
Pirate Brawl | Fantasy High: Sophomore Year | Ep. 6

Fig asks Adaine for help. Riz finds a big piece of the puzzle. Kristen shows off a skill. Welcome to Dimension 20,'s anthology actualplay show! Enjoy watching every campaign, every behind-the-scenes, every one-shot, and every talkback, only on Dropout: Sign up for the Dropout newsletter here:

Dimension 20

3 months ago

- Hello and welcome back to Dimension 20 Live presents Fantasy High Sophomore Year! I'm your humble dungeon master, Brennan Lee Mulligan. With me, as always, are our intrepid heroes. Say hi, intrepid heroes! - Hi, intrepid heroes! - Aw shucks. Last we left off, our brave Bad Kids were in the pirate city of Leviathan on their quest to retrieve the Crown of the Nightmare King. Their journey had brought them, along with three of Fig's parents, (Emily laughing) a griffon, two magical vehicles, a fro
g made of vapor, Fabian's maid Cathilda, and Kristen's girlfriend Tracker O'Shaughnessey and their classmate Ragh Barkrock here to Leviathan. A city surging out of the waves, made of a monolith, a behemoth of shipwrecks tied and lashed together with a big wooden pirate city built on top. The city of Leviathan was home to many adventures. They managed to get their van out of impound right away from the warforged bosun of Leviathan, Jamina Joy. They met Alistair Ash, the tiefling former street urc
hin and current warlock of Fabian's father, Bill Seacaster. They arrived at the Gold Gardens, where they ran afoul of Captain James Whitclaw, the illithid captain of the Crimson Claw, and met Garthy O'Brien, who's the proprietor of the Gold Gardens, a half-orc aasimar who gave them a lot of information about the crown passing through Leviathan previously, about their relationship with Bill Seacaster as a palimpsest supplier, about their bag of gems that had gone missing. And we ended last sessio
n with Fabian going up to the Crow's Keep to look at his father's old stomping grounds through the night, as well as seeing our friends get totally blasted, high as hell, gettin' a bunch of tattoos, and ending on a very harrowing bit of mother-daughter complication as Fig watched her mom go into the bedchambers of Garthy O'Brien, the proprietor. - [Lou] Ha cha cha. - A harrowing bit of mother-daughter complication. - Yeah, I don't write these ahead of time. It is a full Scrabble. It's just tiles
hitting the board every time I open my mouth. - [Zac] I loved it. - So, with that all being said, we are gonna return now- By the way, we got some new emotes for you guys in the chat. We got a Gilear yogurt emote. We got a Boggy the froggy emote, if you're into that. And by the way, if you're like, how do I get these premium emotes or whatever? I literally just found this out today. If you are someone that has Amazon Prime, if that's a service you use, it lets you subscribe to a bunch of Twitch
channels for free. You get Twitch channels with your Amazon. I didn't know, I've been- - It's per month, right? - Yeah, once a month you get one Twitch Prime. - You get once Twitch thing, so you might, you know, be not getting your G-dang money's worth. So if you wanna subscribe to us that way- - Take money from Bezos. - Yes. Hit me up. - It's your money already. - It's your money already. - Get it back! - And I just wanna say, our apologies to Jeff Bezos, who was just surpassed today by Bill G
ates. - Really? - RIP. - [Lou] We've got to celebrate tonight. (Brennan laughing) My man Billy Gates is number one? My man's on top? Yeah! (Everyone laughing) That's for you, Billy! He's watching. - Billy G. - This is a little bit of- - Is that Riz Gukgak's music? - That's Riz Gukgak's music. We are actually going to return to a scene that we left off last time, which was Kristen and Riz doing a little bit of investigating outside of Garthy O'Brien's quarters. As you guys appear at this giant se
t of ornate, gilded doors, you see these two half orc pirate guards outside, large sort of chambers here. You had perceived that little bit of a Clairvoyance sensor that is now gone. You cast, Kristen, Detect Evil and Good. As you cast the spell, you perceive a faint celestial aura not only from this building, but from around the Gold Gardens entirely. Go ahead and give me a Religion check, which you do roll with advantage. (dice rolling) - 21. - Lovely. What you see here, effectively, is that a
mongst the buildings of the Gold Gardens, (soothing music) there is this powerful aura of- (Brennan laughing) Yes. Powerful aura of wholeness, wellness, celestial healing. When Garthy said that they were able to break curses and heal people- You see that the place that is the most out of the ordinary here at the Gold Gardens in terms of what you would expect at a pirate casino and brothel is also how many places here are massage parlors, places of baths, which is not what you would associate wit
h pirates. It appears that a lot of this place is also associated with healing. As you look at the layout of buildings in the Gold Gardens, you see that the entire complex is built as part of a complex celestial rune, and that all of this is connected, with Garthy's quarters in the center, that appear to create what, for a sorcerer, would be called a sanctum sanctorum, what you might call a holy place. This place has been hallowed, effectively, and what you suspect is that because it's centered
on Garthy's sleeping quarters, Garthy is probably a powerful human or powerful half-orc aasimar just in general. Their power is amplified tremendously by being here in this place. Kind of like a caster that has devoted a lot of their effort to keeping one haven safe as opposed to being able to do a lot of stuff in the outside world. And that's what you observe there. Riz and Kristen, what do you guys do, standing outside the door? You've caught the attention of the two guards there, but I assume
you haven't approached yet. - [Murph] No. Did we- We saw we were being watched or something, right? - The Clairvoyance blip. - Yeah. Okay. - So my Detect Good and Evil didn't really tell me if it was necessarily evil, or- - Technically, Detect Evil and Good in 5th Edition doesn't give you alignment information. It gives you information with planar and magical associations, right? So you are able to see whether a given source of magic or there's a given aura of undead, fiend, celestial, fey, rig
ht? - Cool. - You detect powerful celestial presence here. You do not detect anything fiendish or undead. - Okay. I pat Riz on the back and I cast Protection from Evil and Good. - Okay. - Huh. Yeah, I think Riz is starting to sober up a little bit. - Yeah, I'm worried about you. You're covered in bleeding tattoos and saran wrap. - Did someone draw on me? - You did it. It's okay. - I try to get it off. What is this? - Oh, there's more, if you're worried about the forearm tattoo. - Are we concerne
d about Sandra Lynn? - Yeah. - Okay. - Let's do a kid thing. - Do a ding dong ditch? - No, like a, we're scared! Or, I had a bad dream! Some sort of, so we can talk to her. - Yeah. I guess I'll... I think maybe we don't want them to know that we wanna talk to Sandra Lynn. I think we should sneak up, maybe, and try to bang on the door. - With the two guards there? - I'll sneak past them. I'm pretty good at sneaking. - Great. - Do you think you can distract them? - Yeah, I can definitely distract
them. I take a little ribbon out of my bag. - Oh no! - And I tie it to a stick, and I make it a ribbon dancer. - Can I hide? - I'm gonna need a Performance check from- - [Siobhan] Don't you have a -3 to Dexterity? - Charisma's okay. - [Ally] No, I have a three. - [Lou] Proficient in Performance. (dice rolling) - Okay! - Hey, 19! - Okay. Okay. - [Murph] I almost threw up. Just a very quick laugh. - [Ally] Oh, it's like a snake, ah! - And then I would like to hide. - Go ahead and give me a Stealth
check. I'm gonna say you do this flat. - Okay, cool. That is 23. - Okay, so you watch these two guards, who kind of clocked you before. You sort of disappear into the shadows. Kristen begins ribbon dancing. You watch these two guards that are leaning fully against the door, kind of just chatting with each other. Both turn over. You've never seen people broadcast less through their body language or facial expressions. They stay leaning, but are completely still as they watch. - [Ally] Can I do a
Perception check? - Yeah, go for it. - That's cocked. - [Emily] Oh my god! - Interesting. Okay, yeah. It's a 10. - A 10. You are so deep in this ribbon dance that I don't think you can get what's happening. - [Emily] Oh, Kristen Applebees, I'm taking you on tour! (players laughing) - Riz, as you begin to sneak, what do you attempt to do? - I guess I want to... I guess if I make too much of a thing, it's gonna put Kristen in danger. This is an ill-thought out plan. I am going to- - I thought you
were gonna bang so that they run away. - I was gonna, yeah. Okay, I'm gonna go and- yeah. I'm gonna sneak around the side to a different area. - [Emily] Raving ribbon dancer. - And I'm just gonna- I don't want them to kill me if they find me, so I don't wanna break shit or anything. I just wanna make a loud noise. Is there anything I can just kick or punch? - Make an Investigation check. - [Murph] I feel stupid. What am I doing? Such a good Investigation check. 26. - Yeah, you find a barrel on
top of a little stack of barrels you could kick over. - I knock over some barrels. - Barrels on barrels, dude. - [Zac] What are we even trying? - I don't know. - I'm into this. - I'm asleep. - I'm truly all the way into whatever is happening. - I love it. - I think trying to make sure... I think we're just concerned about Sandra Lynn. - [Emily] I can't stop watching Kristen. - I just don't understand what's gonna happen if it goes well. - I'm hoping they run out. - That's the best part! - Oh, ok
ay. - I don't know. - Okay, so you- - [Emily] I'm into this. I'm very into this. - [Murph] I knock over some barrels. - They think they're gonna stop fucking and run out to where they have two guards? - [Murph] Their guards might get concerned. - I think this is good. Keep going. - [Murph] This is a real Axford move. - You find some barrels. You kick them over. A 26 is very good. Go ahead and roll Deception with advantage. You found a very good barrel to kick over. (Emily cackling) - Okay. Decep
tion. My Deception's not very good. 12. - Okay. You see that both the guards turn over, hear the barrels. (mimics barrels crashing) You see a barrel crashes open. You see a bunch of fine ale washes over the deck. You see they sort of see the barrel punt off and crash, and you see one of them goes, "Oi, Martin! Looks like one of the barrels fell off the top!" You see that a very old, scruffy pirate janitor begins to- he's got two peg legs and a mop, and begins to sort of waddle over and begin to
mop up the ale that you can see down from your perch. - [Ally] Fuck, we just made a mess for a person who's trying to get through work. - [Murph] I just walk up to the door. Can I talk to Sandra Lynn, please? - You see that one of the guards looks and says, "Well, you're not allowed in, but we're more than happy to go get Ms. Faeth for you. Just so you know, her daughter... I'm so sorry, I just wanna wait for this to wrap up. - This is gonna go on for a while. - What's that? Oh right, sorry. I w
rap it up and I put it in my pocket. - Ms. Faeth's daughter had already come over here and interrupted the goings-on inside. So if you would like to do that for the second time- - We understand but- And this is kind of embarrassing, but I'm afraid of the dark and Sandra Lynn always tells me- She just kind of helps talk me down a little bit. You know, anxiety, sometimes you're able to talk it through and have it dissipate a little bit. But you know what, there's one more thing that we could try b
efore we have to interrupt her. Remember that blanket trick? We're gonna go try the blanket trick. - What's the blanket trick? - We might be back. It's really nice, he wraps me up like an egg roll, and then he says, "Egg roll to go!" And he puts me on a different surface - But if you're afraid of the dark, wouldn't a blanket over your- - It's a loving wrap. - [Murph] It's like a baby thing. - Okay, so I'm trying to cast Zone of Truth right here while we're talking. - Sure, okay. First of all, gi
ve me a Deception check. - Oh god. - This is the new dream team right here. The Ball and Fabian are done. This is it. This is the future. - 17. - 17. Okay, cool. You disguise yourself. - Okay, so I'm casting Zone of Truth, but we need 10 minutes. - Wait, it takes 10 minutes? No, it lasts 10 minutes. - It lasts 10 minutes. - Oh sorry, okay, got it. All right, good. - Thank god. - Okay, good. I cast Zone of Truth and I say, can we talk to Sandra Lynn? Because now that I know it doesn't take 10 min
utes, we don't have to try the egg roll trick. We need to see her right now. - Okay, you need to see... All right, we're happy to go in. So you see one of them goes in. About a minute later, Sandra Lynn comes out, even more disheveled, shirt backwards, shorts backwards. - Shorts? - Her Crocodile Hunter ranger shorts are on backwards. - On backwards? - On backwards. She comes out and goes, "Uh, hi." - Hey! - What's going on, Kristen? - Great, okay, so what do we see? Until the spell ends, they ha
ve to make a Charisma saving throw or else they can't say a deliberate lie. - It's a Charisma saving throw? - Mm-hmm. - Okay. - I think she wouldn't- - Yeah, so then we need Garthy to come out here. You have to figure that out. Hey, Sandra Lynn! - Where's Garthy at? - Okay. - [Lou] Oh, wild. - So Sandra Lynn comes out and says, "Hey, what's happening?" - Hey, how are you? - Kristen, what the fuck is going on? - What? Okay, so- - I think we should go. - We need to talk to Garthy. - I think all of
us should go. - Are you feeling okay? - Guys? - Uh-huh. - Go back to your room. - But we need you back there, too. - Hey, Kristen? - Yeah? - You're not hearing me. - No, but egg roll time. (players laughing quietly) Do you not wanna come back with us? - I'm gonna go back inside. If there's an emergency, come get me. If there's not an emergency and you try to come get me again we're gonna have a very long conversation. - [Ally] What's your middle name? - My middle name? - Mm-hm. - Lynn. - Right.
- [Murph] Is Garthy clothed right now? - [Ally] I push past her. - You push past her? - [Murph] I specifically didn't sneak in there 'cause I was like- - Okay, so you say, "Is Garthy clothed?" - I don't sneak because, yeah. - You push past her. Go ahead and give me an opposed Athletics check. - Oh my god! Kristen! (dice rolling) - That's an 11. - What's your Athletics? - You get rocked in the dome hard. - Great. - As you attempt to push in, and Sandra Lynn reflexively puts the butt of her hand
into your forehead and knocks you on your ass. - Okay! - Okay, we're gonna go. - What? You traitor! - I'm not a traitor. I don't know what to do. What if I sneak in and- - We're worried about you, because you're not poly, but you're acting poly! - You see, go ahead and give me a Persuasion roll, if you would be so kind. - Great. - What's happening? - Hey bitch, that's 25. - Good lord. - You actually saying the thing, and also being on your ass, you see Sandra Lynn looks out for a second, puts a
hand down, immediately casts Cure Wounds on you. Says, "Are you okay?" - I'm fine. - I'm sorry, I didn't know. You just rushed me and I- - I was trying to be bold. I was trying to be a hero. (Zac snickering) - We don't know what we're doing. - I'm gonna come back to the room right now. I have my things still inside, I'm gonna get them and I'm gonna come right back, okay? - Okay. - I will be right back. - Okay. - Yeah, that's good. - Okay, yeah, definitely. - Sandra Lynn goes in. The door closes.
Guards both look at you. One of the half-orcs... Give me an Insight check, both of you. - I got a one. We're so stupid. - I got a three. - I think our characters are five - The first one was a 19, - years old right now. - and then I tried to be honest and reroll - I think our characters are actual children right now. - You see that the two half-orcs give each other a look that you guys can't begin to decipher. - We're first-time drunk high schoolers. - A minute later, Sandra Lynn comes out. She
's got her bow, she's got a quiver of arrows. She comes out. You see that she's still a little bit tipsy, but it's worn off somewhat. She looks and says, "Did... What did Fig say when she got back? Did she talk to you guys?" - What did Fig say? - I think she doesn't quite know how to feel. - Yeah, I think she was embarrassed for interrupting you at one point. - Okay, I don't wanna have a whole conversation about this. I'm still honestly a little bit fucked up right now. What I need from you guys
is this. I just need you guys to head back. I'm gonna walk to the room with you, and I would appreciate just, like- We're adventuring together. I would appreciate a little bit of privacy, okay? - Like, right now or - I would love to never - in the future? - speak of this again. - Sandra Lynn looks at Riz and doesn't echo that sentiment, but certainly feels it. - Cool. - That's cool with me. - That's cool with me too, because I respect any sexual choices that you wanna make. - Kristen, you have
to stop. - You can have as much sex with as many people back to back as you want. - Kristen, I'm gonna reorient how you think about this interaction. I work for you. - Right. - At this point in time. Do you understand? And I'm your friend's mother. - Mm-hm. - Okay? - Yeah. - Kristen, we should go! - I'm just saying- - We should go. - Sandra Lynn walks off towards- - Kinkshamed me a lot, so we're gonna- - I did what? - You kinkshamed me quite a lot. - We're going! - Let's get you back to the room
. - We're still in the Zone of Truth, I can't help it, okay? I ask one of the guards if they believe in god. - I drag Kristen back. - One of these celestial guards. - With all of my minus two Strength, I carry Kristen back. - Do you guys, does anyone else do anything in the little Moon Haven room, prior to going to bed that night? - No, I'm sleeping flat on my face. - Gorgug is gonna go look for Sandra Lynn. I'm joking. Gorgug is fully asleep, maybe under a bed or something. - I think I am gonna
set some snares by the window. - Cool. - And then once these guys come back, by the door. - Anything else? No? You guys go to sleep. We're gonna cut over now to- - [Lou] Wildest thing I've ever seen. - We're gonna cut back to our good friend Fabian Aramaris Seacaster. Fabian, you are being lifted aloft by a group of about 20 robed warlocks. You see that the dark robes cover a series of striped pirate pants and sailor shirts and bandanas and various hooks and flintlock pistols and things of that
nature, as these pirate warlocks sort of throw you up into the air on their hands. You're crowd surfing down this- - Whoa, okay! ♪ For he's a jolly good fellow ♪ for he's a jolly good fellow! ♪ - Put me down. - And you see that they arrive in a sort of abandoned ruin at the edge of Crow's Keep. Obviously, Leviathan is not built up to code. - Yeah. - There is no code. So there's kind of a ruined building where half of it just fell away, and the other half of the house has an exquisite dining roo
m. So picture a beautiful wooden manor house that just half of it fell off and crashed into the city below. So there's a dining room that is very well appointed, except for where it shatters and splinters into open air with hundreds of feet dropping down below it. And there's a smaller table pushed way up against the wall to get a little bit farther away, and a impromptu banquet has been set up here. - I love- I'm all about this, everyone. Is this for us? Are we celebrating? - Alistair looks and
says, "We thought we would celebrate. Master Seacaster, this is incredible. I'd like to do the pleasure and the honor. Everyone, as I have said, the good captain below, Captain Seacaster, has seen fit to send his envoy, his son, Fabian Aramaris Seacaster, to deliver us in our moment of doubt! So-" - Oh, wait. I'm an envoy? There was just a lot more going on in that than I... What do you all think I... (stammering) ♪ For he's a jolly good fellow, ♪ ♪ for he's a jolly good fellow! ♪ - Right, yes!
- I'd like to introduce you to some of the lot. - Okay, yeah. - He starts glad-handing. People are getting food and eating. You see that all of these warlocks seem extremely excited to eat, and are eating very fast, as though coming by food is a big deal for a lot of these warlocks. You see Alistair says, "This is Creaky McBarrel." You see that a parrot aarakocra goes, (squawks) pieces of eight, pleasure! - Hi, nice to meet you. - This is my best friend, Old Young Benjamin. - Oh! - You see that
there is what you recognize as a banderlog, which are a sort of unusual humanoid. He's like a monkey person. There's a lot of them that live up in the rigging of the ship. But he reaches out a hand. He's like 6 1/2 feet tall, but probably weighs like 90 pounds. He's very long-limbed, gawky. He's like, charmed to meet you. I'm Old Young Benjamin. - Nice to meet you. Are you old or young? - Well, my father, Old Benjamin, died. - Okay, so you're the young Old Benjamin. - Yes, but there's a newer Y
oung Benjamin. - Delightful. - You see that there's another person there who truly is this gnomish pirate with a crazy, his beard has been shaped into six distinct mustaches, so he has a multi-level huge mustache. He has a bunch of snaggle teeth all of different materials, wood, silver, gold. He looks up and goes... (grunts) (Lou shudders in disgust) Chungle-Down Bim. - I'm sorry, Chungle-Down? - Chungle-Down Bim. - Pleasure to meet you. Fabian Seacaster, son of Bill Seacaster. - I pay your fath
er for spells. - Oh, you pay him. Yes, it seems that many people here do. How very exciting. - Arr, me gut's in a fire. - Alistair, can we move on? - Alistair says, "Sorry! Right! - No, it's fine. - It's just that people are very excited. We're not a very old cult, and there's not a lot of people, so. - Can I climb on top of the table? - Yes, you can. - Hello, everyone! ♪ For he's a jolly good fellow, ♪ ♪ for he's a jolly good fellow- ♪ - Enough, enough. Anyway, rather than, you know, glad-handi
ng everyone, that seems like it'd take a lot of time, I just wanna say hello. I am Fabian Seacaster, son of Bill Seacaster. - Bill, Bill, Bill, Bill! - Yes, yes, yes. My father is fantastic. It is a pleasure to meet all of you, and I'm not sure what I can do for you. I mean, Alistair suggested that you might all follow me, that I might be able to make use of your services. - You see Chungle-Down says, "Wheresoever he goes, I go." - Wherever I go? Bill or me? - Aye. - Chungle-Down, Chungle-Down,
you've got to meet me in the middle, all right? - Meet in the middle of Leviathan. (cackles) You see he scoops a bunch of pasta into his coat. - Into his coat? - Into his coat. - Pasta into coat? - Yeah, there's a big bowl of pasta as part of the feast, and he just scoops some into his coat underneath his robe. You see that Old Young Benjamin says, "Right, well, we're very excited because, you know, you've been sent here by your father to deliver us!" - Well no, not 100 percent- that's not 100 p
ercent true. I came here of my own free will. I'm, you see, on a quest with a crew of my own to write my name upon the world, much as my father did before me. - (squawks) Your father? Tell us, how did you kill him? You see all of them go, "Yes! Tell us the story of how you killed your father!" And you see they all criss-cross applesauce and sit on the ground, looking up at you. - Well, so there was this dragon. His name was Kalvaxus, and he was trying to take over Elmville where me and my papa l
ived. And then all this crazy stuff happened and Kalvaxus unleased his armies on Elmville, and they were attacking everybody. And I hopped on my motorcycle. I was vroom, vroom! I was rushing home. I have a motorcycle. A motorcycle is like a ship on the land with a rudder and a sail, but they're circles and they're underneath. Anyway- - In unison, they all go, "Got it!" - We rushed home and I killed a bunch of people, and then I saved my mother and I told her to get her life together, and she did
. And then I ran upstairs and a beam fell on me. I fought a man, he cut my eye out, and then a beam fell on me. - You hear about half the people with eyepatches go, "I've been there." - It's- I mean, I like it now, but in that moment, it's not... I'd prefer to have my eye, if I'm being honest. I just liked my face better then. I feel like my face- Anyway, I'm sorry. I'm just nervous. I've never had this many people- - (laughs) Can you believe it? The son of Bill Seacaster, pretending to be nervo
us! - Right, I'm not nervous. I'm Bill Seacaster's son. But then yeah, I ran into the room and my dad was there, and he was all manacled, and we talked about how he stabbed a bunch of people in the ass, and it was great, and then he was gonna die and I was like, well instead of just dying, I'm gonna kill you. He was manacled, and I stabbed him, and then his coat exploded and I jumped off the railing and then I Teen Wolfed... Teen Wolf is a reference probably none of you will understand, but I Te
en Wolfed and I landed on the motorcycle. It was like surfing on a surfboard, which is probably a reference you won't understand, but that's about it. And then I rode off, and I killed a dragon with my friends. I mean, I didn't kill it. Riz killed it. But I helped kill it. I did a cool... Anyway, how- - Wait! But wait, wait, wait! You can see some heads turning around to be like, "But you did defeat your father in combat, right?" - Well, he was actually handcuffed to a bedpost when I found him,
and so I just uncuffed him, and then I carried his body out to the balcony. Well, not his body. He was alive. But he couldn't walk because he was so injured. And then in a moment, kind of, of calm between the two of us, I drove my dagger into his heart. But we weren't actually engaged in combat. I mean, he's my papa! I love him. It was more like a thematic choice, you know, just of like, he killed his father, so it felt right for me to kill him. - Oh, we're all doomed. - I'm sorry? We're all doo
med. - What? What? - Oh no! We thought that you were a swordsman capable of defeating Bill Seacaster. - I mean, I probably am. I mean, I'm as good... - (squawks) We told Captain James Whitclaw that you would kick his ass! - I mean, I'm gonna! My father always made him sound like a real loser, so I assume it wouldn't be... I tried to kick him in the bar the other day, and thank god Gorgug was there, or else I probably would have pooped myself! - You see that one of the warlocks says, "We're all g
onna die!" And flings himself- - Stop, stop, stop! Stop, stop! Nobody else jump, nobody else jump! - You see that that guy casts Feather Fall on himself on the way down. - Oh thank god. - And as he does, he gets out some gold and starts to put it on his little parchment, and the gold starts flying around. - I am perfectly capable of leading an army, all right? I'm my father's son through and through, and I am as good as he is. - Make a Perception check for me right now, if you would be so kind.
- Six. Excuse me, four. - Four, cool. - I thought it was plus one. I am minus one. - Just a bunch of idiots. - Incredible. So you see that the warlocks do start to look around at each other, and you can tell that they feel a very real sense of panic. - Why is everyone... I killed a dragon with my friends, a big dragon. - You see that they look around. Alistair says, "Really? Well, all right. But mostly it was you, right? I mean, how impressive are your friends?" - My friends are incredible. They
can do... Well, I think Riz actually killed it. He disappeared up and dropped in, and then Gorgug was at his feet, just chopping. And there was a werewolf- - Old Young Benjamin goes, "We're dead! We're all dead! We're all dead! We're all dead!" - Nobody's gonna die! I'll fight one of you. I'll fight one of you right now, and I'll show you how incredible I am. - You see that Chungle-Down stands up and says- - Oh no! Save Chungle-Down. - Maybe not Chungle-Down. I'm scared of Chungle-Down. I'm not
gonna lie, of all of you here, Chungle-Down is terrifying. (Emily laughing) - You see that Creaky peeks his ear up and turns around, his little bird head, and goes, (squawks) "Looks like we've got company coming." And you see, indeed, that the warlocks go to the windows facing the interior neighborhood of Crow's Keep. As they do, you see a crew of about 30 pirates, and at the head of them, Captain James Whitclaw. - And they're headed towards where we are? - Give me an Insight check. - Insight?
- Yeah, Insight. - 14. - They don't look like they have eyes on this house at the moment. - Mm-hmm. They are advancing. With a 14, they're either coming here in a very relaxed way, or they're heading deeper into the interior of Crow's Keep. - All right, everyone gather around. I believe that Captain James Whitclaw is on his way to where he thinks I am, which is the Gold Gardens. We are going to get the drop on him. We're going to sneak up and jump on him and his crew and murder all of them. - Yo
u see they look around at each other, and you see- - [Siobhan] This is worse than the ribbon dancing. - I'm gonna need a Persuasion check from you right now. - 24. (all cheering) - You see they look around, and you see Alistair says, "All right, look, Captain James Whitclaw has sworn that he will kill every last follower of Old Bill in Leviathan. He said the streets would run red with our blood, and that it would be an end to all of us. Now is the story somewhat different than we had anticipated
? Yes. Has this been very sad for all of us to hear? Absolutely, it has. But I do not believe that Old Bill would have deserted us after all that we have given to him, nearly 350,000 gold pieces across the cult." - 300 and what? - Yes, 350,000 across the cult. - Oh, Papa! - Now, I say if we have his back, then Old Bill will have our back! You see all the warlocks cheer and are ready to rush out into the street with you. - Great, all right. Everyone follow me! We're gonna jump on him, and then we
're gonna murder him! - [Murph] RIP, Fabian. - [Ally] Yeah, wait, what are we doing? - We don't know. - Everyone else is asleep! - Gorgug is fully asleep. - We just slept through this whole thing. - Also, my Persuasion check was for Creaky to give a better speech than I could? That's what I rolled for? - That's what you rolled for. You were convincing Alistair to give that speech. Incredible. - Jesus. - All these warlocks- right before you get to the door, you see that Chungle-Down goes, "What a
re we wearing, robes or no robes? Which do you prefer, robes or none?" - No robes! - The robes all come off. It's just a bunch of pirates. - [Zac] Are they naked? What do you mean? - No, they just have robes over their pirate clothes. - Naked with pasta on his body. - That's right, a proper crew. - How far away do you want James and his crew to be before you charge out into the street? (Lou giggling hysterically) - Are you laughing about you're about to die? - Yeah! (cackling) - [Emily] His laug
hter is beautiful. - Lou has fully fucking lost it. (Lou stammering incoherently) - You did this as a bit and now you're stuck. - No, this is not a bit. I'm fully in character. This is what I believe Fabian would do. - Don't these warlocks suck? - Fabian does think that he rules, though. - This is all deeply in character. - Oh man, all right. So you're asking me- they are heading deeper into the city. I mean, I do think I want... I think that they are headed to Golden Gardens, so I think I'd lik
e to get the drop on- - I will say this. Crow's Keep is raised high above the city, so if you're in Crow's Keep, you're pretty much only going to somewhere in Crow's Keep. It's a neighborhood raised a skyscraper's distance up into the sky. - Got it. - He doesn't seem that he's on- On that 14 Insight, you don't think he's on his way to the Gold Gardens. - Great. I mean, let's get him in Gibbety Square. - Okay, so you wanna get him in Gibbety Square. - Sorry, what is the question you're actually a
sking me? I started laughing too hard and forgot what you actually want to know. - Okay. On that 14 Insight, you think that Captain James is going to somewhere, either this house you're hiding in, or going somewhere in Crow's Keep. - Okay. - Because he's coming from one of the staircases or pulley decks that gets you up into the Crow's Keep. - Okay, so I think we're gonna- I'd like to wait for him to be- I'd like to jump on top of him. - Cool, awesome. So you're gonna charge out the door. Are yo
u gonna lead the charge as you rush out? - Of course. - Incredible, okay. - [Siobhan] It's been really nice knowing you, man. - Incredible. - [Emily] I believe in you, Fabian. - I've got this. - You've got this. - Okay, I'm gonna need just Lou to roll Initiative, if you would be so kind. (die rolling) - That's a 19. (dice rolling) - Okay. Hold on. - [Emily] Okay, now I'm really scared. - Yeah. - I do believe in you. I do believe in you. - How many men do I have? - About 20. - [Siobhan] How many
men does he have? - He's got about 30. - Where is the Hangman? - Back at the stables. - Can I communicate with the Hangman? - Yes, you can. - Hangman, you can't join me because I don't think you could climb all the way to Crow's Keep, but I'd like you to know I'm about to engage in a combat that you would absolutely admire. - Incredible. You see the Hangman says, "Sire! Why have you done this? Where are you? What battle?" - Well, it's Crow's Keep. Captain James showed up here. Everyone was makin
g me feel bad that I didn't kill my dad properly, and so I was like, I gotta really kill him! So I said we're gonna jump on him and murder him, so we're gonna sneak up on him and get him. - You see that... Okay, you see the Hangman says, "Sire! Please wait for me! Wait for me to arrive to be your steed!" - I mean, if you can get here, please try. - You hear, through your mind's ear, the breaking of chains and smashing down of the door. James is right outside the door. What do you do? - He's righ
t outside the door? - Well, he's like 20 feet out into the road from the front door of this manor house that you're in. - I open the door and walk out. Captain James. - Okay, so you're not rushing and just unloading. You walk out and say, "Captain James." - All right, yeah, I kick the door down. I say, Captain James! And I stab him. - [Emily] Oh no! - Go ahead- - [Ally] You better stab and run. - That is so fucking good. - Go ahead and take your attacks, please. - [Zac] Is the Hangman with the H
angvan? - The Hangman is with the Hangvan. - Would the Hangvan have noticed the Hangman running away? - Gorgug, in your sleep, you get a, "Hey, broski. Wakey wakey, eggs and bakey." - Is it morning already? - No, it's the dead of night. - Oh. - Looks like old Skull and Bones just scootalooed on out of here pretty toasty. - What's that mean? What's all that mean? - The Hangman just popped a wheelie and smashed the door down. Just wanted to give you kind of a heads up. - Okay. I think Gorgug wakes
up and realizes, probably still a little drunk- - Yes, for sure. - Who's here? - I think we're all there. - I think we're all here. - I am. Unless my mom is - [Ally] We're all here except - asking, in which case, I'm not here. - for Fabian, right? - Okay, old Skull and Bones got a little upset and skedaddled. - What? - [Murph] Skedaddled? - I think the Hangman is running to help- - [Ally] Hey, go back to bed, Gorgug. - No, no, no, no, no! - [Ally] Go back to bed. - Hangman is going to help Fabi
an do something! Where's Fabian? - You see that Sandra Lynn looks around and says, "Where is Fabian? - [Emily] Oh, hey Mom. - Hey, sweetie. And cool. You guys just start to run? - Yeah, I guess we'll just run. - Have we had four hours? Have I tranced for four hours? - No, you have not had four hours. - Dang, okay. - Okay, who wants to go on a ride with me? Gorgug? I grab Gorgug's arm and Dimension Door to the Hangman. - Whoa. - I've got heals, though. - Cool, you Dimension Door as far as you can
. That gets you a lot of the way out of the Gold Gard- outside of the building, into the Gold Gardens campus. Leviathan is the size of a city, so right now, Fabian is about three quarters of a mile horizontally away and then about a quarter of a mile up into the air. - Do we know where he is, or do we have to find the Hangman to find him? - You have to find the Hangman to find him. - Okay, can I cast Fly on... You're fairly strong, right? - Yeah. - I can investigate. - Great, so can I cast Fly o
n Kristen, and then can Kristen carry me and Riz? - So just for the record, Dimension Door, it can be a place that you can visualize. - Sure. - [Ally] What's your Strength? - So I am gonna visualize the Hangman when I Dimension Door. - [Siobhan] Minus two. - Okay, so actually, as you visualize the Hangman, Fig doesn't close the distance, but does give you an exact compass direction towards where the Hangman is headed. - Awesome, and I just grab Gorgug and I say, follow us! And then we disappear.
- [Ally] What? Jesus. - [Murph] Not how this works! - Somebody- - I've thrown this room into chaos! - [Zac] I just run to the van, I guess? - Yeah, go to the van! - Come on, let's go! - Yeah, we're flying. - We're flying. - Okay, cool. - Hop on. I grab both of you. - I'm gonna resolve at least the first round of this combat, because it will be- Even for those of you flying, it will be multiple rounds to get to where you're trying to get to. - Cool. - I don't remember what my spell slots were, I
already... - So, Fabian, let's hear it. - [Lou] 26. - 26 hits. - Great. That's gonna be nine. - Great, you do nine points of damage. You lash out with the Sword of the Seacasters. Go ahead and take your second attack. (die rolling) - 27. - 27 also hits. - Action Surge? - [Lou] I think that is the plan. That'll be 10. - Woo! You slash at him again. - I'm gonna Action Surge. - Okay. (die rolling) - That'll be 20. - 20. 20 hits, yes. (dice rolling) - That'll be 12 damage. - Okay. (die rolling) - A
nd then last one's only gonna be 14. - Last one's only 14. 14 misses. You kick the door down, yell Captain James, rush out, and slash three times into a completely startled and surprised Captain James Whitclaw. (Lou screeches) It is now Captain James' turn. (dice rolling) Okay. You see Captain James springs back, goes, "Hey there, boy-o!" (gibbering menacingly) And leaps forward as this crystalline cutlass comes out from his belt. He's gonna make two attacks right now. (dice rolling) That's two
misses. - Ho! - [Murph] Oh, nice! - Okay. This next one, he's gonna make another attack. That one's a hit. You take immediately- - [Murph] This was balanced for 1v1, right? This should be fine. This'll be a normal amount of damage. - You take 19 points of psychic damage and are grappled. I need an Intelligence saving throw from you. - [Siobhan] Can I use my Divination rolls if I'm not there? - You cannot. - Dang. - So first off- - Did you even get them? - [Siobhan] Oh, I don't even have them, be
cause we didn't get a full night's rest. - That sucks. - Ugh! - [Emily] Tomorrow will be great, though. - Tomorrow will be really good. - [Lou] You needed Intelligence? - Mm-hm. - That's a nat one. - Good lord. You deserve this. - Okay, hold on one second. I'm gonna narrate what happens next. - [Emily] Oh no. Narrate? Why would we need to go into narration? You don't need to! - He probably got confused for a second. - Okay. You are stunned, which means that you are incapacitated, cannot take act
ions or reactions, can't move, and can speak only falteringly. Captain James swings at you twice with his sword and then leaps forward, grabs your arm, and his tentacles wrap over your face and you can feel his beak begin to slide along the top of your skull. - [Emily] Oh, he's gonna eat your brain. - As he attempts to eat your brain. You are stunned. Okay. - [Ally] And we're three rounds away, if we get there fast? - What I'm gonna do right now is this. So, the fastest way to get there would be
to fly, okay? - We also have Baxter, right? - But Baxter's in the- - So... Sorry. You have Baxter with you. I'm gonna look at Baxter's speed very briefly. This is completely wild. Baxter's fly speed is 80. Does your spell go faster than that? - [Siobhan] No. - Okay. - But if I cast fly on Riz, Riz as a rogue has Dash as a bonus action. - That's correct. - So I should do that, right? - That'd be good. - And then you can get- it's 60 feet of Fly, and then you have three movements. - You'd be able
to do 180 a round. - Yeah. - Which means that Riz would actually be able to get there the fastest, so what we are gonna look at right now is you go 180 feet a round. I'm going to say that just because moving diagonally in 5e doesn't cost more than moving horizontally, we're just gonna do 3/4 of a mile moving 180 feet per turn. This is fun math. Five thousand- - [Siobhan] If we did this in metric, it would be much easier. (players laughing) - It's just not the time, it's just not the time. - It'
s just fully not the time, yeah. - So 3/4 of a mile is 3,960 feet divided by 180 feet per turn. Riz, you'll get there in 22 rounds. - No! What? - With flying? - [Brennan] (indistinct) - [Emily] So the Hangvan isn't even gonna make it there anytime soon. - [Murph] Nothing's gonna make it there. We're just running, or flying. Try to get there as fast as I can, I guess. - [Siobhan] Does Garthy have teleportation? - Does someone wanna wake Garthy up? - [Siobhan] They're a cleric, right? - No! - I me
an, yeah. - [Ally] Would Sandra Lynn do that, maybe? - [Emily] No, I'll go wake up Garthy. - [Murph] If I can go fast, - [Siobhan] I'll go wake up Garthy - [Murph] I'll wake up- I'll go grab Garthy. - Okay. - [Siobhan] Yeah, fly and wake up Garthy. - Okay. - Okay. So you're gonna go wake up Garthy. - [Siobhan] 22 rounds? - [Ally] And we're like, Fabian is missing, that's all the info that we have? - We know that the Hangman left in a- - If it was 3/4 of a kilometer, it'd be so much closer. - [Em
ily] Gilear! Do you have teleportation? - I cannot be held responsible! - [Emily] Can I slap him to see if anything magical jostles inside him? - The moment you slap Gilear- - [Zac] He dies. (cast laughing) - Gilear, you are the Chosen One! - Yeah, Gilear collapses to the ground. Immediately begins weeping. So now what's gonna happen is this. Okay. - [Siobhan] This is a nightmare. - [Zac] I have a pretty good question. - Cool. Gimme the question. - So this is like a big ship, right? - Mm-hmm. -
And on a pirate ship, regular sized pirate ship, admittedly, when you grab a rope and you go like this, you fly to where you wanna go almost immediately. - That's a great question. - Is there a big-ass rope- - That's a really good question. - ...that I could cut? - Go ahead and roll an Investigation check to find a rope that you could cut. - I'm with Gorgug, so can I also do that? - Cool. Yeah, give me an Investigation check. - Okay, come on. (dice rolling) (dice rolling) - Got a 17. - Okay. - S
ix. - You guys find a rope that appears to go up from the Gold Gardens up towards the crow's nest, and it seems to be attached to some kind of weight. - Fabian! - I jump onto it. - Awesome, this rope has a move speed of 90, so you're gonna fly through the air at 90. You can take two move actions a turn, which is about 180, so you guys should be there in about 20 rounds. You begin to- but you're holding on, and literally (screeches) just streaking. (Zac stage yelling) You can feel your- I'm actua
lly gonna need Constitution saving throws from both of you. - Maximum velocity through a city. - [Siobhan] Your mouths just flapping in the wind. - You're dead. You're both dead. - I lose my voice halfway through. - Give me Con saves, both of you. - Good lord. - Oh, Con? - Con. - I got a 14. - 12. - 14, 12? Okay. 11, 12... You guys each take 18 points of damage. - Jesus. - [Emily] From what? - As your arms dislocate from the force of the rope. You've never felt... (screaming) Things are changing
so fast. You can't see through the tears streaming out of your eyes. You are rocketing through the air- - Can I go into a rage? - You go into a rage in reaction to that. - Oh my god. - Oh man. - As you both hold on for dear life. - This is so bad. - This is the worst. - The moment you guys go from on the ground to a lethal distance in the air if you let go is less than a fraction of a second. This is how fast you are moving throughout the city. - Can we just start this session over? - [Lou] Hon
estly! Honestly! - Please. Yeah, I feel like we should all get one mulligan, Brennan! - This is why we do this live. - I did not know what I was getting into. This all happened so fast. - Does Revivify bring a brain back? - Actually, Revivify does not work if the person has lost an organ. - Also, it only works within a minute, and we're so far from him. Garthy! - So you guys are - [Ally] Dude! rocketing through the sky. You're flying to go get Garthy. The Hangman is rocketing away. Sandra Lynn i
s flying to Crow's Keep as well. Sandra Lynn can have taken probably Kristen with her. Adaine, you're maintaining concentration. Are you doing anything else or no? - I'm gonna go with Baxter, if I can. - Cool, yeah. - You're gonna jump on with Baxter as well. Tracker is flying in wolf form next to you guys. Gilear is crying on the ground. Ragh- - Can I do Blade Ward so I took only half damage from that arm pain? - Sure, you can do that, yes. - Yes! - You see that Ragh just starts running through
the city after the van. Hoot, growl, hoot, growl, hoot, growl! - [Siobhan] Good hustle, Ragh! - Thank you! Now- - Sandra Lynn, I know you don't wanna talk about it- (Emily screams in filial horror) - [Siobhan] We cannot have this conversation right now. - [Zac] We can't, we can't. - [Siobhan] Absolutely not. - [Emily] You have the most shit-eating grin. Oh my goodness. I'm gonna save a piece of this rope for you. - We have no idea what's really happening. - [Siobhan] I cast Tasha's Hideous Laug
hter on Kristen. - (laughing) I pull out my ribbon. - Now, now what we're gonna do is this. - [Ally] Plan the funeral? - How many hit points is Fabian at right now? - How long do the hit points from Inspiring Speech last? - We will assume that these have lasted. - Then I am at 78. - Okay. Cool. Fabian goes. James went. The warlocks go next. So the followers of Old Bill are going to rush out onto the deck. There are four warlocks in this number that have taken Repelling Blast as an invocation. Th
ere are four of them, okay? The four that have taken Repelling Blast, when a creature is moved against its... So, Repelling Blast moves a creature 10 feet when it gets hit with an Eldritch Blast. When a creature is moved with that, its grapple automatically ends. Because your stunned condition cannot end unless the grapple is ended. - So one of these four dudes needs to hit. - One of these four dudes needs to hit. We're gonna roll them in front right now. - What do they need to hit? - Captain Ja
mes' AC. I will let you know right now that this is very hard to do. - [Ally] Oh man. - Nat 20. - [Siobhan] One in four? - Nat 20, come on. - Nat 20, nat 20! - Right now- Right now, they are gonna hit on a 14 or above, okay? - [Ally] Nat 20, crit. Nat nat 20, crit. (die rolling) - That's an eight. (die rolling) That's a 12. - What? (die rolling) - 19! (cheering) - 19, okay. - Okay! - [Emily] One more, one more! - 18, cool. - Hey! - [Emily] 20 feet! - [Siobhan] Two hits! (Lou wailing in distress)
- You're still stunned. - Oh, god. Just standing- - Does the stun not end if he gets- - If you're grappled. - I think the only way it can end is if he's un-grappled- - You see that as your warlocks rush out onto the deck and see you, goggle-eyed, as Captain James' jaw begins to distend and he slips a hand into your letter jacket and says, "Oh, I have so many of your siblings' brains in me stomach already. Say hi when you... (mimics energy blasting) And you see that Chungle-Down Jim- Sorry, Chun
gle-Down Bim comes rushing out and goes, "Bit your bob, you squid!" Shoots out his hand (mimics energy blasting) as this Eldritch Blast comes out. You have not seen, really- all you've seen is illusion magic so far, which of course looks like whatever it does. You see that this magic is a pure stream of gold coins that vanish in flame as they hit the target, and it sounds like a slot machine at Vegas. (Brennan mimics a slot machine ringing and exploding) And Captain James is repelled 10 feet bac
k. - I'm still stunned? - You are no longer stunned, immediately. - Can I speak? - You can speak. - Spells are on me! Go, go! I'll pay for anything! Go, go! Unlimited money, I will pay for all your spells! Go! - Incredible! Now... - [Emily] Any celestial warlocks among them? - [Siobhan] Well, see you in 19 rounds, dude. - I got a plan. I got a plan. - Hold on one second. (dice rattling) - I got a plan. - You have one working arm. - We'll be there in 19 rounds? - I've got a plan. - [Lou] You've g
ot a dislocated arm! - [Ally] We're all so fucked and we're not getting any rest. - I got a plan. - Oh man! - I have so few spell slots. - [Murph] Even when you get there, you're just gonna hit a wall - [Emily] I have a plan. - at maximum velocity? - Oh my god! You- (Lou dissolves into laughter) - You just wrap around the post like a fucking cartoon character. (Emily laughing) - Oh my goodness gracious. (Lou cackling) - What have I done to my friends? - This is fucking chaos. - This is wild. - I
've taken my glasses off in just pure disgust with us probably 14 times. - [Siobhan] Yeah. - Yeah, I can't look at what's happening. - I've done nothing, okay? This is not my fault this time. - This is entirely me. I made all of these choices. - [Murph] Me and Ally set the mood. - I, by the way, had a session prepped for tonight, but this is what the game is. The game is not about what you prepare, it's about what happens. - [Ally] Here we go! - So now, you see that your warlocks all unload on C
aptain James. And you hear- So they all shout- You hear Alistair say, "Save the son of Bill!" And all of Captain James' pirates turn, open up with flintlock muskets as they start to Cunning Action dive behind barrels and take cover. Six of your warlocks are dead immediately in their first round. - Cool, and that's out of 20? - Out of 20. - So that's the end of the first round. - That's the end of the first round of combat. - [Ally] 19 more? - Only 19 more. - [Ally] Until we get there to help. -
Cool, Fabian, that's gonna be you. - We're back to me? - Back to you. - Okay, so how many... Can I make an Insight check as to how Captain James is doing after taking some hits? - Yeah, give me an Insight check. - That's gonna be a six. - Okay. You got a six? - Yeah. - He looks fine. - Truly fine? - He looks fine. - With a six. - With a six. In terms of space, how much space- With where we've decided to have this combat, is the battlefield large? What is- How much room do I have to maneuver arou
nd? - The street is about 30 feet wide across, between the manor house that's partially destroyed right behind you. So you guys are fighting in the middle of the street. You've got about 10 feet of distance between you and the wall behind you. - Mm-hmm. And then another few feet on the other side of this horde of Captain James' pirates. - How much space is there between me and Captain James? - Only about 10 feet. - 10 feet? Okay. Oh man. Wow, wow, wow. Okay. I'm going to run and attack Captain J
ames again. - Great. Make your two attacks. - I loved it when you said run. - That was 12. - 12 misses. - Great, I'm gonna dart back 20 feet. - Okay, you take one of your two attacks. - Yes. - You dart back. He's gonna get a attack of opportunity on you. Hold on one second. - This is like "Gangs of New York," - He hits. but stupid. (players laughing) I am going to need a Intelligence saving throw from you. - Oh my god. Oh my god. - Nat 20. - [Emily] Nat 20, nat 20, nat 20, nat 20. - That's a fou
r. - What's that? Natural four, okay. - It's a natural three. It was a modified four. - [Murph] That's a dirty four. - Dirty four. (cast laughing) - I feel drunk from anxiety. - [Emily] I know! - The anxiety has reached- it's pickling my brain. (dice rattling) - My dice are covered in sweat. - Is Fabian just dead? Is that what's going on? - [Ally] Do we get a guest star for the rest of these streams? What the fuck? - [Siobhan] Oh, yeah. Lou, you're fired. - Is this the end of me, I guess? - [Zac
] Just run! - [Siobhan] Run! - Literally you said the word run, and then you said at! - Fabian takes 39 points of damage as Captain James slices across you with one stroke of his cutlass. - And then? - One stroke. - Nothing else happens. His attack of opportunity happens with his sword, not his tentacles. - Great, I take that much damage? - Yes. - Great, I scream- - You feel a psychic resonance off the blade. You are making Intelligence saves because his sword, when it touches you, floods with a
more powerful hatred than you have ever felt. You think his mind is capable of feeling hatred so powerfully that it can disrupt the tissues of your body. - Cool. With that information, I say, forward, men! Forward! And I would like to run and hide behind as many of them as I possibly can. - Incredible. - [Emily] Good! - Okay, so go ahead, run. - Sacrificing all those warlocks! - You've taken one attack. Now you double back another 20 feet, which can get you kind of to the doorway. - Yes. - [Sio
bhan] Do you have a crossbow? - I do. Can I shoot him one time and then hide? - You don't have Cunning Action. - Great, and then just be as far away as possible. - Sure, you can get into the doorway. - Great. I'm going to attack him again, and then I will Second Wind. - Cool. (die rolling) - That's gonna be 20 to hit. - He casts Shield. Great. - And I heal for seven plus eight, 15. - Okay, I am going to... You see Captain Whitclaw holding his saber here. He says, "Running so soon, boy-o? That's
no captain that abandons his crew! I'm so sorry, crew." (mimics energy thrumming) And he- I'm gonna roll some saves in front of the board right now for the other 14 of your men. We'll do the 10 unnamed ones first. - [Ally] I need CBD. - [Siobhan] Can I have nice hot bath- - [Emily] Can we have turns during this? - after this? - during this? - [Brennan] Yes, absolutely. - I'm really into bath salts. - Hold on one second, I'm just gonna resolve this- This is only the second round, really. - I see.
- Hold on one second. - Woo! - Okay. All of these guys need a 15 or higher to survive. - [Lou] Survive? - Survive. These are the unnamed warlocks that are still alive. - 15. - Dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead. - [Siobhan] All but one is dead? - [Zac] One lived. - Dead, dead, dead. One unnamed warlock is still alive. We're gonna roll for the other four. - You should run. - Hold on. - Chungle-Down Bim? Now, that is definitely an anagram. Fellas in the chat, figure it out. - [Emily] And fellette
s. - Okay. - I'm using the genderless fellas. - So Captain James Whitclaw raises a- raises up to his head. Pure malevolence made of psionic force flows from him and rends the bodies as though an invisible spectral force was gripping them and shaking them so fast that they simply came apart. You see through a haze of heat coming off of a grill on the hottest day of summer, they just shake and come apart, all of them except one warlock that you did not get a chance to meet. Chungle-Down Bim is ali
ve, Alistair Ash is alive, and Old Young Benjamin is alive. Creaky McBarrel is dead. - Creaky McBarrel! - Your father's cult has gone from 20 to 4 warlocks in 12 seconds. - What happened to the guy who Feather Falled off? - Oh, sorry, there is a fifth warlock of Old Bill that yet draws breath, I'll make a note. - And they all watched you run. - I didn't run away. I just hid and then I shot him. - Okay, and then Captain Jim is going to take his movement to get next to you, but he's already taken
his action. He's just setting himself up for another attack of opportunity. How many hit points are you at right now? - I'm not telling you. - Okay. (Ally laughing) - That is now- - I'm at 63. - That's now going to be the warlocks. I'm gonna roll... Go ahead and give me- - [Lou] Did he- Never mind. - Can you go ahead and give me three Charisma checks with disadvantage, if you'd be so kind? Actually no, give me four Charisma checks with disadvantage. You have to roll them all one at a... No, beca
use you can't roll them all, because you won't know which ones are low and which ones are high, so you've got to roll them one at a time. - I'm gonna roll these three dice. Give me a fourth dice. I just need one. I'll roll these four twice, and the lower of the two on each of the dice. - But you've got to pair them so you know - Yeah. - which is which. - Got it. - [Emily] I think it's gonna be them abandoning you. - Three. - Okay. (dice rolling) - 13. (dice rolling) Seven. - Okay. (dice rolling)
- Three. - You see Old Young Benjamin leaps as high as he can, leaps up into the rigging, disappears. The unnamed warlock simply vanishes into the night. Chungle-Down Bim turns to you and goes, "Ye ain't no pirate, and Bill would spit in your eye!" And he's going to cast Eldritch Blast on you. - Oh no! - And he misses. Gold just fires off. I'm gonna shit in your mouth! I'm gonna make a toilet of your mouth, boy! - Fabian, honestly, is fighting back tears. - Alistair Ash rushes up and says, "Don
't worry, Master Fabian! I'm still loyal to the end!" And is going to rush up and attempt to grapple Captain James. - [Siobhan] Alistair! - [Ally] Don't. Don't die, Alistair. (dice rolling) - That's a natural one on Alistair's Grapple check. - Yikes. - Alistair collapses in a heap. - [Murph] Instantly judo thrown. - Instantly is thrown off of Captain James' shoulder, effortlessly. - [Zac] One of his tentacles- - I'm gonna actually, yeah- - So everyone- it's just me and Alistair? - No, that's the
warlocks. I'm gonna say you are partially obscured in the doorway and Captain James, so you have cover from the pirates on the street. Now, for everyone else, what are the turns you guys are... We return to you guys throttling through the air. You've got about another nine rounds. - Okay, but I would like to- I'm gonna Disguise Self and become Jamina Joy. - Okay. - And then I would like to look- as we're soaring through, I need to look for- - This was your plan? - What else do I have to do here
? - [Ally] Amen. I believe in you. - And then I wanna look for a wizard. - Okay. - So do I find a wizard? I look like Jamina Joy. Tell me whether or not I find a wizard. - [Murph] This isn't the worst plan. We have no plans. - This is not "him", this is not Hilda Hilda. This is good, this good. I love this. - [Ally] Hilda Hilda on Hilda Street. - Hilda Hilda on Hilda Street and Hilda Boulevard. - [Zac] Can I give you a help action? - Here's the important thing. You disguise yourself as Jamina Jo
y. You are Jamina Joy, throttling through the air faster than you can intuit on an emotional level, right? You are looking for a wizard. I am gonna say please take a Perception check with disadvantage. - Can I help? - No, you may not. - Okay. - Sorry. (die rolling) - I got a four. - Okay. You are miraculously, with a dislocated shoulder, able to disguise yourself as the bosun of Leviathan. - You begin to look for a wizard. - Wait! You see a shape that looks a lot like a wizard, until you realize
it is a screaming nebula of lights and fog as you shoot through the sky. - I don't need to find a wizard, I just shout, people of Leviathan, teleport me to Crow's Keep for the sake of Leviathan! - Okay, I'm gonna need, I'm gonna home rule something right now. I'm gonna need you to give a Persuasion check with quadruple disadvantage. That's where you're gonna roll 4d20 and take the worst of the four. - Can I help? - No, you absolutely may not, and in fact, five damage. (players laughing) (dice r
attling) - Halved, or? - Okay, Persuasion. - So 4d20, the lowest. - 15! - 4d20. - I did, 4d20. - The lowest you got was a 15? - I get plus 11 to Persuasion! This is my shit! - Incredible. - This is what I do! - So you scream down, people... You see that to your credit, a bunch of people come out looking helpful to their balconies. Your cry fills the city of Leviathan, and there are several people here that would teleport you. However, the issue is that what they effectively hear is... (Brennan s
creaming incoherently) (players laughing as Brennan continues screaming) And you are gone. (Emily sighing) - [Murph] Homer Simpson style. (screams like Homer Simpson) - Truly, what else? This was my best plan! - [Murph] No, there's nothing- - [Lou] It's a solid plan. - [Ally] It was a good plan. - It was perfect, it was perfect. - All right. - There's nothing we can... Yeah. We keep flying in the direction that we can. I'm still trying to get to Garthy. - Okay. - [Zac] Do I see him? Captain- - C
aptain James? No, under no circumstances. - [Zac] Wanted to throw a hand ax at him. - [Ally] Do I see him? - [Emily] We started at 3,406, but then we got 90 for the- we've probably gone two rounds with this rope, so minus 180. - Yep, uh-huh, for sure, absolutely. - Can I throw a hand ax? - Yeah, go ahead. You wannna throw a quadruple disadvantage hand ax there? You could roll four nat 20s. - Why not? What do you have to lose? - [Lou] I have put us in this position. - It's just gonna like I have
made these things happen. - Yes, correct. For sure. (dice rattling) Sometimes we forget what we do. - We're coming, Fabian! (dice rolling) Nat one. (players laughing) - Statistically high probability, yeah, of rolling a nat one there. Cool, you hurl an ax up ahead. I'm gonna roll a saving throw for the rope directly ahead of you that is sustaining you in the air real quick. - [Emily] People of Leviathan! - [Siobhan] What if we get a total party kill from this? - [Emily] People of Leviathan, I wi
ll now fall with an orc. - [Murph] If you two die- - [Emily] Catch me! I don't remember what Jamina sounds like. - Okay, that's a natural 16. You do not sever the rope that you are flying through the city on. Congratulations, great, cool. - So stressful. - Would anyone else like to take actions? - Just flying. - You fly to Garthy O'Brien. - Fly. - Cool. So you can fly into one of the upper- if you're flying, you can fly into one of the upper levels to try to find Garthy. - Sweet, yeah, yeah. - G
ive me an Investigation check, see if you find him. Find them, excuse me. - Good lord. (die rolling) Dirty 20. - Dirty 20. You find them right away. You smash through a window. You see that Garthy is literally playing a harpsichord. They look kind of relaxed, like they've just had a bunch of sex. - Garthy, I'm really sorry! I know we've done this a lot, but this time it's real! Fabian's in trouble, he never came home, and then his motorcycle just flew off and went somewhere! I think he's in trou
ble! We can't get there fast! Do you know how to get there fast? Do you know how to get places fast? - One second, go ahead and give me a Persuasion roll, if you'd be so kind. (Murph groaning nervously) (dice rolling) - Oh! - That is a 26. - Oh my god. - [Emily] Was it a nat 20? - 19. - [Murph] No, I got 19. - I really love these big dice. I can see them from here. - A 19. - Okay. You see... Garthy looks over at you and says, "Lovey, calm down. It's all gonna be all right. Come with me." Grabs y
ou, and walks down the hall, walks like 30 feet down the hall. - Walks? - Yeah. - [Murph] Can we run? - You see he says, "Lovey, running is not gonna make a difference now. Understand?" - Okay. - Cool, we- - Can I- - Adaine, yes. - All right, I also have nothing that I feel like I can do, but I would like to- - You've got to try. Maybe the rolls. - Pray to the gods of the jacket. - Okay. - And reach into my Jacket of Usefulness and see if there's something in there. I just ask for something that
will get me there faster. - Okay, something that will get you there faster. Go ahead and roll an Arcana check for me. - Okay. 22. - A Razor scooter comes out of your- - But I'm- - [Ally] You're on a griffon. - on the back of a griffon! - Although this is pretty rad. - Hey, it's not bad. It's not bad to have that. - Maybe it's for the griffon. - Is it a Razor Scooter of Teleportation? - Again, the jacket cannot produce items in excess of a certain gold piece value. - Hey man, I don't know the va
lue of teleportation Razor scooters. - Just keep it. Just keep it. - I'm gonna keep it. - It might be fun to have. - It's cool. - Absolutely, you should - [Emily] It's cool. - keep that scooter. - I got a skateboard. - Great, so- - I'd like to cast Bless, just on us on the griffon. - Cool, you cast Bless. That's wonderful. Fabian, that returns to your turn. - Okay. So it's Aster laying on the ground next to me. - Alistair is laying on the ground next to you. - Alistair. - James is...? - Standing
in the doorway, within five foot reach of you. - So if I move, he will get an opportunity attack? - He'll get an opportunity attack with his sword. - Unless you Disengage. - Unless I Disengage. So I'm in the house. - Mm-hmm. - Half of the house is gone. - Gone. - What is the quality of that- Is there- what would I be... What's on the other side, just a pit? - It's the edge of the Crow's Keep, so it is a quarter of a mile drop to the neighborhood below, which is Mast Hearth. - [Siobhan] Are ther
e ropes? - [Lou] Are there ropes? - [Brennan] There are so many ropes. There is so much rigging on the way down. - Be careful. Be careful of those ropes. - [Siobhan] Thank god that you have such a good history of- - [Lou] Jumping. - athletically jumping. - If I were to run and jump- - Mm-hmm. - for rope... - [Emily] You really did choose the wrong time to do this. - What would... - [Siobhan] Ally. - [Brennan] (disappointed) Ally! - Honestly, this is a great time to do it. - Yeah, for sure. - It
honestly brings the intensity down. I am breathing better because this banana is being eaten. - Just a banana with peanut butter! - It split in my crotch. - Can I do an Insight check? Do I see ropes that I think I could reach on a jump? - Give me a Perception check. - Bad idea. - There's a lot more oil in that pack than I thought. - Yeah, it's made with palm oil, and I wasn't about that. - Good lord. - What's the Perception check? - It's a nat one. - There is a rope directly in front of you that
you are certain you could grab onto and it would sustain you down to the ground. - [Zac] Don't look at me. - [Ally] Don't look at me! - You have never in your life been more certain that a rope would completely bamboozle your foes and get you safely to the ground. - Fabian runs and jumps for the rope. - Okay. Does Fabian do anything else before running? - I guess I'll Disengage, if it's within 30 feet. - Cool. And, again, pirates out there, Chungle-Down Jim, you've got Captain James there. Alis
tair crumped at Captain James' feet. You're standing there. It's literally 20 feet through the house to the edge where you can jump. Cool, so you are going to Disengage, run, jump? - For the rope. - Great. You Disengage, run. As you do so, give me one more Charisma check with disadvantage. (dice rolling) - That is a nine. - Alistair looks up at you completely heartbroken and says, "Captain, why?" And you run, grab the rope. The rope is attached to a laundry line above you that completely cannot
support your weight. You yank down a bunch of giant silk bloomers, cover your body, one goes over your head, and you begin to plummet towards the ground, a quarter of a mile drop to the city floor below. What's going to happen now is this. - [Ally] We all wake up, because this was a crazy dream. - We've had the craziest - We take a pill that - Nightmare King-induced dream. - transports us back in time to before my mom did what she did to her partner. - See, the Nightmare King made all of this fe
el so real for everyone watching, also. - [Brennan] 192... - [Zac] Seems like we're gonna to figure it out in the next 10 minutes or so. - [Siobhan] Yeah, you have a few rounds to fall. - [Lou] Yeah. - [Siobhan] Maybe you can grab - [Emily] For the record, - another rope on the way. - I am gonna be Jamina Joy for an hour. - [Lou] I'm hoping for more ropes - [Siobhan] There's a lotta ropes - on the way down. - on the way down, right? - I mean, this man won't stop talking about how much rigging th
ere is in this city. - [Siobhan] He is counting a lot over there, just quietly counting. - Can you parachute with your bloomers? - Yeah, can I use the laundry? - Okay. - [Siobhan] Make some kind of parachute. - So, it takes a second to get up to terminal velocity. I've done the math, a quarter of a mile is 1,320 feet. A body falling reaches terminal velocity at 32 feet per second, which is 192 feet a round. It will take Fabian seven rounds to reach the bottom, which means that no one else will b
e within range to help Fabian, but you will have seven rounds of chances to attempt to slow your fall, okay? So we're gonna start with a little counter of rounds. We're gonna roll Luck checks to see if there's rigging, okay? I'm gonna say that you need an 11 or higher to have available rigging. And we're gonna need a DC... a DC 20 Dexterity saving throw. Okay? Cool. - [Emily] This is just so not how I saw tonight going. (die rolling) - Eight, so there's none on that round. (die rolling) Two, non
e on that round. (die rolling) 17. Go ahead and give me a Dexterity saving throw to attempt- - You have good Dex. - You've gotta get a DC 20. (die rolling) - Nat one? - Another nat one? - You pass through some rope, and now you are partially tied, your legs are tied up as you pass through some more ropes. - [Zac] Your legs are tied up? - Yeah, you go through ropes that you don't manage to catch, so you get wrapped up in some more ropes. You're covered in underwear. (die rolling) 10 is on the low
er half. Four. (die rolling) Nine. (die rolling) Six. Some bad rolls. (die rolling) 10, lower half. - Oh no! - Last one. - Last chance to attempt to slow your fall. (die rolling) 15. This is your last chance to not take full falling damage. - What do you need to get? - DC 20. - I need to beat a 20. I need- - [Siobhan] A 13? - I get plus 7. I need a 13. - Let's see if you roll this 13. - You got it. - You got it. - You got it, you got it. You absolutely got it. - [Emily] Everyone think positive t
houghts! - Yes! (players cheering) 16. - This fucking game. - [Lou] That is a 25. - Okay, we exit from combat. Because a lot of people were not present in that combat, I'm going to just narrate how we all arrive at the following scene, okay? So we have Baxter with Sandra Lynn, Tracker nearby, Kristen, and Adaine. You guys arrive after... You guys arrive. Garthy takes you into a room in the Gold Gardens. They kneel down, touch a silvery pentagram in silver chalk in the center of a shrine room fil
led with red and pink and orange candles. Touch it. A pair of neon red- and when I say neon, I mean it literally is just the outline, as in like a neon sign, so these neon wings just made of outlines of light erupt from Garthy's back and they touch a warm hand to your shoulder and you begin to see buildings and streets move past you as though you were stationary and the city were rushing past your vision as you begin to move through the city. Ragh and the Hangvan are the slowest and having the h
ardest time getting here. Oh wait, Ragh's clearly driving the Hangvan, because the Hangvan can't drive. So, you guys all- - What happened to us? - Oh yes, sorry. - I'm still Jamina Joy for an hour. - I am so sorry, I forgot. - [Emily] We (indistinct). Incredible. - [Murph] We're all just gonna arrive and you guys are gonna crumple down. Fabian's alive and you guys are dead. - This is the dumbest session. - This is the dumbest, yeah. - Okay. And you guys see that indeed, Fig and Gorgug, you guys
fly up eventually come to rest. As you approach the Crow's Keep, you see another rope that can get you down to the bottom, and the Hangvan is already telling you in your head, come down here. You guys see Gorgug and Fig, who truly look as though they've been in a cold temperature dryer for 45 minutes, (Emily laughing) arrive. Fabian is hanging about- his head is probably about seven feet up in the air, dangling from his feet, partially cocooned in underwear and ropes, badly injured with blood ru
nning up his face and dripping through his silvery hair onto a puddle on the ground underneath him. And that is where you guys find Fabian. - [Siobhan] You can't sneak off on your own! - Did you kick his ass? - What are you doing? He's wrapped in underwear and rope, I don't think he kicked his ass. - I run over and try to use a Healer Kit to kinda wake him up. - No, I'm doing Healing Word. - Are we there? I start casting Prayer of Healing. It takes 10 minutes, but I can get us all a lot of heals
. - I'll just use some Healing Words on you. Tell me when you don't need them. - [Lou] How much damage do you want me to take? - No, you successfully saved. You slowed your fall. You grabbed some rope, wrapped yourself up in it like an aerialist, so you did it. - I have 63. I'm fine. - Do you wanna take some damage? - I feel like I'm cheating this if I don't. - [Emily] 13 more. - [Brennan] 10, 13... (dice rolling) 13, 20, 30. You take 32 points of damage. - Great. 63 minus 32... - [Emily] But ad
d the 13 that I gave you. - Plus 13. - And another 14. - I guess, yeah, I'll cut him down. - Tracker begins to do kind of a soothing ritual healing as well, so all the party's healers are, you know. - [Murph] Fabian, who did this? What happened? - [Emily] Were you ambushed? - No. - You were in a situation where you just couldn't get out, huh? - [Lou] Something like that. - Yeah, they bust down the door and they found you where you were, and they said, "Fabian!" and attacked you right away? - I c
an't believe they attacked you - Incriminating personal information - all on your own. - they threatened you with? - No, no, no, no, no. - Sandra Lynn looks at you and says, "We're just gonna put Fabian in the van, and we're gonna head back to the Gold Gardens and we're gonna sleep. Okay?" - Yeah. - Yeah, good idea. - [Emily] That's all I wanna do. - You see Tracker comes over and heals your dislocated arm. - Oh, I wouldn't mind. - Don't cut the ropes, just FYI. Don't cut the ropes. You go too f
ast. - You guys return to- - [Emily] It was kind of fun, though. - It was awesome. - the Gold Gardens. As you guys return to the Gold Gardens, Tracker looks up and says, "So because we kind of didn't bed down sort of right away, there's gonna be a little period of time where this magic is not gonna be fully protecting us. I don't know necessarily what to do with that, but I just thought I'd let everybody know." - [Emily] Should we take a day and sleep in shifts? - Well maybe. But also, I mean, e
ven if you're sleeping in shifts, as you're sleeping outside of the protection of the Moon Haven, I just don't... I just don't know. - I mean, we need to sleep. - [Ally] Yeah, we gotta. We just take the risk, I guess. - [Zac] Can you give people Bardic Inspiration? Can we have some Bless? - I only have a couple left, but I will give it out. I think I have two left. So who's feeling weak and vulnerable? Fabian, I'm gonna give you one. - It's a Wisdom saving throw normally, with the Nightmare King
? - Yes. - I have pretty high Wisdom. - I have high Wisdom as well. - [Siobhan] Yeah, I have six Wisdom. - Okay, Gorgug, take a little Bardic Inspiration. - Thank you. - A little milk and cookies before bed. - [Murph] My Wisdom is only plus one. - Oh, I already gave it out, I'm sorry. - It's okay. It's fine. - [Emily] I have bad Wisdom too. - [Murph] It's okay. We all have things we're bad at. - [Siobhan] A lot of unwise decisions that have been made. - As you get put in the van, Fabian, you see
that the Hangman (engine revving) comes up and says, "Sire, are you all right?" - No, Hangman. It's all bad. - You see that the Hangman, the light in it dims a little bit. You hear a... (sighs) It backs up and drives into the van, and to the closest of your ability, goes into the little aisle of van seats next to you and tips itself over onto your side. - That's very sweet of you. - You see that Tracker looks over at you, Kristen, and says, "All right, well, let's try to get back as soon as we
can." Garthy looks over at Sandra Lynn. Sandra Lynn looks at Garthy. - [Emily] I don't look at - There's a look shared with - either of them. - the rest of you. You guys all get back. You see, by the way, that when you get back, Cathilda comes and tucks you in, gives you a little piece of kippers, and kisses you on the head. - I don't deserve kippers, Cathilda. - Can I talk to everyone other than Fabian? - Yes, absolutely. Cathilda kisses you on the head and says, "My sweet boy. Master Fabian, i
t's not about deserving kippers. It's not a test or a trial. I made them for you 'cause I love you." - You should give your kippers to everyone else. They're just so delicious, I'd hate for them to be wasted on me. - She sighs, pats your shoulder, and leaves you there to sleep. And the Hangman has come into your corner of the Gold Gardens suite, as well. - [Lou] White noise from the muffler. - [Emily] Just getting so high on the fumes. - [Murph] I think I'm gonna go into Fabian's room. - Cool, y
ou go over to Fabian's room. Tracker seems super hungover and fucked up from all the revelry still. Give me an Insight check, Kristen. - Sure. (die rolling) 10. - Cool. Obviously, you know Tracker well enough. You know that she probably can't remember anything from last night, that's she's hungover. She was fucked up, basically. What did you wanna say to everybody when you got back? - Oh yeah, you guys, do you think that we should hide Fabian, if this person is really after him? - Yeah, maybe. -
He knew where he was earlier. Is Garthy here? - Garthy is here standing with you to make sure that everything's okay. - Gorgug, is there an invisibility shield or anything for this van? - Well, I was thinking I could Banish Fabian, 'cause then it puts you unconscious. If you're native to the plane that I'm banishing you from, you go to a harmless demiplane where you're incapacitated, so he could... - I think it only lasts like a minute, though. - Oh, okay, yeah. - Garthy, I'll ask the van in a
second, but considering what's going on, do you think the Captain would try to come here? 'Cause it seemed like he was hesitant to fight here earlier. - Lovey, I don't think Captain James is liable to start anything here in the Gold Gardens. - All right. - I've taken great pains to ensure that at least here, amongst this home I've made for me and mine, that no one's gonna try anything. - [Ally] Can I do an Insight check on them? - Sure, go for it. (die rolling) - So close to a 20. Yeah, that's p
retty high. I got a 22. - They seem sad. They seem a little bit sad. - Can I tell why or...? Which thing that they were saying seemed to make them sad, or was it something else? - On a 22... Let me roll a little Deception check here. They seem sad in relation to both Tracker and Fig. - Okay. - Tracker goes to just collapse into sleep. Gilear, Sandra Lynn, the rest do as well. Do any of you immediately go to sleep, or are some of you shaking things off? - Adaine, I have a private favor I need. -
I'll see what I can do. - I need you to tie me up. - You want me to tie you up? The person with minus two Strength? - I was gonna ask Riz, but Riz left. - I mean, I'll do it. - I think the Nightmare King- - Why don't I- - found a capable pawn in me, and I just feel like they're gonna come after me again. - Why don't I set a snare around you, and if you move, then you have to do a - Also tie me up. Successful Dexterity saving throw. - That sounds good. - Or you'll be hoisted in the air. - In addi
tion to tying me up. - That basically is tying you up. I wrap you in a rope. - Yeah, okay. - It's just a magical trap. - Okay. - So if you get up to leave- - Okay, yeah. That's what I do. - Great. - And I also avoid eye contact with my mom. - As you are about to get tied up- Tracker's already out, but before you get tied up Garthy O'Brien comes over to you. And they look at you and say, "I'm so sorry to bother you, lovey. Would you mind if I spoke with you for a moment?" - Absolutely. I don't kn
ow anything about my mom's personal life and I actually can't really be sort of a messenger for her, so I don't know what the situation is. I don't know what she told you, but I also don't know either, so. - Darling- - If you wanna shoot your shot, though, shoot your shot. - No. Lovey, I doubt you're a worse messenger for your mother's personal life than your mother, if you catch my meaning. Listen, I just wanted to do this privately 'cause I did not want to make you and your young friends uncom
fortable. But my deepest desire, as always, is to make sure that everybody that comes to the Gold Gardens has the best possible time that they can, yeah? And I'm not one to apologize for enjoying myself or helping others enjoy themselves, but if I've done anything to make you uncomfortable- - No, not at all. It has nothing to do with you. It just has to do with- I just think my mom might've hurt someone's feelings, and I'm feeling conflicted about knowing that and what to do about that. Nothing
to do with you, though. You, your hospitality was great. I'm gonna leave a five-star Yelp. - I don't know what that is, but I do appreciate it. I also wanted to say that... Look, I'm a pirate, yeah? So I try not to be too preachy or moralistic. But also, I'm descended from angels, yeah? So this kind of comes with the territory. So I wanted to say that there's a plethora of ways in which I enjoy getting down. I don't enjoy getting down when it involves someone breaking a promise, and I hope you u
nderstand that anything I did, I did in the confidence of a good faith that may not have been present. Do you understand what I mean? - Yeah, I do. I do. I'm sorry if you also got hurt by (clears throat) Sandra Lynn's fun. Sorry, I'm really awkward in this kind of situation. I've just been having a night. - These are the types of events that force us to grow up, yeah? And it's painful. - Yeah. - I'm not hurt, lovey. - Okay. - I have been through much worse, many times, and the only thing that wo
uld've been a risk to me would have been to have such young, enterprising adventurers as yourself leave this place with a lower opinion of its humble host, so. - No, right now, it's kind of just my opinion of my mom is oscillating between, that's not my business, and how could you do that to Jawbone? Sorry to put a name to- - Jawbone O'Shaughnessy? - Yeah. - Life is complicated, I'll tell you that right now. All right. - [Ally] They know Jawbone? - Of course they know Jawbone. - Jawbone's been t
o Leviathan many times, lovey. This is wild. I need to go sit down. - Yeah, no, see? This, though, it could've just been a good situation, you know, if she'd just shot a text- - Can I roll Insight to see if they've slept with Jawbone? - Yeah, go for it. - [Emily] They definitely have. - Let me see. That's a 17. - 100%. - Yeah, okay, great. - You see they go, that werewolf has some of the most insane stories I've ever heard, and I run a pirate brothel in a moving city. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - All r
ight. Well, that makes me feel even worse. - Sorry, I shouldn't have given a name. - Not at all. Listen, listen, I'll be honest. I think that monogamy is a prison, yeah? And that there is no version of that type of fidelity that is not somehow based in ownership over bodies. But that being said, a promise is a promise, so. - I know. - And Jawbone is someone very near and dear to my heart, so that makes me feel even worse. Lovey, I know it's painful and awkward right now. - Yeah, skin is crawling
. - I'll stop making you uncomfortable, lovey. Have a good night's rest. - Yeah. No, no, it's not you. It's my mom. Anyways, I'm gonna go get tied up. - What? - I leave. (players laughing) - You leave. Cool. I am going to need Wisdom saving throws from everybody. - [Ally] You have- - Can I have Boggy give me help? - [Ally] I don't know if it's still there, but- - Yes, you can. - Protection from- - [Murph] Oh, you gave me Protection from Good and Evil? How long does that last? - 10 minutes, dang.
- A d8 is added to this, with- - With Bardic? - With Bardic, right? - Yeah, a d8. - [Murph] I got a 10. - [Siobhan] I got a 24. - [Lou] I got an eight. - We'll go around. - [Ally] What is this, Wisdom? - Rough. - [Emily] I got a six. - Nat 20! - [Siobhan] Kristen and I- - Congrats, Kristen. had a beautiful night of sleep. - [Lou] Plus eight Wisdom. - [Ally] Plus eight Wisdom. 28. - I knew it, I knew this was gonna happen! - Hold on one second. - Can I- because I only need four hours, can I go t
o sleep an hour after everybody else? - You actually can survive- because the Moon Haven lasts for eight hours, so you can fully trance in that time. - Right, but everybody's going to sleep- - Yes. - now. - He's saying that there's still four hours left. - Oh, it's after. - After, yeah. - Oh yeah, okay, so great, great. So I will trance and then I will be awake for the time when people are- - Yes, exactly. Cool. What are the rolls we got again? We got- - [Emily] Six. - Six. - [Zac] With Bardic I
nspiration, four. - Truly incredible. - And you're good. - I got a 24 so, you know. - You're fully, fully good. - Also, I didn't need to roll. - I guess with my modifier, five. - Oh wait, they're rolling this after I wake up? - Correct, yes. - Hm, interesting. What does everybody... Okay, I'll hear what everybody gets. - You wake up. What did we roll on the die? - [Murph] 10. - 10. - 20. - 20. - Six plus bardic, minus one, eight. - On the actual dice, two. - Two. - Four. - Four. - Plus two, whic
h makes it a six. - Okay. - Okay, I'm gonna give Gorgug a nat 20, and I am gonna give Fig a nat 20, because I rolled two nat 20s on my Divination rolls. - [Ally] Isn't that insane? - Holy shit. - [Ally] Before the show started, she rolled two nat 20s for Portent. - Insane. - [Ally] It was insane. - Double nat 20s. So Fabian rolls low. - Yeah. - I rolled- I mean, 10 is... - And 10 is the full score you got. - Yes. - And I'm awake watching, also, what's happening, so I can- - You're awake, watchin
g- - If anything happens, I can- - fully watching what's happening. - [Murph] I'm grumpily asleep in a chair in Fabian's room. - With a mug of coffee. - Just standing guard, but just instantly falls asleep. - [Emily] You're also tatted up. - Yeah, and I'm super tatted up. Just a tiny bouncer falling asleep. - I bet it looks cool. - Yeah, it probably looks cool. - A tiny bouncer. - [Siobhan] A little bartender. ♪ Hold me closer, tiny bouncer ♪ (players laughing) - Cool. So there's a separate room
with just Fabian, Riz, and the Hangman in it. - Oh no. Sorry. - After all this- - That's a tough room. - After all this, Fabian just kills me. - A lot of tough energy in there. - Man, a lot of teen boy smells. - I'm gonna ask for you two to actually roll Initiative for me, if you'd be so kind. We're not gonna go to a battle, but we're just gonna roll Initiative just to see which of these things we do first. - Oh no. (dice rolling) - 21. - 11. - Cool, okay. - [Emily] Fabian, throw out your dice.
Throw them out. - Adaine, as you're awake, you see Ragh get up earlier than other people and go, (yawns) "Hey, Adaine. I'm just gonna go get some food. I'm kinda hungry and having a hard time sleeping." - Okay, are you good? - Yeah, I'm good. I kind of feel stupid 'cause I ran through a lot of the city and didn't get there and caught you guys... - Yeah, no, no, no. We didn't get there either. Hey, you're awake right now, right? - Yeah. - Who was your first kiss? - Who was my first kiss? - Yeah.
- Hold on one second. (die rolling) I'm going to need Adaine to roll Initiative. - Dammit. (die rolling) Nine. - Okay. - [Ally] This day sucks, man. This day sucks. - What is your Dexterity modifier? - Oh my god. It's three. Modifier? Plus two. - Plus two. Okay, cool. We are gonna go to combat. - [Siobhan] Rad. - This is crazy. Crazy day. - [Siobhan] Adaine versus Ragh. - What have I done? - The Bad Kids' no good, very bad day. - Incredible. - Would this wake us up, though? - Yes, for sure. - O
kay. - [Ally] Well, did we get a- - [Emily] I don't think so. - All right, whatever. - [Emily] Right? (Indistinct) - Hold on one... - [Ally] Sleep when you're dead, which might be this episode! (players laughing) - 13 plus 14. Adaine, you take 27 points of damage as Ragh looks at you and goes (screeches) and rushes and gores you. - Shield? - That's gonna make your armor class 18? - Yes. - Bypasses. Ragh muscles through the shield and deals that damage. - And we're all awake now. - How much damag
e was that? 11? - What's that? - How much damage was that? - 27 points of damage. - Woof, okay. - That is- everyone's gonna wake up. I'm gonna say that everyone wakes up. Everyone go ahead and roll Initiative. Not you two, just Kristen and the rest. - With Feral Instinct, would I have woken up when he started attacking or...? - Potentially. - I got a five. - Five? - 12. - 12. - [Ally] Zero. - Zero, okay. I'm gonna have- Adaine, you're going to go. The rest of the house wakes up. Ragh is gonna ge
t one last set of attacks, and then it's not necessary to run the rest of the combat because once you're all awake, you will easily be able to overpower Ragh as a group. But Adaine's gonna take an action, then Ragh is gonna get one more round of attacks. - You got all your stuff back. - Yeah, I got all my stuff back. He's not very wise, is he? I cast Tasha's Hideous Laughter on Ragh. It's a Wisdom saving throw. (die rolling) - You see Ragh goes (laughing) and starts keeling over to the side. - I
yell, Ragh is possessed! He got Nightmare Kinged! - Everyone rushes out. - Wait a second, I'm tied up. (players laughing) - You have to pass an Intelligence saving throw- a Dexterity saving throw, sorry. - Okay. 18? - My spell save is 15, so that passes. - Yes! - You escape the bonds. Not very good bonds, I guess. - Okay, next time, Adaine, I'm gonna ask someone else. - [Siobhan] Yeah, ask Gorgug. Yeah. - You see that a bunch of people- Gorgug, you've already tackled Ragh. Everyone starts tackl
ing Ragh. Tracker has gone full werewolf. You once again are underneath Ragh in the same position. - Chill, chill. - We are gonna go- we immediately leave combat as soon as we got into it, and we're gonna go into the dreams of, actually, Fabian Aramais Seacaster. - [Zac] Just miserable. Look at him. - What do you think Fabian's dreaming about right now? - I mean, I'm probably just- I don't know. I feel like it's just me, the feeling of a beak crawling over my head, probably Aster's... What's his
name? - Alistair Ash. - Alistair's face before I jumped over, and the man I liked the most, whose name I can't... Gumbert? Gump? - Chungle-Down Bim. - There it is. Sorry, I was too sad to remember any of their names. - Chungle-Down Bim is spelled C-H-U-N-G-L-E dash D-O-W-N, the word down, and then Bim, which is short for Bimothy. - And just the feeling of- yeah, Chungle-Down Bim saying I'm not a pirate and spitting on my face, just over and over again. - Fabian, you have a dream throughout all
of this. You see fire surrounding you. It's your burning home from the day that your father died. But you also see that this home is on a blasted hellscape of Avernus, the first pit of hell. And you see dead, burning warlocks, these pirates gazing at you as they walk out of your house, into the plane, look at you, shake their heads and say, "What will we tell the Captain when we see him on his ship?" And they march off into the fire. And you can feel the weight of your father's head resting on h
is hand in the captain's quarters of his ship. You hear a voice behind you say, "It's all going to be all right." And a soft, sort of papery, but a little bit wet hand touches the back of your shoulder and says, "I know it seems so very far off, but there is a way for you to be happy." - Really? - Yes. Yes, absolutely. You experience the exact same feeling that Adaine experienced, which is, you know if you look at this thing's face, something horrible is going to happen to you. You see it says,
"Come. I want to show you what I've been working on. Would you like some yogurt?" - No, no, I wouldn't. - No, trust me. You'll like it if you try it. - I will? - Yes. Yes, try some. You see a delicious little cup of banana yogurt is handed over to you. - Don't eat things in hell. - Can I take the yogurt without looking at him? - Yes, you can. - I take the yogurt. - You take it, eat a little spoonful. It's delicious. It's nice to not have to use your teeth. You can just kind of suck it down. - It
's pleasant. - Yes, it is pleasant, isn't it? I want to show you what I've been working on. And the form leads you- You can see out of the corner of your eye that there's a wisp of a comb-over and a button-up shirt, some slacks. You go through the burning building and a door opens. And as you move through the door, all of a sudden, you are in a beautiful place. There's sunny fields everywhere, and you see that there are a beautiful estate- There's a giant marble statue of Bill Seacaster who's be
ing revered. People are taking pictures. There's tourists with their Solesian cameras. And you hear the voice say, "I built this place. It's a memorial to Captain Bill Seacaster. It's a beautiful memory. It's my greatest achievement, the best thing I could have ever done. This is how I find my self-worth, is curating this place. This is my life's work, to build this memorial to the greatest pirate that ever lived." - A job well done. The statue is gorgeous. Really shows off all his finest featur
es. - Have some more yogurt. It is good. - It is good. I'll have some more yogurt. - It actually does make you feel really good to have this yogurt. It goes down smooth. It's great. You walk through wing after wing of all of your father's accomplishments. Give me a Perception check and an Insight check. (die rolling) - Perception check, nat one. - [Emily] What? (die rolling) - Insight check, nine. - Cool. You walk through. So it takes a long time. - [Siobhan] Use my dice. - And eventually you re
alize that you start seeing a lot of pictures of Hallariel. - Mm-hmm. You see Bill's house. You see Seacaster Manor. You see all this stuff. You don't see any pictures of you anywhere in here. - Is there a reason you chose not to include any more family-oriented photos or those sorts of things? - Look at me. - I can't. - You can. - I shouldn't. - Look at me. I need you to look at me. You feel a slightly wet, papery hand underneath your chin. I need you to look at me now. - I feel as if it wouldn
't be- - The yogurt curdles in your stomach, and you feel yourself convulse, and you are spasming and losing control of your body. This kind of sad, doughy, middle-aged, yogurt-eating man pulls your chin until your face is an inch or two away from his face. You look at a middle-aged Fabian, who says, "Why would I put pictures of myself here? I don't deserve them. Very cocky. Papa wouldn't like it at all. (giggling menacingly) (giggling menacingly) (claps hands) And you wake up. I'm gonna need yo
u to give me a Stealth check real quick. - (Siobhan) Don't use my dice. - Don't use, yeah, exactly. Get a nat one. - (Siobhan) No! Oh, that's cocked. - That's cocked. - Great. Stealth check? - Mm-hmm. 12. - Okay. So you... Actually, roll that with advantage for me, if you'd be so kind, 'cause you're in a separate room. (die rolling) - That is 15. - 15, okay. Bum bum bum. You awaken in the middle of the ocean, swimming, (Brennan gasping for air) as waves billow up around you in the darkness. We a
re gonna cut from Fabian. - We are failing. We're gonna fail. We're gonna fail school. - [Zac] We're gonna die! - [Siobhan] Yeah, and more importantly, - Adaine, I forgot- we're gonna fail school. - I healed you for 13 for Cure Wounds. - Riz. - Mm-hmm? - You awaken in your room in a state of night paralysis. Your body can't move. You look and see that the window has been slid open in your room. Fabian is gone. The Sword of the Seacasters has been plunged through the engine of the Hangman, and it
is on its side, leaking oil onto the floor. You not only can't move, but you feel a tremendous weight on your chest. Materializing there, coiled up, sitting on her haunches, is a black tabaxi woman. She looks at you and says, "Hi, Riz. How you doin'?" - Can I speak? - Mm-hm. - What did you do to Fabian? - Your voice comes out in a croak, a whisper, and you realize you couldn't shout in the state that you're in. She looks at you and says, "Oh, I can't take any credit for that, I didn't do anythi
ng to Fabian. That was the boss." - You work for the Night King? - Yeah, kiddo. I work for the Nightmare King, that's right. You have grown. You're, I mean, the spitting image of your mother and your father, a perfect combo of the two. - Why- you- - My parents trusted you. Why would you... What are you doing? - What am I doing? You said it, Riz. Come on. I work for the Nightmare King. - But why? - Is that an honest question? Why? He grants me unlimited power. All that I am and all that I'm capab
le of doing, he gave to me. Do you really not understand why a person might do things that benefited them? I know that you only do things to kind of distract yourself from how deeply sad you are that your dad is gone. I get that. The maidens, and then you find the maidens. And then it's on to the next thing, and the conspiracy board and you don't sleep and you're digging, digging, digging. It's like when you were in that palimpsest. You will dig until your own hands are bleeding because the seco
nd you slow down, you will have to deal with the fact that he's not comin' home. Sorry, bud. So we gotta talk about you and your friends coming for this crown, because that's gonna be a no-go from us. - What do you- - What do I want? - Yes. - I just said it. Pack it in and go home. This one's not you, chief. Now, I know that I'm talking to the most obstinate one in the group. I do get that, for sure. And I'll admit, I've been having a hard time breaking through whatever these little runes are, b
ut you guys seem to have fucked up badly enough, it seems that whatever spell was keeping me out wore off, and now we're back here. - So it's not the Nightmare King. It's you that's- You can come into our dreams? - Are you dreaming right now? You wanna pinch yourself? Oh, you can't, you're paralyzed. I'm sorry. Well, I just wanna see if we can talk reason. You guys wanna get this crown back. That can't happen. Where do we find compromise here? 'Cause... They're restraining your buddy Ragh out th
ere, and while they're doing that, Fabian slipped out the window. So I would say cut your losses at one dead friend. That would be me, but we can go for more if you want. - All right, so I'm paralyzed, right? - Mm-hmm. Is my Sword of Shadows near me? - Let's roll a Luck check, okay? You're very paranoid, so I'm gonna say that on an 11 or higher, it is literally in the bed with you while you sleep. - Okay. - We'll say that on a 6 through 10, it is two or three feet away, resting on the side of th
e bed. If it's a one through five, it's gonna be farther away than that, elsewhere in the room. Go ahead and give me a d20 roll. (Murph groaning) (die rolling) 15, cool. It's in the bed with you. - I think I just try to crane my head to look intimidating or confident, and I say, how about no dead friends? And then I want to use my Sword of Shadows to Misty Step out the window to try to find Fabian. - Cool. - [Emily] You're gonna Misty Step into the water, paralyzed! - You step out. You (dice rat
tling) take 10 points of falling damage. - Okay. - You clatter to the ground. Your arms are paralyzed in place, so when you hit, something breaks as you hit at an odd angle. Without seeing her move, Kalina walks out of a little alleyway. You're in the campus of the Gold Gardens right now. She looks out and says, "Aw, bud. Yeah, he's been gone, I'm sorry. I should've given you a timeline on that. That's my mistake. So we definitely clocked some kind of eye contact when you were about to get sacri
ficed, right? - Yeah. - You seem like a guy that likes information. Is there any kind of information I can offer you? (quiet bass-heavy instrumental) - What do you want in return? - Buddy, we're just talking right now. I'm trying to help you see reason. - I wanna know where the crown is. I wanna know where Fabian is. I wanna know why people are coming for us in our sleep. - Why do you assume I know where the crown is? (suspenseful music) - You don't know where the crown is. Oh boy. - That's not
what I said. I asked, why do you think I know where the crown is? I would correct you, but I don't think you're gonna believe me. - I think I know where the crown is, and you have handily defeated me even after I said my cool one-liner, so I assume you also figured it out. - Mm-hmm. - You see she looks at you and says, "What do you see happening from here? Because I do wanna get this sorted out, but I am tr- Look, I think you can see I have no tricks up my sleeve, right? I'm not doing anything.
I'm not casting any spells on you. I'm not murdering you right here on the ground, right? I want this to be resolved amicably. The issue that I'm feeling right now is, I wanna know what needs to happen for you guys to give this up. And if you don't give it up, then I just guess, I wanna say, this is gonna get so much worse. - We can't give it up. - What, you can't take an F? You can't repeat the year? Buddy, what are you talking about? - We can't give it up because it would be wrong. - It would
be wrong? Wow, okay. Well, what's right about you and all your friends dying? Seems like Arthur Aguefort's got everything figured out. He's got a bunch of kids going out there and putting themselves in harm's way, getting their lives taken, and for what? What do you care what happens in Sylvaire, the Forest of the Nightmare King? - It's not gonna end there. If we don't stop this, then you'll do this to the next adventuring party that comes after you. - Well, you seem pretty set in your ways. Do
you know who I am? - I know that you worked with my father. - Pok Gukgak. A good man. - What went wrong between you two? - Nothing went wrong between us. How about this? Let's do a little information swap. You ask me a question about your dad, you answer a question of mine. (tense piano instrumental) - I don't think now is the time to get nostalgic. I wanna know that my friends are okay. My father's already gone. If you want information, you have to... I would need to know that they were safe. -
Know that who was safe? You want me to help your friend Fabian out? I could make sure he doesn't die. It's not too late. But I'm gonna need everything. I'm gonna need everything you know. (piano instrumental throughout) - All right. - What do you know? - How do I know that, if I tell you what I know, that you can help me? - You don't. - I'll tell you where I think the crown is going. You bring Fabian here. Once Fabian's here, I'll tell you who I think has it. - Kid, I don't need to know where t
he crown is going. I wanna know what you know about me. And you see that her eyes narrow into these two twin slits as she looks at you. - I know that you're working with demons. (piano instrumental ends) I know that you worked with my father at one time. - Mm-hmm. I know that you're trying to sacrifice people to make something come about. (haunting instrumental) - All right. That everything? - Out of character, do I know anything else? - [Siobhan] She doesn't drink. - You know about the glass in
the hand. You know about the photograph. You know that she was seen the night that the crown was taken, that Ragh saw her. - Mm-hmm. You know the... Yeah, you know that Ragh saw her. You know about Adaine's mom talking with Porter and all that stuff, as well. - I guess I share... Yeah, I guess I share everything. I guess I share everything I know. I think I'm in a pretty bad position here. - Cool. You see- Fabian, out in the waves, go ahead and give me three Constitution saving throws real quic
k. (die rolling) - Nat 20. - Hey! (die rolling) - Nat 20. - Whoa! - What? (die rolling) - And a 10. - Cool. You manage to swim and swim and swim for your life. And you see that as you begin to go under for the first round, you feel that you are lifted up and feel the flapping of horrible, dark wings. It's too dark for you to see right now. Do you have Darkvision or no? - I do. - These horrible imp-like things are bearing you aloft towards Leviathan and just drop you in a slum of the city at the
edge. What do you say, specifically, about the night that... About the stuff on the night that the crown was taken from the school? What information do you give? - I think I don't mention Adaine's mom. I just say that it was the night of prom. I give all the information except Adaine's mom. - All the information. - That we were there. That we knew the crown was there, did the fight during prom night, it disappeared. - Do you say the part about, Ragh saw Jace talking with Adaine's mom, that you l
eave out. Do you do the part later where Ragh was talking with Porter and Jace and then saw Kalina? - I think I try to not bring other people into it. - I'm going to ask right now- I'm gonna roll this and tell you a number that you have to beat. - Okay. - You have to beat a 13 on a Deception check. Kalina rolled very low. - I don't have very good Deception. - What do you have to roll? - I have to roll a 12. - 12 or higher. Let's see it. - You got it. (die rolling) (slams table) - That's a two. -
That's a two. - [Ally] I need a break. - [Emily] I do too! - You try not to bring other people into it. You have one momentary slip-up. You don't fuck up so badly that you say Ragh's name or anything, but you just mention something along the lines of, a student saw you. Right? Her eyes narrow, flicker again, those little side eyelids. She goes, a student saw me? Wow, okay. Well. Fabian's alive. He's at the edge of the city. If you wanna run, little goblin-scurry around and find him, you can do
that. I appreciate this. Don't keep looking for the crown, or we are going to kill every last one of you. But you do have some time to talk it over, because I'm gonna head out and kill Lydia Barkrock. So, take care. (Woosh) She vanishes. - I run back into the room to tell you guys what just happened. - Is Garthy here? - You can go find Garthy, but Fabian's also missing. - [Ally] Is Ragh in the room when you tell us? - Yeah, I think I wanna tell- - You see Ragh just... So, Tracker has dispelled t
he Dominate Person on Ragh. Ragh is fine again. You see that... Ragh runs out of the room, just kind of shout- he looks totally distraught. Runs out of the room, and you see that... You guys go try to find Garthy? - [Emily] We need to call people back at home. - [Riz] I'm gonna call my- - We don't have any way to do that. - I'm gonna call my mom and tell her- - [Siobhan] You can't. There's no way to call anybody. - Let's just try to figure it out. - [Murph] Oh, we can't call anybody. - Let's try
. - Is Garthy here? Garthy, can you send a spell? - Hold on a second. (sirens wailing distantly) (players mimicking the sirens) You see that... Garthy looks and says, "Darlings, I'm so sorry, I don't have any sort of Sending or anything like that. But, you know, it's possible if you're a proficient wizard, Adaine, there are Sending spells and the like. I mean, Leviathan is on the move all the time. If you don't have one, there might be one in the library up in Crow's Keep." - Yeah, I'll go- yeah
. - You see that a moment later, Ragh comes back and is just weeping. And you see Ragh looks at all of you and says, "She's dead. I just got a call on my crystal. She's dead. - You got a call on your crystal? - Wait, you got a call? - Yeah. - Our crystals aren't working here. - No, I have bars... No, I can make a call. You see that he holds up, calls someone, rears back and says, "Someone's just laughing at me on the other line." You guys look at his- - [Murph] Yeah, can I do an Insight check? -
You look at it, Riz, and you see that... Garthy comes out, by the way. They're also here. So all of you are just out. You've had a rough night. You, for a second, see a flickering of five bars on Ragh's crystal and a call from what looks like a family caretaker number, some sort of hospice service, and it flickers for a second and is gone. Sandra Lynn also looks at you and says, "I saw it, too." You see Tracker looks up and says, "I saw a flicker of something on it, too." - Wait, so only the pe
ople who can see the Shadow Cat can see- - Have seen the Shadow Cat. - Tracker just saw it too. - Tracker, can you- does anyone have the picture? - Do you have the picture? - I'll hold up the picture. - I can see her now. - What happened? What changed? - Did you see her tonight? - Did you see her tonight? - No, I've never seen her. That's so creepy. - Earlier today, didn't Garthy regard Fig and Tracker with some kind of sadness? - They did. Garthy looks at it and says, I don't care for that one
bit, darling. - [Ally] Oh, now Garthy sees it? - That bloody cat is in that photograph. - What cat? Do you know who that cat is? - I've never seen that woman before in me life. - But didn't we show Garthy the photograph before? - You did, and it wasn't there. - [Emily] Have you had any strange dreams? - No, not as I can remember. - Can I do an Insight check on Sandra Lynn? - Yeah, go for it. (die rolling) - Hey. Yeah, that's like 26. (dice rattling) - Sandra Lynn looks confused and looking aroun
d just like, what the fuck is going on? Two people that didn't used to be able to see the Shadow Cat in the photograph can now see Kalina. - [Ally] Can I talk to you really quick? - [Siobhan] Yeah. - [Ally] Can you cast Dispel Magic on Sandra Lynn? - [Siobhan] Yeah. - [Zac] Didn't we try that before? - Not on Sandra Lynn. - Oh, okay. - Something's up with her. Something's different and weird. Now everyone she's been in contact with- - [Siobhan] Yeah, okay. If you... - [Emily] She's very suggesti
ble right now. - We're gonna cut over. Fabian, what do you do when you get back to land? - So I just get dropped off by a couple of imps on the...? - Blam. - Am I wearing my Owlbears jersey? - Yeah. - I rip it off. And I take off the eyepatch and pocket it. - Okay. - And I just slowly start to walk. - With a messed up scar, just walking without a coat, freezing. Go ahead and give me one last Constitution check. - [Siobhan] Fabian's no good, very bad day. - Nat one. - Oh no! - Good lord. - [Emily
] What? What? - You contract pneumonia and can feel yourself shivering as you just stumble through the streets of Leviathan. The sun- - [Lou] I have pneumonia? Just pneumonia? I have the Pneumonia condition? Cool. - I'm gonna say that you are just shaking with fever, sick. You vomit a couple times. You walk through- - [Emily] Is there any banana yogurt in his vomit? - There's no banana yogurt. - [Lou] Yeah, I check my- - No banana yogurt. - [Ally] Check your vomit? - I just get in there, hands a
nd all. - But you see- Yeah. Garthy looks at the photograph, is very troubled. Tracker's very troubled as well. You see that Tracker is like, "Okay. Riz, wait, where's Fabian?" You see Ragh just going like, "Is my mom dead or not?" - [Murph] I think your mom's in trouble, but I think we were just tricked. I think that was the Shadow Cat calling. - [Emily] If you get bars on your cell phone, though, try to call home. (Brennan groaning as Ragh) - You see Garthy looks and says, "Lovey, listen, I'm
going to write a note for you. You're gonna go to the woman who is in charge of the Compass Points Library in Crow's Keep, okay?" - Mm-hmm. I'm gonna give you a note. She's gonna get you a spell, all right? - Yep. - Okay, lovey. - I go there now. Can I take Gorgug with me? - I can go. - Cool. - [Murph] Yeah, and you guys can also call my mom. She could have the police there or something to make sure- - [Zac] Let's call Aguefort. - [Siobhan] Yeah, whatever- I don't know how this spell works. I do
n't know how this spell works, I just need to go. - Have we had a night's sleep? - It takes two hours per level to learn it. - Have I had a night's sleep? - Hm? - Have I had a night's sleep? Do I have my Bardic Inspiration back? - Yes, you do. - Bardic Inspiration. - Thank you. - You guys- the time it takes you to get your gear together, do all your shit- - I guess we'll try to find- - Cathilda, by the way, is gone. And a moment later, you see that as you're stumbling through, Cathilda appears a
t your side, throws a blanket over you, and begins to walk with you back through. As you guys are heading on your way, Fabian, you come with Cathilda and see the Hangman strapped to the top of the van with the Sword of the Seacasters in it. And Cathilda just takes you, shoves you bodily in the van, puts a hot water bottle, opens the hood, takes out a hot water bottle from the engine block, puts it on your head. - [Ally] I think I have my arm around Ragh. - Just shaking. Thanks. (Brenna breathing
heavily and sniffling) Riz, Garthy cures your paralysis, by the way, the second they find you. - Okay. And you guys all, in the early dawn light, begin to head towards Crow's Keep and this library. You have a small note that you haven't looked at yet, but Garthy waves goodbye to you at the edge of the Gold Gardens, and you have this little note that you haven't looked at yet. - Can I look at this note? - You see it says, "Please bring this individual, with safe passage and a favor owed to Garth
y O'Brien, to the librarian of the Compass Points, one Ayda Aguefort. - [Zac] Ayda Aguefort? - You begin to head off to the Crow's Keep again, in the early dawn light. - Are they with us? - Garthy? No, Garthy stays at the Gold Gardens. They're not gonna go with you. Garthy does not like to leave the Gold Gardens. You begin to head off. You've got an arm around Ragh. Sandra Lynn looks at you and puts a hand around you. - [Emily] Mom, are you okay? - Bursts into tears, starts walking next to you a
nd is like, "I don't know, kiddo." - Is this... Are you under a spell, or is this maybe just a mistake on your part? - When you see that you pivot to talking about that, you see that she steels up her back and goes, "I'm a fuck-up. Let's worry about Ragh and Fabian right now, okay?" - I absolutely understand, I only had to ask because I didn't know if you were under some sort of spell. And if you were, then we would need to get that sorted out. - I wish I had that excuse. You guys head off. - [S
iobhan] I somberly Razor scoot. - Somberly Razor scoot through the... It's hard. - [Ally] I'm ribbon dancing. - This bedraggled, - [Emily] Kristen! war-torn group of adventurers. - Read the room, Kristen! - And Adaine in the lead on wooden planks, going... (Brennan mimics a Razor scooter clattering over wood planks) That's all for this week on Dimension 20! - Oh my god! - What did I do? - What a twist. - We'll see you guys next time! Tune in next week, woo! - [Siobhan] Don't divide the party!



Don't let Fabian's breakdown distract from the underrated and un-mitigated disaster that is every decision Kristen makes this episode


Fabian’s unwavering ability to inadvertently talk himself into a corner never ceases to be funny


this is maybe my favorite episode of any dnd show ever. nothing beats lou simultaneously realizing that 1. he is about to die a horrible death with no (capable) person there to help him, and 2. it's so perfectly in character that he has to follow through.


Everybody in the comments is talking about Fabian's arc, but nobody is talking about Siobhan's minion cosplay.


i know neverafter was the horror campaign, but the mechanic with the wisdom saves during sleep and the fakeouts when awake is sooo stress inducing and scary its perfect


Brennan said "I HAD a plan for this session" like we didn't hear that plan go off the rails when Sandra Lynn came back to the suite, let alone Fabian being Fabian. I see you, Brennan


I cannot believe the Hilda Hilda episode wasn't the most chaotic episode of the season 😂


The biggest in-character downfall with pure conviction in decision making and showing the beauty of this game. 10/10 episode


When the players never remember the first rule of magic: chronomancy rules


Fabian managing to climb on top of the table on the first try shows some real character growth


I’ve heard the stories of Chungle-down Bim, and to see the moment of his introduction brought a sense of doom combined with excitement for what is ahead


Somehow the "Bad Kids" were luckier in their first fight with the corn cuties compared to Fabian's. And four of them died in that fight.


I love that Brennan calculated the terminal velocity of a body falling - that's detail I appreciate


36:00, for those who want to witness Lou's magnificent breakdown!


kalina's whole converstaion with riz made her one of my favorite d20 villains of all time. She sounds so calm and her tone never stops being conversational even when she's threatening to kill him and all his friends, even when she's digging into his trauma about his dad, she's so quick and cutting with her words, it's brilliant


1:31:07 "don't cut the ropes, just fyi" has strong Ricky Matsui energy coming from Gorgug


The beginning of Fabian's no good, bad day


Brennan really didnt have to make Garthy the literal hottest character to ever exist, so hot it physically aches. and yet.


[Emily screams in filial horror] Welp, I guess that's it. I've found the greatest line of subtitling.


Lu cry-laughing "What have I done to my friends!?" is the energy I come here for