
Private Lunar Lander Odysseus Successfully Touches Down on the Moon

After 52 years, we have returned to the surface of the Moon! The privately built lunar lander, Odysseus, achieved a groundbreaking milestone by successfully landing on the surface of the Moon. On February 22nd, Intuitive Machines made history as their spacecraft touched down, marking the first-ever successful landing of a private lander on the Moon. This remarkable achievement is part of NASA's initiative to utilize private companies for lunar exploration under Project Artemis, paving the way for future human missions to our celestial neighbor. Join us in congratulating the team at Intuitive Machines for their extraordinary accomplishment and welcoming Odysseus to the exclusive lunar landing club. Spacing Out with the Museum of Science: Japan's Smart Lander for Investigating Moon Lands Successfully in Moon's Shioli Crater: India's Chandrayaan-3 Lands Successfully on Moon's South Pole: Among the world's largest science centers, the Museum of Science engages millions of people each year to the wonders of science and technology through interactive exhibitions, digital programs, giant screen productions, and preK – 12 EiE® STEM curricula through the William and Charlotte Bloomberg Science Education Center. Established in 1830, the Museum is home to such iconic experiences as the Theater of Electricity, the Charles Hayden Planetarium, and the Mugar Omni Theater. Around the world, the Museum is known for digital experiences such as Mission: Mars on Roblox, and traveling exhibitions such as the Science Behind Pixar. Learn more at #MuseumofScience #Boston #ScienceforAll

Museum of Science

1 month ago

On February 22nd, for the first time in history, a privately built lunar lander successfully touched down on the surface of the Moon. The lander's name is Odysseus and was built by the company Intuitive Machines as part of a NASA program to use private landers to gather necessary science for Project Artemis, NASA's plan to return humans to the Moon. Landing on the Moon is hard, and a number of other attempts to get private landers to the surface have failed. A huge congratulations to the folks a
t Intuitive Machines, and a big welcome to Odie to the lunar landing club.



Except the lander tipped over — that should be included in the information


Not so successfully landed. It landed on sideways and now lost the ability how long it can transmit pictures. Compare this to Chandrayaan 3 - which is real successful landing.


Houston, Odysseus has made it to Ithaca


So I could build a machine like that, and just let if get up there :0


love your cgannel


Private? As in privately owned? As in, cooperation going to nasa being like "Hey can you deliver this to the moon for us?"


All im saying is, thruster valves on each top corner and it couldve been a different story, yet here we are.


She said it’s hard. Tell this to Americans who landed on the moon many moons ago, didn’t look that hard.