
Ranking Every Star Wars Movie & TV Show Worst to Best

Subscribe for more Marvel, DC and Star Wars videos - Today we take on the ultimate challenge of ranking every single Star Wars universe movie and tv show. We will start with the very worst and work our way to the very best Star Wars media that is out there! Ranking Every Star Wars Movie & TV Show Worst to Best Subscribe for more Marvel, DC and Star Wars videos - #starwars #movies #tv

Chaos Multiverse

9 months ago

Star Wars is one of my favorite franchises of all  time and I know plenty of you absolutely adore it as well and just like you guys I have my own  idea my own vision of how everything in the Star Wars franchise compares to everything else we're  gonna do the impossible it's not the impossible but it's subjectively very hard to do today I am  going to give you my definitive ranking of every single Star Wars movie and TV show but before  you ask I'm not including the animated Clone Wars movie beca
use nobody really wants to talk about  that but everything else is on the table so you guys let me know what you think about my ranking  I definitely want you to rank them as well we have 17 spots we are going to rank from the absolute  worst to the absolute best welcome to the chaos Multiverse everybody Jimmy your chaos drop a like  and uh number one may actually shock you guys let's start out at number 17. the book of Boba  Fett maybe a hot take but I honestly think the book of Boba Fett is th
e single weakest piece of  Star Wars media that I have consumed I know we're already off the rails and we just got started  not only is the show very slow and very oddly pays but the entire premise it kind of bothers  me my criticism to the show are pretty similar to everybody else's it all starts with the way  Boba acts I was excited to hear that we were gonna follow Boba Fett after he escapes the sarlacc  pit in episode six but after a brief flashback to the event we just skipped forward in ti
me and  then all of a sudden Boba Fett is completely a different character than we knew I wanted to see  Boba act like the boss Bounty Hunter and watch his questionable morality firsthand but instead the  new version of boba is completely morally good and not only that but kind of boring on top of  it the actions and effects of the show they're weak compared to the Mandalorian and the stories  being told they're just not interesting enough to make up for it the show was honestly just  kind of ti
ring to get through I can't forgive it for the amount of damage it did to one of  my favorite Star Wars characters so to me it's the worst of the worst I know that's probably  a very hot take but I'm gonna stick with it at 16. solo a Star Wars story now modern  Star Wars has had a very bad habit of over explaining things that never needed to be over  explained in the first place and solo is kind of where that Trend kicked off I was honestly  on board with a Han Solo spin-off movie while solo doe
s have some solid action in The Well it  has some solid action the plot was way too much for me to excuse you seriously telling me Han  got his solo last name from some random officer who was just being lazy and Han kept that name  for himself also I know everyone loves Darth Maul but there was no reason for him to show up  in this movie especially since we all know it's never getting a sequel I guess they thought maybe  it would then honestly think a Han Solo movie was a good idea and the cast
was pretty perfect but  the script was overblown the plot was unnecessary the whole thing just ended up answering a bunch of  questions that we really never wanted answered in the first place some things are just better  left as Mysteries I truly truly feel that at number 15. Star Wars Rebels now this show did  have its moments it just wasn't for me personally like I said this is a very subjective list I do  want to say that Darth Maul material and Rebels is very very good the rematch between Ob
i-Wan and  mall is one of the best fights in all of Star Wars but when it comes down to the main plot of the  show I just had a hard time staying engaged I can't be the only one that felt that Rebels was  only a good show when it wasn't focusing on the main cast of characters when Rebels is showing us  the stuff that happened with the prequel or the Clone Wars characters it was engaging but when  it was following the new characters and trying to make us like them I kind of checked out again  thi
s show has some good moments but the majority of it was boring to me and I don't think I'll  ever re-watch it there's a couple scenes that I would pull off on YouTube but other than that  I often forget the show's even part of the list at number four the rise of Skywalker when it comes  to the Skywalker Saga episode 9 is a pretty common choice for being the worst of the bunch rise of  Skywalker was such a massive crap show that it was almost funny but the more I think about it  the more it actua
lly upsets me this movie may have been amazing when it comes to the effects  department and the soundtrack but the story I just I don't have another word but dumb I can't  rank it higher the number I can't rank it higher than where it is first of all Palpatine's return  is one of the dumbest things I've ever seen in the movie and his return creates so many plot  holes in the franchise it's hard to keep up for starters if he could make a force using clone  why couldn't he just make a whole Army a
lso since when was there a giant army of ships complete with  Pilots just sitting underneath a planet not just the pilots but the entire crew that it would  take to operate Manny chip how does that work how did Palpatine even survive episode six where  has he been this whole time and if palp has been the one impersonating Darth Vader and kylo's head  how come the Force ghost of Anakin hasn't popped up and tried to intervene and speaking of Force  ghost can I point out the fact that kylo Ren sees
a vision of Han Solo at one point in the movie  but Han wasn't a force user so how is that even possible and speaking of the force since when can  the force heal people doesn't that break all this up all the Star Wars to this point what about the  one sequence during the final battle when there's a group of resistance Fighters riding horses  on the wing of a spaceship while it's flying around in space I'm sorry I just can't so secret  to production of this movie was a total disaster and it seri
ously shows when you watch it episode  7 and 8 presented a lot of frustrating questions that needed answered episode 9 somehow made it  all worse none of the important questions were answered a million new plot holes were created  at this point I don't think there was any saving things there was just way too much explained to  do when it comes to the future of Star Wars I honestly think the best course of action would be  to never acknowledge this movie again because the story was too ridiculous
and too problematic for  the rest of the series you can't explain it you can't justify it and I'm really hoping it gets a  race from Canada then somehow which I know is not going to happen at number 13 episode 1 The Phantom  Menace I still remember when this movie came out and how much hype there was surrounding it I I  think the internet has a habit of excusing a lot of problems with the prequels because of their  meme status and I also think the story of the prequels does most of the heavy li
fting because  frankly I thought the story was good the political Espionage the secret planning going on behind the  scenes during episodes one and two is fascinating to me and it really shows why Palpatine is one of  the greatest movie villains of all time but when it comes to actually sitting down and watching  episode one it's hard the movie's boring for 90 of the run time and it's really only Redeemed  by a couple sequences pod racing cool I'll never deny that and obviously the entire fight
between  Obi-Wan Qui-Gon and Darth Maul is pure perfection but the jar jar stuff is painful and all the  political conference calls are boring young Anakin's acting is not very good and the CGI  really doesn't hold up that well as some of the other prequels again I think the story of episode  one is genuinely great but the execution leaves a lot to be desired I don't think I'll ever sit  down and re-watch the movie front to back again at number 12. episode 2 attack of the Clones I  kind of strug
gled to decide whether this movie would be above or below Phantom Menace ultimately  I put it slightly above because the story is more engaging but that's not saying a whole lot  because it's still painfully boring this is another movie where it's a lot more interesting  to think about than it is to watch if that makes sense plus there's no big awesome fight scene  that makes up for the boredom like there isn't Phantom Menace attack of the Clones is much more  of a Sci-Fi political drama than an
ything else in the franchise and while that political drama is  genuinely well written and interesting it's just not something that's fun to watch episode 2 isn't  bad I mean it's not as bad as some people say it is but it is boring and that's almost worse than  being bad to some people if the movie is bad you can laugh at it being bad but if the movie  is boring there's not much to engage at all at number 11 I may get some heat for this one the  bad batch I wouldn't be shocked at all if this sh
ow moves up the rankings as time goes on because  I'm still getting into it but I'm a little bored continuing the Clone Wars is a really tall order  while the bad batch has some interesting character moments and solid action I'm just not as invested  as I feel I should be perhaps I'll watch it later perhaps everything will click for me but right  now just not interested in the bad batch I mean when it started and how it is now I'm slowly  working through it just not super impressed I don't feel
like many people are talking about the  show either so you guys let me know what you think it's not a bad show but every show has to have a  spot now we crack into the top ten Obi-Wan Kenobi I was so excited for the show but I know I'm not  the only one who was uh I let down a little bit like Rebels has its moments for the most part I  was kind of frustrated the entire premise of the show involved Obi-Wan abandoning Luke on Tatooine  which was hard to wrap my head around and I also can't be the
only one who found it hard to believe  that Obi won the most optimistic and hard-headed Jedi we've ever seen would cut himself off from  the force while on a mission to protect Anakin's son there was a lot of jumps in logic thrown  at you in this show and I couldn't get over most of them I do think the action in the show  is better than it gets credit for at times and the final five between Obi-Wan and Darth Vader  it's good even if it creates quite a few holes in the plot of a new hope I'm also
on the fence  about Riva as the main villain because on one hand I think our angle was an interesting one and  the character had potential but on the other hand wasn't a fan of her story and how it was executed  by the time it was over wasn't really sure what the point was I mean I don't know maybe I'll  revisit the show in a few years and appreciate it more but I kind of doubt it it was kind of a  letdown for me it was and I didn't want it to be at number nine the Mandalorian so far what we ha
ve  all of it we're just talking about we could talk about the first two seasons it will probably  be in the top five but season three did a lot of things wrong that I had to knock it all the  way down to number nine and that's saying a lot first let's talk about the positives the vibe  of the Mandalorian is awesome the decision to basically make a Star Wars Western genius the  action is good the characters are interesting the first two seasons do a good job documenting  what happened to the Gal
axy after the events of episode six because sure the emperor was  defeated the Death Star was destroyed but you have to remember that the empire was a galaxy-wide  army with so many resources spread across tons of planets and systems so once the main leaders of  the empire were taken out the chain of command was screwed up leading to the remaining Imperial  forces resorting to more brutal methods while trying to retain control of the Galaxy that was  a genius concept for a more serious western s
tyle show like this and it did a really good job of  starting to fill in the gaps between episodes six and seven the characters great additions to the  Star Wars Universe the actions mostly fantastic for the first couple Seasons I love love seeing  the Star Wars Universe from the perspective of a bounty hunter who was largely unbothered by the  Galactic Civil War as long as he was getting paid and he was doing his thing and the growth between  our main characters is touching and believable the e
motional goodbye at the end of season two  was perfect and even though Luke Skywalker's appearance was obviously fan service I didn't  mind it it was a great payoff again if we're just talking about the first two seasons of the  Mandalorian probably top five but unfortunately things fell apart at the wheels in season three  and much of the Goodwill I had towards the series kind of got thrown in the garbage the pacing of  season three was slow and I really wasn't a fan of how grogu was brought ba
ck as a main character  after the season 2 finale was so great bringing grogu back after she just had season two's finale  felt cheap to me and pointless and it's not like season three really did anything with grogu  when you look at it it also doesn't help that the action and effects in season three were a  serious downgrade from the first two I can't be the only one who felt like this season was more  about bocaton than dinjaran I mean which would be find in a different show but that's not wha
t  I'm watching the Mandalorian for there was a lot of filler in season three that made it feel a lot  more like a waste of time and by the time we got to the season finale I was honestly just eager to  move on and be done with it the first two seasons of this show are some of the best Star Wars media  to be released in years but season three huge step down I can't ignore it not the only one in this  Camp I know that according to Rotten Tomatoes season one of the Mandalorian has a 92 percent  po
sitive audience score season 291 percent season three fifty percent lucasfilm really needs a  course correction here because it was a huge downgrade at this point I'm not even excited about  season four at the moment at number eight The Last Jedi episode eight it's easily the most hated  movie in the Star Wars franchise and I get it the entire casino Planet segment is absolutely  pointless the portrayal of Luke Skywalker was frustrating to long time fans and the fact that  Rey is so powerful wit
hout having any formal training seems extremely counter-intuitive giving  what we know about this universe and don't get me started on the lightspeed Ram moment and how  much that completely broke Space Battles in the franchise but on the flip side The Last Jedi is  arguably the most visually stunning movie in the franchise it has some really good action I know  action without a good story isn't much to brag about but I'm trying to justify why I'm putting  the movie where it is above some other
entries on the list despite the story being such a mess the  plot of The Last Jedi I know it's terrible there's no getting around it but the filmmaking it was  solid you can tell the team cared about what they were putting on the screen here which has to count  for something even if the script they were working with wasn't good I mean I don't know trying to  make a list here and The Last Jedi is at number eight and we're just gonna move along before  people tear me in half in the comment section
at number seven the force awakens it was pretty  obvious that it was a do-over of New Hope but then I mean you got the name change while there  was a lot of issues presented here the movie itself is a solid two-hour Adventure when this  movie came out Impressions were extremely good I think a lot of us were willing to overlook the  problems within the story because we expected all those issues to be ironed out in the later movies  and all of our questions to be answered obviously that's not wha
t happened and to this day we really  don't have a solid answer on how the first order grew to be so powerful how supreme leader snoke  Rose to power without Luke doing anything about it or how Palpatine orchestrated everything in  the first place but you know what episode 7 is decent enough as a movie and there's absolutely  no denying it's the best of the Disney Trilogy right it had issues yes they all did but I really  wish those issues had been fixed in the sequels I mean episode 7 just take
it on its own seven  and it's at the number seven spot let's move on at number six Star Wars the Clone Wars now  the Clone Wars started out as a very simple cartoon that showed us what our favorite prequel  characters were up to during the major conflict between episodes two and three but as the show  grew and progressed things got darker and more serious as Anakin slowed his into the dark  side became more clear and Palpatine's plot to take over the Galaxy was gaining traction the  Clone Wars
fantastic show watching it today it's still interesting the first couple seasons are  much more lighthearted and they have almost a Saturday morning cartoon vibe to them but once  you get to season three that tone shifts very quickly and all those things you saw in the first  two seasons get pretty much put into more mature context the characters grow they suffer it all  leads to the execution of Order 66 in the final season which is one of the most heartbreaking  moments in any Star Wars movie
show all these relationships are shattered and you watch it  in real time as the Galaxy falls apart from the perspective of those closest to the catastrophe  this show is amazing the only reason it's at number six is because it's not quite as good as  some of the others that we're about to talk about now we reach the top five Return of the Jedi now  moving forward the rankings are tough so bear with me Return of the Jedi is in my opinion the  weakest of the original trilogy but it's still an ama
zing movie seeing Luke grow into the awesome  Jedi Knight he deserved to be was amazing in the final fight between him and Vader is one of  the best in the entire franchise Leia and Han's relationship is more fleshed out ultimately leads  to them being together it's satisfying compared to a New Hope an Empire Strikes Back Return of the  Jedi is a tad less unique but that's because the point of the movie was to tie up all the loose  ends as opposed to creating new storylines yeah episode nine you
could have taken uh pointers here  the action and Return of the Jedi is awesome to this day it's great it holds up the fast pace  makes it super rewatchable even though I think it's the weakest of the original trilogy it's  probably the one I rewatched the most because of how entertaining it is and how satisfying  all the payoffs are in hot take here I think the special edition finale is way better than  the Ewok song you guys can fight me over that at number four now this is another one I'm  g
onna get so many eye rolls but I don't care episode three Revenge of the Sith after I put  episodes one and two so low it might be shocking to see three so high but I'm still amazed at  how good this movie ended up being after how disastrous the first two prequels were I guess  the first two prequels were a necessary evil to set up episode three's greatness but in the  end it was worth it Revenge of the Sith it's a good movie not only because the story is good  the payoffs are perfect but also b
ecause the action is some of the best in Star Wars history  and the fast pace makes it extremely entertaining movie from start to finish you can re-watch this  movie a million times and never get bored of it and I say that from experience Revenge of the Sith  redeems the prequel trilogy and then some to some I think that it's the best out of there I still  believe that if it hadn't been so good we would look back at the prequel ERA with the love we do  today easily the best prequel movie and pro
bably the best Clone Wars era piece of Star Wars content  ever released at number three episode 5 The Empire Strikes Back maybe another left field take but  I put in Pirate number three solely because it didn't have the same pick to impact as the  original movie in a lot of ways I think Empire is superior to A New Hope as a film but my reasons  for putting in number three they're more personal that's not to say it's not a good movie because  obviously it's fantastic Empire is one of the best sci
-fi movies of all time and I would even  argue it's the best sequel movie ever made yeah I said that the action the emotion the acting the  writing the Cliffhanger at the end you know it's great I know it's great let's just move on at  number two today episode four A New Hope now uh this is really really personal for me this was one  of the first movies I ever saw I believe this may have been the first movie that I ever saw in the  movie theaters I know that shows how old I am and despite the mo
vie's age it holds up the story  is timeless the writing it's as good as it gets I know the facts aren't as mind-blowing as they  are today but honestly the movie actually looks good today obviously thanks to a few touch-up  or touch-ups in the re-releases A New Hope is a classic movie one of the best ever made and I  think that there may only be one Star Wars story that was even better now if you've followed along  this entire video and you've wrote notes on what I've gone over and the only one
not having been  said yet you know what's going to be at number one for me and this is this is hard I know this  is hard at number one Rogue one and I'm going to piggyback Andor on it but it's about Rogue one  I know I didn't mention Andor on the list so I'm gonna put it as a joint entry but understand my  focus is on Rogue one they do fit together and flow together I think this is the best Star Wars  Story Ever Told Rogue one is a near Perfect film and despite it not being uh about the Jedi or
  the force or anything like that it manages to be the best movie ever released in this franchise  if you ask me on top of that and or as easily one of the best Star Wars shows ever produced it's  a shame that it flew under the radar for so many people because of its relatively slow pace and  less extravagant presentation but that was the point Rogue one and Andor stories of desperation  they're stories of Hope perseverance and the fact that all the characters are normal people instead  of force
-powered super soldiers makes it much more believable the Empire is a true threat in both  of these stories and perhaps the most powerful thing about Rogue one is the shocking ending where  literally everyone dies spoiler alert sorry Rogue one was an extremely risky movie and I'm still  amazed lucasfilm made it but I'm glad they did I really hope that as time goes on more people give  Andor a chance too because I think with how many people were burned out on Star Wars at the time it  was release
d on Disney plus it was really easy for people to write it off as another Star Wars show  or boring but seriously watching a door because I think it's on the same level as Rogue one and I  genuinely believe Rogue one is the best Star Wars movie ever made I'm sure that will get me some  spicy comments but I am ready to read every one of them there you go that is my definitive ranking  list from worst to best of every Star Wars movie and TV show ever made I'm stressed out let me  know what you guy
s think and I'll see you soon



Mate I love your videos and can I have a shoutout please


Pretty much spot on except for ep 8. As visually stunning as that movie was, the absolute lack of continuity of the story within the sequel trilogy just has to take it right down to ep 9 territories. Also 100% agree on Boba Fer being the worst show. Tem Morrison lacks the acting range to properly play Boba Fett unfortunately and he was really exposed as a bad lead actor.