
Reindeer's Amazing Adaptations to Living in Snow | Snow Animals | BBC Earth

From having real-life red noses to UV vision, reindeer are fully adapted to live in cold climates. But, as we learn, their hooves are a little ill-suited to walking on ice... Subscribe: #Reindeer #SnowAnimals #BBCEarth Watch more: Planet Earth Blue Planet Planet Earth II Planet Dinosaur Welcome to BBC EARTH! The world is an amazing place full of stories, beauty and natural wonder. Here you'll find 50 years worth of entertaining and thought-provoking natural history content. Dramatic, rare, and exclusive, nature doesn't get more exciting than this. This is a commercial page from BBC Studios. Service information and feedback:

BBC Earth

5 months ago

reindeer traditionally pulls slaves and have a popular reputation for red glowing noses [Music] but behind this folklore there is some surprising truth an ingenious adaptation which helps them survive the extremes their noses are full of blood vessels cool warm air down as it leaves the body and warns cold air up as it comes in keeping the reindeer's brain constantly warm and active [Music] so as the thermal camera proves reindeer's noses are actually red [Music] it's not just the nose of the re
indeer which is extraordinary how they view their winter surroundings through those large characterful eyes is truly astonishing when it's bright and sunny like this my eyes struggle to cope with the amount of UV light that's coming from the Sun is bouncing back up off the snow for us to spend too long here I'd eventually damage my eyes I could become snow blind but reindeer they see things differently not only can they see in color like I can they can also see in ultraviolet for us it's difficu
lt to make out detail when the landscape is so white but with UV Vision a reindeer can see things in much greater contrast they can see shapes and detail that we can't the Lichen on the trees which they eat or animal urine in the snow becomes more prominent oh to white snowy World it certainly helps to have that extra insight foreign do you even have specially designed flexible hooves in the winter there are four tools can spread out wide to act like snowshoes this means they can walk on bumpy i
ce without slipping however on smooth ice they can sometimes find issues a little ill-suited [Music] [Music]



Iโ€™m so high watching this , this is lovely


Iโ€™ve seen reindeer before, but I didnโ€™t know they made a noise like that before


When they said their noses are actually red๐Ÿ˜‚โค


Thanks BBC earth ๐Ÿ‘ Listening to the audio, they almost sounds like people saying "Yep or nope". ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿ˜‚lol


Everyone knows their greatest adaptation is the ability to fly of course ๐Ÿ˜‚


Reindeer are one of my favorite animals. ๐ŸฆŒ


Lol, they sound like geese.


Reindeer: โ€œI donโ€™t care what you say. Iโ€™m cold.โ€


Reindeer truly have red noses...who knew.


It's all fun and games until you hear one of them say "Rumble," and you hear a crunch.


I never knew " snow blind" was a term. That was insightful


Lovely piece of information on reindeer and an amazing/beautiful landscape of snow, winter, birch & other trees that stand the test of time during the cruel winter. Thank you BBC Earth. ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ˜‡โ˜บ๐ŸŒ 


Beautiful video, my friend. I love it


They are all beautiful gorgeous animals.


Why does it sound like the reindeer are talking? While the narrator is speaking, i kept hearing " yep yep...yep".. what the heck!? Lol


Bellissimo posto๐Ÿ’Ž


3:18 โค


In the North of Canada, they're known as Cariboo.


they need cleats.. or chains.. =P =) what special creations they are!! red noses and all!!


Amazing โค