
Replacing the Fuel Filter of VAG cars | Audi A6, VW Passat

How to replace the fuel filter of VAG cars using the example of the Audi A6 C5 with a gasoline engine. A detailed guide for novice car owners on DIY car repair. Other videos: ⏩How to Reset the INSP Message or Remove the Service Inspection ⏩Power Windows Not Working? 99% that's the Issue ⏩DIY Repair Rust Hole in the Door on a Budget Using Fiberglass and No Welding ⏩How to Protect Car Doors to Prevent them From Rusting Many thanks to everyone who watched the video, thank you for liking and subscribing my channel.

Auto Reviews

5 days ago

hello everyone in this video I'll show you how to replace the fuel filter using my Audi A6 C5 with a gasoline engine as an example as you can see I've already bought the fuel filter by its appearance it's noticeable that it's a high-press filter and it's located underneath the car near the rear beam I decided to go for a premium brand and chose connect Mala since purchasing the car I haven't had to change the filter yet even though I've driven over 30,000 Miles when installing pay attention to t
he direction of fuel flow through the filter to do this we Orient ourselves by the arrow which indicates how the fuel should flow replacing the fuel filter isn't difficult but the location adds some inconvenience it's located underneath the car near the fuel tank additionally there's a protective cover under the car that covers the beam which also gets in the way so let's get into the pit now and try to perform the this procedure by the way to avoid spilling gasoline when disconnecting the hoses
it's better to release the pressure in the fuel line to do this you can access the fuse responsible for the fuel pump operation in my car this fuse is located under number 28 so we open this cover and remove fuse number 28 then try to start the car the car won't start and the pressure will automatically drop after that you can easily disconnect the fuel line and there will be practically no gasoline spillage I went down into the inspection pit and lifted the rear right side of the car slightly
so that there would be more space here because it's inconvenient to work from the pit and as you can see we have a plastic cover over the rear beam the fuel filter is located behind this cover first we unscrew the nuts securing the cover to make it easier to remove the fuel filter hoses we start by loosening the clamps carefully gently pull off the hose remembering that gasoline might spill after I disconnected the second hose I managed to drain all the fuel from the filter there was approximate
ly this much gasoline in the filter now we need to unscrew the fuel filter to do this we remove the securing clamp which is attached to the body with two bolts I've loosened the clamp and now we can completely drain the remaining fuel from the filter then we remove the old filter from the clamp as you can see there was a perlux filter installed before and it was already Rusty the clamp was also heavily rusted but it hasn't lost its metal thickness yet before installation it's essential to lubric
ate the bolts so that they can be easily unscrewed in the future we insert the filter into the clamp and don't forget about the direction of fuel flow in reverse order we tighten the bolts and hoses turn on the ignition several times to create pressure in the fuel line and then you can start the engine as you can see nothing complicated that's it for now
