
Pillar Events of Salvation part 1 by Pastor Allen Stump

This presentation is the first in a two-part series on pillar events of salvation covering the counsel of peace, creation, the incarnation and the death of Jesus Christ.

Smyrna Gospel

4 days ago

[Music] well if you're listening to the recording  of this uh you don't need to change your audio there's nothing wrong with your audio it's  probably fine but today my voice is trying to be different and we're going to just get  through this anyhow and next time you're here hopefully it'll be better Friday Sherry  and I were at The Crossroads Mall in Beckley we went to get a garden hose from Rural King  and some other things that needed to be done and as I was walking down the main aisle near 
the center of the Court here are some ladies from a not too distant church and they had  these chocolate covered candy eggs they're selling and I go just a little further and I  see that we're getting pictures with the Easter Bunny and you know my mind is wondering just like  your mind has wondered or my mind has wondered in the past what do chocolate eggs and bunnies have  anything to do with the resurrection of Jesus Christ they have nothing to do with it they  have everything to do with Pagan
fertility rights and practices and ceremonies  that were later incorporated into Christianity what do these Easter Sunrise services  that will be happening tomorrow and people will be going out and waiting for the sun to come up  and they'll be worshiping and having ham and egg dinners what does that really have to do with  the res resurrection of Jesus Christ well the fact is it has nothing to do with it but it  goes back again just like the rabbit and the eggs to Pagan fertility practices and
false  Christ I think probably most of us listening um we probably don't need a history lesson on this  today but the day before today that word I'm not saying well today that day before today Friday  we sometimes use the term Good Friday is a good Friday but was there not something very special  about that Friday and I say yes there was it was the death of Jesus Christ it was his atoning  death on the cross for us was it not is it not a pillar in the Plan of Salvation And of course  it was of
course it was and the resurrection of Jesus Christ could salvation be possible without  the resurrection and again I say no not at all these two great events were necessary as a part  of the Plan of Salvation and though Others May misunderstand these events and may have their  Easter bunnies and their Sunrise ham dinners and all those other things to go with them we  beloved must not let their misunderstandings stand in the way of our rejoicing in the work  of God and Christ in these events and
as I've thought about the Plan of Salvation And I think  as you have thought about the Plan of Salvation that we all realize that there are certain  Monumental pillars Monumental events in this whole Plan of Redemption that stand out and at  first I thought to try to present a a sweeping overview of all of these points today and I  realized that wasn't going to be possible for several reasons it would be too long and it would  be wonderful if we could take a Sabbath to go through all of these va
rious great mon Monumental  pillar events that I'd like to talk to today but we're going to look at some of them today and  all of these are essential we have bodies and in our bodies we have different various organs  we have a heart we have lungs we have kidneys a liver and we might think the heart is the  most important take it out you're gonna die but you can have a great healthy heart  but if your liver is diseased you're going to die too if you get lung cancer your  heart can be fine but yo
u're going to die unless it's cured obviously and so just  like in the Plan of Salvation whether it's the death of Christ his resurrection his  Ascension his high Priestly Ministry his coming back to this earth his second coming  all of these are important and today I want to look begin and my plan was to begin to look  at five and I don't know if we'll get that far today we'll just do what we can do amen but  some of these pillar events and the Plan of Salvation because they're all important  t
o us does anybody recognize this what is this skull skull heill yes  goala without that we have no salvation it is the focus of  our Redemption come on up you can come up here you come up here with Grandma Sherry I'd like to say the first Monumental  pillar of the Plan of Salvation begins in eternity past with what we call the Council  of peace and I don't say we call it that the Bible calls it that if you would turn with me  to Zechariah Chapter 6 and verse 13 Zechariah Chapter 6 and verse 13 i
s a prophecy about  Christ even he shall build the Temple of the Lord and He Shall bear the glory and shall  sit and Rule upon his throne and he shall be a priest upon his throne and the Council  of Peace shall be between them both the the Hebrew says two it's it's a Hebrew word for  two three not one two the father and the son counseling together in this Council and it's a  council of Peace designed to bring peace like the other pillars of Salvation the counsil  peace is one of the Eternal purp
oses of God in Acts chap 2 and verse 23 acts chap 2 verse  23 here Peter speaking on the day of Pentecost speaking of Christ as him being delivered by the  determined counsel and forn knowledge of God ye have taken and by Wicked hands have crucified  and slain Peter is saying that all this that happened it was through the determined counsel  and the forn knowledge of God that he would send his son to suffer this ignominious death so  that rebell rebellious people Sinners Like Us could have etern
al life Revelation chapter 13  and verse 8 it speaks about Jesus as being the lamb slain from the foundation of the world says  and all that dwell upon the Earth shall worship Him whose names are not written in the Book of  Life of the lamb slain from the foundation of the world the purpose and plan of Grace existed  from all eternity before the foundation of the world it was according to the determined  counsil of God that man should be created endowed with power to do the Divine will but  the
defection of man with all its consequences was not hidden from the unipotent and yet it  did not deter him from carrying caring out his eternal purpose for the Lord would establish  his throne in righteousness let me just pause before I continue with this quotation if  you'll think about God's great wisdom his omniscience his eternal nature it wasn't after in in a  sense that he decided to create man that he would then learn that man  would Rebel somehow in eternity past he has always known this
and he has  always planned for a solution to this problem God knows the end from the beginning known  unto God are all his works from the beginning of the world acts 15:18 therefore Redemption  was not an afterthought a plan formulated after the fall of Adam but an eternal purpose  to be wrought out for the blessing not only of this Adam of a world but for the good of all  the worlds which God has created signs of the times April 25 1892 paragraph 1 in The Book  of Job it speaks about how the s
ons of God came together to have a meeting and Satan  came representing this Earth and God said to him you know why don't you consider my  servant job he he is an upright man heeth evil and you remember the story right but Satan  wasn't the only one that was there there were other sons of God who'd come from other places  we don't know of Worlds that have intelligent beings are they like us we don't know but they're  intelligent they can love and serve God they've never rebelled against God they
've been faithful  to God only in this Earth has this plague of sin erupted the creation of the worlds this is  continuing the next paragraph the creation of the worlds The Mystery of the Gospel are for  one purpose to make manifest to all created intelligences through nature and through  Christ the glories of the Divine character by the marvelous display of his love and giving  his only begotten son that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life  the glory of God is
revealed to Lost humanity and to the intelligences of other worlds it's through  nature and through Christ how many other worlds are there I don't know the best estimate I've  heard concerning just the star in what we consider our known universe well they say that there's at  least a 100 billion galaxies and that's an old figure there it's probably been updated maybe as  many as 300 billion 400 billion and each of those galaxies there's three or 400 billion stars and  you start to multiply it o
ut and it's a pretty big number there's probably not a world like ours  on every one of them but there's some other worlds out there but he created systems of  stars like this spiral galaxy or this nebula this or some scientists have called it the eye  of God it doesn't look something like an eye wow he has created some of these things he  didn't need them all I mean what do we need we need one son one son that has a gravitational  warping of time space or however you want to call Einstein that
allows our planet to rotate  around it to create Seasons to give us the energy we need in every form to to sustain  ourselves we don't need the adonin Galaxy we don't need alpha centuri or any of these  other stars or systems out there and it's most likely these other worlds don't either  but God is a lover of beauty and even in the star systems he is created beauty beyond  our understanding and through these things through nature and through the revelation of  Christ we can understand the glori
es of his Divine character amen I'm thankful for that  they are all to declare the glory of God and this brings us to the second pillar event of the  Plan of Redemption and that is creation creation we know the very first verse of the Bible says  in the beginning God created the Heaven and the earth and the psalmist in Psalm 19 verses  1-4 explains to us how this creation is brought about to glorify God it says the  heavens declare the glory of God and the fate showeth his handiwork verse two da
y unto  day utter speech and night unto night showeth knowledge there is no speech nor language for  their voice is not heard their line is gone out through all the Earth and their words to the  end of the world in them hath he set a tabernacle for the sun I don't care where you live you  can stay here in American speak English you can be in Siberian speak Russian you can be on  the island of Borneo and speak something I don't even know what it is but you can look up in the  heavens and you can
see and understand and hear the language of God in creation amen and there  would be no life without creation no life to redeem without creation and God in his creative  work friends he gave to us a special Memorial at the end of the creative week so that we might  not forget his creative Works in Genesis chapter 2 and verses 1 through3 it says thus the heavens  and the Earth were finished and all the hosts of them and on the seventh day God ended his work  which he had made and he rested on the
seventh day from all his work which he had made and God  blessed the seventh day now I want to tell you something friends you can read this in more than  one place in the Bible but you never read where he put a blessing on any other single day of  the week including what is called commonly the first day of the week or Sunday never in  the Bible does it say that he blessed the first day of the week and called upon people  to remember that day even though Millions do today God blessed the seventh
day it doesn't say  here even that he blessed the Sabbath day because you know people might say well the Sabbath's been  changed he's blessed the sabath but no it says he blessed the seventh day and he Sanctified it  because that in it he had rested from all his work which God created and made but of course  there's always the objector looking for some way to excuse themselves from the obligations  of God and they'll say well you know how do we know which day is the seventh day anymore they  al
l change you know and you hear this from the preachers the Sunday preachers especially but if  you ask him which day did Jesus uh die on when he was crucified always he's crucified on Good  Friday they know that day for sure and what day did he was he resurrected on way he's resurrected  on Sunday morning they know that day quite well too but they seem to somehow forget to this day  between but friends you and this is so important because uniquely tied to creation is redemption  because God's Re
demption comes through creation to us David understood this in Psalms 51 and verse  10 he said create in me a clean heart oh God and renew a right Spirit within me he said create a  new heart in me I I got this old heart it doesn't work anymore it's no good it's filthy I need a  new heart in the New Testament the Apostle Paul says in 2 Corinthians 5:17 therefore If any man  be in Christ he is a new creature now the only way friends to get a new creature is to have a  new creation old things are
passed away behold all things are become new all things are become  new the Sabbath rest reminds us of God's creative power to take absolutely nothing that's us too  by the way and make something very good from it the Bible says that by the word of the Lord were  the heavens made and all the host of them by the breath of his mouth where he spake and it was  done he commanded it stood fast says Psalms 33: 6 and N God took nothing and he made these  galaxies these worlds and he can take nothing th
at's me that's you he can take a sinful human  being that has nothing good to offer and he can make something beautiful from us the world would  wait approximately 4,000 years before the next great pillar event of Salvation would occur and  that is the Incarnation of Jesus Christ the term Incarnation it comes from two Latin words incarnus  in flesh or In the Flesh that Jesus Christ would come and be born as a baby in Bethlehem in John  chapter 1 verse one it says in the beginning was the word an
d the Word was with God and the Word  was God Amen and this word in verse 14 of that same chapter says and the Word was made flesh  and dwelt among us and we beheld his glory the glory as of the only begotten of the father full  of grace and truth the word was made flesh Jesus Christ was the sent of God he was sent of God to  become a human baby born with all the felties of humanity I remember talking to a minister one  time and wanting to discuss the Incarnation with him and he saids oh you kno
w we shouldn't  study the Incarnation that's not good I said really no no no is in fact he even said he had a  inspired statement saying we shouldn't study the Incarnation but let me just say what inspired  statement does say this is from manuscript and letters volume 18 manuscript 76 of 19003 paragraph  18 when we want a deep problem to study let us fix our minds on the most marvelous thing that ever  took place in Earth or Heaven the Incarnation of the Son of God now this statement doesn't say
it's  the greatest thing that ever happened doesn't say it's the most important thing I'm I'm not trying  Edwards but it does say it's the most marvelous thing God gave his son to die for sinful human  beings a death of inom minity and shame he who was commander in the Heavenly courts laid aside  his Royal robe and kingly Crown and clothing his divinity with Humanity came to this world to stand  at the head of the human race as the pattern man and he couldn't have done that friends unless he  b
ecame flesh and dwelt Among Us Christ had to be born he just couldn't come like an angel could he  had to come and be born in human flesh and then he had to live like we have to live and he lived  a life of obedience and he set an example for us after all you know we say what would Jesus do  remember the what would Jesus do thing why do we ask that even unless that we're going to do what  Jesus did you see in First Peter chapter 2 veres 21-22 he says for even here unto were you called  because C
hrist also suffered for us leaving us what an example that you should follow his steps  who did no sin neither was gu found in his mouth and so the the example that Jesus gave for us the  example of his steps that we are to walk in is one that doesn't sin is one that doesn't have G in  its mouth and you might say well that's too much that's too big that's too hard well the question  is not how bad I am that's not the question we already know how bad I am the question is how  great is our God How
Great Is Our Savior is he truly able to save to the uttermost all who come  to go to him through God and I say yes he is the Apostle Paul in the book of Hebrews in the second  chapter writing upon the humanity of Christ he says in verse 14 for as much then as the children  are partakers of Flesh and Blood he also himself likewise took part of the same that through death  he might destroy him that had the power of death that is the devil and deliver them who through  fear of death were all their
lifetime subject to bondage he friends he wanted to deliver us from  death Deliver Us from the devil and in verse 16 he goes on to say for verily took not on him  the nature of angels then come this Earth as even the angels could but he took on him the Seed  of Abraham the seed of a fallen human being seed of a man that made many errors in his life many  mistakes did some bad things even but by God's grace became a saint wherefore in some things  what does the text say in all things it behooved
him and that word behooved in the Greek means  means he is under Solomon obligation that word that we translate beh means that he had to take  this he was under obligation to be made like to his Brethren why that he might be a merciful  and faithful high priest in things pertaining to God to make reconciliation for the sins of the  people for in that he himself has suffered being tempted he is able to sucker or to help them  which are tempted that sinless life that he lived in the flesh it brou
ght him into direct  opposition to the church leadership of his day did didn't it he told those people that these people  they're they're taxing you and they're they're making heavy burdens to be put upon you  but my yoke is easy and my burden is light he dared to even criticize the mission program of  the church he said you know you you cross Land and Sea to get one proelite when you've made  him you made him tomb for mold the child of hell he dared to criticize the leaders  of the church he ch
urch he called them Hypocrites Oh my he called them snakes and Sons of snakes it put him on a path directly to the next  pillar event in the Plan of Salvation the death of the cross the death of the cross in Matthew Chap  27:33 and when they were come to a place called gatha that is to say a place of a skull the Greek  word that we translate skull is cryon CR cranon we get our word Cranium from it the head you know the  skull interestingly in Luke 23:33 and when they were come to a place which i
s called Calvary cron  There They Crucified him and the malactor one on the right hand and the other on the left the word  Calvary the new the King James version is not a new New Testament place name but rather it's the  Latin translation of cron most translations use skull instead of Calvary here but we're accustomed  to Calvary we like it we name churches after you know Calvary Baptist Church Methodist Calvary  Methodist Church you know uh but just means skull mean skull because the mountain t
hat Christ  was crucified it sort of had an appearance of a skull but it was that death on that Hill called skull that became the central Focus point of  the whole Plan of Salvation in Philippians chapter 2 the Apostle Paul says in verse 5 to  let this mind be you which was also in Christ Jesus who being in the form of God thought  it not robbery to be equal with God but made himself of no reputation and took upon him  the form of a servant or the Greek says a slave and he was made in the likene
ss of men  and why was all of this done and being found in fashion as a man he humbled himself and became  obedient unto death not just any death the death of the Cross Jesus Paid the wages of sin which  is death for every person who has ever or will ever live we know that Romans chapter 3 verse  23 says for all have sinned and come short of the glory of God and that's that's me it's you  it's every one of us and Hebrews 9:22 it says and almost all things are by the law purged  with blood and wi
thout shedding of blood is no remission without the death of the Son of  God there would be no salvation by his cruel death he has ransomed Humanity back to God and not  only us but he has brought all the universe into peace and harmony with God we mention these  other worlds that we know very little about we just have hints about them right W you know  something Paul said in Colossians 1 and verse 20 he says and having made peace having made peace  remember it was a council of Peace wasn't it h
ow was this Council of Peace affected through the  blood of his cross by him to reconcile how much all things unto himself by him I say whether they  be things in Earth or things in heaven in heaven what need reconciled in heaven Satan and his  host were already cast out of Heaven by this time if if I was to come in here today and I  always to say about brother Michael Woodward you know brother Mike he's a pretty good  guy just be careful what you say around him just watch what you say around hi
m  what have I done I I've implanted in your mind that there's something conniving  about him and you've got to be careful in a way that you didn't think you had to  be careful before Satan had insinuated things about God and his character and even  though there were Angels who didn't Rebel and didn't follow him in their minds there was  maybe not a doubt in a sense but there was some kind of a hesitancy to be able to have the  full fellowship with God the open fellowship with God that was that
was needed and at the cross  it was clearly demonstrated who Satan was and what his character was and what the character  of God was the death of the Cross proved God's love for us in 1 John 4 and verse 9 the Bible  says that we love him because he first loved us and that love was demonstrated at Calvary  wasn't it that love is what motivates us as Believers in 2 Corinthians 5:14 For the Love  of Christ constrain us that means motivates us propels us Christ the son of God is the  perfect revelat
ion of the character of God when Paul beheld Jesus lifted up on on the  cross he didn't see simply Jesus alone but the father himself crucified with his son not  that the father died physically but rather his message at the cross was a revelation of the  Eternal unselfish principles of the character of God through Christ and through that he has  declared the father has declared that he will serve even the creatures he has made who have  rebelled against him no matter what the personal inconvenie
nce pain and suffering to himself is he  is willing to serve and save man at any cost to himself but you say it was his son who died it's probably been about 20 years ago  I suppose I couldn't tell you the exact time Heidi no it's beyond that Heidi's  brother was at uh the University of Virginia Charlotte hospital and he had had to have a a terrible operation he had to have  a a Halo literally screwed into his his skull and he had to have this terrible surgery  and he comes out this surgery he's
wearing this Halo and he's got a ventilator tube in and hoses  and wires and can't imagine what looked up to the kid I think I can honestly tell  you it was harder on me than him he was the bravest kid I ever saw in my life  I mean that I mean you know everybody like think their own kid is best but I'm not saying he's  the best he's the bravest kid I ever saw never complained but what was it to the father  to allow his son to go through this think of think of you those of you who are  parents w
ho have children what if you were allowing your child to do this  knowing the pain the agony not just physically you know the I believe that  the the the mental torture this spiritual experience that Christ went through on  the cross was so terrible that I don't think he hardly felt the physical pain  as bad as the physical pain was this was worse because you know we look at this in  the past and we think you know this is a done deal he knew everything but friends  when he said my God my God why
hast Thou forsaken me this wasn't the Cry of some actor  just staying aart knowing it's all going to be okay in the end all he can see at this point  is nothing the portals of the Tomb are shut to him and he thinks sin is so bad I am going  to suffer the wages of this sin I'm going to die eternally and I will not be resurrected  I will have no fellowship with my father ever again and he makes the decision if this is what  it costs to save you and to save me I will do this that's right and the f
ather allowed him  to do this and the father saw this suffering and you know I've tried to I've tried to somehow  put this in a human way that I can understand and I probably have said this before to some of  you but I've just thought like you know that day that Hans was on that ventilator what if  I'd walked into that room and unplugged that ventilator and just turned around walked away and  said nothing what would he think my father why have you forsaken me what would that do to me as  a fathe
r knowing I had to do that to save others and knowing that's what he's going to experience  I don't think we begin to understand Calvary at all satan had accused God of requiring self-denial  of the Angels when he knew nothing of what it meant himself and when he would not himself make  any self-sacrifice for Brothers this was the accusation that Satan made against God in heaven  and after the evil one was expelled from Heaven he continually charged the Lord with exacting service  which he would
not render himself Christ came to the world to meet these false accusations and  to reveal the father and by God's grace he did amen he did I said something to Sher last night  she said I don't understand I'll have to try to explain it today because you may not understand  it either but the the when you think of all the Plan of Salvation the cross uh if I could just  say this in the words of man it's the straw that stir the drink it's what puts it all together and  makes it work and blends it a
ll and makes it a perfect union together that's why Paul could say  in 1 Corinthians chapter 2 and I Brethren when I came unto you came not with Excellency a speech  or of wisdom declaring un you the testimony of God for I determined not to know anything among  you save Jesus Christ and what him crucified but I keep under my body or I keep my body  under or in into subjection lest that by any means when I preached to others I myself  should be a Cast Away the clamors of the flesh he says I have
to keep into subjection  in Romans chapter 12 and verses 1 and two he says I beseech you therefore Brethren by the  mercies of God that you present your body as a Living Sacrifice friends don't think  that the Plan of Salvation is only to redeem your spirit or your soul whatever  God has a holistic plan he's a holistic doctor and he wants our bodies redeemed  now I may not sound like the best example of that today and I apologize for that  you know but I would hope that if we have visitors come
in among us someday that  they wouldn't look at us and then leave and then say boy you know they that preacher  doesn't ever preach on health reform does he that you present your bodies a Living Sacrifice  wholly acceptable on God which is your reasonable service and be not conformed to this world but be  transformed how by the renewing of your mind that you may prove what is that good and uh acceptable  and perfect will of God he says that you have your minds renewed and you do that by having t
his  mind which was in the mind of Christ Jesus right to keep it holy you can scan your Bible  from Genesis to Revelation you can get cr's concordance you can get Strong's Concordance  you can get Young's concordance you get any electronic concordance you want and you never  find him ever doing that you never find him blessing the first day but here is Jesus the  Creator the one through whom God created all things who rested on that first seventh day  and now in the great Plan of Redemption he's
now resting again on the seventh day in the  Tomb we are told at last Jesus was at rest the long day of Shame and torture was ended  as the last Ray of the Setting Sun ushered in the Sabbath The Son of God lay in quietude  in Joseph's tomb his work completed his hands folded in peace he rested through the  sacred hours of the Sabbath day SV is 769.41 the Creator and all Heavenly beings  rejoiced in contemplation of the Glorious scene the morning star sang together and all the sons of  God shout
ed for Jo Joy job 38:7 now Jesus rested from the work of redemption and though there was  grief among those who loved him on Earth yet there was joy in heaven glorious to the eye of heavenly  beings was the promise of the future a restored creation a redeemed race that having conquered  sin could never fall this the result to flow from Christ's completed work God and angels saw  with this scene the day upon which Jesus rested is forever linked for his work is perfect  and whatsoever God doeth it
shall be forever Deuteronomy 32:4 and Ecclesiastes 3:14 when there  shall be a restitution of all things which God has spoken by the mouth of all his holy prophets and  world began acts 3:21 their creation Sabbath the day on which Jesus lay at rest in Joseph's tomb  will still be a day of rest and rejoicing amen Heaven and Earth will unite In Praise as from  one Sabbath to another Isaiah 6623 the nations of the saved shall bow in Joy joyful worship to  God and the lamb you know it's interesting
every Theologian will admit that from the creation till  the time of the cross the Sabbath was kept and was to be kept and they're all admit that the Bible  says in the new heaven new Earth we're going to keep the Sabbath but somehow they can't explain  why all that stops in between here why didn't we keep the first day of the week before why don't  we keep the first day of the week in heaven it doesn't say that it doesn't say that but all  would have been lost friends all that Jesus did would
have been lost if he had stayed in  the Tomb but because of what happened after the Sabbath hope became alive and well within the  disciples and with us and next week we're going to pick up and talk about the next Monumental  pillar event of Salvation the resurrection of Christ I'd like to I would like to to to speak to each one of you in some personal  way and I can't do that easily today too often times we allow institutionalism  to be a substitute for a vibrant living personal relationship wi
th God and with his son  Christ Our Savior we think that coming to a church or even tuning into a broadcast  somehow connects us to God of itself and it doesn't now does God command and even command  us to not forsake the assembling of ourselves together it absolutely does it's important but  it's not a substitute for day by day having that personal relationship with Christ and if  you know you're not living like you should if you know today that you have not acknowledge  the creation of God as
you should have and recognize the seventh day as the Sabbath of  the Lord thy God in it Thou shalt not do any work then I want to encourage you  today to confess your failings and your sin to God and not just for  the fourth Commandment but for all the Commandments of God if  you've been living a life of a thievery you know you can do that without  taking money from any person how would you do that if you'd taken it from God instead you  you read about that in the Book of Malachi he robbed me in
tithes and offerings whatever  whatever God lays upon your heart based upon his word friends repent of it today find Christ  today he is a living savior he did not stay in Joseph's new Tomb amen he came forth and he  can change your life he changed my life some of you would not want to have known me 46  47 48 years ago you would not have wanted to know me at all you would have looked upon  me with scorn if you had known me well but by God's grace I'm here today and by God's grace  if he Wills I
'll be here next week and finish hopefully finish this message and my voice will  be a little better you pray for me I'm going to be praying for you but make that decision for  Christ whatever it is in your life and even if you think that you're a committed Christian  even if you think that you've been serving Christ friends use this opportunity to examine  yourselves to see whether you're of the faith or not is
