
RHAM Special Board of Education Meeting; April 1, 2024

Special Board of Education Meeting.


Streamed 1 day ago

all right um we'll do roll call again Mike Buller Michael bullier he Mike Sharon Mike Shar Joe ketti Joe K he Ken Linson kson pamington P farington Marboro Carrie frino Drew gin Drew gin Marboro Gabe marks marks hebr Amy romanchuk Amy romanchuk Mar Scott soet Scott soet and over and Heather summer Hein you can stand for the Pledge of Allegiance I pledge to the flag of the United States of America to the for it stands Nation God indivisible with liy and justice for all okay Hein Andover and marbo
r Community engagement and attendance at Boe public meetings is welcome the public comment segment of the meeting agenda is set aside so the Boe may receive public comments procedurally public remarks will be limited to 3 minutes and citizens will be asked to identify themselves because the Boe is limited by the Freedom of Information Act to discussing only matters on the agenda the Boe is not permitted to engage in a discussion of the comments presented okay is there any anybody who would like
to um make comment about the proposed 2024 2025 Capital Improvement budget okay um so do we have a recommendation that the board adopt the proposed 2024 2025 Capital Improvement budget in the amount of $499,995 Mike Sharon second Gabe marks seconded by Gabe marks all in favor I opposed okay the motion passes so does anybody have any discussion of regarding the 2024 2025 proposed operating budget okay uh do we have a motion that the board adop adopt the proposed 2024 2025 operating budget in the
amount of 31,2 194,000 $10 Joe klei second by Scott soy seconded by Scott soet all in favor I opposed think the motion passes Hein Andover maror Community engagement and attendance at Boe public meeting meetings is welcome public comment segment of the meeting agenda is set aside so the Boe may receive public comments procedurally public remarks will be limited to three minutes and citizens will be asked to identify themselves because the Boe is limited by the Freedom of Information Act to discu
ssing only matters on the agenda the Boe is not permitted to engage in a discussion of the comments presented is there anybody that would like to make public comment regarding the two budgets so I just before we adjourn I just wanted to thank the board for the support of the budget it's just on behalf of the district we really appreciate it um the one thing that I just think it's important to make sure I note is that so the next thing we have to do is we're going to have the special meeting the
night before the referendum to move this budget forward to referendum and then it goes to referendum the following day so it's in early May that that's going to take place the thing that I just want to remind board members is we're kind of entering a quiet period where we as a board and and and and I as a as a representative of the board cannot promote the idea of hey we need to pass this budget right it's important that that doesn't happen we can inform but we are not really in we're not suppos
ed to um push or promote so I do plan on having Communications to members of the ram Community um letting them know this is where we are this is what our current budget is but it's simply for information purposes so I just want to make sure that you know sometimes people like to do things like write letters to the River East I know that there are sometimes people like to be vocal in the support of things which I I appreciate it's just important that we can't really push this budget as far as pro
moting people and and encouraging people to to vote for it quick question you mentioned the River East are we going to put a pan in the river yeah so we're we're going to do similar to what we did last year we've been working actually I I was anticipating having this go smoothly this evening and we are working with them to get something out uh hopefully it might not be by this this coming one but yes we absolutely plan on doing that again that's yeah absolutely absolutely I don't remember the P
from other years what goes in it I'm sorry what goes in a pamphlet like that so basically it's it's it's kind of like a onepage just here are the highlevel pieces of information about um information pertaining to the budget you know here's what the increase is here's uh here's efforts that we did to reduce the budget here are some changes that we've made here's what the budget accomplishes it's it's kind of just like a you know a very scaled down version of our 50-page budget book just high leve
l information and we we put it into the and so I'll make it available in different town halls and then we utilized it and we um put it into the River East last year just so people could see it as well anybody else okay we have a motion to adjourn so MO mik mik Mike Mike buer Drew second Drew gin a second all in favor iOS okay motion passes thank you
