
Podcast Trailer Episode 16: Luck & Synchronicities with Dr. Gary Schwartz

Dr. Gary Schwartz joins Fields of Consciousness to discuss luck and synchronicities for St. Patrick's day. This episode airs March 15, 2022 at 11:11 am. #consciousness #luck #divinity #synchronicities #science #podcast #synchronicity #alignment #trailer

Fields of Consciousness

2 years ago

Today we are excited to have our  friend dr. Gary Schwartz joining us we're discussing what luck and synchronicity  can mean as powerful information and pointers for our life. Welcome Gary. [Gary] Hi, such  a privilege to be here with you. [Jeff] Gary joined us on the FLFE research team. The purpose  is to up-level the FLFE research with more rigor. We're developing a gold standard of  research for companies like FLFE, and we spent a number of weeks creating a  high-consciousness field together
and deeply enjoy the time together and Gary's intense  curiosity, openness and beginner's mind, combined with the scientific rigor and uh, what  do you call it? The disease of science. [laughs] and your deep dives into data - there  are our 3 Ds - from experiments and in a passion for what emerges is just just a wonder  to behold. It's been a privledge to be with you. [Gary] Thank you, it's rare  to be in an environment where the disease of Science- by the way I have  a neurologist I must share
this with the neurologist and he gave it an official medical  diagnosis for this. He called it 'scientisis' It's wonderful to be able to share that kind  of passion for following the evidence where it takes you and the joy of discovery and the joy  of having the privilege to learn all of the the mystery magic the universe slowly but surely  as we evolve, and to be in the presence of people and a company thats committed to that as  a mindset and a and a heart set as very precious thank you for in
cluding me on the team. [Clayten]  So I was thinking about how to introduce you Gary I got the thought of using a metaphor  of describing you as a bowl of soup. what are the ingredients? to be a highly educated,  another one other ingredient would be respectful of the scientific process and as you inferred  before it's a conscious awareness of 'scientitis' that's something that I've seen you take on and  put off consciously so it's interesting thing. I know a few scientists and that's  always so
mething that they have to manage I guess. Fourth ingredient amongst many would be the willingness to follow the data  wherever it leads that's one of our prayers we do in our research meetings is that  we asked for the God's discernment to know the truth but to have the courage to follow the data  wherever it leads nice framework to start off a meeting and then there's the there's the odd  hot chili pepper in the soup and it's in the shape of a Corvette and when you eat the soup  you hear bass m
usic playing in the background. If soup could do such a thing, you  would be that soup, Gary. [Gary] Awww, you know I really do love soup when you  think about it and if I remember correctly, Clayten, you like to cook don't you? or is  that Jeff? I don't remember who the cook is. I like to cook, I don't know if I'm really  good at it but one of the things I do when I'm feeling really overhwlemed or tired is I just  make a big pot of typically seafood chowder. Tha's my go-to grounding cooking exp
erience. Wow,  well that's interesting because I often use soup as a metaphor for how the whole  is greater than the sum of its parts, and how no one ingredient defines a complex  soup. In fact that I've even spent a significant amount of time and we probably  shouldn't do this now trying to get a a deep level meaning, a definition of the word  soup so it's interesting that you bring this up leave them at a soup conversation before  is that correct? [Clayten] we have not had the soup conversatio
n before. Okay, and you  don't typically bring up soup in these kinds of conversations is that correct? [clayten] I am  not aware of me ever comparing anybody to a bowl of soup when introducing them. [Gary] Right, and  you probably wouldn't have guessed that I have such a deep connection both personally in terms  of loving soup, and also appreciating its higher significance for looking at nature. [Clayten]  no, you have no historical data on you being associated with soup in any way other  than
a reasonable assumption that you have eaten soup. Right. We are right now living a moment, a  synchronous moment is what I'm sharing with you.
