this after the death of a family member? I wanted to offer my condolences, this is the most like,  generic -- I mean it's sweet, bu
t this is like, the kind of thing you'd find in a greeting card,  you know? Give me something more personal, Nathan. I was also gonna have Alex move  out and like, live with Nathan, but now I don't want to. I don't want to only have  like, two Sims in the house, it's kind of sad. It'll be nice though, he's just gonna be across  the street, so I guess that's good. We have that to look forward to. Do you dare me to have them  get pregnant? Ahhh, now I really want to. Hang on. CAS.FullEditMode, oka
y, so you can set it so  that anyone can become pregnant by the way if you want to, which is what I like to do. Look,  science in The Sims has progressed very far. I'm gonna invite him over. Oh, send him a happy  text, you're happy? Excellent holiday? Okay. You know, I'm not sure it was. I guess we can  look back on that day and think it was nice, it was a fun family time, but I'm not sure  if I would class that day as being like, an excellent holiday to be happy about. Oh, I  built this by the
way, isn't it cute? I know. There's nowhere for them to woohoo, I want a baby! Well, if it must be done, it must be done,  I'll get a woohoo bush. At some point we're gonna have a woohoo bush literally everywhere  in this world, like every lot's gonna have one. Try for a baby with Nathan. Oh my god, I had --  okay, so I have a legacy on my stream as well, I play this one on YouTube and I  have one I play on Twitch and um, in that one, my Sim got pregnant because  I had risky woohoo on 40% by acc
ident. I don't know when I did that, but it  is a good thing I noticed, and also I had the on ley line lot trait still,  I never turned it off, so I had like, four sets of twins in a row over the  course of two generations and I was like, wow, this is wild, I keep having twins. Yeah,  because you've got the on ley line lot trait! Anyway. And I don't want your money. This  is actually pretty believable though, you know when you get this call  when you have like, just one Sim and no legacy family
or any like,  ancestors, and you're like, yeah, okay, my great-grand-second-once-removed-cousin's  friend's grandpa has passed away. In this family, I'd be like, yeah, my  great-grand-second-once-removed-cousin's friend's grandpa, I'll show you  on the family tree, you know. I would absolutely believe it. Oh, wow, look  how big the family tree is getting. 'Cause like, even Gerald had a big history of other Sims in  his family, but this is our actual family tree. This is our actual list, and also
  like, the call came from his uncle, you know, Bobby called, it makes sense  to get that call from your family. iIt makes a little bit less sense to get  that call from like, Nancy -- oh god. Oh. I know I did this on purpose, but I wasn't really  expecting it to happen so fast, okay, we're having a baby. Okay, well you want to get a croissant to  celebrate? Congrats, I guess. Happy baby time. No, this'll be fun. D'you know what, how much  do you wanna bet I forget that I did this, and we load i
n next week and I start  to play and I'm like, w-w-w-w-whoa. Wait a minute. It's gonna  happen. It always happens. Well this is fun. Well who are you sitting  with? Why are you eating with them? Your fiancé is pregnant and you're leaving me by myself?  To be fair, Arvin is a cool name. Oh my god, the windows are open. The Mosquito Stuff windows  are like, always open, at least the smaller ones. See, these ones are closed, but these windows  being open as they're literally frosted over. Hm, it se
ems a bit unpleasant in  here. I feel like it's possibly a bit chilly in this room. Okay, well  that's not my problem. Anyway, I hope that you enjoyed this video,  I feel like a lot happened today. It always does, but sometimes it's  just a little bit too much. Like, the cat being on fire, that was a  lot for me, but with that being said, I'll catch you all tomorrow. Of course,  the playlist is always linked if you want to catch up on the series, and I will  see you all for another episode next
week. Bye everyone. That could have been bad, like genuinely, imagine Alex had died in that fire.  It's not even that far-fetched. [ JAZZY OUTRO MUSIC ]



Alex and Nathan getting engaged over the phone is PEAK nightmare legacy


Video idea like everyone has suggested before: Can Stanley Humphrey speedrun to a 5 star celebrity?


Dangerously tired doesn’t kill your sims unless you let them do any strenuous activities while it’s active 😊 so no need for panic


Nathan was tired of waiting, he took the ring and proposed to himself lmao Also the deep fried cat made me laugh way harder than it should


I like how lilsimsie has played this game for years and still has no idea how the "Dangerously Tired" thing works lol


Chaz getting another vacation day right before retiring has me thinking I should have my sims use their vacation days when they're elders instead of retiring. So they don't have to work but they get more money than the retirement pension. I rarely use vacation days in this game. My dad did that irl. Said he was retiring in September and then used his 3 months of built up vacation time to not work in June, July, and August.


anyone else find it hilarious that kayak calls father winter “daddy winter” 😭✋🏻💀


I think Anna’s house should have a basement with windows to look into the pool 😂 idk but it sounds cool


Kayla: Chaz has 3 and a half bonus days? He’ll never die! Chaz literally getting on the treadmill as she speaks not noticing


active sims really are OP, my sim completed the bodybuilder aspiration and got the long lived trait... he got 100 BONUS DAYS!! 100!!! thats enough to outlive your grandkids in the sims


I'm fairly sure the "dangerously tired" thing only kills them if they do more strenuous activity before the emotion ends, not if they just let it run out


If the timer runs out when elders are dangerously tired they don’t die… they only die if they work out again while they are dangerously tired


I love this series. really brings together the chaos that is Kayla. But then I get attached to the characters and start bawling when they die.


Kayla: Im very attached to my sims Also Kayla: Imagine if Alex died in the fire that would have been hilarious


I wish that elders with the active trait, or who even have a high enough active skill, couldn’t die from that physical exertion thing. Like it would be a good bonus to pursuing that trait. Like maybe if they push the limits or something they could still activate the moodlet, but otherwise I think it would be nice to still have elders who want to be able to go for jogs and do exercise without risking their life


i feel like Anna and Milton are going to be the epitome of the himbo/girlboss trope


"Elders can't be trusted" a sentence that is true both in the sims and IRL


That story about Santa is quite funny to me as a kid who was terrified of Santa. I mean terrified as in would have full-on crying meltdowns Christmas morning because "What if Santa's still there?!" If my mom had to tell me that he came through the door, and had a key to our house, I don't think I would've recovered lmao. 💀


You should get a Dalmatian to guard the fire toilet


Can't believe I've been following this series for over a year. Still waiting for an heir named Jingle Bell. Happy Holidays, Kayla! :D