
Proposed legislation would prohibit blanket policies against renting to pet owners

California Assemblyman Matt Haney has introduced a bill that would force landlords to do away with blanket no-pet policies and consider pets on a case-by-case basis. Kris Sanchez reports. Stay connected: Follow us on Twitter: Like us on Facebook: Follow us on Instagram: Follow us on TikTok: Catch up on all the day's news: Download our mobile app: On iOS: On Android: Watch us on OTT: Add our channel on Roku: Download our app on Amazon Fire TV:

NBC Bay Area

4 days ago

making in the bay may get a little easier for renters with pets a San Francisco assembly member introduced a bill which would bar landlords from saying no to dogs cats and other pets today at the B is Chris Sanchez joining us with more on this so Chris what would this mean for those renters and Property Owners so it might be a little bit easier to find a place to rent if you have a pet where it's estimated about one out of three units will allow you to have a pet so you know it's hard you know t
hat it will also cost you a lot of money uh you'll have to Pony up what is usually a pretty big pet deposit now California assemblyman who represents San Francisco Matt Haney he wants to change that he introduced a bill that would force landlords to consider pets on a case-by casee basis rather than just having a blanket no pets policy landlords could still prohibit pets for what he calls reasonable reasons and he says he's looking ahead to days where there is enough housing but which people can
't rent because of their pets he doesn't want units sitting vacant because of that our partners at tundo talk with with assembly man Haney about the really High pet deposits that also can be a barrier to tenants who can make rent but who can't afford to put down thousands of dollars on the side they also talked with this person the spokesperson for the California Apartment Association who points out that the bill at this point does not take into account situations where there's no access to a ba
ckyard or there are other tenants who have allergies or other considerations it also does not allow for an increase in security deposits meant to repair pet related damage we know that even the best of pets sometimes can be a little rough on our homes so the bill is still very early in the process it has to go to committee and be discussed there and then it gets you know kind of manipulated and and you know changed and then it moves forward we expected the first conversation about this in Sacram
ento will be in March huh but it's interesting it sees both sides of it at least you know pet owners we're pet owners but then you also have concern for your house and we know how we train our pets you know that not everybody trains their pets the same way that's true that's true all right well good interesting thanks



Unfortunately, these days pets are very expensive. Veterinary bills are very expensive. Pet Food is very expensive. If you can’t afford a pet deposit, you likely can’t really afford pets either.


That’s ridiculous, it’s not required that people have pets, I used to be a landlord, and have a dog and cat right now myself, but I’ve have had thousands of dollars in damage done from animals in an apartment, more than the security deposit, and most I never fully recovered .


Another reason not to be a landlord. Last tenet I had their dogs did 10k worth of damage and left owing $4,400 in unpaid rent.


Oh my, good news for the legal profession bc this will result in soooo many more tenant-landlord lawsuits!


Pets stink especially when the tenant is nasty.


Might as well force property owners to allow smoking as well. Maybe every legislator in support of this should be forced to rent out their home for a year to pet owners. Oh, and going back to the pandemic, what other businesses were forced to provide their product or services for free? Why do legislators think landlords have unlimited resources?


Sounds like useless legislation if landlords can consider whether to rent to pet owners on a case-by-case basis. Landlords that now have a no-pets policy would just say that they had “a reasonable reason” to not rent to every prospective tenant. Duh. Please stop wasting our taxes on trying to create legislation that is meaningless.


Apartments aren't going to go vacant. I'm glad I live in a no pet building


Pet owners are more responsible and pay their rent in my experience.As long as the tenant pays a deposit and works it out with the landlord it should be allowed.Let the market decide NOT THE GOVERNMENT!!!


No to large dogs. Especially ones that are loud and obnoxious and dangerous. Nice try.


I believe in taking good care of the pets you have, but we have way too many pets in our society and a lot are abandoned, neglected and abused. We should strive to have few pets by fixing ours and banning breeders.


This is the kind of thing that opens up a community to tons of migrants. Government is the problem. But being a government "of the people" we can see the source of government ignorance are the people who demand the most from everyone else through the government.


No, govt imposing their will on people. Landlords have rights in protecting their property.


No, absolutely not if you were unfortunate to be one of the landlords who’s had thousands of dollars of hardwood four hours permanently stained and have cat or dog urine that cleaning sanding and refinishing does not remove You will never ever want another tenant with a pet again Absolutely not Just ask any of the building maintenance companies that have to go in after and repair all the damage done by people who cannot potty train or stop their animals from scratching at walls, doors trims, biting the edges of doors, causing literally thousands of dollars of damage . There are good pets with good owners Properly potty, trained, pets with owners, and pets that do no damage are unfortunately in between specially the lower housing income brackets My wife has such a horrible cat allergy if I come from a house with a cat and I walk into our house or sit in the car she’ll miss three days of work and be on inhaler constantly. The car in the house need to be professionally clean that’s how bad her allergies are cannot have a neighbor with a cat in an apartment apartment complex.


I remember all the apartments did not allow pets it was clean and nice now shit everywhere dog bags smells like piss..


This is great!


I have seen this too many times before. It all comes down to maladaptive people wanting to use another living thing to act out passive aggressively. Stop coddling them. You are compounding the issue of individual rights when you should be asking the question of why so many people are renting: that is a condition of perpetual serfdom. True citizens of a republic are entitled to land ownership; that is the nexus of their right to expression and essential to the condition of being a free person. When that is seriously addressed, it will solve 90% of Americans' problems.


Everybody's rent about to go up even more because of this.


Or make them a service animal and just bring them in. You're not legally bound to tell the landlord that you have a service animal plus getting your pet certified is pretty easy and cheap 🤷🏻‍♂️ Also your landlord cannot inquire into your "medical disability" by law and most companies will give you an easy excuse like anxiety issues


Sure no problem. Guess who is going to pay for cleaning and new carpet?