
Reality Shows are Anything but Real - English for Public Speaking

English for Public Speaking Assignment Alisha Iranti Dewi Irawan 15200048

Sasha Irawan

2 years ago

greetings everyone do you know that there are more or less 9 000 shows that are being aired on our television every month this outstanding number is taken from a survey held by kappa e back in 2015 and was split up into nine different genres and although what i am going to discuss today was not one of the genres mentioned in the survey i'm very sure that shows like masterchef indonesian idol or even wonkaget ring a bell in your head as they are very familiar in our televisions these shows are ca
lled reality shows and although it has the word reality in it these types of shows are usually far away from reality i'm alicia iranido irawan and today we are going to talk about how reality shows are anything but real one of the reason it is not as real as you may think it is is because it purposefully glorifies aggressive behaviors and unhealthy competitions to gain more popularity let's take one example master chef master chef is a very popular show not only in indonesia but also in other co
untries such as australia and even america one of the most peculiar trademarks of the show is that their judges are always so brutally honest and when i say brutal i mean it literally it isn't uncommon to see the judges beating out the contestant's food saying hurtful words or even screaming at the contestants let's take another example indonesian idol despite having some popular singers as changes in the show the winner is determined by the fearless voting which by the way is less than fair as
the contestants end up being judged not for their talent in singing but by how many hearts they can win from to 15 minutes of screen time every week this exaggeration in emotions and competitions are a common sight when it comes to reality issues and it isn't done without any purpose you see the more heartless the judges are the more scandalous the competitions are the more people will talk about the show the more people talk about it the more exposure and popularity are coming their way so ther
e's nothing sort of real in this judge's emotions or contestants competitions because at the end of the day it is only done to attract more views popularity and more profit another reason you should never believe reality shows is that because everything in those shows is heavily manipulated back in 2006 james ponywizzik the chief tv critic of new york times magazine specifically wrote a recent essay about reality tv shows in the essay he mentioned that there are five tricks of reality shows that
explain how producers of the shows would cut and stitch scenes to make it seem as if the contestants are saying things they never say or to make them seem like they are angry or sad or jealous even if they are not and there are still a lot of tricks that shows how producers will make conflicts even more dramatic than it really is in this essay pony music even managed to get the confession from producers and editors of famous reality shows where they admit that the shows were enhanced to add sus
pense into the story now the script isn't the only thing that the producers and editor may manipulate in reality shows back in 2020 the producer of a korean reality show series called produce was sentenced into jail for purposefully rigging the folding of the shoe and although this example i have given you were not taken from indonesian shows there have been a lot of allegations that indonesian reality shoots are also manipulated though it hasn't been proven yet there hasn't been any further inv
estigation ever done as well so there are still a lot of possibilities that indonesian reality shows might be as unreal as any other reality shows in conclusion we have seen how reality shows are anything but real from purposefully promoting aggressive behaviors and competitions to manipulating scripts and even voting reality shows have shown us that in order to gain profit people would go as far as faking things even in the so-called reality shows thank you
