
Polestar 4 digital rearview mirror | Polestar

First seen on American racetracks at the turn of the 20th century, the traditional rearview mirror has been a mainstay in car design for the best part of 100 years. But more than a century after its introduction, little has changed. Until now. The rise of digital rearview mirrors has enabled car designers to upend a century of automotive history. And being the innovative design brand that we are, we’ve pushed the envelope even further. Don’t believe us? See for yourself. Read more: #PolestarCars #Polestar4

Polestar Cars

2 weeks ago

欢迎光临我们的瑞典试车场 来试驾我们的极星 4。 今天我们准备体验全新的 高清数字车内后视镜, 这项设计让这款令人惊叹的 轿跑式SUV发生了真正的变革。 所以,驾驶极星 4 时, 如何使用数字车内后视镜的要点之一 就是适应这项新技术。 高清的屏幕、简洁的显示, 还有非常宽阔的后方视野。 想想看,如果在传统的汽车里, 试图看清车后路况时就会受到 车内后部内饰的阻碍。 我注意到的奇妙之处是, 当你在夜间开车时, 你能看到比平时更多的细节。 哦,我看到Joakim追上了我。 嘿,Joakim! 你好,Brent。 欢迎来到 Hällered 车后的视野太神奇了。 开到最左边。 我想看看你最远能开到哪儿。 你还能看到我吗? 能,看得清楚极了。 再开到最右边。 我变了两条车道, 你还看得到我吗? 极星 4 的后方视野 实在是太棒了。 是的,Brent,看这里。 我还能超过你。 嘿,我们走吧。 我们在底盘调校、减震器、 转向等方面做出的努力, 都是为了打造一款出色的电动汽车, 让你能对自己的驾驶技术信心满满。 它迅捷灵活, 也能轻松宁静。 这得看你想要哪种状态。 现在,我们发现下了点雨, 对于这款
摄像头以及它在车上的 高位设计,我非常喜欢的地方是, 我仍然可以看清车后的路况, 镜头上没有一点水滴造成干扰。 是的,我能清清楚楚地 看到你,Brent, 我很惊讶,因为我没想到 视野会这么清楚。 简直太神奇了。 看看这个。 上面一点水也没有。 真的很棒。



But how is the view in the night?


I’m curious to know how heavy rainfall areas such as the PNW affect the view


Does it self clean? The reversing camera on my P2 quickly needs doing by hand


yes. Rain from the ground, as nature always wanted. Will be interesting to see this in real weather. Hope they have some kind of cleaning system for it.


Curious about how it would be at night specially from the headlights off cars in the rear.


Overtaking is the best feeling in the Polestar! 🔥


Bezel-less screen like the mirrors would've been great. I want a Polestar jacket like that.


How does it work regarding to the eyes distance focusing? When switching from looking far away on the road to a screen very close? Regular mirrors dont have this issue.


I think it needs to be larger/wider to be worth it and it can be configured to be add any other objects you want displayed e.g. 14inch screen or larger. Otherwise, screens on the dashboard suffice.


Likely our next car but slightly worried about snow and ice buildup on the rearview camera. Looking to be quite hard to reach for cleaning. Would have wished for something like a heated camera house for parity with a heated rear window.


Our area salts heavily in the winter time. Will there be a washer to clean it as you drive?


It is a digital center mirror like Hyundai-Kia Motors and Land Rover.


This is a great evolution of the rear view mirror especially at night when the camera can compensate for high beams and offer a safer driving experience. I am interested to see what will happen in the future with mixed or augmented reality. Great innovation from a great company!


Considering my experience with the rear camera for parking. I think it would have been safer to include a washing or cleaning mechanism. For winter or bad weather days.


Is there a cleaning system for the lens for dust, grime, and road salt? Is there a heating element to keep the ice/snow off it in the winter?


This is a deal-breaker for many. I'd prefer they make this car cheaper but with a regular window , and this fancy camera could be an option. Similar to what they did with camera based side mirrors on an Audi e-tron - an option. According to my personal observation I'd say around 1% of e-tron buyers chose camera side mirrors. Don't fix what's not broken.


What happened to the camera based side mirrors like the Honda e has? The concept car had it but you decided to go with ordinary mirrors.


My 2021 Chevy Traverse has an HD camera/screen like this and can flip back to a normal mirror.... We keep it off mostly because it distorts your vision/focus while driving but our kids like to look at it occasionally.


A great feature but the traditional mirror view of the rear interior is useful for seeing your kids in the back seats! Particularly if they're in a rear facing car seat with one of those mirrors on the rear headrest.


Let see for rain and night time when arriving here in Australia for test drive.