
Producing Video Marketing Content For Your Business

This information-packed webinar looks at all aspects of business video production, and how you can make quality video content for your business. We reveal how you can start to create marketing videos for business, and unearth some of the pitfalls to avoid, too. You'll learn: - WHY you need to set goals for your video content production BEFORE you start filming - HOW profiling your audience is VITAL to business video production - HOW to work out HOW MANY resources you can afford to invest in your video production - HOW to use client lifetime value to work out client acquisition costs - The THREE approaches to producing video marketing - WHAT do you NEED to produce your OWN business video? - WHAT pitfalls to avoid when producing video marketing on a budget - Social Media platform video ratios and running times - Vlogging kit & lighting setups - Vlogging lights & sound - Vlogging framing & backgrounds 00:00 Start 00:21 Invest Time in Setting the Goals for Your Videos 01:42 Invest Time in Profiling Your Audience 02:10 Allot Budget to Video Production Based on Your Client Lifetime Value 07:34 Three Approaches to Business Video Production 12:54 DIY Business Video – What Do You Need? 15:42 Business Video – On A Budget 20:19 Example of Budgets For Popular Video Types 22:55 What Does a Basic Video Shoot Look Like? 24:59 The Pre-Production: Social Media Video Ratios and Running Times 28:34 Basic Vlogging Set Up 30:11 Basic Vlogging Set Up - Lights 32:43 Basic Vlogging - Background & Framing 34:56 Basic Vlogging Set up - With Windows 36:02 Basic Vlogging Set Up - Sound 38:08 Next Steps - Where Do You Go From Here? πŸ‘‰ For your FREE 20 page downloadable Business Video Guide - go to: πŸ‘ˆ ⭐ Video Links ⭐ Don’t forget to check out these other useful Video Marketing resources too: - What is Video Marketing a beginners guide - 5 Ways Video can help your business - 4 Steps to Get Started with Video Marketing - Does Video Marketing for Business Work? - 3 Top Video Marketing Content Ideas For Business 🎞️ Editing: Camtasia : ScreenFlow : πŸ§‘β€πŸ’» Outsourcing: Fiverr : πŸ‘©β€πŸ”§ YouTube Channel Optimisation: VidIQ : Some product links are affiliate links which means if you buy something we'll receive a small commission. We are all about how to grow your business with video marketing. If you're a business owner, entrepreneur or marketer, and you want to know how to promote your business with video content marketing then this is the channel for you. If you are looking for marketing strategies for small business, or how to market your business with video marketing - keep it locked here. Our mission is to help you grow your business through YouTube marketing, digital marketing and video marketing. Harnessing the power of video marketing to help you grow your business. We are passionate about sharing marketing strategies for small business, YouTube channel growth strategy, small business marketing ideas, video marketing strategy – everything you need to transform video views into customers coming through your door. We'd LOVE you to join us on this journey! GET INVOLVED: 1) SUBSCRIBE to learn how to harness the power of video to grow your business 2) LET'S CONNECT! #videoforbusiness #videomarketing #mpvideoproduction

Grow Your Business With Video

3 years ago

really warm welcome to you all to this lunch and learn session about how to produce video for your business let's get started and when i start doing content related stuff for video making videos and such like um i'm always a big fan of starting with the end in mind and you might think what on earth would you do that we i think it's really important to invest time in setting goals for your videos you need to really understand why you are producing the videos and what you want those videos to achi
eve it's all very well wandering off and scooting around filming things madly and hoping that you know if you put enough on youtube that it'll stick and somehow you know you'll get some kind of roi but really it's a little bit more mundane than that i suppose in some senses in the sense that you need to actually invest time before you press record on working out what do you want your video marketing to achieve for you what's missing in your business you know what what do you need in your busines
s is it that you need more leads do you want to increase your conversion rate on web pages or landing pages do you want to build a really good and well-qualified email list or is it about raising more awareness of your business and your products and services or is it about positioning you as a kind of business leader or a thought leader in your niche you know there are so many different things that video can achieve for you i know i'm a bit biased but you know it is super super flexible as a med
ium and also incredibly powerful and that's kind of why i'm so passionate about video and and what it can achieve for businesses you also equally this is super critical this one guys investing time in profiling your audience really well like properly deep diving into who they are and how you as a business can help them um you need to understand who you're talking to and you know what messages are going to land well with them and like i say how you can help them as a business with your products o
r services also you need to obviously think about the money side of it in terms of allotting a budget and i say money actually but actually it's as much money as it is time to be fair because obviously video content takes a lot of time to create it's not just obviously the filming of it it's all the researching the production side of it but you need to before you start that you need to think about your bud you know the budgeting of your production your video production and what i would also poss
ibly um encourage you to do is to take a step back a lot of people say to me are you but video is so expensive you know i'd admit it's not it's not a cheap format to use but rather than looking at it as a cost to business the whole point here is that you're using video as a marketing tool and marketing generally should you know create a net benefit to your business otherwise frankly why are you doing it dude i mean so always look at video um as an investment i you know i know that it you're gonn
a have to invest um you know varying levels of of money and certainly um in terms of time too but it's an investment it's not a cost you should be getting an roi out the back end of it otherwise something in the chain isn't working a way of kind of understanding and working out you know the kind of money side of it that the amount of money you can invest into your marketing efforts is to think about a client lifetime value now i apologize i really don't want to sort of um spend this time with yo
u now um teaching you how to suck eggs but so you know a lot of you i'm sure already know about lifetime client lifetime value and i'm sure you know you're all across this but if you're not i mean if you if you haven't heard of it before it's a really really good way of working out how much a client is worth to you and your business so a client kind of pops into your life do they pop in buy something and go and you never see them again or do they come in and are you a you know i'm sure you're am
azing at customer service and you know upselling all of those kind of good things so those people might then go away but then come back in a month's time the point here is to work out an actual monetary value averaged out obviously um of a client how much they typically spend with you over a period of time and what you know how long is a client typically with you for um some businesses it may be months others it can stretch you know into the years once you know that for example you know one clie
nt that kind of comes in a new client is worth you know maybe hundreds or thousands of pounds to your business then you've got a really clear idea of how much you can honestly spend on acquiring new clients um you know otherwise without this kind of information really you're sort of flying blind you've got no real idea of how much you can spend on marketing and you know how much those new clients are bringing into your business i mean you could be in a situation where you know you're spending an
awful lot of money on marketing and actually your client lifetime value is way less than the money you're spending um obviously that isn't a sustainable uh situation so some that is something you you need to avoid um otherwise it's going to take your business down anyway um i'm prattling on quite a lot as you may uh have gathered why should you listen to me what you know who am i even uh listen i've got 20 years experience in uk broadcast tv as a dp i'm a lighting cameraman and producer i work
on all of your favorite shows such as uh x factor strictly um bgt all sorts of stuff also do a load of concert films for a really amazing range of artists and stuff although obviously at the moment slightly less so um but more importantly perhaps i'm a business owner and have been for over 15 years um both having a photography company and also now a production company the last three years i have really kind of teetered on the edge of the rabbit hole that is uh digital marketing and if any one of
you guys if if you're sort of familiar with the world of digital marketing it's one of those things that you kind of literally disappear down the rabbit hole i find it really interesting i appreciate that you know maybe i should get out more a bit but my absolute mission and my passion in life right now is to take my professional expertise in my knowledge and combine it with the amazing platforms and the amazing technology that we have at our fingertips now in terms of digital marketing combine
the two and really create something special and help businesses make the most of video because what's happened over the last few years is that technology has made video production has lowered the barriers to entry and it's made it a lot easier for people to create content and obviously then with things like youtube and facebook and stuff like that it makes it very very easy to share it so it's very easy to become your own little mini production company but ultimately it's all about you know vid
eo is a vehicle it's all about what video can help you achieve as a business and that's what i'm passionate about is helping businesses like you really really get under the bonnet of video marketing and use it so that it can really help your businesses grow anyway that's enough about me it's not all about me um listen there are three approaches to making video first one maybe the first the sort of most obvious one is like the diy approach obviously that will that will kind of mean less cost mone
y monetarily up front you'd think but you're going to need more training obviously because you may not be that experienced in it and you're going to require a level of expertise in terms of shooting editing you know production how to write scripts all that kind of stuff before you start if you're interested in creating video that's going to land well with a really targeted audience and actually provide your business with roi that's what we're all about here there's also like i mentioned before i
t's actually quite um you know the time investment side of it there's a lot of time you know that you're going to need to invest in this project if you do it on your own you need to create and that's time obviously that you're not going to magic from anywhere it's going to have to come from your existing schedule to research produce and upload your video you're also going to need to also implement tracking systems otherwise you're not going to necessarily know that um you know people were watchi
ng video a and then they went across to that landing page pressed that button and then bought that product you suit i mean so it's absolutely critical it's one thing creating great videos and making them lovely and having fun making them but actually you know the nuts and bolts of the tracking and making sure that you can see your kind of customer journey all the way through the process that's when you can really kind of dig down and understand what what kind of video is landing well what video
is converting people you know if they're sitting on the fence in a sort of funnel or something and uh you know you've got a lovely sort of video that's embedded in our landing page you know if you create great quality videos in the right way you know for all these different stages in the customer journey you can you can do some great things but it's contingent on you being able to um sort of put the tracking uh details in place when you sort them out that was a very long waffley uh answer i'm re
ally sorry about that but anyway number two is to employ someone in-house um obviously that comes with its additional payroll payroll and recruitment costs and the time required to obviously find people in the first place and then also you're probably looking at some additional investment to um you know upgrade your kit if you haven't got any um or and also obviously it depends on the level of training that they come with but equally even if they're relatively experienced i think it is one of th
ose things that it always benefits in in you know is an investment in training is always a good thing i think particularly with video the bonus with this method though obviously if you employ someone in-house is that you have an on-call video department this might this kind of scenario might um suit a company that is in a really super competitive niche the more competitive your business niche is and especially if you're looking at sort of the youtube side of things and and if you have a glance a
t youtube and you look at your kind of competition if you like and if there is a lot of noise on youtube video wise and even in google as well to that to to an extent then that might be an indication that you may well need to be creating a fair old chunk of video content across a really sustained length of time so this kind of the idea of employing someone in-house so you have got someone constantly researching producing and filming content for you all the time that might be something that might
be worth while looking at definitely obviously the third one the third approach is to commission a production company or an agency obviously that comes with a you know more upfront investment but the counterpoint to that is that you're hopefully if you if you choose well and you choose the right people to work with you should be lumbered with a lot less potential hassle that's the idea we you know as a production company my my job is never to make your life any more difficult than it already is
you can also then you have the choice to pick and choose when you run or when you commission projects which is obviously not like having someone constantly there on a payroll who's a staffer it's a lot easier to to regulate and manage your time input into a particular project if that's an issue now i know for us kind of small business owners we wear multiple hats and time is always really really precious you know i suppose it's one of those things where you've got to work out what your actual t
ime is worth in a sort of monetary sense so it may actually be more economic for you to concentrate on running your business rather than getting really really bogged down in particular you know particular individual video projects you know and also depending on the arrangement you have with the agency or the production company you could uh look at you know have getting an arrangement where they deal with also the sort of ongoing management side of your content as well um all of that is obviously
possible and you know really there are no sort of off-the-shelf solutions and certainly when we're working with clients it's all about you know every single job is completely different every every single every single client's needs are different because obviously every business is different right let's look at the diy business approach and what you need so first off rather obviously you're going to need some kit right so a basic kit vlogging wise we're talking about we're not talking about doin
g sort of a sort of 21 camera shoot in the o2 this is a basic kit sort of a sort of vlogging kit like we've got here uh you're looking at around about a thousand pound plus for a decent kit you're obviously then going to need some sort of now so bit of knowledge you're going to need to be up skilled in the elements of shooting and production to make sure that you're creating really relevant and valuable video that will land well with your target audiences and that is the way that you then provid
e some really good roi for your business like i said before actually um when you come to doing video yes i mean there's obviously a monetary cost to it but actually it's a time thing as well and you need to go in if you're going down the diy route which i'd encourage lots of people to do it may really work well for you you've just got to go in with your eyes open and realize actually you know it's it can be a little bit of a can of worms and you can dive in and it will kind of eat up a lot of ti
me you've got to think about things like video strategy the topic research you know what is being searched for see google and youtube for that matter you know as businesses people come to google and youtube with problems that they want to solve so as businesses what we need to do is look at google and look at youtube and work out from the search terms you know these are real people with real issues that they're trying to solve you know in one way or another they are all our potential customers s
o if we create um content that exactly answers the questions they're being that they are asking that they're searching for on youtube and google then guess what google and youtube will love us and actually that will have a massive seo benefit in terms of after a while certainly with youtube if you're creating really relevant um well-researched kind of video on a consistent basis and that is key then after a period of time youtube the algorithm will notice that you're posting on a regular basis a
nd i'm talking over a period of months here not a couple of weeks you know if you're doing it on a regular basis once a week or twice a week or whatever you can whatever the time you can muster and invest in this then actually what happens is youtube over time will come to regard you as a trusted source you know as a trusted creator and therefore your rankings will start to raise which is great because obviously google own youtube and the two are very much interlinked you know and also google ob
viously in their search results they have video right so you know if you've got a really well ranked video on youtube chances are it will appear in the carousel in the video um you know in the google search results so business video on a budget um i'm all for people having a go and doing it themselves because i really understand that actually you know if as a small business you just don't have thousands of pounds to play around with and you want stuff to uh work right you want to prove that it w
orks proves that it that it gets an roi my slight caveat to that i'd obviously encourage you to to get cracking make sure you do the leg work first in terms of profiling the audience and sorting out your goals um and doing you know working out your client lifetime value and things like that but always think about the quality because what you're doing obviously with video with video marketing you're putting a message out there in a certain way it's got to chime with your brand look and feel and a
nd and it's got to sit very comfortably within your existing marketing materials because what you don't want to do is make it look so different it might be that you've got beautifully um crafted websites and amazing printed materials and then you've just banged um a little five-minute video out on your phone and it's a little bit ropey well that will that will really jar in people's eyes in your potential client's eyes that will jar and it will confuse people and the one thing you really don't w
ant to do is confuse people because there is a saying and it's absolutely true a confused mind never buys so you'll never necessarily get to hear about these people but they'll just drift off because because it doesn't add up your marketing doesn't add up it's not all continuous you know it's not all in the same look and feel so just be aware of that you know and i'm not that is not me knocking um doing stuff on a phone at all it's just making sure that you're aware that you're producing quality
material that sits well within your existing marketing structure that's all um so yeah absolutely just be aware of all of that you can obviously outsource that's a potential solution for you know people that are but a bit short of time you know have a look grab a student um someone out of uh just out of uni or college or whatever they'll you know they're normally keen as mustard you don't necessarily need to employ a sort of um a long in-the-tooth person like me at all by any stretch but i woul
d again say um you know you will get what you pay for obviously i come with 20 plus years of experience i've been around the block a few times it's not my first rodeo but it may be that with your existing in-house experience you can you can sort of uh you can carry to a degree someone with less experience on the video front and it won't be an issue and actually the financial savings worth it however if it's your first time making video then i would have a long hard think about it what you don't
want to be doing is is is going to the lowest bidder if you like and and grabbing someone who's a couple hundred quid who used to do weddings or whatever and then have an absolute nightmare because they don't really understand what they're doing and they don't understand the why they don't understand what your you know your business goals are and the fact that the video they create needs to have a point to it and needs to be um you know getting people to do certain things at certain points depen
ding on obviously uh the the the type of video that you're creating and the reason you're creating it um in terms of outsourcing and both very very good platforms for finding people to do uh various things whether it's i mean to be frank you can find obviously editors on there but equally anything from like um designing websites all of that stuff it's all very good although again go go to those platforms with with eyes wide open you need to make sure that you're going to ha
ve enough time to put aside to create crystal clear briefs right you just need to be super super straightforward you need to yourself know what it is you actually require then you need to communicate it in a really really straightforward way because you know what you don't want to be doing is commissioning someone to do something and then then get the completely wrong end of the stick it takes management which obviously takes time so just go use those uh sites i use them all the time they're fan
tastic the more you use them the more you get used to how it all functions and how it works but if you're kind of new to it all just be aware that it's going to take time to get yourself kind of familiar with the way it all works and the management process so let's look at some example budgets for popular video types now it's about this time of the day where and it's about this slide frankly that people may slightly fall off their chair so that is not you know that's not the reason i've created
this slide it's it's it's to give you a rough idea of the sort of budgets that you're sort of talking about if you're getting a decent level of production this is obviously if you've commissioned a production company or an agency this is the kind of budget sort of uh you're looking at so for a brand video or for company stories you're looking at around about 4 000 plus for product explainer videos so that might include some animation that kind of thing um you're looking at about 3 000 now to giv
e you a benchmark now hopefully you haven't already kind of collapsed off your seat in a fit of horror um but just to give you a steer right um two things firstly there's a rule of thumb that it's basically around about a thousand pound per minute of finished film that's in the kind of video slash tv broadcast arena that's what you're talking about once you you know that's obviously the crew cost the kit costs location costs that's the post production pre-production everything involved and there
's a lot involved obviously in a in a video production these by the way are not hard and fast costs by the way you know you can always obviously get people to do it cheaper the other thing as well the other way of looking at it and this is what we would rather do i suppose in some senses is you know be a little bit cleverer on the shoot day so don't just shoot one video on on one day if you are really super planned about it and a bit strategic you can create a lot of assets in one day that is wh
at we would always suggest you do it's called batch recording it's fantastic and i'm really sorry but i don't have time to go into great detail about it here but anyway so the broadcast ads look at that so you'd be looking at from around about 10 000 plus right and that would be for sort of a a broadcast uh type ad you'd be easily looking at sort of 250 grand upwards the super bowl ads i mean you're talking millions of pounds so you know when you look at those and then you look at the kind of sm
aller like budgets of these other things um you know it just puts it all into context but like i said before you do get what you pay for and there are always ways of maximizing the value of uh of of the assets that you're creating and that's what we would always suggest you do um so in terms of a basic shoot well what does that look like well it would be so someone coming in at the lower end of those price points what you're kind of sacrificing in some sense is you're not going to have lots of c
rew you'll have one camera probably one crew member maybe minimal lighting or no lighting at all because obviously you know kit costs and higher costs you know they'll all have to be added to the bottom line um they'll probably be really short shoot days and you may be kind of quite restricted as what you can create in the edits um they'll also you know won't be a huge amount of pre-production or development or script development in you know if if you're going for someone who's not gonna charge
very much money because simply you know video inve you know it takes a lot of time and a lot of skill to make great video um i know you've got to take it with vintage sort i appreciate that i'm biased but what i would say in the take out here really about all of this cost thing is just if you're thinking about going down the commissioning route just think about how much help you think you need if you've got in-house expertise already in terms of social media marketing and all of that thing well
obviously you're not going to need as much hand-holding probably throughout the entire kind of production process however if you're more like a one-man band or a much smaller business and you've got no experience in terms of making video then actually you know you may really benefit from a bit more of a full-on service in the sense of you know being taken right the way through the whole production process you know being walk through script development ideas development and all of that kind of th
ing and even you know if you wanted a video strategy being developed um you know certainly we would be able to help you with that and now you know we're not the only ones there'll be other people i'm sure that will be able to take you and guide you through that process but yeah just think about what you what the kind of level of service you're likely to need and then let that guide your kind of decision process that's that would be my advice so let's look at pre-production it's all about your au
dience you need to understand where they live and this is the whole point right of doing um customer avatars and like i saying you know really getting under the bonnet of who your audience is where do they live online you know which platforms do they frequent what sort of news channels which channels do they are there forums that they're on all of this thing how basically are you going to reach them and that then determines and this is why you need to do it way before you press record because it
will determine the platform that you're targeting will determine the ratio um i.e you know is it a is it a 16x9 like tv stylee or is it 9x16 is it portrait or is it square one by one obviously all the platforms have different ratios equally running times are different depending on the platform as well facebook they suggest 30 seconds to 2 minutes linkedin 30 seconds to 3 minutes now again this isn't hard and fast these are just guidelines and actually the bottom line i think as a creator as a v
ideo creator is that you should take as long as it takes to tell the story well don't put any fluff in there no filler whatsoever you want to introduce your video this is a real general rule of thumb okay but the the general approach i would take is uh always up front in your video tell people what they're going to learn because people are busy don't waste their time then with loads of fluff and filler just get straight to the meat and bones of it straight to cut to the chase tell them what you
need to tell them and make sure it's actionable as well making sure it's super relevant to your particular audience stuff that they can really um you know take and then an action you know in some way or other or something that makes their lives better at the end of the day we are all busy people you've got to grab someone's attention within the first 10 seconds otherwise they'll be off so you know running time is critical and that is obviously massively impacted by which platform you're targetin
g which then in turn is obviously why you then do all of your strategy work before you start pressing record instagram super quick 30 seconds youtube four minutes um the optimum on youtube really is sort of seven to eight minutes but if you're running ad campaigns now obviously that's something for more grown-up channels with uh bigger sort of followings and all of that thing but if you're uh wanting to monetize your youtube channel then you might want to run slightly longer form pieces of conte
nt because then you can put a break in the middle of it but you know it's all horses for courses and really the bottom line has to be and i'll underline this a game it's all about the value of the content you know don't you shouldn't be going i need to create something that's two minutes long what you should be thinking is it needs to be really really super relevant and valuable information and then you know if it's two and a half minutes well that's fine because people will be engaged and know
that it's of value for them as i said and this is i i hate to be like a broken record and apologies if i'm starting to sound like one but you the planning that you do the pre-shoot planning has a direct effect on what and how you shoot if you don't have a plan it will lead to a lot more heartache and expenditure later on so really do invest a dime that's you know if you take one thing out of this presentation just please invest the time in doing the legwork um that we talked about before so righ
t let's get to the meat and bones of it then in terms of vlogging setups i know this is what you want to see so look here you are here's a vlogging setup um and you've got a little red man there and that little red person is at least a meter away from the wall and the camera um is pointing through a ring light this is assuming you've just got a wall behind you and no windows okay so this is in an office that doesn't have natural light in it you're going to need to light it and that's a very very
simple setup so have a little butchers at that um yes on the right hand side there you can see like there's a little uh roadie gun mic there that's attached to an slr camera now i'm not going to get too bogged down in which cameras are great blah blah blah but you know there are there are acres and acres of blogs you can read about those there's also an equal amount of people prattling on about what their favorite cameras are but the the key thing is with a with an slr here you've got great qua
lity optics a really good quality lens and then that little clip mic thing that goes on the top there it's a directional mic that is fine if you are in a quiet environment it's very directional so it's kind of pointing at the person speaking however if you went outside with that you would be then hearing whatever's in front of you so imagine you've got someone there and then behind them there is a uh construction site you see you get what i'm saying okay the other thing to bear in mind and so i
think sometimes people overlook is in vlogging terms you need to make sure that you've got nice steady shot otherwise it gets quite quite distracting so always invest in a tripod let's have a look at lighting shall we lighting is very important i think because you need to like i said it comes back to the quality point you want to imbue your content with with quality ultimately right you want to you know look like you thought about it and obviously that comes in the sense of research and and maki
ng sure you're imparting things of value but equally just aesthetically if you light it nicely and it doesn't have to be you know multi-billion dollar kind of lighting rig like you do on star wars it can just be as simple as a ring light so what we have here on the right hand side top right there there are two soft boxes the one in the middle is a ring light and if you look at the bottom there on the right hand side you've got a very very handsome young lad ring lights are very very complimentar
y and historically were used in fashion photography and if you look at his eyes you've got these little two reflections obviously of the ring light there it's super complimentary as a light um the watch word here is to keep it simple and to keep it soft soft lighting's always better because it doesn't create hard shadows and then you're chasing a child trying to eliminate those really unsightly hard shadows um have a look up here this is a great little still so on the left you've got the kind of
look and feel let's say of a setup that's been done with a ring light so you know it looks quite flat it's it's very nice the lights kind of going around the sides of her her beautiful face but you know um when you then start doing two or three point lighting which is on the right hand side you'll notice is a lot more nuanced there's more shadows in there um you know but again i've not got time to teach you how to do you know high-end lighting so for the most part for most of you at the beginni
ng let's not run before we can walk let's just stick with the ring light because you'll be getting really flattering lighting out of that so a ring-like setup will set you back probably about 80 pounds um but don't forget this is a thing that has happened to me um see it happens to everyone i ordered some stuff got very excited and it turned up didn't have any stands in it that is a little bit of a lighting fail so just make sure that the stands come with them or buy stands because you are going
to need to uh attach the lights to something and like i said just before um soft lighting is best you know especially initially um you're not trying to light a drama and and and do stage lighting or anything like that um like i say it's all about the softer shadows and it's actually a lot easier and for what we're doing for vlogging purposes it's absolutely fine so now let's talk about background and framing and again i'm not going to go into too much detail just to kind of give you a real um s
ort of down and dirty kind of quick look at how to frame sort of correctly now if you look at this lovely gentleman here um there are the gridlines on it those are what's known as the rule of thirds and it's a um a way of framing that just looks pleasing to the eye i've not got time unfortunately to talk about the history of it there is a real actual history about why that looks right but just for the moment i'm afraid you're just gonna have to accept that what i'm telling you is the truth but b
asically the ideal kind of framing for a vloggy type thing is you you know you can see his eyes are on the top third of the frame there's not a lot of headroom which is a good thing because what you don't want is that where you're kind of thinking well when's the plane going to fly across there's no need and obviously now in the uh you know these these times where lots more zooms are being done you know i've lost counter the amount of nostrils i've seen and also people where they're pointing the
ir camera towards a really bright outdoor window and sat in front of the window and they look like they're off crime watch because obviously the camera is exposing for outside not inside and so they look like they've done something very naughty that's not a good look either again it kind of feeds back into the whole quality thing yeah um and again look just be aware of what's behind you uh you know we've all seen those youtube clips or whatever floating around social media where you know people
have written rude things or um have arranged books in a naughty way all of that just be conscious of what's behind you and wherever you can make sure there's separation between you and the wall behind um it avoids shadows it just you know what you're trying to do is to establish in the viewer's mind instantly you know the story's here it's not behind me and sometimes with particularly those kind of issues on the right hand side there you know i'm trying to read what his books are and what what's
going on with the all brand and why would he have all bran in that office anyway answers on a postcard please let's talk about a basic vlogging lighting setup if you don't have any lights so you don't necessarily need to rush out and buy lights you can just use daylight and actually you know if you're taking baby steps i would suggest you do this first and then look at the lighting side of it kind of later on um so all you need to do is basically that is a window there that square thing and you
can see the lovely green sunshine beating its way through the window just face yourself towards the lighting source and again make sure that you've got separation between you and the background the background needs to be darker than you are basically and that comes back to what i've just said about you know you're the story that's what you want the attention focused on you know you don't want people being distracted by uh what's in the background also going back to the background thing as well
just be aware of things like plants sticking out of people's heads or very hard lines and stuff like that just a little bit of consideration will go a massively long way in your framing it just again it just raises the production level a little bit where it needs to be this is critical and you know it always slightly brings a tear to my eye because as a cameraman as a director of photography to actually sit here and have to admit to you guys that actually sound is more important uh in certainly
in vlogging terms than cameras and pretty pictures it it absolutely kills me every time so yeah absolutely look just invest properly and think about the sound it's so important never compromise on sound you can get away with wobbly pictures or slightly ropey pictures but you cannot get away with ropey sound ropey sound is one surefire way of making sure your audience disappear within seconds and never come back so just be aware of it and invest money in decent mics a little thai mic or a lavalie
r mic one of those little things you often see you know reporters wearing or news news readers or whatever you can get those from around about 40 pounds um the thing on the top left there is a fantastic little bluetooth mic if you're doing stuff on your phone i would seriously suggest you look at one of those they attack as i say they you you'll attach them to your shirt or whatever so they become like a little personal mic they're very good at attenuating noise they're new noise attenuating um
directional microphones they obviously connect to your phone by bluetooth so you don't have wires trailing everywhere they're an absolutely brilliant first kind of intro into uh you know without having the expense of of buying proper kind of receiver packs and all the rest of it which are you talking hundreds and hundreds of quid then um a boom arm set up like this if you're doing sort of podcasty stuff or if you're always going to be in the same position these microphones are fantastic this set
up will be about 250 quid and then on the right hand side there you can see a lovely desk mounted podcasting mic that one's a blue yeti they're absolutely amazing they're about 100 quid but again they the the the sound quality that you'll be getting from those is absolutely fantastic so next steps then where do you go from here so what we've talked about we've talked about setting goals you need to think about what you want your videos to achieve for your business you know lead generation profil
e raising etc etc you need to really zero in on your audience what are you saying and who are you saying it to and also a lot of realistic budget make sure you've got enough resources to do what you need to do in terms of content creation and also view it as an investment you're investing at the end of the day it should not be a cost if it's costing you money it's not going right it's not going well and you need to look at under the bonnet as to what's going wrong and finally start the creative
process with the end in mind once you've done all of that leg work you then keep it at the front of your mind do right throughout the whole production process and that will really give you the leg up that you need to make sure that you're absolutely on point delivering the right message to the right people at the right time in terms of next time well we can talk about this so much to talk about right you can talk about which types of videos to produce to meet defined video goals um i could intro
duce you to the wonderful world of post-production also there's a whole discussion to be had about implementation and which platform's right for your content equally like i've sort of touched on earlier the the use of video throughout the customer journey throughout your sales process there's so much that can be done there i'd love to talk to you more about that and go into a bit more detail and equally things like setting up youtube channels there's so much discussion to be had um about that to
o well listen i've not run out of time i'm really sorry thanks for sticking with me and i really really appreciate you spending the time with me there's loads more help that bitly link there that's our youtube channel so that's bit dot l y forward slash business dash growth dash with dash video i appreciate it's not the snappiest title in the world i must make a note to sort that out there you'll find over 50 videos now which are all about empowering businesses like yours to make the most out of
video and video marketing two websites there the first one's a relatively sensible one have a check out of that and if you want a little bit of showbiz shenanigans in your life then feel free to check out which is my kind of broadcast professional facing stuff but you get an idea of where my professional heritage lies thank you so much for investing your time with me feel free to obviously share like and subscribe to this channel really appreciate your supp
ort i'd love to know what you thought of this video i really hope you got value out of it pop any thoughts in the comments below in the meantime get creating thanks for watching and we'll see you soon take care



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