
Renamo deve se organizar

Venâncio Mondlane é diferente dos outros covardes Crise interna na Renamo. Analistas debatem a situação interna do partido renamo. Venâncio mondlane viu o seu processo ser revirado pelo TJ . Será que há interferência politica na Renamo? Ossufo Momade vai deixar Venancio mondlane candidatar-se a presidencia da renamo? #mocambique #eleições #politics #política #última_hora #ultimahora

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1 day ago

I believe that my opinion is that opposition political parties must organize themselves and stop fighting among the opposition, so they must organize themselves, they are disorganized, they are disorganized, small political parties are disorganized, because renamo is a big party that organizes and does not need to alone He alone organizes this country, look, thank you very much, pride of an elephant, he dropped these things, I've always said it, my father said it
