
Remote Control Bedside Unit Help Guide: How to access free Entertainment

Learn about the free entertainment options on the Bedside Units (previously owned by Hospedia). TV is free for adult wards between 6am and 12pm. For children, it's free between 7am and 9pm. Radio is always free to use for the patient. Watch this video to learn how to access these free services. This demonstration is on the T2 Remote Control Units. SPARK® TSL is the company that has acquired Hospedia. They have a vision to make patient entertainment free and move away from the patient pays model. For more information on the acquisition and the Bedside Units, visit our FAQ page.


5 months ago

This video is a part of the Bedside  Unit help guides. How to watch TV. You can easily watch TV by pressing the blue TV  button on your remote. This will take you to BBC One. From here you can use the up and down arrows  at the top of the remote to change the channel. Underneath the blue TV button are volume controls  and the ability to switch between headphones or loudspeaker. Please use headphones when in a  non-private ward to respect the other patients. If you don't have your own headphones
that you  can plug in under the unit ask a member of staff. To view the TV Guide, press the blue 'i' button at  the top of the remote. Here you can use the up and down arrows again to navigate the TV Guide. You can also use the side arrows to see what's on later. simply press the tick when you want to select  a channel. How to listen to the radio. To listen to the radio, press  the orange radio button. You can press the up and down  arrows to browse different channels. To go back to the home pag
e press the purple  other services button. Thank you for watching
