
President Biden goes after Trump during State of the Union

President Joe Biden took shots at Donald Trump during a fiery address Thursday night for the State of the Union. Subscribe to FOX 32 Chicago: Watch FOX 32 Chicago Live: FOX 32 Chicago delivers breaking news, live events, investigations, politics, entertainment, business news and local stories from Chicago and across the nation. Watch more FOX 32 Chicago on YouTube: FOX 32 Headlines: Good Day Chicago: Special reports and stories: Download the FOX 32 Chicago News app: Download the FOX 32 Chicago Weather app: Follow FOX 32 Chicago on Facebook: Follow FOX 32 Chicago on Twitter: Follow FOX 32 Chicago on Instagram: Subscribe to the FOX 32 Chicago newsletter:

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5 hours ago

taking a live look at the US capital right now  the dust settling from the state of the union from President Joe Biden last night a lot of  people watched as President Biden gave his address to his biggest audience this election  year and a new CNN poll is showing of those watching more than six and 10 had a positive  reaction joining us to discuss is political analyst Tom sarapin hi Tom thanks for joining  us sure great to be with you okay so there was a lot of people saying that his delivery 
was going to be the most important thing more so than the substance because of his age  of course did he deliver he had to deliver the goods but to do that you need the right vehicle  last night he did it Gaff free uh he exceeded expectations there so that's why some of his  punches landed and that's why you see that CNN poll today okay so let's talk about this  he brought up the elephant in the room which of course was his age let's listen about one of  the things he had to say about that my fe
llow Americans the issue facing our nation isn't how  old we are it's how old are ideas hate anger Revenge retribution are the oldest of ideas but  you can't lead America with ancient ideas that only take us back you lead America the land of  possibilities you need a vision for the future and what can and should be done so he was making fun  of himself and he did get a few laughs out of the the eight comment earlier um it was important for  him to address that wasn't it it was and I thought he d
id it the right way rather than denying the  age thing the way the press secretary and others in the administration have done for three years  lean into it it's because I've been around so long that I've seen The Good the Bad and the Ugly  and this is how we should avoid it it's because I'm senior I know these people it's good to have  somebody with some age uh some maturity in the room and we can bring people together he has to do  that that takes takes that issue off the table as long as he do
esn't do anything publicly that's  going to embarrass himself that has happened though in the past okay so let's talk about this  because this seemed to be more of a political campaign speech he didn't name Donald Trump but he  kept referring to him as his predecessor linking him to Putin at one point uh but we're here's one  comment that he made about January 6 let's listen to this one my predecessor and some of you here  seek to bury the truth about January 6th I will not do do that this is th
e moment to speak the  truth and to bury the lies here's the simple truth you can't love your country only when you  win now the reaction um from last night uh from a lot of Republicans uh has been that this was too  much about his predecessor and not enough about what he plans to do what's your reaction to that  well their their their consideration and their their response is you know what you would expect  in a political Community this used to be the state of the union and you know President B
iden is not  the first one to go political but he's probably the first one to go full bounding a political on  this particular issue but you have to take a look at his playing field it's very narrow and he's  coming out of a couple weeks of primaries where you had thousands and thousands of people over 100  thousand in Michigan you had 19% of the people in Minnesota in 133% in North Carolina 8% in Colorado  these people voted uncommitted or no preference in the Democratic primary they're more to
the left he  this speech was all about going to the left even when he talked about the problem in Israel with  Hamas and the citizens and the terrorists hiding amongst themselves he said we have to we can't be  killing any more citizens and then early on in the speech he talked about Ukraine and the need to arm  them so take a look at the political playing field that he went into most experts will say that it's  statistically tied in the Electoral College give or take 10 points some have Biden
at 241 245  and some have Trump at 251 247 so that's tied 46 electoral votes are up and that's the toss up  in Wisconsin it's going to be all about abortion Pennsylvania is the other key State that's all  about the rout issue Michigan is about Israel and jobs in Arizona is about immigration and in  Georgia it's all about the voting irregularities those are the key playgrounds so that's what  they're fighting for right now so he's got to get those people back into his column this is what  he's go
t though he's got a great speech last night and he's got $80 million Trump's got $39 million  you can expect a lot of ads out of this speech last night appealing to the left because when  he comes to Chicago today his approval ratings are at 39% when he comes to Chicago he's got got  to have that up in the in the 40s okay so let the official let the official campaign season begin  it started officially last I Tom serin always a pleasure thank you so much we'll talk to you  soon we'll be right ba
ck you too God bless
