
¡Punctuation.Marks! at New South Comedy Festival 2023

Dash and Ali perform their Improvised One-Act play at the New South Comedy Festival.

Dash Maverick

3 months ago

yes everybody oh I like that song we didn't even ask that yeah hi oh God we're so excited to be here this is so awesome this is my first time in uh beautiful South Carolina it's lovely yeah my first time also yeah awesome hi everybody this is Ally this is Dash yep and uh thank you thank you so we used to be together we're not anymore no that's not a thing uh but it's okay it's okay yeah we're uh so we're going to use that experience to sort of make some stuff up for you yes so we like to get our
suggestion from social media so thank you no one for having your phones out we love it but if you can get it out check your favorite social media um I know it's kind of a nightmare these days maybe every day but go ahead get it out give it a scroll you can get on anybody I'm not calling Twitter you always be Twitter to me jle Ro Jang whatever whatever whatever you're into give it a and then and then uh just we got one here we got here go ahead so what describe the picture and then giv
e us a little of the caption uh there's a blond lady great sitting in a car okay she is Carrie Underwood adjacent great um and the caption says our perfect show Ms premiered the second season on Stars 3 days after the strike began we weren't able to promote it in any way now that we've struck a deal you know I'm going to make up for lost time I love this show and I love these people on Stars great fantastic all right that was and that was a non-sponsored ad for this show now that the writer stri
ke is over that was show M okay great yeah fantastic uh so great thank you in the age of social media relationships can be difficult that's right so uh whatever feelings you feel while this set happens uh please enjoy them be here with us yes and that's why we like to call this it's [Applause] complicated I told you to make 50 flyers and put them around the neighborhood to promote our party did I not say that you did you did say that you did and here we are at the party and how many neighbors ar
e here none none correct none not a single neighbor could it be us do you think we are the coolest people how can it be us we always win the Halloween decorating contest how can we not be light we had a gnome that lit up and talked it was very hard making that no so hard it took months of work months I paid a voice actor do you remember that arm mechanism we couldn't get the arm to work right then finally it worked it can't be us it can't be do you think we picked the right font for the flyer I
liked it I liked it too helvetica is a classic font strong it's classic there's a whole documentary about it it's a sand serap nobody uses seraps [Laughter] anymore I used a nice contrasting font aerial thin rounded can I just tell you I really appreciate how much you know about font I don't think I don't think I tell you that enough and I just I wanted to say it here in our hour of need I appreciate you acknowledging my feelings and telling me how you feel about my usage of fonts and I apprecia
te you appreciating how much I appreciate you because I know that through your appreciation of me I am also appreciated those sessions with Dr Millie are really working out for us they're so good for us how can people not like us I don't know I just we picked up our whole lives to move here and we left all of our friends and we left both of our parents which honestly was probably the best but yeah we we did it all to to start over and we've been in this neighborhood 2 years and I don't think any
body likes us and I don't know why I mean it's hard to make friends at this age when was the last time you made a new friend before we moved here I I talked to someone at the library yesterday but would you consider them a friend did you give them a flyer to this party you didn't print 50 you only printed 45 and we put 45 around the neighborhood and I didn't have any to give out did you show them the E [Laughter] [Applause] blast you're you're right I should have the Instagram post I should have
the cover photo on Facebook I should have there's a lot of steps I could have taken I realized that now there's a lot of steps I but that's one person that doesn't explain the other 45 plus ones there should be at least 90 people at this party besides 92 if you count us which we count we count 93 with Buster such a good boy a good boy a good boy [Music] Buster he gets it I know I'm sorry I just I love him so goddamn much he's my only friend in this town oh I'm not your friend oh no of course yo
u're my friend you're my friend and my wife and my lover in the night time you just you are everything to me and you out in the nighttime I mean do we really want to get down we had day sex yesterday good luck getting dayx again for a couple of weeks oh come on first it's the Flyers now it's this it's just it's sexier at night listen I it's hotter during the daytime but it's just you know at night time it's the moods there and you can see the moon through the Skylight you only want to do it at n
ight just tell me I want to see you I like the fine okay it's it's okay sometimes I just feel a little something around 1045 you know what I mean it's like midm morning it's not quite lunchtime but breakfast is settling the mimosas have hit I know well that's done that chapter of my what it's done why am I being punished for that just it's done what time did we put on the flyer because maybe it's like a we're going to be fashionably late thing right you know like they leave the house at the time
the party starts so then they get here at a time when I don't when did we post it when did we post the flyer yeah where on on the on the post around the neighborhood or I mean I'm looking I'm looking on Instagram in the next door app did we post it in next door we didn't post it in next door that's why shoot but they had paper Flyers oh sorry it's in my other profile sorry oh okay yeah here we go okay ah there it is okay yeah okay yeah look at that font it's so good and thank you and this is th
e this is the page where I review pizza around town down and I've got more followers here than on my personal page so they should have seen it and it says let me zoom in 8:00 p.m. 8:00 p.m. and it is 8:03 to be fair aial thin rounded does make the eight look a little bit like a nine it could be that could it be that it could be that it could be that it's it's that it's that that's what it is is everybody thinks it's 9:00 and and so we're fine we're fine we're good yes we don't have to worry we d
on't have to worry at all they'll be here yes we got some time we could just watch a little show or we could I mean we have an hour and everything's already set up and ready to go you've already made it very clear how you feel about day sex Oh Come Tech the sun's already down technically it's not day people are coming over so that's our night thing now so it'll but it'll be like a little secret that only you and I know about right I mean like when Cassandra from next door and and her wife Leslie
come over and we're talking to them and it's like hey our shared fence is so nice I like what you did with it but inside we'll be like we just had sex right and they won't know for all we know they also might have had sex I hope that for them yes I do too they're nice why aren't they here I I I I don't know I they're right next door they're right nice door you think we should just wave over at them we could go look over the fence and see if like they're lights are on no we can't be creepy why n
ot why can't we be it's also it's a shared fence that's true it's okay we're totally within our rights here just I'm just going to go see what's happening in the backyard okay I'm going to take Buster I'm going to take Buster out Buster on a walk I'm going to take Buster for a little backyard romp okay okay and we're going to see go ahead we're going to see go do that who's a good boy you want to go outside you want to go outside come on good boy okay all right go go come on good boy good [Music
] boy M oh damn it get in here Buster come on go anything they are in there their lights are on and they are having a party of their own what go look oh oh I am I'm so hurt I'm sorry Buster I didn't mean to yell at you I was feeling big feelings you're still a very good boy I love you so no we're not going outside right now it was me stay right there I'm going outside you just went excuse me good who's a good [Laughter] boy okay yes they're in there they're having a party they're in there they'r
e having their own party they also saw me in the bushes so we may we may be having to deal with that problem sooner rather than later uh they also had a lot of cars in their driveway that probably should have been our first tip off that that was happening yeah we could have we could have just gone to get the mail and seen all the cars yeah so they got the there was an opposing party that's what it is their party was first that's d they put it on the calendar next door and then I just forgot to l
ook at it and now the whole neighborhood is they think that we were trying to steal our neighbors party or even worse they think that our neighbors are having a party and we're shunning them that's that's what I said stealing our neighbor oh that's what that okay got it I just okay I heard it differently in my head so I just because we talked about communication right so sometimes I'll say something uhhuh and just because it's not the way you would have said it right right it still means that I
said it first no I so then when you say it back to me and it's the same thing that I just said it's frustrating it's frustrating it is thank you and I acknowledge your feelings that it's frustrating and on top of that I just want to let you know that just because I didn't hear it correctly and I'm repeating it I acknowledge that you said it first so you get the credit for it because I love you but I'm very upset that there's another party and we're not there I need to clean something okay well w
e might as well give the chips to Buster I mean I I said the CW and now he's losing I said the CW tail wagging he looks like he's going to take off Buster it's it's so we'll give you give bust her chip give bust her chip you want a chip busty you want a chip I'm The Whole Bowl The Whole Bowl do you know how much monosaturated fats are in that bowl of chips if he feels one tenth of what we feel he's going to need to eat his [Laughter] feelings if he's mommy's good boy he's going to eat his feelin
gs for the next couple days were we were we invited I haven't checked the mailbox in months I haven't we agreed I would take out the trash and you would get the mail well yeah that was the agreement I'm I'm not saying yeah yeah I just haven't done it it's my responsib ility I just all we ever get is Spam and mailers and those coupons that come on Tuesdays like we never get any real when was the last time you got like a letter or a check Christmas I got a Christmas card we're nowhere near oh actu
ally we are near Christmas we just had Halloween I should probably we could be we might have tons of I'm sorry no Buster we're not going outside no stay there could you just give him another chip and hold I'm going you're not who's a good boy he wants a CH yes a good boy you know I love that our mailbox is in the backyard it makes life hell for Clyde but I think he appreciates the challenge you know what I mean yeah yeah he likes getting his steps in yeah yeah and that's a a service that we prov
ide for him uhhuh that's what I said we're such good neighbors we're thoughtful oh what we got invited didn't we no we missed our opportunity for Random House oh oh yeah okay yes there's a flyer here for their wow what I mean I wouldn't have chosen Papyrus but but again just cuz something is not the way you would do it it doesn't mean it is wrong right okay God their color choices are on point though look at that complimentary colors yeah that's really nice that's a that's a pretty good flyer de
spite the papus really is yeah how did we miss this cuz I didn't check the mail for a few months that's why it's my fault I I I have done this to you and I apologize I I I am so sorry that it is my fault that we are not over at our neighbor's house celebrating with two very friendly lesbians whose fence we share there really nice they're fantastic they're wonderful and we're not there and we're not there we're here yes with a giant bowl of chips I know how can I make it up to you does the flyer
say RSVP wait I put it over here it's here I could just look but I'm making you do it for punishment no it doesn't say RSVP it just says come over their party started at 7:30 though oh No so at this point if we show up we're just like show up it's going to be like jerks half an hour late saw you looking they saw me looking they saw in the saw me like why is he looking from the bushes why doesn't he just come in he was invited to the party you know what we made it weird at this point now we've ma
de it weird you know the other day when I was out in the backyard checking uh uh checking the the the not checking the mail no checking to make sure that the garbage bins were put out correctly and they were because my responsibility that I do yes because you're fantastic regularly right unlike some people yes uh our neighbor said can you bring some soda and I thought that was weird because why would she ask me to bring soda to my own party and in my head and I said yes of course I'll bring the
soda MH which is why I have soda and an entire selection sun-kissed sunny I even found seven up that they don't sell anymore there's a 20 o bottle of Crystal Pepsi and two different fos yes and two different fos and I thought it was can you bring some sodas to our party but it was to their party so not only are we half an hour late they are having a party without soda right now we're such bad neighbors this is bad we're terrible neighbors bad and now we're not going to get invited anywhere becau
se soda was expected and soda was not provided can you imagine going to a party where there is not a Diet Coke in sight I've been there it's hell it's bad it's hell what are all the type one and type two diabetics going to drink I don't know water that's not fun nobody likes to drink water not it's not at a party right at least some soda water I have two different types of soda water I have both sparkling what if and bubbly okay I thought they were the same they're [Laughter] not so what how do
we solve this problem how do we solve the problem okay so we're half an hour late right now well at this point we're 40 minutes late we're 40 minutes late right now we were supposed to bring the sodas yeah if we show up now but we never rsvpd is did you say did you give verbal assurance that we would be there when we had the small talk about the sodas she was like hey are you going to be at the party and I said yes because you thought it was our party so I was like yes and she said okay can you
bring the sodas and I said yes cuz I thought it was our party so then she said can you bring fago and I said I'll try can I just I'm just I'm sorry I was going to tell you the whole conversation but if that's no it's fascinating to me that you can remember for this conversation in detail but cannot get the mail on a regular basis someone understands what I'm saying I remembered that it was my job to get the mail so I just figured that because all we ever get are credit crit card applications and
spam mail and flyers for our friends party that we're not at well we know that now hindsight is 2020 my mom always sends us a card every holiday there's at least one Halloween card in there check check the pile I put it in the Meal box that we have for some reason uhhuh uh-huh uh-huh wedding invitation go ahead Buster I know you like playing a wedding invitation yeah your cousin's getting married oh it's not the cousin I like it's fine go ahead Halloween card oh that's a wedding invitation and
a Halloween card go at it Buster rip it apart let go this is what why when your mother called the other day and she asked please recount the conversation for me in detail so she said did you get my card and I said yes because I didn't want to have that conversation go on and I figured had I said no that I would have had to continue talking to her that's correct yeah instead of just giving you the phone so that you could continue talking to her which I also don't want to do right so now I am less
confused about what your mother was talking about about and I mean yeah to be fair that's a pretty clear question MH right it's a it's straight it's clear it's straightforward but you understand how much I don't like talking to your mother she she still thinks that there are missing voter registration cards like I I cannot keep having this conversation with her so when she said did you get the [Laughter] card thank you everybody thank you that's Ally That's that and thank you Alchemy you guys a
re wonderful you guys are amazing thank you thank you so much let's keep it going let's keep it going hi
