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cryvi Gaming

3 years ago

that was hardcore you guys really gave those pirates  the what for thanks finn and jake nope i saw there's it's on this island just that quest okay oh i had to go up and round ringing all right i just keep driving penguin looks like the ice king is making good progress hmm we'll find a place to drop the  penguins off near the tree house how's it going wow simon you've been busy nice job man oh sure  is hard work though i don't ever want to have to do this again speaking of you guys have any luck
  figuring out just what the heck happened nah dude we're stumped all we know is that fern's involved  somehow and somebody donked with the crystal in your crown that's all you know after all this time  what have you guys been doing playing video games we also know that the crystal in your crown  is probably connected to the enchiridion we've been finding pages of it everywhere the divine  kiwanow it's a big old book for heroes big book hey like the one that guy had guy what guy the guy  who gav
e me back my crown the other day of course you see gunter likes to take my crown when i'm  asleep and hide it oh he is such a little scamp anyhoo the day before this melting biz started  i had a hard time finding my crown and this nice guy gave it back to me what a guy that guy who's  related the princess bubble gum gumbo gummy and something her great uncle gumbald yeah that's  the one anyway he had a big book like the one you're talking about yeah but simon why didn't  you tell us this before h
e must be the one fern is working with again you know what thinking about  it we probably should have been able to figure it out on our own a long time ago yes but none  of you has ever struck me as particularly smart especially mr blue over there hey i'll  need to get nasty gumbald what's the deal i know you're evil and all but what's the  point of flooding you to claim my rightful position with the help of the enchiridion i used  ancient science to melt the blue guy's kingdom only princess bub
blegum has the scientific ability  to create a disaster this huge so we decided to make it look like one of her experiments went  clewy and with her frame for the flood she would be forced to step down and i would step in and  take her place as a ruler of the candy kingdom but we never even thought pb had anything to do  with it nobody did yeah you didn't do a very good job framing her yeah yeah i kind of dropped the  ball on the whole framing thing that's my bad you almost sunk the candy kingdo
m too if pb hadn't  figured out a way to save it you wouldn't have had a kingdom to take over hey you guys should  know better than to put me in charge of stop what about all those people acting  like pirates did you do that too no man that's just people being weird  there's a lot of weird people in who tell me about it anyway even with all of the  screw-ups we still caused havoc and even though it's kind of falling apart there's still plenty  of ancient advice in the enchiridion for me to corru
pt the laws of science in this world and  make this flood permanent oh yeah well you'll have to get through the five of us first uh make  that four it's been real guys but i am out of here and try not to melt the place  again freezing is hard work you take care of them i'll go after the  ice king all right let's finish this alrighty i wonder what this does a few calibrations required yes oh you're going down cool aah don't need that because no flip out oh you know what just do that yay let's hel
p you out just kill them nice just keep doing that wall mathematical you know what just do that yay well i just want you to keep doing the wall that's you see what happens  when i press small adjustments algebraic uh do you have any jinx uh don't just keep walking becomes bizarre yeah yeah don't wake him up let's help and why not ah um let's see how you deal with this hmm nice no no oh man didn't mean to hit  him that's not what i meant to do oh you finally wake up eh mathematical ah that was th
e spot again okay which one you guys did there my name is bimo i'm here to say let's get killed hmm a few calibrations required one more time nice and he's always level 10. oh it's at the end of the game well that's that yeah except ooh is still  flooded it'll take forever for all this water to evaporate or whatever maybe this will help look  is that a drain plug yes the old book says that if we find it and pull it out the water will go  away we live in strange times dude yeah guess we better go
find it well yeah but we could you know  maybe sail around a little more first you know if you want to true the water will go away on its  own eventually whatevs it's up to you guys okay i think that was a subtle hint that the game yeah he's telling me to finish the rest of stuff  off too bad you can't go to the ice kingdom this is time to get out of here you know we have time why not just try  to complete the rest of the missions i actually got that the kraken the fish yeah snag nice all you h
ave to do is just pretty much just  sail around that's all you have to really do now yeah just sail around let's just find the pirate ships i guess me yep one more to go nice only ten more anything around here that was the impulse there i just meal that guy didn't really  seem like the hand type of boss maybe because my guys were heavily leveled  up it just seems a bit weak for the end boss foreign fire fire rode the gold this game is not that long it's truly not that's not a bad game it's a nic
e little you know fact you know  extract the little ones while you do stuff it's a nice little kid game that i can recommend i might play little kid games here and there not like really baby ones  but these type of ones aren't fine just making sure i didn't  miss a miss any finger video oh can i actually thank you oh should be dead now level 10 is the max there you go [ __ ] nice i think contours here yeah nothing has no contour here i guess so they're gonna make  sure that that big a seal reall
y a level 10 what's the level 10 doing here and awesome that was tasty are these guys week off again oh see the week against let's just i mean  effective against what might damage in okay so light damage and speed  attacks so this should hurt you right yeah if i actually did any more damage just keep feeling yourself nice yeah that's the first time  that dodged anything in a while you should not have messed with the good guys um and i think gunther's way back here is i forgot how creepy this vil
lage is what is my cat doing ash what are you doing ash what are you doing what are you doing what are we supposed to do for fun  i don't know what my cat's doing
