
Real Life Fairytale! Lijiang / CHINA 中文字幕

This place is a living fairytale! GET EXPRESS VPN (This link gives you 3 months free on a 12 month package) To see a different side of me… join the NIGHT SIDE. FREE OnlyFans (special samples of my main account) My OnlyFans announcement video (with special trailer to my content!) 我的影片有显示中文字幕的选择: 1) 请点击屏幕右下角齿轮形图标 Settings(设置)然后 2)点击 Subtitles(字幕)/CC 3)选择 Chinese(Simplified)就行了 Poppy: **Filmed before Covid-19 SOCIALS Instagram - Facebook - Twitter - **Try out Airbnb! You'll get a free night's stay anywhere in the world, and so will I! It's a win win. :D MUSIC Most of the music in this video is from Musicbed. Get your own account here! first song (0:01) - “Long Distance” by Luke Atencio intro song (0:20) - “High Flyer” by Ryan Taubert town song (0:37) - “Last You Hear From Me” by JMR fun song (3:44) - “Holding My Breath” by Bronze Radio Return storytelling song (5:29) - “As the Night” by Timbre hiking song (7:42) - “No Echo” by Hoyle tomb song (8:50) - “Golden Light” by Luke Atencio Black Dragon song (10:00) - “Steady” by Roland Lewis dance song (12:10 & 13:15) - “Magnetics (Instrumental)” by Benjamin James beautiful song (14:09) - “Yggdrasil” by Thad Kopec fairytale song (16:31) - “Ancient Path Watching the Sea” by Thad Kopec end song (18:40) - “Blind Faith” by How Great Were the Robins PLACES Lijiang 丽江 Yunnan Province 云南 Old Town of Lijiang 丽江古城 October Inn Black Dragon Pool 黑龙潭 #travel #China #travelvlog


3 years ago

在雪山下隐藏着, 一个如童话般的城市。 这个城市称为丽江。 在中国的下一趟之旅,我与我的朋友波普伊乘搭了一趟美丽的火车旅程到达丽江。 丽江位于云南省的西北部。 丽江古城存有着迷宫般古老的街道, 边缘则有着运河和水路。 到达这里就像进入到童话般的世界。 我们现在就来到了这古城区而它令人难以置信, 这里有非常多的小巷子以及迷宫般的街道。 好,我们刚进入丽江。 现在在一个很酷的旅舍! 我的天啊!我们就是非常的兴奋。你看! 波普伊: 你好!欢迎来到我的小窝! 再见。(笑声) 我的天啊,这是这里最好的东西了。 你看,爬上床边这小小的阶梯。 实在是太可爱了。我超喜欢这个地方- 波普伊!别把东西弄还了。 波普伊:它卡住在我的裤子上! 你在做什么?- 它卡住在我的裤子上!(笑声) 我的天啊! 好,谢谢。 你们好!猜猜看?我们终于又回来中国了!- 万岁! 不是,你应该同样的时间一起做- 好。 你们猜猜看?我们终于回来- 你为什么不和我一起做? 我以为- 哦,你的话? 好,开始。 你们猜猜看?我们又回到了中国! 我们现在在古老的城镇丽江,它真的非常美丽。 乔丹看起来真像小
红帽。 我披着一个斗篷,是怎么一回事呢? 我们走吧! 我有一个斗篷! 我刚才还在跟波普伊说小的时候我常常穿着一个斗篷。 之前,我有点顾虑被人的看法 现在,我根本不在乎别人的看法。 我很喜欢这个斗篷所以我一定要穿着! 非常的喜欢,而且我感到很开心。 从一千多年前,许多纳西族都已聚居在丽江。 纳西族属于中国的少数民族,也存在着非常迷人的文化。 至今,全球各地只有大概三种象形文字还存在着。 而在这三种文字以内,最古老的就是纳西语。 这幅美丽的原始图画象形文 写得就像一条长河的艺术品。 纳西族对于大自然存在着一种深刻的关联,一向以来都以尊重的态度对待生林。 在他们的历史里,伐木是不允许的。 而且他们会经常处罚那些砍树或污染河的群众人,把他们带到大自然的环境下,要求人们向大自然道歉。 在他的社会里,女人的地位以及权利较高,在家也就是女方为一家之主。 并且,妈妈的遗产都是女儿继承而不是儿子。 纳西族对于婚姻没有任何的传统习俗。 男方以及女方都可以自由的选择和谁结婚。 而且不管哪一方,多过一个伴侣都是能被接受的。 纳西族属于西藏文化影响较深的民族,许多都跟随藏传佛教。 但是,他们坚信地尊重任何宗教的
人。 今天,纳西族的传统生活方式以及语言 都渐渐的消失,许多都跟随其他的主流方式。 但是,纳西族在丽江居民里依然占有着百分之六十%。 我们现前往黑龙水池爬山。 我们刚刚经过这个宝塔。 这里的景色优美。这里的风也非常大。 当我们爬山的同时,也能看到森林里有许多的坟墓 透过树木也能看到。 那里下面也有一个。 而且好像也能看到有人留了一些花,放在在坟墓上。 其实我最近有在读一本书,内容是关于华人来世的一些主题,它非常有趣。 很深奥! 一件让我感到非常有趣的就是华人来世, 有一种不同的货币。 就是世上活着的人会买 这些去世的人所用的钞票,然后烧给那些已经去世的人。 然后,那些人就可以在来世用。 所以,现在能在地上和坟墓上看到的这些子就是书里所提到的货币。 突然爬山到一半时,树叶没那么密了, 然后看看这景色! 那就是黑龙水池。 我们已到达黑龙水池了! 而且比想象中的漂亮。 好蓝啊。 黑龙水池建于一千七百三十七年。 在很久以前,这里已经历过许多干旱的问题。 但是最近,他们把这里划为节水地区 所以水池会依然地美里还有里头也会有水。 这里最有名的第一点就是那座桥, 利用白色的大理石建筑而成。 第二点则
是我背后这座山的景色。 它是这区最高的山。 那就是玉龙雪山。 好美啊! 当我们走在这水池边,我们来到了这里最美的宝塔 它有着非常绚丽,难以置信的景色。 我们现在喝着一杯咖啡,是当地人给我们的。 然后这玉龙雪山的景色、樱花和远处的庙真的是。。。 惊人。好安宁。 我们就只是在松懈 所以。。在这里停下脚步喝杯咖啡的地方。。 该怎么解释刚发生的事呢?! - 噢。。。 波普伊,她在为我们跳舞! 我们往上看,然后其中一位女士来到了我们的桌子为我们跳舞。 是,她就像在表演一样,就是直接在我们的桌前跳着! 然后,她们与我们分享了她们的茶。 其实我们试着离开,但是她们就一直给我们更多的茶! 干杯!欢声! 说着不同的语言,我们不知何故的沟通了起来。 我真的不知道该如何解释。 在中国的人一定会明白! 但是说真的,还挺棒的! 我本来想为乔丹拍一张照,就是与风景合拍一张, 但是我在拍的同时,大约四个人就走了过来开始用他们的手机拍乔丹! 真的就变成了一个拍照的时间!(笑声) 而且我就没拍了,全都是他们在拍! 真搞笑。 目前,我最喜欢丽江的一件事就是 你可以随时地走进这些小巷, 然后就开起了一个梦幻世界! 就是
,这里有灯笼,还有漂亮的东西 然后现在就像下起了泡泡的雨! 到底是怎么一回事呢? 你能看到这吗?现在泡泡如雨一样的下着! 我的天啊。 我们刚买了这里的糖果。 你把它放进河里然后许个愿望或者拜一拜, 不然就是想个好念头。 我们两都有做。 我其实觉得,我不知道, 就是感到很好,更平静了。 而且那个女士人好好。 童话般的感觉继续。 你看看这道街! 我的天啊。所以这位是汤姆!- 你好! 他是这间旅舍的老板。他现在带我参观其他的房间。 然后你看!什么! 汤姆:这是大的。大的蝴蝶。 还有这道墙和那边,好多! 好多蝴蝶! 是?让我去看看。 这真的很酷!你看看这个! 你好!你好! 汤姆,所以你现在在这做什么? 哦!我告诉我的客人,我有三间美丽的房间。 然后这间,这间房间是我最喜欢的。我喜欢那个蝴蝶。 我喜欢大自然,你知道吗? 然后这个概念来自于大自然。 乡下。- 绝赞。 其实,汤姆设计了这整道墙。 就真的- 真的很梦幻!真的是太疯狂了! 这就像是度蜜月! 我的天啊。我从来没有看过像这样的房间。 这样一间要多少钱? 一百六十(人民币)。 一百六十?一百六十人民币你就可以在丽江住这梦幻的房间!我
的天啊! 真是绝赞。然后我这有些熊猫。大或小。



Chinese subtitles available on CC! Random fun fact - That dancing lady exchanged her WeChat ID with me, and I still sometimes text her random photos of where I am traveling. She sends photos of herself traveling too. She seems to go to a lot of parties. We can't speak each other's language but she always sends super happy dancing emojis. She is the best. Also as the description states, this was filmed before Covid-19. I have now returned to the U.S. to isolate and stay at home. I hope you all are safe as well! A tiny Yunnan town, Kunming, Tibet, and many more coming up next!


China is the most Beautiful country in this world and the Chinese people are most peaceful Love from Your iron brothers Love from Pakistan❤China


As a Chinese, I appreciate your effort to share Chinese 🇨🇳🇨🇳culture with the world!! Thank you a million times!!


People are friendly, You feel safe here People are disciplined No racist slur, This is China, this is paradise


Chinese culture is sooooo diverse, every single part of China has its own provincial culture.


I lived in China for years from 2000 until 2016. I wish I never left. I really hope and pray to return as soon as I can.


Me, Chinese working in Germany and planning to go back China this year, just saw this vlog accidentally and after just watching 4 min, I've started to miss home so damn strongly!!! HOME!!! CANT WAIT TO GO BACK HOME!!! -- Thank you for making this gorgeous work!


Wow China is so beautiful and unique. Love to visit this beautiful country and meet lovely people 🇨🇳 Love from Pakistan 🇵🇰


Ni hao Ma, Wo ting hao de, Before watching your videos of China I had a negitive mindset abt China mainly because of Western media and serpantza videos. But now I change my perspective toward China. It has deep history, cultural heritage and lovely people. Currently I'm residing in a Chinese majority country outside China. People are very coo herel. I'm learning Chinese slowly and one dayI will visit China. Lots of love from an Indian ❤️❤️🙏🙏🙏


Chinese culture is beautiful I hope I can visit some day love from Japan 🇯🇵


首先感谢博主制作这么好的视频,我们生活在这片祥和的土地上几千年,我们56个民族和睦相处没有偏见没有歧视,有富裕的一面也有贫穷的一面,只要肯努力都有机会改变命运,一直搞不懂为什么会有那么多见不得我们好的国家,他们在怕什么,建议外国的有人都来中国玩,我是谁好客的,在这里你会很安全,不要去大城市 去最偏远的地方才能看到最真实的我们,我们需要的不是吹捧也不是贬低而是真实。 First of all, thank the bloggers for making such a good video. We have lived in this peaceful land for thousands of years. We have 56 ethnic groups living in harmony without prejudice and discrimination. We have both rich and poor sides. As long as we are willing to work hard, we have the opportunity to change our destiny. We have never understood why there are so many countries that can not see us well. What are they afraid of and suggest that some people from foreign countries should be recommended Come to China to play, who am I hospitable? Here you will be very safe. Don't go to big cities, go to the most remote places to see the most real us. What we need is not to flatter or belittle, but to be true.


Thank you all for helping the west knowing real China. I have been living in new zealand for 25 years. As Chinese doctor, I win lots respect from my patients. Tears down always when I see westerners willing to bridge the east and west like me!!!


I have been to China 4 times spanning 7 weeks. Although a little touristy, Lijiang is my favorite place in China right now. Lijiang truely is a fairytail from the moment they drop you off outside next to the auto free zone, they cart your luggage two or three or more blocks to you hotel. When you been here, you know you have been in China.


want To visit china once in my life .. Love china Forever from Pakistan🇵🇰🇨🇳


As a Chinese, I reall glad that you guys love this place, and hope you have a good time in China!


This place is literally PARADISE People are equal, they don’t damage the environment, they respect people’s religions, and it’s BEAUTIFUL 🥺 I’ve only been to China once, and saying I miss it is an understatement. Your video is amazing ❤️


I studied abroad in China in 2019 and I never experienced a sight quite like Lijiang, I'm currently planning a return trip independently, and this is definitely something I'm going to be looking into! So truly beautiful!!!


Wow! I never imagined China is so beautiful.. It's like heaven on Earth which is filled with people with full of happiness and joy in their minds and also a wave of different colors. Also, a lot of air bubbles....hahaha Love from India.


We need more people like you that only makes legit videos. no filters, no distorted words, no hate!


This film absolutely blows me away. Fantastic! The shots, editing, music layout all together are just amazing. One of the high quality pro travel films I even have seen. I was there 10 years ago (stayed two days). This film brings me back to all the good memories. What a wonderful to watch ..... great job, thank you!