
Rebecca Grossman guilty on all counts

FOX 11's Susan Hirasuna discusses the interaction she had on Thursday before Grossman's guilty verdict was announced. Subscribe to FOX 11 on YouTube: Watch more FOX 11 on YouTube: Police Chases: Brazen Crime: Homeless Crisis:

FOX 11 Los Angeles

2 weeks ago

on our top story that breaking news Rebecca Gman convicted of second deegree murder and other charges for running down two young boys in West Lake Village Fox L Susan Haruna has been in the court all day and joins us live with the details of this verdict and that dramatic moment when it was read Susan it was remarkable Alex I think a lot of people were thinking that the jury was taking its time because with five counts against Rebecca Gman they were going to have to consider each count very care
fully before making their decision but guilty on all five counts in the moment as the decision was read one verdict after the other you could hear the daughter Rebecca Grossman's 19-year-old daughter exclaim oh my God oh my God while her son was sitting next to her shaking and saing it was it was heartbreaking but at the same time you recognize that the isander family is on the other other side of the courtroom and they are finally getting some closure in fact here's a couple of comments from th
e escandar after they came out of the courthouse this trial every day in court here felt like I'm attending the funeral of the boys again day after day that's how it felt and seeing the defendant and seeing the the defense attorneys it just was that bad we have been waiting for a closure we have been wait honestly we have been waiting for Mrs grman to apologize to take responsibility and she just chose to fight to the end and and and it was heartbreaking to see the the lawyers lies and conspirac
y theories and and I I I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm amazed and glad that despite all their tricks he couldn't trick our system or the jurors well it wasn't long after the es canders made their comments that this tight group of Grossman attorneys and supporters and in the back Peter Gman arm in-arm with his son and with his daughter as they went to their car to drive away meantime Rebecca Gman was handcuffed in the courtroom of course her attorneys asked that she be allowed to go home free on bail but the
judge responded this way he says look this has been a three and a half year process and she's been out on bail that entire time and it's now time for justice to be served of course the Grossman's will appeal reporting live in Van eyes I'm Susan herisa back to you Susan okay so we know that's a ninan three- women jury do you think we're going to hear at all from any of the jurors any indication of that you know as is always the case uh the judge sort of finishes up and says your duty is done tha
nk you very much for your service he goes on to kind of give them some warning on what's allowed you're free to talk if you would like to talk about the decision- making process he wasn't going to stop them from doing that there was a little something about getting payment for their comments um but um honestly there was just so much going on in the courtroom I don't remember specifically what uh was happening it was really remarkable Christina and Alex to see that the moment the uh that she was
put into handcuffs that the family jumped up but there was a room full of bfts of deputies that kept them apart she whispered I love you Alexis wish you know screamed out I love you and and at one point even said why did you do this as if the process of convicting her mother was somehow um unfair but as you heard the es scander say the Grossman had high-powered expensive attorneys a multiple they kept changing attorneys and yet in the end all five counts guilty and the sentencing for that that w
ill come up later but the sentencing for that could be as long as 34 years to life Susan there was a moment last night that you told us about of Rebecca Gman coming up to you asking you for a business card and then emailing you and there was a followup to that today what happened well to be clear we don't know 100% that it came from her the timing is just very interesting you take my card and say I don't know what time it was just after 4: and I get this email at 4:47 in the lunch break uh the d
eputy da Ryan gold stood up and said judge I need to make you aware of this situation that uh involved a reporter who reported last night that you got this email that email included two video clips that have have been placed under protective seal and were not a part of the the prosecution um I I did have some interaction with that Deputy da um and he wanted her remanded at that moment but no the judge decided to let the the uh the deliberations go as as scheduled interesting Susan here soon at F
ox 11 News all right Susan thank you for your reporting we'll see you with more at 6 o'



You know what's heartbreaking? 2 little boys lives cut short.


She never took responsibility for anything. Her sentence better be CONSECUTIVE not CONCURRENT.


Rebecca Grossman kills two young kids. Doesn’t stay on the scene and blames others. All while refusing to apologize. These people really don’t care for anyone but their own.


Her daughter is just as evil blaming the family for putting her mother behind bars and not one time has the Grossman family made any attempt at apologizing really speaks volumes on how sick and twisted these losers are!


After delaying for over 3 years she got her karma. The fact she never took responsibility will be taken into account when sentencing .


The daughter “oh my god, oh my god” lol. Dude your mom was cheating on your dad, drove home racing her drunk bf drunk to have sex before you guys got home, and killed two kids. Like, did you think your mom was not going to get some type of repercussions for that smh. The level of entitlement is crazy. Edit: imagine all the embarrassment she’s brought her husband who will have to foot the bill when the children’s parent sue the Grossman family.


We live in such a jaded world that people refuse to stand up and apologize for Killing 2 children!I feel for that family!!! ❤️


The Grossman's are so disconnected from the pain they have caused the family of the two little boys. The weathy often consider certain segments of the citizenry expendable.


Grossman she probably thought she wouldn’t be convicted. Glad justice was served!


"It's now time for justice to be served." That's right. I can't believe she was out on bail for more than 3 years. She got a couple of years of freedom that her victims did not.


The daughter will be the next one in trouble. The privileged attitude got her mother and she is heading down the same road.


She’s an absolute monster


Time to sue her financially.


Her actions were egregious, and to deny she was even driving or hit the children. They were precious children and she was driving drunk with her boyfriend. Rot in jail.


A huge civil lawsuit should be filed against Grossman as well! She should lose a great deal of wealth as well as her freedom.


Rich people cannot believe it when their money cannot fix everthing. The daughter is cross with the judicual system for finding her GUILTY mother guilty.


Sounds like she was raised rich and entitled. Her behavior indicates she would throw anyone under the bus to save herself.


When the judge sentences Grossman he will definitely take into account that email! Rebecca Grossman you are your own worst enemy!


She never even apologized?


9 men on the jury. They were probably under the impression those men would let this damsel in distress walk free.