
Ranking Every Movie I Watched in 2023

2023 was a big year for movies and I watched a lot of them. Today we are ranking every single film that I watched for the first time in 2023 and determining what the top films of the year were! You might be surprised by some of the choices that I made but I hope you enjoy the video! Subscribe for more content: Find me on TikTok: Find me on Letterboxd: #movieranking #ranking #2023movies #bestof2023 #bestmoviesof2023 #movies #films #cinema #filmranking 00:00 Introduction 01:21 F Tier 02:13 D Tier 04:50 C Tier 09:13 B Tier 16:34 A Tier 25:10 S Tier

The Wandering Director

1 day ago

welcome everyone today we are ranking all of  my movies that I saw in 2023 now I am excluding movies that I have seen before these are just  films that were first time watches for me I watched 95 is movies last year and ranking all of  those with a lot of my favorites would have been quite skewed so I decided to just do movies that  I saw for the first time before we get started I wanted to ask you all to please hit that like  button hit that subscribe button I only have about one to two% of my
viewers who are subscribed  to me and I would love to up that number this year so please hit that subscribe button but we have  52 movies to go through today and we are going to be going ranked from lowest to highest as you  can see I've got my list here my ranking my tier and we have S tier all the way down to F tier and  then we have our special category today which is tasty trash and those are movies that I personally  enjoyed but I think that as a movie it is not a very well-made movie so we
are going to start  down here in the F tier we'll probably get to most of our tasty trash films pretty quickly and  then quickly move up to S tier all right the first movie in RF tier is the 1988 version I believe  of Peter Pan this is a film that is you know it is not the Disney version of Peter Pan and it is  extremely boring it is just a pain to sit through a pain to watch and that is why it gets effed TI  it's only an hour but it feels closer to two the other movie in R F tier if you've bee
n following  me for a while is journey to Bethlehem and anyone who's following me knows that I did not like  that movie I was not a fan of how it treated the Christmas story and so it goes straight into  F tier for me those are but luckily those are the only two films in our F tier today and with that  we're going to be jumping into our D tier films starting off at the bottom of that list is Indiana  Jones and the dial of Destiny and that film was just incredibly boring it was not a fun movie to
  sit through and have to watch um I was just it it was a very long and boring film moving on we have  the Flash and the Flash while it would normally go in D tier is actually going to go in tasty trash  I know a lot of people did not like the film and I can objectively agree that I don't think it was  a well-made film but I enjoyed watching The Flash and a lot of the things that the director did  with that film and so it goes in the tasty trash category for me where it's something I might put 
on to again to watch in the future but objectively I don't consider it a good movie similarly the  be movie I would also put that in tasty trash this film has been memd on and laughed at for  years and I finally sat down and watched it in 2023 and it is definitely a movie to meme on it's  not a great film in my opinion but it is fun and tasty trash to watch then we have the whale by  Darren aronowski and that film does rank higher than Indiana Jones in the dial of Destiny and I  think it's a wel
l-made movie but in my opinion the issue I have with the whale is that a film that  chooses to show extremely dark and sad material must also at some point explore hope and have some  hope in it and for me the amount of Darkness that the whale showed and the despair that it showed  was not I didn't have enough hope at the end of it to Warrant it getting a higher review so it  gets it gets put in the D category for me now we have Aquaman and the lost kingdom and that will  also be going in tasty
trash for me where it is a movie that I I laughed while I was watching it I  watched it with my sister in theaters it was very funny um but it is objectively it's not a good  movie by any means all right now we move into our CER we're moving into some of these other C tier  films starting off we have Cinema Paradiso this is an Italian film um it came highly recommended  to me and if the film had only had the first two parts in it it would be probably an a tier film  but because of the way that t
he Final Act in the third part of the film is it really lost me and it  fell apart and I think it would have been better served if it had just cut off at the hour and  50 minutes Mark I believe and that would have easily punched it up two levels but because  of the last act it's cut down significantly now we have my Big [ __ ] Greek Wedding 2 and  that goes above Cinema Paradiso and it is a movie I don't consider it as good as it's not as  good as the first one it's it's still a decent film it i
s a film I would potentially sit down  and watch again anything above anything C tier or above and tasty trash is something that I would  watch again and put on again um maybe not it's in my parody so but My Big Fat Greek Wedding 2 is  a movie I would put on and watch again we have next up the Mighty Max the Mighty Max is a movie  that wow I don't like this system the mighty ma is a fun feel-good movie about a basketball team  a female basketball team based on a true story but the production val
ue on the film was just very low  and for that reason it goes a little lower in my book now we have twin Dragons by Jackie Chan with  jackiechan and that film is it's a fun film but it's it's a Hong Kong film and it is poorly done  in terms of the dubbing and that HT it a lot in my book so that is why it goes into the C category  otherwise a perfectly fun fun film to watch The Adams Family 2 is a film that is a pretty decent  Sequel and I think I'm going to put it in tasty trash because it's a f
ilm that I don't think is  particularly the best but it's still good and I would definitely put it on to rewatch it Super  Mario Bros goes into C category for me I know it's a film a lot of people liked and it's if  you liked it I'm so happy for you I thoroughly enjoyed it as a onetime watch but it did not have  enough meat on its bones for me it didn't choose to explore any themes that it it had and that's  why it goes into the C tier for me next up we have a ballot of song birds and snakes and
a ballot of  song birds and snakes is a movie that was good it wasn't great and it was it was messy and sloppy  in terms of its exe in in terms of its editing and its pacing and that's why it goes into the  C tier for me a lot of people said they liked it better than the book and I'm very happy for them I  did not read the book so I went into it completely fresh and the final film in our C tier is the boy  and the Heron ha miyazaki's latest film studio jibli and I I didn't feel a cohesive theme
in the  boy and the Heron and that was something that I've always felt was such a strength of miyazaki's  work is that it meandered it explored these worlds that it was in but it always had a theme  that it was choosing to explore and I could not find a cohesive theme in the boy and the Heron  with a good it it didn't work for me it didn't work for me all right now we are jumping into our  B tier our B tier is our biggest category for me and starting right off we have Disney's Haunted  Mansion
a fun film nothing too deep nothing too um incredible nothing too amazing but a fun film  to watch next up we have deep blue sea deep blue sea is just a fun horror film set in the ocean  absolutely absolutely a pleasure to watch moving on we now have murder mystery is a Netflix film I  believe Adam Sandler and Jennifer Aniston really fun film to watch nothing that's going to stick  with you for too long my mind's already kind of hazy on the details and I only watched it a couple  months ago but
nevertheless a fun film definitely would sit down and throw it on and rewatch it  uh now we have an early 2000s Christmas movie called one special night and this is a film  with Julie Andrews and just a lovely little film it didn't go where I thought it was going to  go but one that I would add to my Christmas list to rewatch every year or every couple of years  now we have a classic and that is Kindergarten Cop Kindergarten Cop with Arnold Schwarzenegger  and that was just such a fun film to wa
tch nothing too deep nothing too incredible but a great film  to throw and a classic I'm sure a lot of people have a very nostalgic connection to this film and  I completely understand why now we have Meet the Parents uh Meet the Parents is a film that will  make you cringe in all the best ways Ben Stiller is so good at making you cringe and making you  just feel exactly how his character is feeling in that moment and it was definitely a fun film  to sit and watch next up we have the day after t
omorrow I know a lot of some people don't find  this to be that great of a film but I am a huge sucker for films that have a really good message  where a father and a son or a daughter end up coming together and having to reconnect and that  was a huge theme in the day after tomorrow was a a father who was not the best father having to do  everything in his power to go rescue his son and that I'm a sucker for those kind of movies which  put the day after tomorrow so high up in this list now we h
ave knowing with Nicholas Cage and this  was a fun film I'd never seen it before it takes the apocalypse story in quite an interesting way  and um truly a fascinating film it's a a review that has taken off quite a bit for me on my Tik  Tok Channel and not quite sure why but people really loved my review of that so knowing is a  film that I had not seen before this year but it was absolutely an interesting one um and now  we have pinball the man who saved the machine I'm sorry the man who saved
the game Pinball  is a film that has a bit of a special place in my heart because the company that produced it the  moving picture Institute is the first company that I intern for in Hollywood and I love the people  who helped produce this film and so I was super excited to watch it and I can honestly say it's a  really fun little movie and it has a great little story to it and a fun piece of history that I did  not know existed now we have Dungeons and Dragons honor among Thieves this was such
a fun movie  this year I was not expecting this movie but it's a really cute Adventure movie it's got a lot  of nods to fans of Dungeons and Dragons but it's also not a film that's going to require a ton of  knowledge for you to watch you can still get some of the winks and understand the story if you are a  casual D and D fan or if you're not a D and D fan at all but it'll still be a fun watch for you  and I really appreciated that about this movie Next up we have charade a film from the 1960s
with  Carrie Grant and Audrey heurn truly just a really fun film with some excellent dialogue these two  bounced off each other so well they had so much Charisma and So Much Chemistry on screen that it  made this film a joy to watch along with being a a great who done it next up we have Barbie I'm  sure a lot of people are going to be mad at me for putting Barbie so far down on this list but  I'm not unlike a lot of people that I've seen this past year talking about Barbie I'm not in the camp  t
hat fully despises the film and I'm not in the camp of people who think that it's the best thing  since slice bread I think that it it had a really nice story to tell it had a story that was good  and it it just hit a couple of points too too hard on the nose for me and that dock did a lot for me  otherwise I think it could have been an excellent a a tier movie or even an S tier film but because  because it was so on the nose with a lot of its points and they just weren't subtle about some  thin
gs I it had to go down for me because there are so many better ways that they could have  done it next up is another Christmas film that was a first time watch for me this year naughty  or nice and that was it's a film about a girl who gets access to Santa's naughty or nice list  and she kind of has to learn whether or not she should be doing that and whether or not she can um  and how she can really affect people's lives with the knowledge that she possesses and traditionally  for me Hallmark f
ilms tend not to go too deep on their themes and letting people be bad guys and  having to learn from that but na or nice really lets the protagonist be a bad person and we have  to understand that and see her transformation from bad to good and I I liked that a lot and next we  have My Big Fat Greek Wedding the first one this was such a fun movie definitely a rewatch for me  um I will come back to this movie in the future uh just a classic had so many great things and such  a fun cast all right
we are now moving into the a tier films starting off with wolf Walkers wolf  Walkers is an animated film by an Irish animation company they're very small Studio this was my  first film of theirs very interesting very unique 2D animation and just a really beautiful and  interesting story if you're interested in checking out any foreign animated films wolf Walkers is a  great one to start with just understand that it's going to have a completely different animation  style than what you are probab
ly used to next up we have the classic film the Innocents which  is just a really interesting black and white film about a housekeeper who is keeping an eye on two  children that she thinks are possessed and are going crazy but the film never tells us if she's  actually crazy or if the kids are possessed so it's a really fascinating a really fascinating  exploration of that I recommend checking it out for the cinematography and the Direction all  right moving on we now have extraction with Chris
Hemsworth this was an exciting and thrilling  action film another movie with you know a man forced into a father son Dynamic and he has to  kind of learn how to deal with that and that was really cool that was really good I'm excited to  watch the second one at some point um it's got a lot to live up to cuz the first extraction was was  very good SEC now we are into a film that I don't know if a lot of you will have heard before I I  had never heard of this film is called alligator it's on Amaz
on Prime and I I absolutely thought  that this movie was going to be just another b or c-rated horror flick with horrible effects so my  friends and I turned it on as a joke and we were pleasantly surprised that it's actually a really  really fun really fun horror film kind of in the same vein as Jaws I would say it's definitely  one to check out if you're a fan of Monster films especially Monster films from the80s all right  now we have ticket to Paradise ticket to Paradise is a romcom George C
looney and Julia Roberts and  really this film deserves to probably be in like the B or C tier probably in like low B tier but  because of George Clooney and Julia Roberts it's pushed up to a tier because the two of them have  such incredible chemistry and they really hold this movie together it's an absolutely fun film  to watch all right now we we have a film from the early 2000s which I had been looking forward to  watching for a while I hadn't got the chance to in time and this was a really
interesting dystopian  future film where the currency is time and that's how people survive a little bit by the numbers but  the premise and the uniqueness of the film really held it together for me all right moving on to the  Bad Guys by Dreamworks fun animated film really cool it makes the bad guys work for the Twist  and the premise and I really love that about this movie all right we have a classic film that  my roommate showed me I had never heard of this movie before and I'm so glad that h
e showed it to  me Secondhand Lions which was just a true treasure to watch a young boy is sent to live with his two  eccentric uncles and learns all the stories of them and their youth and it is just such a lovely  little film to watch moving on we have a haunting in Venice which is the third film in the Hercule  poo films based off of the Agatha Christie novels um honestly tied with a murder on the Orient  Express for my favorite of them so far I have not seen the second one I've heard not to
watch  the second one but this one had some really good horror elements to it a little bit scary it really  didn't let you know what was going on till the end I really appreciated it about that movie all right  we have Guardians of the Galaxy 3 this was the only Marvel movie that I went to watch this year  I did not I have fallen off the superhero train so hard um yes I do have the flash on here and I  have Aquaman but I I had a little bit of Hope for the DC films which was they're in tasty tras
h it  was unfounded but Guardians of the Galaxy 3 was James gun's third movie and it was his third  movie at Marvel and it was wonderful I guess fourth if you're counting the holiday special but  his third like big film I guess and it was just excellent it they let him play with it it was so  obvious that it was a film from a different point in time in Marvel's lineup great film to watch  if you have not watched it so far okay moving on we have another classic that this was my first  year Watchi
ng we have Mrs Doubtfire Robin Williams Sally Fields an excellent excellent film highly  recommend checking this out another film about a father who is desperately trying to reunite  with his kids and stay with them and it was just a fantastic fantastic film for me to watch all  right we now have gal Del Toros Pinocchio and that is hold on I think I'm missing something here ah yes we have one more film from the be tier  The Haunted Mansion Disney classic grave film um upper upper B tier for me g
ood film great classic  watch all right moving on we have Pinocchio gel del Toro's animated film Pinocchio and this  was such an incredible film gel dor is such a polarizing filmmaker for me because I love some of  his stuff and I hate some of his other stuff but Pinocchio was a movie that I loved the animation  the stop motion is absolutely fantastic absolutely a great movie to go watch all right getting near  the top of our AER we have a very recent film The Boys in the boat and that was just
a great  Feelgood American classic film about the boys who went to row in the 1936 Olympics in Germany really  a great film to check out it's still in theaters I believe I would highly recommend watching it  in theaters it's a great theater watch all right right above that we have Mission Impossible dead  reckoning part one um I think this one is a film that cannot be fully judged until we see part  two and we find out what the resolution to the conflict in this movie is and I'm not sure how I 
feel about it being a part one I generally am not a fan of part ones versus part twos um because you  can't really judge them fully until you've seen both parts but I really enjoyed dead reckoning  I thought it was really unique and interesting in the mission impossible franchise not as good  as um several of the other ones but still uh an a tier film and at the top of the a tier movies we  have asteroid City this was my second Wes Anderson film um got to see this one in theaters and just  so so
great an absolute joy to watch this movie really if you like Wes Anderson you're going to  like asterid City the colors in this film are gorgeous the black and white is wonderful cannot  speak highly enough of asteroid City all right we are now moving into the S tier films starting  with leelo and Stitch I know it's a travesty that I had not seen leelo and Stitch before this  year but what a great film just Disney went for it in the early 2000s with Lilo and Stitch and they  knocked it out of t
he park really it it's such a great film that everyone should see at least once  and Lilo and Stitch are just wonderful characters and I really really am happy that I got to see  this film next up we have the Prince of Egypt classic from Dreamworks early 2000s as well yes  I had not seen it before this year or I might have but I did not remember anything about it so  I considered the first time watch for me truly a good film but um a film that I I wish I had liked  more I wish I had liked more a
nd I'll leave it at that next up we have five films left R RR this  was my first film from India that I watched and I don't think there's a better way to introduce  yourself to Indian films done through rrr it is every genre you can think of rolled into one it's  wonderful it's lovely uh action-packed a musical it's a comedy and truly like I fell in love with  Indian Indian Cinema after this and I'm so excited to continue to delve further into Indian Cinema  after watching [Music] rrr now we hav
e across the spiderverse um one of the best animated films of  the Year actually the best animated film of the year that I saw at least and um a great sequel  but again a part one so I cannot fully review it and truly think about it completely similar  to dead reckoning so I'll be waiting for the sequel to see how it is um I really wish that the  sequel was coming out in 2 months but um chances of that happening are slim and none so um we'll  be interested to see where that goes um as we continu
e next up we have my favorite film from  2023 which is Oppenheimer and um I don't think that anyone thought the marriage of the biopic  with Christopher Nolan was going to work um or a lot of people were very concerned about how  it was going to turn out but Christopher Nolan really proved that he can do whatever he puts his  mind to and Oppenheimer was a beautiful look into the mind of someone who changed the world and  I think that it was an incredible incredible experience and I'm glad that i
t connected  with Barbie and they had the whole barbon Heimer phenomenon not only because it was so cool  to watch it in that context and kind of have that be a part of the be a part of the meme but also  because it it really helped a lot of people who probably wouldn't have seen Oppenheimer to go  watch Oppenheimer great film um but there are two that I liked better this year one of those  was Puss and Boots the last wish I would not have ever expected a DreamWorks to be in the top  actually th
at's not true I definitely would have expected um a DreamWorks film to be in my top  five movies of the year but Puss and Boots The Last Wish is one of my favorite animated films of  all time it hits all of the Beats flawlessly it's gorgeously animated and paced perfectly with  Incredible villains Incredible characters all throughout um I have zero complaints about Puss  and Boots The Last Wish and finally we have the number one film that I saw for the first time in  2023 which was Whiplash and
what an incredible what an incredible debut film by Daman chazelle  uh truly just a spectacular film with so much passion and so much energy put into it and all  the heart and the love put into it that it's it's an incredible film and I'm so glad that it was  created so that is it guys that is all 52 films that I saw this past year um for the first time  let me know what you think of my list what you agree with what you disagree with in the comments  um and suggestions for movies that I should w
atch this upcoming year in 2024 and I'm already off to  a pretty good start I've got about seven films I try and watch about a 100 films in a year that's  my goal always and I want at least half of them to be films that I have never seen before so this  year I managed to I managed to hit at least that Mark I fell a little Shor the 100 films but let  me know what you think guys I'm so excited to continue doing these these videos for you if you  have suggestions of videos I should do as well uh ke
ep me posted let me know and I will see you  guys in the next video thank you have a great day e e
