
Problem with higher education in India

VISIT COLLEGE VIDYA - Their AI-driven process gathers information on top online & distance universities. You can easily get the relevant information of different universities about your course by simply selecting it on their website. They have already done the compilation work for you, so, you just need to focus your time on finalizing your course & university. The best part is they provide EMI options for all the courses even when the university does not provide them. Still Confused? Get face-to-face audio/video counselling sessions with their experts, to achieve what you have dreamed of! ------------------ In this eye-opening video, we delve into the complexities and shortcomings of the Indian higher education system. From overcrowded classrooms to outdated curriculum, we uncover the hurdles hindering the growth and development of students across the nation. Join us as we explore the pressing issues that demand attention and innovation for a brighter future in Indian higher education. If you're passionate about the future of education in India, this video is a must-watch! Don't miss out on gaining insights into the critical challenges and potential solutions shaping the landscape of higher education in India. Subscribe to stay informed and be part of the conversation! 🔥 Subscribe for more videos! INSTAGRAM ► TWITTER ► FACEBOOK ► Music: Source & Reference: #HighedEducation #OpenLetter

Open Letter

3 hours ago

In India, people are applying for the post of Peon after doing Masters. Now youngsters with PhD and MBA degrees are applying for Peon's at University in Rajasthan. Fake degrees are being sold for money in the name of University. From Delhi to Mumbai, from Kashmir to Degrees are being sold openly till Rajasthan. There are brokers selling degrees in every state, every city, every district of the country. When it comes to research paper activity, innovation and patent numbers in higher education, I
ndia seems to be far behind. India ranks 48 in The Global Innovation Index 2020 64th in Creative Outputs How will India innovate when we are not even ready to take risk If we talk about data, India has the least number of people going into research, the least number of patents are filed and we spend money in research and development. India likes to mention that it spends less than 7 per cent of its GDP and is way below the other BRICS nations. It spends just a little more than Mexico and Pakista
n. And this is despite the fact that India has the highest number of universities in the world. Yes, every year about 65 lakh students complete their graduation. If you look in Germany, only 5 lakh students graduate and yet their number of patent applications is almost 10 times more than ours. India is the country of those youth. Those who have degrees but do not have skills or abilities. The condition of higher education in our country is so bad that a large number of students are being forced
to go abroad and study post Covid. The number of students going overseas jumps. Buy a massive 68, look at any college in India, there is a board of 100% placement, but the truth is that at 45, students are not employed forces because there are fake claims in the name of higher education, fake degrees are given even in fake universities. What is going on here is that everything from education to degree is done on paper because teachers do not even go to the classroom, this is a big problem and th
at is why today in this video I am talking about the problems with higher education in India and what are its solutions. I want to talk to you a little deeper on this. These are India's young people who are supposed to fuel the country's economy. The education system in India is crude. Indian students studying abroad are more than ever before. We are Indian and we want safe and secure . Jobs We Do Not Want To Get Into Research Now, before looking at the problem, look at the report. You can see h
ow much money is spent in higher education in India. There is a market of 6 billion dollars, which means 50000 crores , this market is increasing every year with the population of the country. And to enjoy the cream of this profit, new people are opening universities and colleges. The problem is that most of them are sub-standard or completely fake. 1000 plus universities in India are approved by UGC for regular education. So they are approved but only 50 plus universities have approval for onli
ne education. Despite this, universities sell online courses without approval but their degrees are invalid. If you come to know about their fraud timely, then the good thing about online courses is this. You can ask for your refund from them. Now see, this chart is showing you that online education is growing very fast in the country and companies have also started accepting these degrees. The question is who will tell which one ? Does the university have approval for online degree? What is the
ir student rating? What is their rank? College Vidya is a dedicated online platform. Here you can see all the government approved 50 plus online universities and tech on one page absolutely free. UG, PG and other courses are available, in this you just have to select your course, fill some details and answer some basic questions, after this their AI model gives you the list of best government approved online universities from here. You can directly connect with the university official or you can
also take free audio or video counseling with college education experts. These experts help you from admission to placement . EMI option is also available, rest on this platform there is add to compare option through which you can compare different universities on the basis of 30 plus parameters like fee approval, placement, student rating and EMI option and proceed to university. With this option, you can directly go to the official website of the university. The best part is that this platfor
m is available absolutely free of cost. And this ensures that you never fall prey to any fake degree or university. Their placement support services actually cost Rs 699 but you will get this for free through my link in the description . You can also join their CV community through this link, which will help you a lot in networking. So, if you are also thinking of taking an online course from any college or are currently enrolled in any course, then in the description I am giving the link, it is
available for free, do check it out by clicking once. In the last five years, 140 new private universities have opened in the country and many times many colleges are affiliated within the universities, so you can understand the scale of it. Now looking at it, you might be feeling that how fast education is growing in India, but there is nothing like that, look at this report, it has clearly stated that there are so many colleges and universities in India. These people spend all the money in ex
panding and beautifying the campus. The cheapest teachers are hired and they do not spend a single penny on their training in the name of lab. These people bring old machines and the classes are bunked by the students. Basically, if you look at the college, nowadays everything is happening except studies. In many private colleges, there are no regular classes. Most of the teachers teaching here are not very qualified. Their training has not been done properly and in many private colleges, those
teachers are hired who may be unskilled but they take less salary. Even after doing master's from these colleges, students are sent a mail in the name of practical knowledge. Don't even know how to write. If you look at the technical courses, even today 8085 and 8086 microprocessors are taught which have not been used in any device since 2000. By teaching these C and C+ programs in the name of coding, we think that we have prepared the students for the industry. It has been made ready and even a
fter all this you will see it written on the board in general, 100% placement. At the time of admission, this board is shown and they take fees from you, but when the time of placement comes, today the terms and conditions go if in any subject. There is backlog, if you have less than 60 marks in any semester or less than 75 marks in your 10th and 12th, then you cannot sit for placement and the colleges which count the percentage of placement, are trying to remove all such students. Then they cou
nt and if even after this 100% is not achieved then a new trick is played. In the branch in which they see the least number of children, they pick up all the children and hand them over to some software company for enum packages worth ₹ lakh. Pay and after that they say 100% placement, put a star and write terms and conditions below. Neither that small star is visible to anyone in the banner nor does anyone ask questions. New chickens for the next batch will pay their admission fees . They bring
it and happily this 100% knife is passed on to them. Same is the game in the package also. There will be a college for 5000 children. Most of the children get a package of Rs. 3 lakhs but even one gets Rs. 1015 lakhs. So they write the package up to 15 lakhs, that's why if you ask about placement from any MBA person, it's like holding a hand on a sore shoulder, he says, brother, you have got the job, don't ask for the package and these are the colleges which help you complete the course. There
is a bigger person coming than them, these people are distributing degrees, a law degree in three months, an engineer degree in five months and a post graduate degree in two months, all these degrees are being run through the nexus of private colleges and universities, that is, without any course. After studying, you get a degree by paying money. This degree is real, the method of getting it is fake. All the brokers captured in our secret cameras in Mumbai were from private institutes. They are
the institutes which give degrees from some private university and from them. Also, there are those universities one level above which are completely fake, their building, course, degree and teachers are all fake. UGC had exposed 21 universities two years ago where the same fake vada was running and eight of them were in Delhi NCR i.e. the government. The whole game is being played right under the nose of the government. It contains the names of 21 universities which have been told that they are
not actually universities but are doing business illegally and at most eight are fake universities. They are running in the country's capital Delhi and these were the ones who were caught thinking, look at how many such colleges, universities and courses there are today. Every year thousands of students will be taking admission in these and after that when they will come to know that there is no option other than repenting all their life. Now let's talk about the remaining problems. Till now I
was telling you about private colleges. Let us see what is the condition of government colleges because to get admission in government colleges you have to crack very tough exams. Once you crack it, you will go there and see that there is a huge shortage of funds. Times of India The report shows that out of the top 2000 universities in the world, only 64 Indian universities are included in it and due to lack of funds, the requirements for research here are not fulfilled and that is why their ran
king is continuously falling. Here is another important thing. In the beginning of the video, I had told that the number of patents in India is very less. If you see, 70 of them are filed by NRIs, that is, people from outside our country. After studying in the university, they are filing patents from there. If you compare with China, 90% of their patents are filed by the students studying in China, only 10% of the patents are filed by the Chinese who are staying outside , due to lack of funds in
our country. The universities and colleges are not able to build proper infrastructure. In some colleges the situation has become so bad that they have built classrooms and even admitted students but have forgotten to hire professors, yet you say that Professors do not teach. Brother, there is no professor. India spends 4.6 percent of its GDP on education. If you look at the list, India's number is 155th out of 198 countries. Countries like Bhutan, Nepal, Kenya, Nigeria and Pakistan are ahead o
f us. If you look at good European countries , they spend 6 to 9 per cent of their GDP on education. Due to lack of funds, research and innovation activities have reduced and the result is that students who are studying old curriculum pass their studies and After that, you see students who have done PhD and B.Tech filling the government job forms in Pune. B.Tech, M.Tech, children with such high qualifications are also applying for the post of a PN and that is why those who have money try to do s
o. Brother, we should go out for higher education and that is why the number has almost doubled in the last five years and in 2023 it has reached the highest ever salary, but going abroad and studying is not within everyone's reach, it costs a lot of money and even if you reach Even after going there, it is not easy to stay there. Every second day the students studying there post that brother, earlier the situation was fine but now it is getting worse, there is neither study nor job and the cour
ses are too much and racism is happening separately. I was the only brown man contesting in for the top most position of General Secretary and I was the age of racism why are your people eating our homelands you have India why are you coming to the white man land aur phir geopolitical tension bhi chalti hai kya Don't know when and where, which one will happen and you will have to leave the course and run back to save your life, as happened with thousands of students when there was tension betwee
n Russia and Ukraine. We have no clue how to be isolated from city with fuzzing cold weather. No food station is the reality for the people. Now the trend is going on continuously but no one knows what happened to the education of these students. Till last year, I was seeing that most of the students were in India to continue their studies. They were requesting for admission and for that they even had to protest that we are requesting the government that please give us certain guidelines please
allow us to amate in the universities in India but despite knowing about all these problems, the students are helpless that They have to go to a foreign company to pursue their higher education. Now if we look at it as an emerging super power, our country's biggest strength is our youth, but if this youth continues to get trapped in fake degrees and wrong courses in the name of false promises. If we continue to take admission in India or will we move abroad due to fear of all this, then how can
we become a super power? If we get good education here, we will get facilities and funding for research, then why would anyone go out, that is why the first work will have to be done on talent attraction. Also look at the company where even one of the best employees is afraid that he will resign, then the company increases his salary in advance so that he does not go anywhere, then he is a brilliant mind who is doing graduation in India. The government is creating an environment for retaining th
ose doing post graduation. The number of such people is very less and it is easy to stop them on their own in DRDO, ISRO or different research institutes and if they stop here then the number of our patents will automatically start increasing, even if someone wants to go out and study. If so, the government should help him fully by giving him a full sponsor ship with a condition that you have to come back and do work or research here for at least 10 years. Apart from this, foreign universities c
an also be called here for such students. You should build a campus here. I had read that some work is already going on, which is a very good step. Apart from this, there is another need for funding in education. I want to see that a world class research facility should be built, but in our government colleges. There are no teachers, this is a basic bare minimum facility, it should be completed first and if we are falling short of money to complete this, then the share of education in GDP needs
to be increased significantly. I read it somewhere. It was said that a National Research Fund is being created under the New Education Policy to improve the research, the sooner it is implemented, the sooner its results will come, this will also be a welcome step. The third important step is that those who are fake degree and fake. The university people are running a racket. They should be exposed on a very big level. These two-four youtube0s are filling their accounts by setting fire to the har
d-earned money of parents and precious years of students. I say to such people, they should be given life time imprisonment. Nothing should be found below, such people are really very dangerous for the society, they are spoiling the future of the country for a little profit. Apart from this, the government bodies should also crack down on such private colleges and universities by running a proper campaign. Those who take admission from students by running advertisements, but the problem is that
most of the people who run big private colleges and universities are already very rich and are well-known, that is why their licenses are never canceled, they have all the certificates. Keep meeting and no action is taken on their fake promises, that is why if you want to avoid them then College Vidya platform is best for you. By going there you can compare colleges, universities and courses very well and this is a completely free service. Link You must checkout them once in the description , re
st tell me in the comment what you think about this whole topic, I will meet you with another such important video, till then take care Jai Hind Vande Mataram



VISIT COLLEGE VIDYA - Their AI-driven process gathers information on top online & distance universities. You can easily get the relevant information of different universities about your course by simply selecting it on their website. They have already done the compilation work for you, so, you just need to focus your time on finalizing your course & university. The best part is they provide EMI options for all the courses even when the university does not provide them. Still Confused? Get face-to-face audio/video counselling sessions with their experts, to achieve what you have dreamed of!


Finally someone said this , I had CS in my 12th Board and for 2 years all they taught us was 8085 and C++ and they didn't even had 8085 Practice Kit and we wrote practice exam copying through our journals, this is the state of education and this was case of a high school which is government funded and Merit list for CS subject started at minimum 89%in 10th


Govt should focus:- 1) quality of modern scientific Education in low price. 2) Best health facilities in low cost. 3) spending money on modern futuristic infrastructure. 4) increase certain percentage of national gdp in Research and Development ( R&D). 5) subsidies agriculture because food security is essential future world will be depend on that. 6) subsidies small local industry to boosting manufacturing industry and service industry. 7) And security of Nation, well diplomacy in world. ECONOMIC INDEPENDENCE IS REAL INDEPENDENCE [1. India should be country of opportunities not country of oppressed. 2. And country of Risk takers not country of Regulators]


It's been 76 years, yet we are Debating about the FLAWS in our Education System. 😢😢


I've done my Computer Science engineering and You're totally right bro! I'm saying this with my personal experience, while doing my engineering the college were literally teaching us about 8085 Processor as u mentioned above!! And to my surprise no one in my class even objected anything about it as they didn't knew anything or didn't had interest in learning, i remember asking my teacher on why they r still teaching us about such an ancient piece of tech instead of Intel or new gen but obviously thye shut me off by saying it is how the way it is!


Farmers are protesting because of msp and they have done 2 protest But not even single student came out for education system which is literally true 😅😅


See, indians are super talented, they have good level of IQ and EQ . And we also have enough jobs, but where we lack is 'quality' and 'good teachers' .Teachers such as alakh pandey(physics wallah), khan sir, and many more are seriously god level teachers. We need teachers lie them on ground . And also, cleaniness and discipline should be mandatory in every colleges and schools .


😢😢In India, the value of a higher education degree has diminished as Indian universities merely issue certificates without focusing on the quality of education. The teacher-student ratio in Indian universities is notably poor, which is the main reason for heavy unemployment in India, this is a nightmare for young Indian students.


There is 1 big problem and we need to talk about that as well Government school teachers in small cities are paid relatively well like 70-80k and that to in small cities where they don’t even attend school Whereas university teachers are paid 1 lakh which is relatively low, as that person is well educated and lives in a expensive city too So it’s clear that government school teaching is much better option so why would any one struggle?


Well researched and insightful as usual!!!!


I don't know about those,but my Mtech was lot harder,and thesis was so difficult that even the external examiner was shocked.So all is not bad


This is the right topic ❤. Also the facilities and communication are so bad that Indian scientists who are applying for publishing their papers got stolen or patented by German or any other foreign scientist. -- You should address this topic next time. Great work ❤❤.


Open letter Seriously we need more Youtuber like you to take these kind or topics seriously 👍


Highly disappointed a person such as yourself does not disclose the advertisement or say the words advertising masking this as a collab truly disappointed 😢


That's why I am doing chartered accountancy course so that atleast after clearing inter I can get a job.


A like for Open letter is your favourite channel ❤❤


Finally someone picked up the topic, it's sad reality. But not only authorities but also youths and society as a whole are responsible.


after seeing all of this i think my college is good it is developing research and is up to date and providing real education here teachers are also dedicated to teach


all of students will agree to my point that- if they'd studied well instead of wasting time, unki aaj naukri lag jaati/exam clear hojata there is a one major problem, hamari youth ko bhi sirf degree hi chahiye skills nahi aaj ke date mein bhi log sochte hai Btech/MBA karli toh naukri lag jayegi, isiliye students sirf Btech/MBA 'karte' hai 'padhte' nahi isi baat ka fayda uthate hai clgs, unko degree chahiye, wo saste mein pakda rahe hai, fhir sab education system ko dosh denge


My friend did poltech a diploma and he once told me that Teachers don't teach there, either they are always absent and or if they are present they will just chat to each other.