
Quadratic Formula Song

A song about the quadratic formula. You can memorize the whole formula and also understand the proof. Also on Spotify: For more content in English subscribe to "TheGermanFox": This is my first attempt to write a song about mathematics in english. I already wrote several songs in german which you can find in this playlist: Lyrics: If you try to solve a quadratic equation, I promise you: It's possible without any frustration, if you take everything, move it to one side, sort by x squared, x and the rest. Alright. Take the coefficients, name them a, b and c and if you know the right formula, you will see that you get the solution in the very next step. Just sing this song in your head: Negative b plus or minus the square root of b squared minus 4ac over 2a Okay. Let's start with our equation and our job is going to be solving this now for x, so let's take minus c, multiply by 4a and if you now add b squared it all looks way to complicated, but don't be scared. Just take a close look to the left side and you'll see: There's a binomial formula with 2ax and b, so altogether this is the square of 2ax+b and now we have only one x, so the next step will be to get rid of the square and if the right side is not negative, the square root must be one solution, but there's an alternative, 'cause minus the square root yields the same if you square it, so we write "plus minus" and now we are at the point, where it only takes two more steps to solve it for x and if you look to the left side, you know what will be next: Subtraction of b and division by 2a is giving us our formula for x. Okay. And it's Negative b plus or minus the square root of b squared minus 4ac over 2a Chords: Fm Db Ab Eb (and at the end: Gm Eb Bb F) for guitar you can play with capo +1 or just a semitone down: Em C G D (and at the end: F#m​ D A E) Dieses Video wurde für die private, nicht-kommerzielle Nutzung produziert und veröffentlicht und ist in diesem Rahmen ohne Rücksprache oder schriftlicher Genehmigung für private Zwecke kostenfrei zu verwenden. Bitte beachten Sie jedoch, dass das Video weder inhaltlich noch grafisch verändert werden darf. Geben Sie bei einer Verwendung bitte stets den YouTube-Kanal DorFuchs als Quelle an. Für die kommerzielle Nutzung sowie die Nutzung zu zustimmungspflichtigen Nutzungshandlungen zu Bildungszwecken, wie öffentliche Filmvorführungen, öffentliche Zugänglichmachungen über Bildungsserver, Lernplattformen oder Bildungsclouds, usw. ist eine Lizenzierung erforderlich. Lizenzen erhalten Sie bei unserem Vertriebspartner Dieses Video ist für schulische Unterrichtszwecke geeignet und bestimmt und daher ein geschütztes Werk gemäß §60a und §60b UrhG.


7 years ago

If you try to solve a quadratic equation, I promise you: It's possible without any frustration, if you take everything, move it to one side, sort by x squared, x and the rest. Alright. Now take the coefficients, name them a, b and c and if you know the right formula, you will see that you get the solution in the very next step. Just sing this song in your head: Okay. Let's start with our equation and our job is going to be solving this now for x, so let's take minus c, multiply by 4a and if you
now add b squared it all looks way to complicated, but don't be scared. Just take a close look to the left side and you'll see: There's a binomial formula with 2ax and b, so altogether this is the square of 2ax+b and now we have only one x, so the next step will be to get rid of the square and if the right side is not negative, the square root must be one solution, but there's an alternative, 'cause minus the square root yields the same if you square it, so we write "plus minus" and now we are a
t the point, where it only takes two more steps to solve it for x and if you look to the left side, you know what will be next: Subtraction of b and division by 2a is giving us our formula for x. Okay. And it's



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My math teacher showed me this song 4 years ago. This was when I hated math. Now I'm an engineering student and still sing this song in my head to remember it when solving these tasks👌


"oh boy, i just learned this and i can't wait to apply it in my everyday life"


My algebra teacher showed this to us last year, and thanks to that I will forever have the quadratic equation memorized. I’m not going to forget it even if I try


Sogar den Englischen leuten hilft er, Du bist einfach ein superheld.


Dad: "I want you to be singer" Mom: "I want you to be mathematician" DorFuchs:


When you want to become a musician but your parents want you to become a mathematician 😂😂😂🤣🤣


My A-level maths teacher played this to us. It's my first year on the course and It has been in my head for 3 days. I can't get it out


Thank you for the explanation of how ax^2+bx+c=0 becomes the quadratic formula! My math teacher told us the formula but didn't explain how to get it, so this video helped me a lot because I like to understand the math instead of just memorizing formulas.


over three years later, I still sing this song whenever I needed to remember this formula. thanks man.


I saw this song in my 9th std. vacation. I'm in 12th but still sing this song in my head to remember the formulae. It has helped me a lot. I would be more thankful if DorFuchs makes more such video songs of maths to make our maths problems easier to solve.


[Verse 1] If you try to solve a quadratic equation I promise you: It's possible without any frustration If you take everything, move it to one side Sort by x squared, x and the rest. Alright Take the coefficients, name them a, b and c And if you know the right formula, you will see That you get the solution in the very next step Just sing this song in your head: [Chorus] Negative b plus or minus the square root of B squared minus 4ac over 2a Negative b plus or minus the square root of B squared minus 4ac over 2a [Verse 2] Okay. Let's start with our equation and our job is going to be Solving this now for x, so let's take minus c Multiply by 4a and if you now add b squared It all looks way to complicated, but don't be scared Just take a close look to the left side and you'll see: There's a binomial formula with 2ax and b So altogether this is the square of 2ax+b And now we have only one x, so the next step will be To get rid of the square and if the right side is not negative The square root must be one solution, but there's an alternative 'cause minus the square root yields the same if you square it So we write "plus minus" and now we are at the point, where it Only takes two more steps to solve it for x And if you look to the left side, you know what will be next: Subtraction of b and division by 2a is giving us our formula for x. Okay. And it's [Chorus] Negative b plus or minus the square root of B squared minus 4ac over 2a Negative b plus or minus the square root of B squared minus 4ac over 2a Negative b plus or minus the square root of B squared minus 4ac over 2a Negative b plus or minus the square root of B squared minus 4ac over 2a


Random Guy: What kind of songs do you listen? Me: it's complicated


This Song Is Harder Than Maths' whole Carreer


As an american, your accent makes this so much better! My teacher took much pride in showing this to the class


歌詞を見なきゃ何を歌ってらっしゃるかわからないのに、 画面の方程式はしっかり理解できるあたり、 数学記号が世界共通だと思い知らされる


When you love this song and it stucks in your head, remembers all the lyrics...when exam comes,you keep think bout' the lyrics and finally solve the equation 👋🤓👋


Everyone in the maths test: struggling Me: suddenly started to sing a life saving song


no one : literally no one: me in math test: negaaative b-


Never have I in my life had such joy in memorizing a mathematical formula. THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!😄