
Путин — цели и результаты | Хороший ли он президент (English subtitles) @Max_Katz

Медиапространство сейчас такое, что все слушают только то, с чем согласны. Однако делать правильные выводы нужно после анализа разных мнений. И вот сегодня я хочу предложить людям, поддерживающим Владимира Путина, послушать мою точку зрения. _________________________ Поддержать канал: BTC: 3C4Xp9NMSsybwG1p9YENDbbuott4voPsFH ETH: 0x0d41cc54fc089e96b3271467483d31a5e9d17940 USDT (TRC20): TVLqmTPafduGyhBNpVhJCCJtvbqiA3ANxT USDT (ERC20): 0x0d41cc54fc089e96b3271467483d31a5e9d17940 Patreon (если вы не в России): Boosty (если вы в России): Оформить спонсорство: _________________________ Подпишись: Тот самый свитер:Свитер-с-трамваями-p310507600 Обложки на холсте: Купить книгу «100 советов мэру»: Подкаст: (а также на всех популярных платформах) Подписывайтесь на мои социальные сети: Твиттер: Телеграм-канал: Инстаграм: Фейсбук: По вопросам рекламы пишите на #Россия #Путин #президент 0:00 ВСТУПЛЕНИЕ 4:12 НАТО 17:08 УКРАИНА 21:48 ПОМОЩЬ НАШИМ 29:36 ИМИДЖ 34:24 ЗАКЛЮЧЕНИЕ

Максим Кац

1 year ago

Today I want to talk to those of you who support Vladimir Putin. I know that among my audience there are only few of them. But maybe someone sent you this link. The media space is now such that everyone listens only to what they agree with. However, quite recently in our country there was a widespread view that many different opinions are good, and only when you listen even to those with whom you disagree and analyze the whole range of information, only then you can draw the right conclusion. An
d today I want to invite people who do not agree with me, but who support Vladimir Putin, to listen to me. Maybe some arguments will seem interesting and worthy of reflection to you, maybe not, but I tried to collect them in this video in order to offer them to you. Let's begin. Let's start with this. Who is a good politician anyway? In response to this question, one can recall a huge number of adjectives: smart, honest, courageous, eloquent, and so on. Yes, these are all very good human qualiti
es, but still they do not give an exhaustive answer to the question posed. A good politician, be it the head of the village or the leader of the state, is first of all the person who is able to set goals and achieve results. Choosing the right goal is already half the success. And all the pre-war years we talked a lot about the fact that the main problem of the Russian leadership is the deliberately wrong choice of targets. Increasing the welfare of Russian citizens. Competitive high-tech econom
y. Strong and reliable state institutions that will survive any change of power, independent courts and credible law enforcement agencies. An education system that trains professional personnel for all fields of activity – from science to culture. The health of the nation, provided by affordable medicine, mass sports and care for the environment. Comfortable, beautiful and safe cities, where both architecture and people are treated with care – children and parents with prams, the elderly and the
disabled. I would set such goals for myself if I was the head of state. And in my opinion, only a country that sets such goals can be called a «great state». By the way, in the first years of his presidency, Vladimir Putin announced many of these things as goals. Do you remember his: "We'll double the GDP and catch Portugal" - it was in the beginning. It was meant for our citizens to be more prosperous and happy. But then the fight against NATO came to the fore. For many years, at least the las
t 10 years, and maybe 15, we have been dealing not with our own country, but with Ukraine. We did not build our future, but constantly looked into the past. And not even with lyrical nostalgia, but with an exaggerated sense of resentment. Resentment against the far abroad, resentment against the near abroad, against the whole world and even against ourselves. We were constantly in a state of emergency, in an effort to prove something to someone and “defend our authority”. Even the Olympics and W
orld Championships we perceived not as a celebration of sports, but as a war. But. Let's just assume that all the goals that the Russian leadership set for itself were right. We spoke a lot about those goals on this channel, about what was wrong with those goals and what should have been set as goals instead. So let's imagine that I'm wrong, that I don't understand anything about politics and national security, but Vladimir Putin does. And based on this consideration, let's see – what, in fact,
did Putin achieve, based on his goals? What did he achieve within his own logic and goal setting? What are the results? As head of state since at least 2008, Vladimir Putin's work of the lifetime has been to fight against NATO expansion to the East. This goal was openly proclaimed by him during the famous Munich speech in 2007, where he declared his readiness to resist the onset of a “unipolar world”. On our channel, we have repeatedly talked about the essence of the North Atlantic Alliance as
a supranational structure and explained why Russia does not need to be afraid of it. But for today's video, let's assume that NATO's approach to Russia is indeed a very serious problem for our country. Even if it's a big problem, it's still not existential. That is, the expansion of NATO is not something that threatens “the very existence of Russia,” as they are trying to convince us. The Russian Federation is the world's largest nuclear power, which has intercontinental ballistic missiles, stra
tegic aviation and missile-carrying submarines (they are constantly on duty in the world's oceans). The automatic system «Perimeter» can control this entire nuclear shield even in the event of the death of the political and military leadership of Russia. Let the whole world join the North Atlantic Treaty Organization! Even then, NATO will not be able to attack a state capable of destroying the entire planet. Russia can calmly engage in its arrangement and not be afraid of anything, as long as th
ere are trained specialists in our country who can maintain and modernize our nuclear shield. In this regard, it seems to me that a truly existential problem, much more dangerous than NATO expansion, is the collapse of the Russian education system and the semi-impoverished existence of domestic science, as well as a massive brain drain abroad. Talented people, including those who could defend our country, are fleeing poverty, social disorder, lawlessness and arbitrariness, they are fleeing the i
mpossibility of influencing their lives and the lives of their children through legal political institutions. This is a real threat to «the very existence of Russia», and not the entry into NATO of some new state. However, we agreed to assume that NATO expansion is a big problem for Russia. Well, how exactly does Vladimir Putin solve this “problem”? Let's see what's happening right now. First. Shortly after the invasion of the Russian army into Ukraine, Sweden and even eternally neutral Finland
declared their desire to join NATO as soon as possible! Finland, all the decades after the Second World War, up to this year, not only guarded its non-bloc status, but also adhered to the so-called Paasikivi-Kekkonen Line. This was the name of Finland's friendly policy towards the Soviet Union, and then towards the Russian Federation. The war with Ukraine interrupted this line. Finland's desire to join NATO is more than understandable. Until 1917, it was also part of the Russian Empire – and you
never know what other former territories an unpredictable big neighbor wants to regain by force? Sweden also has reason to be concerned. The President of Russia is more than usual interested in historical events and victories of the past – what if he now decides to repeat the success of Peter the Great in the Great Northern War? From the Swedes' point of view, this is now a very possible scenario. The policy of Vladimir Putin has led to the fact that this summer the entire Scandinavian Peninsul
a may be entirely in NATO. As a result, Russia risks getting another 1,300 kilometers of a common border with the North Atlantic Alliance. Have we decided to evaluate Putin's policy by results? Well, here is the result! NATO expansion to the east. Moreover, if earlier all the statements of the Baltic countries – Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia – about the threat to them from Russia were perceived as rhetoric out of touch with life, aimed at solving momentary political problems, now this is no long
er the case. Now these statements are being taken seriously, and NATO's military potential in the Baltics is likely to be strengthened quantitatively and qualitatively. Putin breathed new life into NATO. Six months ago, no «collective West» existed in nature. Western politicians were constantly cursing and squabbling among themselves, by the way, was reported on Russian TV not without pleasure, and was even right. Now, after the invasion of Ukraine, the West is more united than ever. That same «
collective West» was created right before our eyes by Vladimir Putin. And those Western politicians who yesterday were friendly to Putin, now more than others, are striving not to be associated with him in any way from now on. Russia does not have a single ally in the whole wide world, unless the unrecognized republics are considered as such. Now even Lukashenka is looking for an opportunity to renounce Putin so as not to sink in the same boat with him. Of the Russian President's friends, only S
yrian President Bashar al-Assad remained. But this is a kind of an ally, that needs help from Russia in his war himself. More recently, there were big discussions in the West about the very meaning of NATO's existence. If you remember Donald Trump was actively earning political points on the popular talk in America that it was time for the United States to cut its spending on the North Atlantic Alliance. Now that for the first time since 1945 there is a major war in Europe, this talk is over. An
d Vladimir Putin put an end to them. Second. Before the start of the Russian-Ukrainian war, Russian interests were guarded by the image of the Russian army – seemingly invincible and second in combat capability in the world after the American one. This, of course, is about the interests of Russia, as Vladimir Putin personally understands them, but that’s not the point, because we are now discussing in this logic. The strength of any state is determined by the total military and economic potentia
l. Russia has always missed one of these components: we are a huge state in terms of territory, but economically we are still a very small country. Our share in the world economy is about one and a half percent. For the most part, Russian citizens are poor, they buy relatively few goods and services, so in which case the loss of the Russian market for other states is not at all fatal. No one will kowtow to Russia as they would to China or the super-rich Persian Gulf monarchies. Due to corruption
, insane bureaucracy and judicial arbitrariness in relation to domestic business, due to the lack of investment in our own development and disregard for human capital, our country has deprived itself of economic power and almost all levers of economic influence on other countries. However, until now there was at least an idea of the military power of the Russian army, which the rest of the world really feared. Under these conditions, the worst thing that could have occurred to Vladimir Putin was
to test Russia's military potential in practice before the eyes of the entire planet. But that's exactly what he did! For more than two months, the Russian army, which once threatened to reach all the way to the English Channel, has not been able to defeat the armed forces of a single Ukraine. Even before the supply of weapons from Western countries, Russian troops were bogged down in all directions, suffered losses, and then retreated from Kyiv, Chernigov and Sumy. They are stuck in the Donbas
s – a strategic offensive operation has been going on there for almost a month, during all this time the Russian army has managed to advance a few kilometers. Many Russian generals died. The Russian Black Sea Fleet was decapitated, irrevocably losing its flagship. The last time the Russian Ministry of Defense reported on losses was on March 25, more than a month ago. At the same time, naming the number of those killed and wounded, the Ministry of Defense delicately kept silent about the number o
f missing people. And the Russian Guard never reported on its losses during the entire war. After the death of the cruiser Moskva, there is no doubt that any official statistics cannot be trusted in principle. There are no losses among the crew of the "Moskva" cruiser. All the sailors were evacuated in time. But even if you believe the official data, then even then the Russian losses are huge: more than five thousand killed and wounded, many of whom will never get back on their feet. And it was
more than month ago! There were so many of them even before the start of the general battle in the Donbass, where the intensity of the fighting is now very high. And this is according to data that does not deserve any credibility. The failure of the Russian army in Ukraine is seen by the whole world. The whole world sees how Ukraine shells and destroys objects with impunity already on Russian territory itself, in the Bryansk, Belgorod and Kursk regions. Now Russia has nothing more to threaten o
ther countries with. All that remains is gas and nuclear blackmail. The first will lead to the fact that the European states will gradually rebuild their economies and in the foreseeable future will get off the needle of Russian gas, they will reorient themselves to other suppliers who do not engage in such blackmail. In this case, Russia will lose not only the last economic lever of pressure on Western countries, but also a huge part of its income. And nuclear blackmail is, in principle, a deli
berately failed story. If you do not use it, then no one is afraid of you, they just laugh at you. If you do use it, then nothing will remain of you as a result of a retaliatory strike. There will be no winners in an atomic war, not a single more or less large city will remain in Russia itself. Putin threatens both the West and Russia itself with atomic weapons. I don't think that any of the Russians would like it. In general, it is the Russians who always suffer from all this struggle against
NATO. By the way, let's remember this moment, we will return to it later. Third. Now, in the third month of the war, having seen that Ukraine has not surrendered and is not going to surrender, the «collective West», now really existing, has begun large-scale deliveries of weapons for the Ukrainian army. These are no longer portable grenade launchers, but heavy weapons, long-range artillery and armored vehicles that can decide the outcome of the war. The resources of the Russian armed forces are
dwindling before our eyes. All modern weapons – tanks, helicopters, planes, cruise missiles – today's Russia has always produced only small batches. We are no longer Brezhnev's Soviet Union, capable of arming hundreds of divisions and dozens of air armies. The equipment that the Russian army has been accumulating for many years is now burning at the front in a matter of weeks. And the Ukrainian military potential, for which more than thirty states work, is only growing. And not only Ukrainian! A
mong the various assistance schemes for Ukraine, there is such a scheme as well. European NATO member states transfer their used equipment to the Armed Forces of Ukraine, and in return receive new samples from the United States. Thus, now there is not only the pumping of weapons of the Ukrainian army, but also the rearmament of the armies of the NATO countries. In peacetime, such rearmament would take many years and it is not a fact that it would take place at all. But it was essentially initiat
ed by Vladimir Putin. And Ukraine is now being militarized over the roof. And the last. Our president has exploited for years the rhetoric that he is selflessly fighting against the West. Under this case, Russia passed a bunch of repressive laws, including laws on «foreign agents» who allegedly work on behalf of Western governments behind Russian lines For all the time, not a single foreign state has suffered in any way from these laws on «foreign agents», all these repressive norms hit only t
he citizens of Russia. And it aimes at the most active and the most progressive Russians. For example, non-profit organizations that helped our compatriots with diabetes and other chronic diseases were repeatedly recognized as «foreign agents» and then closed. It was very convenient for Putin to fight against NATO, when NATO did not even come to the fight, and all Putin's strikes landed on our fellow citizens. And this is how he gained victories, if you can say it that way. But now NATO has come
to the fray to give weapons to Ukraine. And it just got stronger. Let's ask ourselves a question. Even if we assume that the goal of containing NATO is legitimate for the Russian state and was set correctly by the Russian president. Was he able to move in this direction? Can we call his leadership successful in this matter? We even omit here the question of whether it was necessary to set such a goal. This is also an important quality of a manager, and even more so of a president, to set the ri
ght goals. But let's say he put it right. Has Russia succeeded in achieving it, spending how much resources and years? In addition to fighting NATO, one of Putin's main goals was to keep Ukraine in Russian orbit. In recent years, Putin has been more interested in Ukraine than the Russians – than we are. Since 2020 during the pandemic over 60 thousand doctors and other medical staff have left the country Since 2014, tariffs for water supply have increased by almost a third, for electricity - by s
everal times, for gas for households - by dozens of times. A lot of people simply don't have money to cover the public utilities, they have to literally fight for survival. What happened? Why is this all happening? Answer is obvious: a dowry received not only from the Soviet era, but also from the Russian Empire — was squandered and taken into the pockets. If you didn’t understand, it was Vladimir Vladimirovich who spoke about Ukraine, which, unlike the Russian Federation, was at the very center
of his attention. But then again, let's not talk about goal setting and just assume that keeping Ukraine is definitely a very good goal. Let's see if we managed to achieve it. The whole pre-war policy of Ukraine in the 21st century is a swing. Either the pro-Western Yushchenko defeats the pro-Russian Yanukovych, or vice versa in the next election, Yanukovych defeats Yushchenko. Maidan did not change anything in this regard. All those politicians who rose thanks to the Maidan, lost miserably in
the next Ukrainian elections. Even if we agree that the Maidan is some kind of absolute evil, then Ukraine itself got rid of this evil, and in the next elections, a leadership that had nothing to do with the Maidan came to power. Moreover, this happened not thanks to, but in spite of the attempts of Russian intervention, which only gave arguments to anti-Russian politicians. The same applies to Ukrainian nationalists. Yes, they seemed to have raised their heads in 2014, because in any country, n
ationalists are always trying to catch their fish during a political crisis – and Russia is certainly no exception. However, the Ukrainian elections, again, put everything in its place. There are no nationalists in the Government of Ukraine, and in the parliament they are present in the amount of one deputy out of four hundred and fifty. They were, and still are, absolute political outcasts without social capital. And no one has ever given them such good publicity as the Russian journalists who
for years have shown the Ukrainian far right literally under a microscope. But if the nationalists in Ukraine could not get more votes than the statistical error, then the pro-Russian political forces before the war calmly took mandates in large numbers both in all-Ukrainian and local elections. The second place in the Verkhovna Rada was held by the pro-Russian Opposition Platform – For Life. One of its leaders was Putin's godfather Viktor Medvedchuk, who traveled to Russia in 2019 and met with
the leadership of United Russia. This in no way prevented the Opposition Platform from taking second place in the Rada after the presidential party Servant of the People. Instead of a war, Putin could have played on internal Ukrainian contradictions for his own purposes. But in the end, he united all of Ukraine against himself and at the same time buried all the possibilities of Russian influence on Ukrainian politics. A month after the start of the war, the activities of all pro-Russian parties
in Ukraine were suspended. When and if they are allowed to resume their work, they will radically change their rhetoric in order to gain at least some votes. No one will speak for friendship with Russia anymore. The pre-war situation, in which Putin's godfather goes to the Ukrainian elections, is no longer possible. Putin inside Russia is used to solving all issues by brute force, he has no experience of smart political games. Therefore, in Ukraine, he outplayed only himself. He could just do n
othing – and then he would have won at least something for himself. Because before Putin's attempts to intervene Ukraine used to be pro-Russian oriented. In 2004 majority of Ukranians considered Russia a friendly state and didn't consider joining either NATO or Eruopean Union at all. And the last. If Putin, starting the war, counted on the fact that Ukrainian citizens would meet the Russian army with flowers, then why did he speak of Ukraine in his addresses as a sub-state and a historical misun
derstanding? Where is the logic here? After all, it is clear to any normal person that Ukrainians will not be delighted with such speeches at all! The special operation in Ukraine began under the slogan “we don’t abandon our people”, it was explained by the need to help “our people” in the Donbass. We have repeatedly said on our channel that the entire war in Donbas was the result of a very strange policy on the part of Russia. If we assume that in 2014 the residents of the Donetsk and Luhansk r
egions were threatened by something, then it was possible to act as Israel does in such cases. Israel has repeatedly evacuated ethnic Jews to its territory from countries engulfed in civil conflicts. And Russia, too, could not start a bloody war, but take out all the willing residents of Donbass to our country, provide them with housing and work, and give citizenship. It would look noble and would cost much less than war. And most importantly, people would not die. Those who wanted would move to
Russia for better life. Others would stay for better life in Ukraine. After all, Putin could repeat the experience of Crimea and annex the territories of the self-proclaimed DPR and LPR to the Russian Federation, and then turn them into a showcase for the “Russian world”. This would be a flagrant violation of international law, and noone can do that and i do not support it. But if Putin really believed that people are threatened there, he could've done that. That would at least make sense. The
world community would express great concern and would impose minor sanctions, as was the case with Crimea. And then everyone would switch to other topics. No one would shoot and die. And most importantly, Putin in 2014 could, in principle, do nothing in the Donbass, leaving everything as it is. He could leave the millions of residents of Donetsk and Luhansk the opportunity not to die for the so-called «people's republics», but to live in peace in Ukraine and at the same time give additional mill
ions of votes to pro-Russian candidates. It would also be beneficial for Putin himself – to maintain a loyal electoral base within Ukraine itself! Nothing bad would happen to Donetsk and Lugansk residents in Ukraine! Because exactly the same Russian-speaking Donbass from those parts of the Donetsk and Lugansk regions that remained under Ukrainian control lived normally all these eight years and were not subjected to any discrimination at all. They themselves and all the local authorities calmly
spoke Russian. In Mariupol, the mayor of the city did not even speak Ukrainian, the city's website was maintained in Russian, the city itself was actively developing, the salaries of Mariupol residents were, on average, not bad by Russian standards. It was one of the faster developing cities in Ukraine. In 2014, having regained control over the city of Slavyansk, the Ukrainian authorities did not commit any genocide there either. Peaceful life has simply resumed in Slavyansk, and it has continue
d for the past eight years up until now when the war started again. In 2014, Vladimir Putin for some reason placed millions of people in unrecognized republics, which are now led by militants, adventurers and just crooks. For example, the head of the Donetsk People's Republic, Denis Pushilin, is a former MMM (financial pyramid) activist. The whole point of the existence of the DPR and LPR is to fight against Kyiv, these republics have no other program. Seriously, is it really possible to believe
that they will ever become real self-sufficient states? Did someone in the Donbass really dream of living in these micro-republics? A large number of Donbass residents have fled the DPR and LPR for all these eight years. And not only to Russia, but also to the territories controlled by Ukraine. Including to Mariupol, where these refugees have lost their homes for the second time in eight years. Is that how "we help our people"? Putin ruined the lives of millions of people. They could live in Uk
raine, and not under the rule of muddy personalities. Some Donbass hoped that they would be annexed to Russia, but they were also very cruelly deceived. Putin has put millions of people in some sort of limbo and outplayed himself by drastically reducing the number of voters inside Ukraine who could vote for pro-Russia politicians. Did Putin draw any conclusions from the strategic mistake he made in 2014? No. By 2022, the wounds of 2014 began to heal. The war in Donbass has passed into the stage
of a frozen conflict. Again, it was possible to do nothing, leave the problem unresolved and simply not aggravate it. People somehow adapted to the prevailing conditions and at least lived. For the whole of 2021, according to various sources, either eight or eighteen people died in the Donbas. Each human life is priceless, the death of eighteen people is a huge tragedy. But it simply cannot be compared with what is happening in the Donbass now. Putin brought a devastating war to the territory no
t only of the LDNR, but of the entire Russian-speaking Ukraine. It is there, in the Russian-speaking East of Ukraine, where Ukrainian citizens most loyal to Russia lived, that now entire cities and towns are turning into deserts of broken bricks. It is there that thousands of people die. The survivors, their children, and possibly their grandchildren will never again vote for a politician or a party that even hints at friendship with Russia. There are no more pro-Russian Ukrainians in the East o
f Ukraine. Putin was able to do the impossible: right now, the very West of Ukraine treats our country with the least hatred, because not so many Russian missiles reach there. And the inhabitants of Eastern Ukraine will never forgive what the Russian army did to their home. As for the DPR and LPR, there may not be physically any male population left as a result of Putin's war. Men there are already simply caught and sent into battle without any military training as part of the so-called «people'
s militias» And without any meaning. Why are these people dying? For nothing. And various pro-Russian bloggers like Yuri Podolyaki also see some kind of high prowess in this massacre. Hello, dear viewers. It is still March the 30th ourside, and in my third article today, I want to talk about the militias of the LPR and DPR, who were called up for mobilization that began a few days before the war. A lot of people were recruited. Moreover, many of them do not have any combat training. And it so ha
ppened that despite the fact that there were assurances from the leadership of the DPR and LPR that they would not be thrown into the thick of things, they nevertheless ended up on the front line. And today they try not to talk about these people - they try not to notice them. I believe that this is unfair to these people, who today perform no less significant tasks than the old units of the people's militia of the LPR and DPR and Russian troops. People are just dying! They could live calmly and
normally in fairly developed cities - in Donetsk (where they are now caught to be sent to war and die). The semi-finals of the European Football Championship were held! The airport had direct flights to Munich and Dubai, where people (who lived quite richly) could fly for vacation or for work! And now they live in an African-type regime that catches them on the street and sends them to die. What is this, is that how we "help our people"? Leading Russia for twenty-two years, Putin was concerned
not so much with real affairs as with the image. Not to be, but to seem – that is his political credo. It could seem like something serious for a very long time, but the war put everything in its place. For example, billions of dollars were spent not on mass sports, not on affordable sports sections for children and adults, not on national health, but on high performance sports, on expensive toys like the Sochi Olympics and the World Cup. Okay, so where is it now? A series of doping scandals gav
e way to the total suspension of Russian athletes from all competitions in connection with the outbreak of war. Where is the effect when, after the 2018 FIFA World Cup, millions of foreigners visited Russia and left a good impression of our country? This effect no longer exists. And no one will come to us in the foreseeable future. International competitions that were supposed to be held in Russia have been moved to other states. Billions spent on the image were wasted. And as there was no mass
accessible sport in our country, there is non to the date. Please note that this did not happen even with the Soviet Union. Soviet athletes have always competed in international competitions. The 1980 Olympics were held in Moscow. The Soviet Union was not then in such a state as today's Russia. Next. Putin's campaign against the terrible Ukrainian fascists in the end only raised the discussion about fascism in Russia itself. Russians are persecuted for posters «No to war» and «Fascism will not p
ass». In fact, half of the swastika began to be used as state symbols. Well, or the SS lightning turned on its side – as you like. How could this be allowed in Russia? Another topic, about which I will make a separate video, but here we’ll talk briefly about it. Previously, Russia was considered the heir to the Soviet Union - the country that defeated Nazism, the state-liberator. But now it has somehow changed a little. This is not only because the war in Ukraine itself, which, of course, change
d this state of affairs, but also about the rhetoric that now surrounds this war. Remember, in the Soviet Union, numerous veteran soldiers at that time repeated the phrase: "Hopefully there will be no war!" The most important Soviet slogans are "Peace to the world!" and "Peace. Labor. May." Now there are very, very few veterans left (if any at all), they no longer occupy active positions in our society, hey are already very old. Look how the rhetoric has changed, how much militaristic frenzy has
been added in it! And it is not surprising that the attitude towards Russia, the legal successor of the country that defeated Nazism, is changing radically. Putin frightened us with intruders who, they say, want to tarnish our history. But didn't it happen that he himself soiled it? And now it is not clear how we can get rid of this. Now let's talk a little about the promises that he made during his presidency. I have never changed the Constitution, I did not do it for myself, and I have no suc
h plans today. I want to draw your attention to this circumstance: I am against raising the retirement age! And as long as I am the President, such a decision will not be made! Over the next five years, enter the top five largest economies in the world. In five years we must build at least a thousand schools in Russia! And over the same five years, we should not have a single school in disrepair left. Every person in Russia should receive a decent wage. In the next few years, the regions of Russ
ia should solve the problem of lack of places in kindergartens. We will achieve full fulfillment of our obligations to the participants of the Great Patriotic War to provide them with housing. In the near future, following the decline in inflation, it is necessary to ensure a further reduction in mortgage rates. These are market substances, and I want to say this very carefully, but we should move towards 6.5-7 percent in the coming years. Real changes should occur in the domestic health care. T
he main thing is that these changes should be felt by the citizens of Russia themselves. We must get away from dependence on transnational corporations, and most importantly, provide our people with quality medicines at affordable prices. Thirty years ago, the Soviet Union collapsed. For many, this was a great tragedy, and this is easy to understand. But to be in endless mourning for thirty years in a row, to lose a picture of the present and the future because of it, is no longer normal. Yes, o
ur country lost 24 percent of its territory in 1991, now they are independent states, each going its own way. But the loss of a quarter of the territories is simply nothing compared to the collapse of the British or French empire. Compared to us, there is nothing left of them at all. Nevertheless, Great Britain and France are the sixth and seventh economies of the planet, centers of production, science, education and culture. These countries are busy making sure their citizens live long, happily
, richly and well. We allowed our country to impose an endless sense of resentment, the psychology of losers who need to win something back. For twenty-two years our country has been ruled by a man who is simply unable to look not only into the future, but even at the present. His eyes are in the back of his head. His strategy is to try to go back somewhere, sacrificing the present and the future. He is not interested in the future, he destroys all state institutions and platforms of civil socie
ty that are able to outlive him. Russia is, they say, not a great power, but only a fragment of the former empire, and even unviable without Putin. Let's be fair, Russia without Putin isn't viable. Our political system isn't complete and balanced. Such rhetoric is simply below the dignity of our country, below the dignity of Russians. It's time to regain your sense of self-respect. After all, why on earth should the post-Soviet republics return to the orbit of a poor country with a weak economy
that can neither offer anything nor respect itself? Let's take a look at the map of Russia and finally see on it not the «former Russian Empire», not the «former Soviet Union», not something that was there, but Russia – our country in which we live, and in which Russians will live after us. Our country has clearly turned the wrong way. Wrongly set goals lead to the most deplorable results. It's time to return Russia to the right track, to the path of development and creation. To the path of demo
cracy, which is enshrined in our constitution. Do not think that democracy is the rule of democrats. No, this is a tool for the turnover of power, to provide feedback and accountability of the authorities to the people. This is the protection of the rights of the rule of law and understandable rules for a peaceful coexistence in our country of people of various views and opinions. It's time to say goodbye to the myths about Putin's malicious opponents who sleep and see in order to surrender all
national interests of Russia. It is necessary to correctly determine what exactly these national interests consist of. It seems to me that they should be looked for outside of Ukraine, and not in a history textbook, but within Russia itself. It is necessary to invest in our country, and not in a war against another country, which, probably, will now be restored with our own billions arrested abroad. We should be busy making sure that our Russian citizens live better, longer and happier. That sho
uld be the gial of a reasonable president. In my opinion we now have unsuitable president. We need to change him. That's my opinion. If i managed to convince you about that - excellent. Subscribe to my channel, maybe you'll like my other videos. See you tomorrow!



Если хотите помочь каналу — лучший способ это подписаться на Патреон Или спонсорство в ютубе. Если российская карта — бусти


"..Россия возвращает себе территории.." - заявил председатель госдумы РФ. - Вы о чем, какие территории?! - скажет 50-летний белорус - Вы о чем, какие территории?! - скажет 50-летний украинец - Да. мы возвращаем наши территории! -скажет их русский ровесник. Поясню как же так вышло. Что-то ни разу не встречал такого же толкования происходящего, откуда "это все". В советском детстве, живя в БССР, нас всегда окружали две сущности: БССР и СССР. Было два герба, два флага, мы учили и пели на уроках пения два гимна. И в моей картине мира так было у всех в Союзе. Когда к нам в класс пришел мальчик, который до этого жил в Украине (УССР), он показал нам украинский дневник. Там в графах, где у нас были "Белорусский язык, белорусская литература", были, соответственно, "Украинский язык" и "Украинская литература". И этот дневник ровно вписался в мою картину мира: ТАК У ВСЕХ. Так во всех союзных республиках. И я десятки лет жил с этой мыслью. И я заблуждался. Истина открылась, когда я спросил у своего знакомого ровесника из РФ : а какой был у РСФСР гимн? И поставил его вопросом в полный тупик. Дальше открылись бездны: у них в РСФСР на бытовом уровне НЕ СУЩЕСТВОВАЛО этой союзной республики. Т.е. мы из союзных республик "видели" РСФСР и воспринимали ее равноценно, а они, живя в России, жили сразу же в СССР. Их окружала одна единственная сущность: СССР. Никакого РСФСР в быту не было. Не было двух гербов в дневнике. Не было двух гимнов. Не было двойных табличек у организаций. С детства они знали, что: 1. Россия = СССР 2. Они живут в России (в СССР) Именно по этой причине распад СССР настолько по-разному воспринялся "у нас" и "у них". Мы просто остались в своих административных границах. Для нас ничего не изменилась: была БССР, логичным образом стала РБ. А вот для граждан РФ произошла катастрофа: их страна внезапно стала меньше в 2 раза (по населению), и страна "потеряла кучу территорий". Теперь возвращаемся к началу поста, и вообще ко всему происходящему. 45...60 летние, которые сейчас управляют государством, - это те, чье детство попало на 70-е..80-е годы, которые воспитывались в этой самой парадигме. И мы реально жили с ними в разных вариантах СССР. И мы по этим вопросам не сможем найти общий язык: это слишком глубинные вещи, сформированные в детстве и сидящие в голове на уровне "ядра"....


Просто представьте, как бы выглядела жизнь в России, если бы по телевизору вместо Киселева и Соловьева показывали выпуски Каца!


Маленькое дополнение к 7:51. Я живу в Норвегии уже 22 года. Дак вот, и Норвегия постоянно говорила о возможности выхода из НАТО, даже ещё в начале 2000х. Во-первых, НАТО это дорого, во-вторых, Норвегия очень хотела бы отказаться вообще от производства оружия, из-за сильных пацифистких настроений в стране. На Россию смотрели как на большого и бедного, но адекватного соседа, с которым связывают многовековые узы торговли, культуры, и прочих взаимодействий. Дак вот, всю эту идилию Путин благополучно испортил, уже с 2014, а уж тем более сегодня в 2022, ни один политик ни правый, ни левый, ни центральный, уже не заикнется: "а зачем нам вообще НАТО-то". Такое сейчас было бы политическим самоубийством. Это реально единоличная заслуга Путина, потому что других границ, которые надо защищать, у Норвегии нет, только граница с Россией. А теперь затраты Норвегии на НАТО растут с каждым годом, и теперь и президент НАТО норвежец, вот дожили. А он бывший норвежский политик, партия в которой он состоял, давным давно тоже была в числе тех кто призывали к выходу из НАТО.


Мне посоветовали ученики и я очень этому рад! Очень умный и честный человек! Спасибо!


Сегодня смог переубедить свою маму, теперь она стала сомневаться в действиях нашей власти и войск по отношению к Украине. Правда, обидно, что только спустя два месяца, но всё же. И несомненно мне помог в этом канал Максима Каца. Так что, даже самых зомбированных можно переубедить; приводите железобетонные аргументы и факты, разрушайте понемногу и издалека всю эту кремлевскую ложь. Лично у меня удалось это сделать обратив её внимание на литеры "Z" и "V", что и заставило её сомневаться и задуматься. Пробуйте переубедить своих близких знакомых и родственников и не отчаивайтесь НИКОГДА!


До чего же абсурдна эта война, если бы Россия все годы после распада союза наращивала свою экономику, приударила в науку и медицину, это могла бы быть одна из топовых экономик мира соревнующихся с США и Китаем и при таком раскладе бывшие страны совка сами бы хотели дружить и возможно присоединится назад, но она за все эти годы выбрала дорогу коррупции, лжи, бандитизма и ненависти к другим народам. Очень грустно, но ничто не вечно и всегда можно стать на правильный путь.


Что выгодно отличает Максима: умение уважительно обратиться к оппоненту, без истерик, перехода на личность и обзывательств, как принято на федеральных каналах. Всё чётко, логично, по полочкам. Спасибо за качественный контент❤👍🏻


Максим, спасибо, за ежедневные ролики. От родственников на днях услышала, что "этот интернет вообще зло", сказали, что там только оппозиционных показывают, а остальных блокируют, поэтому мы в интернете ничего смотреть не собираемся, и ты, говорит, не смотри, смотри телевизор, только там правда🤦‍♀️ естественно пыталась объяснить, разными способами, что нужно разные точки зрения рассматривать, им пофиг. Так ужасно осозновать, что родные люди насквозь пропитаны пропагандой.


Привет из Николаева! С 2014 года смотрела российские каналы и всё не могла понять, почему на всех федеральных каналах говорят об Украине. Всегда думала, неужели в России решены все проблемы? Ну зачем мы им? Теперь понимаю😥😥😥 Ну неужели не хочется развивать свою страну, ну прям сделать так чтобы весь мир хотел жить в России😊.сделать жизнь своих граждан достойной, чтобы тебя вспоминали все следующие поколения. Теперь точно будут вспоминать,но как???😱😱😱


Максим, здравствуйте! Я много месяцев пыталась убедить свою маму, что Путин - это зло, но всегда встречала сильное сопротивление с ее стороны. Она также поддерживала так называемую спецоперацию. Сегодня я скинула ей этот ролик и она впервые сказала, что полностью с вами согласна. Я рада и очень растрогалась. Спасибо вам от души


Максим, спасибо за вашу работу! Я из Харькова, пришлось уехать, когда началась война. Сейчас нахожусь в Германии. И душа болит за Украину. Каждый день хочется вернуться домой. То, что происходит сейчас в нашей стране никак не укладывается в голове. Наш город разрушен. Хотя он был отстроен за последние годы, Харьков был красивым, современным городом!!!! Как это все остановить….


Спасибо Вам за Ваши видео! Я из Донецка и мне морально становится легче, когда кто-то говорит и о том, что у нас тут происходит, об этом кошмаре с мобилизацией и всем остальном. Потому что большинство нас сейчас игнорирует, уделяя внимание важности "территории Донбасса", а не людям, живущим тут. А если и говорят, то в негативном ключе. Ещё раз спасибо, Вы делаете очень важное дело.


Наш президент врал нам, врёт и сейчас, оглядываясь на прошлые его выступления и решения, это очевидно. Зачем мне бояться НАТО и нападать на Украину, если в моей стране бедность, коррупция и несменяемая два десятка лет власть? Зачем эти глобальные цели, если в стране беспорядок?


Невозможно было нанести стране больше вреда чем путин и его шобла. Как говориться- "просто не мешайте путину".


Комментарий в поддержку и для распространения видео, спасибо вам Максим и вашей редакции за всё, что вы делаете!


Максим, спасибо большое за убедительные аргументы. Я конечно догадывался, что путин слабый и неэффективный руководитель страны, но не думал, что настолько.


Браво, Максим! У нынешнего президента срок годности закончился. Он испортился, стал токсичным и небезопасным. У России с ним нет будущего.


Почему страшное НАТО не напало до сих пор? Ведь сейчас такая прекрасная возможность влезть в войну. Ведь НАТО этого и добивается по мнению ура патриотов. Но НАТО как ни странно не поддаётся даже на просьбы и мольбы Зеленского. НАТО категорически не хочет ввязываться в войну. У всех ура патриотов либо с логикой проблемы, либо они просто хотят верить в злой запад. Им не нужен мир, они ищут себе врагов и хотят войны.


Вот именно этот ролик надо показывать родителям, бабушкам и дедушкам! Большое вам спасибо!!!