
RealCare Shaken Baby Simulator

RealCare Shaken Baby Simulator introduction video. The Shaken Baby’s transparent head clearly defines the traumatic brain injuries caused by this form of child abuse. This simulator cries and, when shaken, affected sections of the brain light up to illustrate when brain damage has occurred. For more information on our RealCare Shaken Baby visit: Follow us on Twitter: Follow us on Facebook: Follow us on Instagram: Follow us on LinkedIn: Follow us on Pinterest:

Realityworks, Inc.

8 years ago

Are you doing all you can to stop Shaken Baby Syndrome? If you prevent one incident you help save a life. Children born to adolescents are twice as likely to be abused. With our Shaken Baby Simulator you'll be able to demonstrate and humanize the brutality of Shaken Baby Syndrome. The markers on the head show the areas of the brain and the senses that would be affected if the baby were shaken. When the baby's turned on Baby will start crying you as administrator will ruthlessly shake the baby. A
reas of the brain will light up showing you which senses and parts of the brain we're injured during the incident. This will enlighten your students, and make them aware as a parent or caregiver, most importantly help them create a plan. The Shaken Baby Simulator, along with our Shaken Baby Curriculum will help teach them the proper coping skills, and most importantly help them save a life. Take the pledge to never shake a baby by visiting



The amount of ppl in these comments who are shocked that anyone could do this is mind blowing, im grateful that so many find it as an unthinkable act but also am saddened that there obviously isn't enough awareness about SBS. Ppl do alot of things you would never imagine out of frustration.


My son had severe colic and would scream continuously for 8 hours almost everyday for the first year of life. It was very overwhelming to say the least and yes, somedays I would lose my patience. Whenever I would get to the point of losing my patience, I would walk away for a few minutes to gain my composure and then come back to him. It is OKAY to leave your baby somewhere safe and walk away for a few minutes when you’re overwhelmed. Baby will be fine. Taking the frustration out on baby is never EVER ok! I think all parents should be taught about SBS before going home with their baby.


I'm actually shocked that people can get themselves go shake a baby so violently, it's an instinct to handle them with care and delicacy, I feel so bad for any child that had to endure this


Just seeing him shake that baby made me tear up. And it’s not even a real one. Who would ever handle a baby in such a manner?? So heartbreaking.


I'm 82, I was tossed in a closet at 2 months old. At 30, I fell flat on my back and went to a chiropractor. He took full body x-rays and asked if I was ever dropped on my head. I asked my mom, and she said no. Around 50 we were talking, and she said I had colic and cried a lot and at 2 months old "daddy put me in the closet" I bounced off the back wall. My dad was a mean drunk. At 2 months old, being in pain and abandoned in the closet, I didn't bond. I have spent my life looking for what I believed love looked like. When I left a relationship, I didn't look back. In retrospect, it is like love is like Teflon, it just slides away. Please don't do that to your babies. I recently had an MRI that showed some damage. I always feel alone.


I think child development should be taught just like health class, mandatory for everyone. Even if the student doesn't want children like myself, it should still be taught. We interact with babies and toddlers so much that's its irresponsible to not give them those lessons.


My first baby had colic and this was peak pandemic so we were completely isolated with no help. The intense frustration and exhaustion was SO real. There were many times when she had been crying for hours and I just couldn't soothe her. Then those times it was too much for too long and I had to set her down and take a few deep breaths to come back. I wish people would just know the frustration is real and very normal. Don't feel guilty for the frustration or for stepping away as it can ensure you and your baby stay safe. It's when people don't step back to take that breath or break that terrible things happen in an instant. That being said, this is showing quite a violent shake. I honestly can't imagine doing that even at my most frustrated. Really heartbreaking as they are just so helpless and look to you for everything.


Wait that’s baby shaking?! Jesus Christ. And here I am looking this video up to make sure jiggling my baby to calm her isn’t giving her brain damage.


Thanks for this video. My daughter was bouncing herself in her bouncer really hard today. Enough that I got scared she might have been hurting herself. This puts me at ease that it takes real force to hurt a baby


I'm so glad I took a home economics class. We learned about each of the real care babies, the "normal" ones, the drug ones, and the FAS ones. And yes, the shaken baby syndrome one. Over ten years later, I realize I DON'T want children, and have had my tubes tied to prevent it.


Sleep deprivation, hunger, post partum blues, and stress. When these things pile up, your judgement as an adult is clouded and you'd do anything just to stop it. But of course parents will fight the urge to do so. Having the urge to shake your baby to stop them from crying is not uncommon. But if you respond to those feelings that's when issues will start. If you feel this way, put down your baby on a safe space (cot, crib, clean floor etc) and walk away for a few minutes. Breath in fresh air, walk around etc. Let them cry for a bit. When you're ready, pick your baby again and you'll be calmer. You got this mom and dad 😊 I know you always do your best. You can definitely fo this.


My grandma was a guardian to someone who was shaken as a baby


Some of yall are either not parents, nor going through severe postpartum. I just had my son almost 2 months ago and I in my heart of hearts would never shake my baby. Only thing tho is that when im dealing with purple crying episodes and have not gotten any sleep, my depression meds are working as they use to, I haven't eaten anything all day, I have a headache from him crying, I'm overstimulated and overtouched, I've had the thoughts of " what can I do to make him shut up" and it truly is heartbreaking bc ill end up screaming at him bc sometimes thats all I have left to help me. Its rough and I've had to walk away bc I was scared what of what I'd do if I touched him at that moment. Until you have kids or go through severe postpartum with a traumatizing birth attached you shouldn't speak on this matter.


Who the hell thinks to shake a baby that hard though even out of frustration what in the hell


I never knew that this is what shaking a baby looked like. I could never conceptualize. Seeing what it looks like is legitimately barbaric 😧🤯😱


I was forced to do this in my Highschool parenting class, the same kind of doll where the lights flash for where the brain rattles. I remember the weight of it in my hands and then crying because I don’t wanna shake something so tiny and precious. Even as a doll with a clear plastic head, the weight and the baby powder smell threw me into hysterics.😭 (the doll in the far right in the back is a fetal alcohol baby, the one my teacher had screamed and vibrated)


All childcare providers need to watch.....its human to get frustrated and exhausted. But baby down, walk away and regroup


I will never get confidence to let my baby in child care. Jesus that's brutal. May God protect all babies across the globe.


so scared to leave my baby alone with anyone


ADDITIONAL INFO A baby can already suffer serious and fatal damage from being shaken less violently. And it may only take one shake to do severe damage to brain and spine. It’s the back and forth movement and the fact that babies cannot hold their head on their own yet, so the head falls back and forth very forcefully when shaken which creates severe whiplash in the brain, and it can lead to swelling and bleeding. Of course you should also not shake a baby up and down, since their head will still not be supported and fall back and forth. The head always needs support.