
Quantum Jumping Hypnosis: When you do this activation, you will shift to a parallel reality.

Quantum jumping hypnosis activation (guided meditation) designed to shift your reality so you can manifest anything you desire. ✅ Free class & meditation (Reprogram Your Subconscious Mind) ➡️ Unlock your manifesting potential with this Quantum Jumping guided meditation that blends hypnosis and the Law of Attraction to shift your reality. This guided meditation is a powerful tool for anyone looking to understand and practice shifting to parallel realities. Through this session, you'll learn how to Quantum Jump, applying visualization, subliminal messaging, hypnotic suggestions, and manifestation techniques to alter your current state into one aligned with your dreams and goals. This quantum jumping hypnosis (hypnosis meditation), is designed to guide you into a state of deep relaxation and heightened awareness, where the real magic of manifestation begins. Whether you're new to concepts like parallel reality meditation or seeking to deepen your practice with a Quantum Jump guided meditation, this experience is designed to facilitate a profound change in your consciousness and a leap into a new reality. Please listen in a safe, stationary environment, as the session employs a theta track conducive to deep meditation but unsuitable for driving or operating machinery. For those committed to manifesting change, integrating this Quantum Jump meditation into your daily routine and continuing for at least 30 days can lead to noticeable shifts in your reality. Enjoy your journey towards mastering the art of Quantum Jumping and witness the transformational power of your mind to manifest a new reality! #lawofattraction #quantum #manifestation 🔴To purchase the 45-minute extended version of this meditation: 🔴Subscribe: @YourYouniverse 🔴MY LINKS ➡️ Musical composition: "Mystic Dawn" by Christopher Lloyd Clarke. Provided by Enlightened Audio. 💥 BEST LAW OF ATTRACTION // SUBCONSCIOUS MIND PLAYLIST ➡ (binge-watch this) Video Production/Content Copyrighted by Your Youniverse Channel

Your Youniverse

1 day ago

Quantum jumping hypnosis activation: The following activation and guided hypnosis  session is intended to help you elevate your conscious awareness and guide you into Quantum  jumping into your desired reality this is a 30 minute hypnosis session so you'll want to make  sure that you have time set aside in order to use it all the way through and time that you can be  comfortable in doing so in this way it's going to be much more effective for you I recommend using a  good set of stereo headphone
s for the best results and for the best impression on your subconscious  mind I also recommend using this meditation for a minimum of 30 days but some individuals may find  that it works better for them after 60 or 90 days I also encourage you to pay close attention to  the evidence of this Quantum shift in your daily physical reality after each session the guided  activation and hypnosis is combined with a Theta wave track and for this reason it's noted that  you do not drive or operate heavy m
achinery while listening to this session if you would like to  support this Channel and your own personal Journey you can download the extended 45-minute version  of this meditation from my store the extended version includes additional prompts and hypnotic  suggestions longer spacing and deeper impressions for your subconscious mind you can find a link to  that meditation in the description of this video enjoy to begin find a comfortable  space where you can relax and be uninterrupted and as yo
u begin to relax  and settle in I want you to know that we are going to go on a journey  unlike anything you've experienced before this journey will elevate  your Consciousness purify your energy and transport you to  a New Reality your desired reality as we visit this destination of  your choosing during this session you will experience it in every detail as if you are  there living and enjoying the experience as if it's happening right here and right now allowing  you to tap into a new dimensi
on and live from that state just allow your eyes to close  gently and turn your attention inward take a deep slow soothing breath in and as you exhale feel the beginning of  this transformation taking [Music] place with each breath begin to feel yourself becoming more relaxed more at ease  as my voice guides you to this [Music] destination with every inhale  draw in peace and [Music] calm and imagine with each exhale any  tension in your body dissolves away your shoulders your arms  your legs ev
ery part of you relaxing and per perhaps you can feel your body  beginning to sink down deeper into the space it is in you are safe here ready to cleanse and [Music] Ascend as you continue to breathe deeply and  comfortably in this way you might begin to notice how each breath out invites you to  release and go even deeper into a state of relaxation and perhaps you can  imagine each exhale as a gentle step down guiding you down down into  a realm of complete calm and tranqu ility with every word
I speak  you may find yourself drifting effortlessly deeper and deeper descending a  staircase into the Serene depths of your own consciousness each step down is  a step further into relaxation relaxx each breath out a gentle suggestion to your body and your mind to  release and let go letting go effortlessly and if your mind is beginning to wander now then that's okay it just  means you're relaxing even deeper Rel and your subconscious mind is listening very  carefully to every word I say and
that is all that matters so you can just continue to let  go relax sink in down effortlessly with every moment passing every sound you hear  and Every Breath You Take further down now this journey down is safe peaceful and  comforting leading you toward a profound inner Stillness of even deeper  relaxation that awaits you here Rel you may hear sounds around you  but unless there's something that needs your immediate attention you remain totally relaxed in fact the sounds you hear  including my v
oice voice only serve to help you go deeper into a state of  sleep and relaxation feeling sleepy now you have the ability to come out of  this trance whenever you wish and you are fully safe and [Music] secure  so continue to fully relax let go and be at ease experiencing  complete and total ease and peace you are drifting deeper  asleep with every breath you exhale deeper asleep ever deeper sleeping deeply relaxed and now I would like to speak to that  part of you that operates beneath your con
scious awareness the part of you that dreams that feels  deeply that holds your innermost desires and intentions this powerful and  creative Force within you is always listening always ready to embrace  change and manifest your deepest wishes as you continue to relax and  this part of you comes forward to listen it's going to engage with  the journey that we are about to undertake it knows how to  navigate the spaces between dreams and reality and guide you perfectly to your destination so let's
allow it to  take the lead and follow these cues with trust and openness as we step into  the Realms of higher possibilities and transformation imagine now above you a vast  star-filled sky the stars are bright against the dark canvas of the universe each one a point  of light in the infinite field of potential and possibility and I want you to notice a single  beam of gentle light emerging and visualize this Universal light descending from the heavens  and touching the the top of your [Music]
head as this light begins to spread down  through your body it brings even deeper relaxation [Music] and imagine now that this Celestial light is not just around you but merging as a part of  you and drawing you gently upward toward the Starry Sky and the infinite  field of potential and possibility you may feel completely weightless as  this happens as if you're floating up into the night supported and embraced  by this infinite healing creative light now perhaps you can notice that  before you
appears a Celestial elevator this Celestial elevator is surrounded by a gentle pulsing light and it  stands as a lighthouse of transer it doors open welcoming you to step [Music] inside and as you approach this elevator  you may even begin to feel the vibrations of the universe aligning to  support your journey and guide you and I invite you now to step into this elevator as you cross the threshold  into the elevator you may notice a presence a personal guide  waiting there here just for you th
is guy could appear in any form that  resonates with your heart and your mind a being of light an ancestral Spirit an angel or perhaps  a wise Mentor from your deepest memories or [Music] imaginations this guide's presence fills you with an overwhelming sense  of Peace assurance and [Music] wisdom the guide is here to accompany  you on your journey offering Insight protection and support as you navigate  the possibilities of the universe together inside the elevator feels like a  sanctuary a Sac
red Space designed just for you and enhanced by  the comforting presence of your guide your guide now gestures  toward the control panel of the elevator inviting you to select your  destination from the many choices available with a knowing smile this  guide assures you that wherever you go wherever you choose the journey will  be filled with learning healing and transformation look now to find the panel of buttons each representing a higher  frequency and a new dimension of experience press the
button that  calls to you the one that feels like home together you and your guide stand  ready to take this extraordinary Voyage Guided by the light of stars  and the infinite wisdom of the universe and as the doors of the  celestial elevator gently close you take a deep breath and  feel the elevator begin its ascent and perhaps you now notice this  isn't just any elevator it's a vessel for transformation designed to  carry you through the frequencies of the universe to a higher state of being
  where your true desires are all already [Music] manifested As you move swiftly through  these Dimensions your guide sends an invitation for you to release release any lower  frequency thoughts beliefs and feelings at this time you may just want to imagine them fading away  as they are unable to exist in this Sacred [Music] Space you are shedding the old and making room for the new as you reach the destination of the  dimension and the reality that you chose the walls and the floor of your Cele
stial  elevator begin to [Music] transform the boundaries dissolve leaving you and  your guide in a space of infinite possibility you are now in the heart of the  universe enveloped imp Pure Source energy it's here in this boundless space  that your purification truly [Music] begins visualize the waterfall of  light pouring over you cleansing you of any remaining negativity that may have lingered this light is the  highest frequency available to you washing away fears doubts and  any other lower
vibrational States you are bathed in warmth  love and a profound sense of renewal as you stand immersed in the  heart of the universe enveloped by Pure Source energy the profound purification  has now prepared prepared you for what comes next this purification is a new  beginning a Sacred Space cleared within you making room for the  manifestation of something truly extraordinary the light has not only  purified you but also illuminated your path forward casting into to form around  you the wor
ld that you've chosen to create this is the moment of manifestation where all that you've envisioned  begins to materialize before your eyes walk through this new  world that you've created a place where all of your desires are  not just possibilities but action ual [Music] realities as you step into this newly manifested  realm pause for a moment to take in your [Music] surroundings what Visions greet your eyes who accompanies you in this place how does this space signal to you that  you've suc
cessfully transitioned into your ideal reality notice the emotions that  fill you as you walk through this scene what activities or  actions draw your attention and now I invite you to explore this space  to interact with your environment to feel the textures of objects and inhale  the unique fragrances and listen to the symphony of sounds that surround you  engage every sense to immerse yourself completely in this real it savoring  the joy and The Wonder of being present here spend a moment her
e exploring feeling being everything you've wished for is  here and has been waiting for your arrival [Music] for [Music] [Music] deep within your consciousness you may find that  a recognition comes upon you this transformation has already happened you have released anything  that may have once held you back transcended the constraints of time and space and emerged  into a reality that mirrors your deepest desires this new state of existence  where every element aligns with your deepest wishes
confirms the profound  shift that has taken place within you now in this moment of tranquility and  profound realization I invite the wisdom of your subconscious mind to create a path for you that  integrates this new reality into your everyday life it knows exactly how to do this for you  and you need not put conscious effort into it and when you open your eyes in a  few moments the world as you knew it will be trans transformed in the very Act of  opening your eyes will be a Reawakening to a l
ife that has shifted where every sensation every  perception is infused with the magic of your new reality and embracing and  embodying this new you in this new reality will be as natural as breathing the deepest layers of your Consciousness are now infused with it and you will witness how  effortlessly this transition unfolds how seamlessly your life aligns  with these dreams that you've [Music] envisioned now when you're ready return  to the celestial elevator with your guide press the button
that takes you back to  your physical reality bringing with you all of these Transformations  all of the shifts that you've [Music] experienced and as you move through  these Dimensions feel a sense of deep integration [Music] the high vibrations the new  reality you've explored are all now a part of you they will manifest in your physical world in ways that you might expect and in  ways that will surprise and Delight you as your elevator comes to a stop  and the doors open once more you may wan
t to take a moment to  thank your guide for their assistance [Music] and you are going to step out into  your space in a moment carrying with you a new energy a new higher vibration  you are a Creator and with this journey you've tapped into your infinite  potential to create and manifest your desires just allow your mind to accept the fact that creating your desired life  life can be as easy as taking this journey and as time progresses minutes to hours  days to weeks maintain your focus on thi
s newly manifested reality and watch as your perception  begins to open and more and more signs begin to present themselves to you that this is true  validating the shift that has just taken place and I now invite you to begin  moving your attention back to the room while remaining conscious of this  shift that you've just experienced and know that you can come back  to this session anytime you choose when I count to three  you will be fully awake and open your eyes to a totally new experience o
ne 2 [Music] 3
