
Ridiculousnessly WTF Moments 😳 SUPER COMPILATION | Ridiculousness

From on-point predictions to mysterious disappearances, these Ridiculousness clips will have you wondering WTF you just saw. #MTV #Ridiculousness Paramount+ is here! Stream all your favorite shows now on Paramount+. Try it FREE at Subscribe to Ridiculousness: Steelo Brim and Chanel West Coast join Rob Dyrdek and a lineup of special guests as they watch the most hysterical and absurd viral videos out there. More from Ridiculousness: Like Ridiculousness on Facebook: Follow Ridiculousness on Twitter: Ridiculousness Instagram: #MTV is your destination for the hit series WNO, VMA, Jersey Shore, The Challenge, How Far Is Tattoo Far?, Teen Mom and much more!

MTV's Ridiculousness

8 hours ago

- Where are you, Mary? - Where are you? - Oh. - Wait. What? - OK, go back. - Was that an edit? Go back. Go back. Go back. - Man, that ain't no [BLEEP] edit. That's a [BLEEP] hidden Mary. - Whoa. I did not notice that. - That's good. That's good. That's good right there. - Where are you, Mary? - It's definitely not an edit. - I'm right here, Dave. - OK. You know, they used to believe the Earth was flat. You know? - Yeah. - Some people still do. - Some people still do. - OK. then they used to thin
k it was hollow. You know what I mean? They really thought like people tried to like-- you know, they'd find caves, and they'd be like, oh, for sure, like the center of the Earth is hollow. And there's probably a world in here. - Yeah, man. - It's nothing. Just a molten core. - Yeah. - You know what I mean? - But you can't blame them though. - Yeah. - Those first people, like you would be trying everything too. [LAUGHTER] - Yeah. - You know what I'm saying? - Yeah. [BLEEP] everything was confusi
ng. Lightning, holy [BLEEP]. There's a Lightning God. Oh, what? But the truth is the Earth despite not being flat and not being hollow, it's still a world that can feel flat and might swallow you up. OK? Because there is a lot of holes. And everybody in this category is getting Earth eaten. Take a look. [APPLAUSE] Just cruising, living life. I got a car. - Damn. Who paid for this? - What should we do? Um, I don't know. I just kind of-- goodbye. - Does the city pay for this? - I mean, you have to
, right? Like do you get your car back, or do they just sort of like cement over it? - You should get a whole new car. How is everybody else still doing driving around like it's normal? - That's what I mean like you're just feeling good that that's the only place where the hole is. - That was crazy. Hey, hey, hey. - Let's go. Let's get this working. - Hey, hey, hey. - Let's go. - Hey, hey. - Let's go. Let's go. - Oh, my God. - She about to box a mermaid now. - Man, she is. - She was training for
who? For a shark. - She went straight through. - Man. OK, what? - What the-- - What is this? - This is Earth eating Earth. - It really is. - Like-- - That's God being like, y'all didn't appreciate it. I'm taking it away. Where is it going? - Where did that-- that tree went to the center of the Earth. - It did. - That is so scary looking. - Nah, nah, nah. Don't do it. - No, flag you down. - It's a Mother Earth hole. - Oh. - Yeah. - They didn't really try to stop me though. - Man, they didn't. -
They could have got there a little more. - That's what I'm saying. You can't like give a wave to somebody. - Yeah. - And think that that means hole. - He's like, hey, hey. - Hey, back at you. - How are you? - Beautiful weather. - Oh. You got to throw up the X, man. You're in a place you no longer want to be in, and you're desperate to get out of there. What do you do? - Call an Uber. - OK. OK. Do you ever just try to make yourself just straight disappear? Like talk for a second, like, yeah, ever
ything's good. Like, yeah, no, it's pretty popping strong. And just slowly like-- - Oh, I do that all the time. - Like fade, like completely out. - I do that all the time. If you say bye to one person, you got to say about everybody. So it just be like, nah, [BLEEP] this. I'm going to get [BLEEP] out of here. - That's what you got to do. The best way to get away from people is simply to go ghosting. Take a look. [APPLAUSE] Hey, y'all. This party sucks. Later. She's gone. - She got on camos, and
nobody just noticed at all. [LAUGHTER] Like she belongs there. - No, anyway, yeah, later. Sick of all these bitches. [LAUGHTER] I don't want this dog life anymore. Woo. - Full extension. Like full extension, bro. - Wholly committed. Just-- just-- just caught a paw. He would have been clean as a whistle. He just-- man. Hey. [SCREAMS] Wha-- Never to be seen again. - That wasn't good. - Man, I don't like-- [SCREAMS] [LAUGHS] - Ready? Watch what he's going to do. - What's he going to do? Ooh. And ju
st like that, he's gone. We'll be right back with more "Ridiculousness." We know Tupac's alive, right? [LAUGHTER] - He in Malaysia. They say he in Malaysia. - Yeah. - What? - Well, look, he's in Malaysia, right? And we know it. - Yeah. - It makes a lot of sense. - I'm going to Malaysia soon. - Machiavelli. - I'm going to look for him. - You, look, you'll probably find him. And he'll be like shh. [LAUGHTER] - No. He is not alive. He would not be letting-- - Look, eh. - There was pictures and vide
os out last week. - Eh, this is what I need to know right now. Do you think he did it alone, or he had help? - He had help. - He did. He did. - I don't think he's alive. But-- - He is alive. And he-- - I'm going to take a selfie with Pac and send it to you too right here. - Yes. Yes. - Like, bro said, you crazy. - And, look, he couldn't have done it alone. Just like everybody in this category right here, Assisted Disappearances. [APPLAUSE] How about a little bit of this? Now, go. [GROANS] - Oh,
bro. - She said, whoop. - Oh. - I said, no, no, no. Whoop. - Yo, man, she had really no idea. She kept walking on nothing. - She really did. [LAUGHTER] [MEOW] I tell you what, there's only one way to get rid of you, little kitty. - Oh, my-- - Oh, man. - OK. OK. - Oh, man. - OK. - She really didn't want her. - She really didn't. - Little baby, little baby, little, gah. - Oh. - Oh, man. - Little baby, little baby. Whoop. - He really snatched her like a creep, bro. - He really did. I mean, this is
really how I picture like grocery store kidnappings looking. - No, for real. - Just like whoop. Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey. Hey, hey, hey, hey. Hey-- - Oh. - Oh. [LAUGHTER] That's a strong mother- [BLEEP] on the other end of that table. - And just had the [BLEEP] muscle on it. You ready, there? Wham. [LAUGHTER] OK, let's do everything we can here to dig out and get rid of this fella. - Let's give back. - All right. OK. Take care. - Oh, man. - We'll see you later. There you have it for Assisted Disa
ppearance. Welcome back to "Ridiculousness" where the temperature inside this building is hard to manage. [LAUGHTER] - Yeah. That's true. - You know what I mean? Like I would say like there's sections now-- how do you feel temperature-wise right now? - I'm a little warm. - She's always warm when everybody else is [BLEEP] freezing. - Yeah, it's weird. You know-- - I have a ton of fake hair on. I have layers. - OK. - I-- you know? I'm a girl. We got hormones. We get hotter, sorry. - OK. All right,
now. When you guys were kids, did you ever play hide and seek? - Yes. - Love it. - OK, now were you-- - You're an only child, right? - That doesn't mean I didn't have friends. - Oh, OK. - I was popular as hell. - Now were you a hider or a seeker? - I was a hider. - I was a hider. - I used to get in the dryer. I used to do all type of [BLEEP].. I put myself in a suitcase one time. [LAUGHTER] - OK. Look. - I was little. - OK. Both of you guys are the real deal. And you could have qualified for th
is category right here called Unseekable. Take a look. [APPLAUSE] - OK. I see him. - All right. - Yeah, I can tell. He does kind of blend in. You know? - He does. Look, man. - They kind of need him there too. - They do. They've got everything there, all the way down to like a ginger little girl. Everything, man. - Like him and her go to the same salon a [BLEEP].. - Where? Where? Oh, look at me. - Can't see me. - Oh, where is this tricky, little thing? Where are you? I saw him run. Where are you?
- It is crazy how he is tricking him like that. - Yeah, he's a talented, little rodent. - Invisibility. - Oh. Close. OK. Sort of. - He had to clench his butt together more. - Yeah. - You know? - Yeah. - Then the picture would have been perfect. - You guys are at a [BLEEP]-ing-ing school doing this? It's a little creepy. - Oh, OK. You can get up. - You can get up. - [INDISTINCT SPEECH] - You were sitting on Mark. You were sitting on Mark. You had no idea. You had no idea. - OK. HR is going to he
ar about this. - Hey. I know. - He's definitely getting arrested for this, y'all. Y'all clapping and [BLEEP]. He just caught a case, 100%. - But it's like flawless. - It really is. - You know what I mean? Like he looks comfortable, man. - It looks like a comfortable chair actually. - Relax. Oh, hey. Hi. - That's sick. - It is, man. He's not getting enough credit, man. [LAUGHTER] He [BLEEP]-ing-ing lifted that neck back, and his little face came out. - It really did. - And I'm like, damn it. He's
a [BLEEP]-ing-ing real transformer. - That was a transformer. - Just looking for a criminal. Not me. Hi, oh. - Really blended in. - Man, he really did. Man. - Just became-- I love that he just became a [BLEEP]-ing ornament. Like he really did. - He really did. - If you do not do a close up, we do not know at all. - No. there's no way anyone at the mall saw him. But he's so happy. I love the holidays. [APPLAUSE] If you could have any superpower, what would it be? - Fly probably. - Teleporting. -
OK. Those are all great. Those are all great. Show of hands of people that would prefer to be invisible. - Those are creeps. All these creeps in the crowd. [LAUGHTER] All these perverts in the crowd. - There ain't nothing perverted about wanting to be invisible. - Depending on how you use it, yeah. - Well, exactly. You know what I mean? I just-- you would like to meander about with no one bothering you. Doesn't mean you have to end up in some porny situation. - I feel like that's really why he'
d want to be invisible though just so he can walk with nobody bothering him. - It really is. - You could just like float around and crowds. You could go to Disneyland and shuffle your way up to the front. You know what I mean? Like-- - I love he did twinkle toes to go to Disneyland. - OK, look, here's the thing. Just because it's an amazing superpower doesn't mean that it's real. This next category is dedicated to people that are just trying to be invisible. We call it Blenders. Take a look. [AP
PLAUSE] - OK. - Oh. - Oh, hell, no. - What's up, Deborah? Been a while. - I want to see my kids, bitch. - Trying to understand why you blocked me. - This is creepy. That's creepy. - OK. This will work. OK. All right. - No. - This is-- yeah, you're right. [BLEEP] [LAUGHTER] OK, it's just a camel and his camel friend. - Oh, [BLEEP]. - I don't know why like the idea of like a camel hiding behind a camel are so funny to me. - Maybe they are Siamese twins. - Are they related? Because they are identic
al. Everything's good. Just nothing to see here. Just a man and a bush. Nothing to see here just some vegetation at the bus stop. - It's the sickest costume ever. [LAUGHTER] - There you have it for Blenders. OK, if you're an introvert, what type of superpower do you most likely want? - Oh, to block everybody else from talking to your ass. - That's right. What would that be? - Like almost like a bubble boy. Like you'd have like a little bubble shield so you can go out in public, and nobody could
see you. - Right. So what would you be? - Like a force field. - What would you be? - Invisible. - Bubble boy? - You would be invisible. You know what I'm saying? - Oh, invisible. - You know an introvert would just snap. Like as soon as you see a per-- snap. Nothing to see here. Nothing to talk to here. - Yeah. - No reason to have a conversation with me. You can't even see me. - Sometimes, I want to be that person. - Yeah, no, me too. Bang, oh, what's up, man? How you doing? No, no. Bang. Oh, lik
e someone's coming. Hey. Bang. Poof. [LAUGHTER] Chest. - Like you just poof out of the sky when they come up to you. - You ghost somebody in like the realist way by just snapping right into your invisibility. All right, well, look, this category is filled with people that want the superpower of invisibleness. Take a look at Invisibility Training. [APPLAUSE] Oh, yes, you see nothing. Am I an owl, or am I a kitty? - Oh, my God. - Yes. - That's what I'm saying. Cats are too sneaky. They will murder
you. - Hey, hey. - Why are you just in there chilling? - Look at that. That looks like a best friend to me. - How the [BLEEP] you blend in the highlights? - Cats literally give me the vibe like they're like it's all the cat from "Hocus Pocus." Like you're a human trapped in there. - Yeah. Yeah. - Like somebody put a spell on you and trapped you in this body. - Yeah, hey, as we say that, I'm going to change my cat's name to a human name. I'm going to start-- I should name him Jeff. - Yeah. - You
know what I mean? Like or like Tim. Hey, Darryl. - Darryl. - Kevin? What have you been doing? - Can we play a game? - There is nothing to see here but a potted plant. - Bush boy. - Oh. Hey. Man. Man, they want to arrest him. What should we charge him with? Impersonating a bush. - Yeah. - Oh, man. - Oh, [BLEEP]. - What? - My God, come on. Nothing to see here. Just a bunch of stuffed animals. - This is un-- - Man. - You won all from Chuck E. Cheese. - Look, I don't know-- - I need-- I'm going to
buy a corgi the second I leave here today. This is so cute. - If corgis when they were tired slept like this, I would buy one immediately. If I could look in the room-- oh, look, at, he's asleep. [LAUGHTER] This [BLEEP] little body. I mean, he looks like a cartoon, man. - It is so cute. - I see nothing. I see-- oh. - OK. Yeah. - That's what's going to happen. - Wow. - Like go ahead. If you're really going to get into being invisible, it's going to be some form of mirror. - Dude, that's so smart.
- Yeah. - That's crazy. - Man, you should be hunting deer or lion right now. - You really should. - You'd be catching them all day. You wouldn't even have to shoot them. You could wrestle them down. - Yeah, why doesn't the Army got like mirror shields? - Man, why don't they got mirror tanks? Why don't [BLEEP] can't tell what anything is out there? There you have it for Invisibility Training. [APPLAUSE] OK. You guys are familiar with Where's Waldo. - Yeah. - How good were you at it? - I was pret
ty good at it. - Real good. - Yeah, OK. - These days, I might not be. My eyesight is a lot different than when I was eight. - OK. What? So you had eagle eyes at eight? It was like, Waldo. - Eagle eyes. I would always look right away like I'm good at that. Well I used to be. - I wonder like why there isn't like Where's Waldo competitions? - Really? - Right? Like because like when I think about like trying to battle somebody to find Waldo, I can't believe that's not a thing. You know what I mean?
It feels like a game show. - You should start it. - Yeah. You know, look, this category isn't about finding a guy with some glasses and a beanie and a striped shirt. - Yeah. - It's about finding weird people. Take a look at Where's Weirdo? Where are you? Where are you? - Yeah. - What the-- man. - Yeah. I like it. - Wait. What was that? - A dog, right? - I don't know what I'm looking at. - Yeah, your Waldo shield is not going to be hitting that. - No. Still fully pointed out, breathing, can't eve
n see it. - Oh. - That's funny. - Oh. - It looked like a headless person walking for a second. Like-- - Legitimately just grass head. Man, I love pot. My whole head's pot. Oh, there he is. - I'm just dropping this back off. I wore it yesterday. - It's not stealing if you return it. - Where are you, Mary? - Where are you? - Oh. - Wait. What? - OK, go back. Go back. - Man, that ain't no [BLEEP]-ing-ing edit. That's a [BLEEP]-ing-ing hidden Mary. - Whoa. I did not notice that. - That's good. Yeah,
that's good right there. - Where are you, Mary? - It's definitely not an edit. - I'm right here, Dave. Tricky, tricky Mary. All right, that's it for our episode today. For Steelo Brim and Chanel West Coast, I'm Rob Dyrdek. We'll see you next time on "Ridiculousness". [APPLAUSE] OK, Chanel, do you think being short is a blessing or a curse? - I think it's a blessing. - What's the number one reason why, do you think? - Because you kind of stay more in a childlike mentality. I think it keeps you fr
om aging. I'm convinced all my friends that are all of the small ones, we look the youngest. You know? - Yeah. Look, you know, to this day, people will be, like, what? You're not 25? [LAUGHTER] You know what I mean? Until they get up close, and they're like, damn, I thought you were 25. [LAUGHTER] Damn, you look like my teacher. But it's like here's the other gift, short people live longer. - That's what I heard too. - All the supercentenarians that live up into the one tens and the one twelves,
you know what I mean? Because guess what? Even when you're a big, old tall guy, gravity just gets to work on you. - Is that real? Or do people become shorter as they get older? - No. No. You just-- - I think what you're saying here is-- - No. You know what I mean? You-- gravity just doesn't do as much work on your internal organs, man. Like you know, you're 5'9 and above, you just slowly get crunched. You know what I mean? [LAUGHTER] Everybody in this category is feeling Short Blessings. Take a
look. [APPLAUSE] - Order. - Come on, Riley. - Oh, OK. Tell you what-- - Come on, Wonder Woman. - Oh, my God. - Whoosh. - Could have cleaned house. - Man, could have got them all. - Could have cleaned house. - Could have literally decapitated three at once. - She really swung it like a little Wonder Woman. - Did anybody get caught? Not one person got caught. - Wonder Woman's not going to kill everybody. [LAUGHTER] Da, da, da, da, da. Da, na, na, na. - Oh. - Oh. Perfect. Like what was that? - He
don't even know what happened. What's this guy doing out here? - He just felt it. - Yeah, he really had no idea. He's so confused. - Said, you guys say something? - No. - Did you say anything? - Oh, no. - Is there a foot in front of my face? - Oh, boy. What are the odds? - It's coming back. - Coming right back at you. Coming right back at you. Coming-- - Oh, man. - Oh. - Mew, where are you going ball? We'll be right back with more "Ridiculousness." You know, it's like you know, sometimes on this
show, we show incredible videos of people basically cheating death. - Yeah. - You know what I mean? - Lots of them. - They get incredibly lucky. It's my favorite. You know what I mean? [LAUGHTER] But really I'm starting to think like, maybe the universe was coming for them. You know what I mean? And they accidentally like got out of it. You know, rather than what they were really meant to experience was a nice, you know, brick to the shin, you know what I mean? Snap a leg, you know, have some t
ime to reevaluate things in life. You know what I mean? What do you think about the videos when people barely cheat a disaster? - Sometimes I think it's like a wake up call God sent to them. - Yeah. - And you got to-- for all those people, they need to pay attention. What did you do previously that caused this moment? - Yeah. - You know what I'm saying? - Yeah. - It was God like being like-- - Just a warning. - Watch out. - Just a warning. - Is God being like, you better watch out. Because if yo
u keep acting like that, next time, I'm going to really kill you. - Because God got good aim. And God wouldn't miss if he wanted to kill you. - Exactly. - Yeah. - So it's him being like, I'm just sending you a warning shot, fam. - That's it. - Exactly. - That's true. Hey, nobody's got better aim than God. - For sure. - You know what I mean? So if you barely got away, it was on purpose. Everybody in this category, that's kind of what happens. They didn't end up surviving on purpose, they Accident
ally Survived. Take a look. [APPLAUSE] Just out at the canyons. - Come over here. Yeah. - Getting the best photo. - A little to the left. A little to the left. - Goodbye. - Oh, man. - Oh. What the [BLEEP] are you doing? You almost missed my picture. Oh. - Man, you just dodged the ice bullet. - She said something to God, for sure. - She did. If you don't want me to be here, God-- - Lord, send me a sign. [LAUGHTER] - That was crazy. [BELL] - Ah, the victory bell. [BELL] - We are-- oh. - Oh. - Almo
st caught a body. - Man, victory bell of death. - I know. - Just, hello, hello. - I graduated. - Yeah, man. [LAUGHTER] - OK, at any point in your life, have you been a hero? - I think when I-- I told you a story. When I took the baby from hugging the trash can. - That's right. - I felt like I was saving the baby from germs, getting sick. - Yeah. - You're putting-- you're putting a lot on this. OK. - I will say, I was making the family aware they need to watch their child more. - That's it. Hey,
you might have-- you could have saved that baby's life. - I think I did. - You know what I mean? - I stopped a baby from getting hit by a car on my block. - OK, that beats my story. - I was like 13. It was crazy. I remember the car coming down, I literally yanked her ass back. And they basically didn't even see it till the last second. And I was like, oh, I definitely saved your life. But I knew I couldn't like hold it over her head because she had nothing to give me in return. So-- - Yeah. Well
, look, the truth is sometimes, people act boldly like the both of you did and frankly saved two children's lives. OK. And then sometimes, you're a hero by accident where you're just in the right place at the right time and you accidentally save someone's life. Take a look at Accidental Heroes. [APPLAUSE] - Oh. - OK. - Hey, chill, you good. - This makes me feel like a dog and a fish mixed to make this or something like-- - Yeah. Sea otter. - Oh. [BLEEP] Oh. - I appreciate that. Appreciate that.
Thank you. Just need to be here for a second. - Oh, he really was just coming in hiding out real quick. Like, he still out there? - Hey, do you mind if I stay here for just a second? I'm in a bit of danger. [LAUGHTER] - Hey, I stole his food. - Here we go. - One, two, three. - Oh, ah, ah. - Oh, [BLEEP]. Oh, damn. Yeah, I got him. - I got him. - [INDISTINCT SPEECH] - Look at me. All of that for nothing. I perfectly got him. Just fell on him. - Oh. - Man, like, that's what you were staring down? A
nd you accidentally captured it. - But like what do you do from here? You know what I mean? - You just-- - You'd just let him suffocate? - Look, I wouldn't let him suffocate, but I'd make him dizzy. And I'd just shake him. Get him all [BLEEP] discombobulated. Then get him into a bag and get him outside. You know what I mean? [LAUGHTER] Oh, oh, oh, oh. Oh, no. - Oh. - Oh, oh, no. Oh, no. - Oh, my God. - Give me that stick. Give me that stick. Give me that stick. - Oh, friend, I got you. - Look, h
e don't care about the dog. - He just wants the stick. You know what I mean? - And you come with it, it's fine. - Yeah. He got like-- [LAUGHTER] - OK, you know, this show is filled with a lot of videos. OK, most of them are fails. OK, a lot of times, we do hero packages where there's wins. You know? Far and few between. You know what I mean? But the truth is both serve a purpose on this show. And I thought like, wow, wouldn't it be amazing if we could combine them into a single clip? You know? -
One clip? - It's about failing and winning simultaneously. Ladies and gentlemen, Success Fail. Take a look. [APPLAUSE] Oh, she's down. She's down. She's up, she's good. - Oh. And she landed on twinkle toes right there. Watch this. - Oh, oh, oh. - Tap, tap, tap. Tah. - Hey. - OK. - He's so fit. - Oh. - Oh, no. - Damn. - Look at this. Its strength, its coordination, and its a passion for clowning. - He really did flip that pretty quick though. - He did. He knew. I'm not going to be embarrassed in
front of Brittany. - Are you doing. No, you're not. - Oh. - Because you're a survivor. - And she was like instantly-- - A fan. - Ta da. - All right. Wait for that door to come down. Nope. Just kidding. Oh. Oh. You caught the fan-- oh, what? No, no. No. OK. Oh, oh. That's right. - [BLEEP] . - The single worst shot you could have ever done. - No. - Is a perfect hole in one. And you want to know what? It counts. Dad, tell me about that hole in one that you shot in. - I was down in Myrtle Beach. It
was in a shop, and the guy had or bracelets with magnets. - And what did he say to you? He said, look, you throw this on the wrist, you're going to golf way better. - Yeah. You know, I was really going to really become a golfer. - Yeah, yeah. - But on the 13th hole, about 130 yard hole, that was my hole in one, first one. - What? [APPLAUSE] OK, let's take a look at this. And so what is this right here? Like they just like-- how does this work? - I'm an avid Ping golfer. I have been using their
club since Ping Guy One came out. - Hey, Ping shout out. [LAUGHTER] You know, like I didn't realize my dad was going to be over here running endorsements. [LAUGHTER] - That's the way it is. - OK, look, we decided that that magnetic bracelet gave you powers that led to a hole in one. We created an entire category of people that are winning because they got magnetic bracelets called Power Of Magnets. Take a look. OK. Somebody's got some magnet power. Lucky shot or magnets? [BUZZER] - Oh. - That co
urt looks short. - What? - It's a short court. - Gosh. What-- - It really is. - Look, have you guys ever heard of the word hater? [LAUGHTER] Oh, got it. Oh, well, now back to painting your house. Oh, yeah, OK. It's definitely the magnets. We'll be right back with more "Ridiculousness." Oh, you know, I've lived an extremely blessed life. I feel very lucky. You know what I mean? I feel like I've been touched by an angel. I have been some pretty hairy situations. Always kind of just danced my way o
ut of it. - Same. - You know what I mean? So I just picture there's just like some angels up there just like, oh, let's move him just over to the left there. There and, zam. You know what I mean? Oh, he's flipping and spinning. Let's just tighten up that belt a little bit, boom. OK, good. He just knocked his head, he didn't smash it. - Yeah. - Do you guys believe that there are angels around you? - For sure. - Literally I feel like I am divinely protected. - Oh, good. I started thinking about yo
u like walking across a street and then someone stopping you right before a train flies in front of you. And you have been nowhere near a train probably ever in your life, at least for a really long time. But I just had a train vision, and you get saved from it. So when it happens, say Rob, predicted this on "Ridiculousness" 972. Everybody in this category, clearly, somebody's looking over them. Take a look at Angel Touched. [APPLAUSE] OK, just trying to get a little bit of-- oh, well, look at m
e. Looks like I got some, oh. - It definitely won't work twice. I hope she does not think it's going to work again. - The way she reacted. - Let me pause in with my bad self. - And look at me. Oh, you know you're touched by the angels when-- OK, stop. OK. - What? - Oh, stop. OK. The greatest spare in the history of spares. You can't send the thing completely off the lane and it come back and spin back. - Yeah, he spins it back. Doing to it, it really did keep the same spin. - Man, gutter, back i
n. - It kept the same spin though. - It counts. Yeah. Go buy a lottery ticket, you know, get on Tinder, whatever you need to do. OK. OK. Go back. Go back. I mean is this-- I mean, even if this is done on purpose, you know, what I'm saying? You should probably get four points for that. All right, that's it for our show today. For Steelo Brim and Chanel West Coast, I'm Rob Dyrdek. We'll see you next time on "Ridiculousness." Welcome back to "Ridiculousness." You know, I think I'm pretty psychic. -
Me too. - You know what I mean? So like you got a strong third eye? - I believe so. Yeah. - I mean, are you tapped into the universe, or what? - I feel like I'm pretty tapped in. I'm still trying to figure out like all the deeper meanings. [LAUGHS] But, yeah, I feel like I'm pretty tapped in. I am borderline psychic. - Yeah, tell me about your last prediction. - Borderline. [LAUGHS] - No, no. Like several times, I'd see something in my dreams, and then a day or two later, I see it in real life.
- Yeah? - It's very weird. - Yeah, look, I used to dream the place of the contest the night before I'd enter a skateboard contest. And I'd always get [BLEEP] seventh. And I'd be like, god damn it. [LAUGHTER] And so, look, the gift and the curse of having that strong psychic ability. Everybody in this category has the same skill. Take a look at Third Eye-Sight. Uh oh. - He's going to [BLEEP] it up. - Oh. - Go now, go now. - Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh. Oh. - Oh, no. - Just like spitting gas all o
ver. - That's crazy. - Go now. Go now. - Ain't no cap. It's wide open. - Oh, oh. - Here we go. - OK. - Oh, man. You could have put it any other place. You let it perfectly land on your head. - Full shower. [LAUGHTER] - OK. - Yeah, yeah. Guess what? It broke. - You know I've never really been good with people giving me warnings for my safety. You know what I mean? They'll be like, you know, you can't like jump off this building. Like the boxes aren't going to like hold your weight. And, you know,
I think they're hating. You know what I mean? They're like trying to be like, you know, you can really get hurt here. It's like you [BLEEP]. Do you want to do it? You want to be the [BLEEP] person that gets the glory for this right now? What are [BLEEP]? Why are you so concerned? I don't know what it is. And then, of course, I would get hurt. And then be like, why, the [BLEEP] didn't somebody get more specific? You know what I mean? [LAUGHTER] Well, look, everybody in this category is not heedi
ng the warnings. Take a look at Bro, It's Fine. - Fatso. - Hey, watch out. - Mate, mate. - Oh, OK. - He said, watch out, bro. - Didn't trust him. Didn't believe him. He looked and saw a perfect dirt bridge. - The sky is beautiful. - It is. - Watch out. - Gordon Ramsay just doing some biking. - Just doing some mud biking. - No, Polly, it's going to go right here. - It's going to go right-- - Just try a little. - Just try it. It won't go in my face. I'm freezing. I'm freezing. It's an ice mask. -
Legit. He looks younger after it. - [BLEEP]. - It got rid of my bags. It's crazy. - He feels so happy. - [BLEEP] duck. - Is it a duck, is it? - It's a duck, is it? Oh. What are we out here, just having fun with ducks? - Yeah. - Duck fun. Just ducking off with me and the duckies. - [BLEEP] duck. - [BLEEP] is it a duck, is it? - Grab the other mallard. - So we've had squirrels getting in our attic. And my wife is now standing on the counter because she's freaked out and thinks one has somehow gott
en in our bathroom which is physically impossible. - He's in there. - Suz, it is literally impossible. - There is squirrel in there. I hear it. - No. I'm telling you-- - I'm telling you right now. Suz-- - It's a squirrel. - Physically impossible. - He's about to jump on your face. - Watch. Watch. - Nothing. - Watch. [SCREAMS] - Nothing. Suz. - What did I just tell you? - I know it's there. - Nothing. - There literally is nothing in here. Literally, nothing. - I heard it. - Nothing. Nothing. I'm
looking everywhere. - And nothing. - Oh. - My God. - Real squirrel, real face. We'll be right back with more "Ridiculousness." - But it was great. - OK. Do either of you have psychic abilities? - I do. - Oh. OK, I almost went with a yes too. Yeah. - OK. Good, good. - I mean, I saw that yes happening. It was crazy. - That's OK. Look. - It's crazy how that happens. - You're real witchy. - That's so funny. Like even before I asked the question, I knew that this conversation would occur. - I did too
actually. Before we actually got on stage, I knew this question was going to happen. - Of course, you would. You have powers like us. - Look at this. Oh, my goodness. We are basically in a vortex of psychic abilities. - Right. - You know, and look, I don't know how you use it, but I try to use it to create a high probability lifestyle. - OK. That's the only way to use it. - You know what I mean? Mean-- [LAUGHTER] You know what I mean? I just try to continually predict the future by planning eac
h day and knowing what's coming. But, of course-- - Oh, you predict the future. - You're a planner. - We see it. We're psychics. - Yeah. We're one step ahead of you actually. - Yeah, yeah. - You're just predicting. He's a poser. He's predicting. [LAUGHTER] - Oh, man, I love the idea of like you're putting in all that work, we just see it. OK. Well, look, then you're like everybody in this category because they are predicting pain. Take a look at Psychic Pain. - If you fall off, you're going to h
it your head on the counter. - OK. Whatever. - Yep. - Oh, she's amazing. She's a witch. But like why are you on the ironing board? They're not ironing clothes? Like iron clothes, bro. - He's Iron Man. - Iron Man, it's hilarious. I'm Iron Man. - No, it's Iron Boy. - Iron Boy. - Right here? - OK. What am I going to do? - I don't want to go too hard and then like hurt my hand on this thing. - Oh, yeah. OK. - That's great. - Oh. - He called it. He called it. - Yeah, it has nothing to do with how har
d you're punching. It's how bad your aim is. - Yeah, for sure. - Because you weren't even close. - He broke his hand. It's a tiny little pumpkin too. You already don't have a great shot. - It looks like an orange. - Yeah, OK. - It's how small it is. - Where are you going? - He's going to get-- he's going to go-- I'm calling it right now. - Oh. - I knew it was going to happen. - She said, I'm calling it right now, out. - And like but he just gave up. He gave up. - He's taking care of the grass. H
e's doing a really good job. - Man, it looks beautiful. - Hey, hey. - Look at that. Beautiful. - Pause it. Pause it. This is a church. - Has to be. - This is how the Lord takes care of his lawn. - For sure. - The deacons aren't doing this. - Right now-- - Oh. - I knew that was going to happen. - Be with God. - That was a clean fall. - Go be with God. - Mother [BLEEP]-ing trail. Look at this [BLEEP]. - What is this? What is this trail right here? - What's this? - Oh. - Oh, fun. - Hey, watch out.
- Hey, watch out. - All right? - It is slippery. - Oh, man, you distracted him by telling him it was slippery. - Oh, yeah. Let him concentrate. - Yeah, yeah. Should have concentrated. - You made him look down, and he [BLEEP] lost his balance. - It was his fault. - For sure. It's slippery. - It's slippery. - Oh. - I'm sorry. - Yeah, man. - Yeah, man. [BLEEP] super slippery. There you have it for Psychic Pain. You know, I think all of us have pretty good intuition. - I have the strongest. - Do you
ever predict like failures where you'll be like, OK, this is not-- I shouldn't do this, this isn't going to work, and then, boom, it doesn't work? - I have a really strong intuition just for like things going on around me. I can sense when people are lying. When they're like haters but acting nice to my face, like just this really like, it's a really strong intuition. - I mean, look, it's the idea that, you know, if you think something bad is going to happen to you and you say it, like, if you'
re on a bike, and be like, oh, I'm going to crash if I go down this hill. Your mind is basically just going to pull you into that crash. - Yeah. - Well, that's, I think, more like negative thinking. - Yeah. - I think, intuition is more like-- it's this feeling you have inside. So like, for example, when I found out my ex-boyfriend was cheating, I had no evidence, nothing in the world. It was just this little feeling that popped in my stomach one day, and then once it got there, it wouldn't go aw
ay until I had to get to the bottom of it. - This is more towards the other side of falling on a bike, you know, than hunting down the cheating boyfriend. But, I guess, it lives in the same sort of thing. Like when you think about something in a negative way, sometimes you accidentally manifest it. - [BLEEP],, did I make it happen? Who knows? I don't know. - Just like everybody in this category, Forseeing Failures. - Oh, OK. - Because it's going to be all sack. - Damn. - Oh, no. - And like is th
at the way you're supposed to fall? Like nobody over there on that side. - Also, like, I feel like the girl who's like kind of the-- - The spotter one. - She spotted with her full body. Look at her get all the way down to the ground to try to catch. - Yeah, oh, God. No. - You're not strong enough. I'm sorry. He got it. Them little Yeezy boots you got on. - You'll be fine. - You're fine. - So what if you fall? - So what if you fall? - Jump. [LAUGHS] - Yeah. [LAUGHS] - Like instant collapse. - So
I'm moving most of my stuff tomorrow, and I took out all of the glass pieces in the shelf. And usually Lennon likes climbs up and takes it to the windowsill. And she just couldn't tell that there was no glass in it. So Lennon-- - Oh, oh. - [BLEEP]. - She just keeps doing it. Did you not just learn your lesson two seconds ago? - Oh, no. She jumped underneath it. Thought it was fine. - There was no glass in it. - Yeah. - She's just used to it. - There's no glass. - What in the hell? - Ah, the most
dangerous-- loads of cyclists have been killed here. They're trying to do something different and put in those things. You know? But stop them from getting stuck, and-- OK. All right. There you go. Talking about all the cyclists, and you're the one buddy bumping them. OK, look, I need you to tell me right now, do you believe I'm psychic? - Yes. - A little bit. - OK. - Slightly. - I also feel like a broke clock is right twice a day. - OK, so I feel like you-- [LAUGHS] - That's a good one. - He s
aid what? - A broke clock is right twice a day. - Oh, OK. OK. That [BLEEP] shot by my psychic brain. [LAUGHS] - You didn't even see it coming. - No. I knew a [BLEEP] insult was coming, so my psychic mind just let that [BLEEP] whip right over. I believe as I get older, I turn into a bit of a guru. You know what I mean? - OK. - And I can slowly begin to predict the future. - Ooh, I like that. - I can see that she's starting to get a little chilly, right? [LAUGHS] I can see you're already chilly. -
OK. - You know what I mean? - I think these are observations versus-- - No, no, I could have closed my eyes and been like, two chilly people in front of me. - It's also cold here. - And it's not because I feel a cold draft on me either. [LAUGHTER] Well, look, just like me, everybody in this category right here has Psychic Energy. Take a look. Oh, boy. - That's a hammock, right? - It's made for people. - I would actually die if he fell. - Oh. - Time to die. - Thank you. - But she didn't die. - H
ow are you still alive? - Kept the camera rolling. - You can tell by like this entire setup that she just like took a hammer and just nailed it in right there. - They should make a hammock that can sit over your toilet like this. - What? - No? - What? - That's just me? I just saw her [BLEEP]-ing-ing in my head. And I was like, you can get that out so much cleaner if you had a hammock. - Man. - I feel like Sterling has dreams of just being able to like sleep and take a [BLEEP] or something. - I t
ake five a day. It's what I spend most of my time doing. - But if you could walk in and like sit down and it just like scooped you up into place and then you just [BLOWS RASPBERRY]. - You're in there for 10 seconds. Straight down. - All right. Here we go. No skull cracking. I shouldn't say that. - No skull cracking. Go back. Go back. - Oh. - Go back. Go back. Is that Ellen? - Oh, my God. The voice does sound like Ellen's now that you said it. - Let me hear. Let me here. - Listen. - All right, he
re we go. No skull cracking. I shouldn't say that. - Skull. - That is literally Ellen. - All I need is a camera to start [BLEEP] dancing randomly. You just like, that's Ellen. - Man, I just want to like abuse people that work here. Oh, OK. - Don't say that. - Don't say-- you already said it now. OK, yeah, you want to know what? I think you're actually good here. - Yeah. - Oh. Didn't see that coming. - Well, also could have happened was the person recording her could have helped her. - Well. - Ju
st at any point, you could have stopped recording and helped. - But you know what it is. You just [BLEEP] give it all you got with this Ikea bull [BLEEP]. Right? Like you give to-- you give it too much credit that the moment the [BLEEP] together, nothing can ever happen again, right? Oh, later. - It's going to come back on you, mate. - Well, I'm a master wall breaker. [LAUGHTER] - Oh. - [BLEEP]. - Oh, I predicted it right there. There you have it for Psychic Energy. You might find it interesting
that all three of us are going to be planning weddings around the same time. - No way. Look at us. - Yeah, look at us. - We could share like thoughts and opinions. - Yeah. Get a Pinterest going. - Yeah, get a little Pinterest board. - Oh, yeah. Yeah. - See what's going on. Yeah. - With the guys. - You know, so I do like a full wedding every five years. So this will be my 10th anniversary coming up next year. - No way. Congrats. - But look, you know, what do you guys think of for weddings? You k
now, what are you thinking? Are you doing somewhere exotic? I mean, what are you thinking? - It's so tough. Like I didn't realize like planning a wedding is a lot. - Yeah. - I would like to do it in Italy. But we'll see. - I'm doing mine in Italy. - You are? Should we do it together? - Oh, man. - We could. - Me too. - Do you want to? No way. Actually? - We could get a packaged discount. - Yeah, let's do it. - Day after day. - We should. - All right. All right. Good luck. Have a good time. - We d
o a crazy weekend. Each day-- - I think that's perfect. - Anyway, this category right here is not beautiful, majestic weddings. It's just random. Take a look at Weird Weddings. - Oh, OK. - Oh, yes. - This guy. - I am your warrior husband. - He always wears a top hat too. Oh, no. OK. And there-- - Oh, no. - Did he not want the cake? - Man. I don't want this marriage anyway. - Honestly, it looks fun. - It does look like they are having fun. - Yeah. - The bride is a little like, take it easy here.
- She is. My family's here. - Right. - They don't know who you really are. - That's it. They weren't sure. - Calm down, dude. - They didn't understand the real you, Jeffrey. - The friends in the background, they're like-- - They know him for sure. - Yeah, they are like, that's the guy right there. - That's the Rob we know. - Ax Axle. - Oh, you know who it is? - Hey. - Dino and Deano. - Hey, hey. Man, oh, man. - Oh, man. - This man's dance moves. - Oh, man. - His body shape. Everything about this
man. - Man, the choreography was TikTok, for sure. - You've never seen more regret in a fake laugh than this one right here. - Yeah, yeah. Yeah. - Yeah, baby. - We the Dino Boys. - They're like, we did great. - The Dino Boys. Oh, man. - OK, this is what we got going? - I want to teach you how to change a flat just in case, baby. - OK. OK. - Yeah. - Oh. Maybe her like husband is an auto mechanic family. And she has to prove herself. - She had to do it. - You can't tighten the nuts, you can't be
my wife. You know, I like to do some wild and strange things. You know? I got a lot of samurai swords at my house. You know what I mean? I keep weird crystals, you know, that I keep in my house that draw energy from the universe and give me power. - OK. - Do you guys ever find yourself doing weird things that you wish people don't see you to do? - I definitely have a lot of crystals too. - OK. - And I do the same thing where you-- they call it charging them outside. And you just kind of hold the
m up. - Yeah. - But it's one thing if you have a backyard like you do. I have to do that on a city sidewalk. - Yeah. - Oh, OK. - Just hold crystals up to the sun. - Yeah. - It's a little alarming for people. - For sure. - Yeah. - People probably think you're a witch. - Yeah. - And have you have you ever been out there like charging that crystal and someone like, you know, runs into you? - Oh, no. I've never been caught by somebody that I know. But people have seen it. - Would you be embarrassed?
Would you be embarrassed? - Yes. - Why? - Yeah. - Because it's insane. - So you don't believe in the actual charging of crystals? - No, I do. But I would like it to be a private thing. - Yeah. - You know what I'm saying? I don't want-- people are driving by in cars. People are walking past me on the sidewalk. - She's right. You wouldn't do it in the city. - No, no, no. She needs a backyard. - Yeah, she does need a backyard. She needs to charge in private. - She's right. - You know what I'm sayi
ng? This category is all people that are getting Caught Being Weird. Take a look. - Oh, boy. OK. There's nothing good that can come with this. - Oh, sorry. Didn't mean to bother you. Are you influencing? - I didn't think it was necessarily weird until she got caught. - It's only weird because her pants were at her ankles. - OK. - If she was just wearing the shorts, it's like kind of OK. - Yeah. - But still like a kid walking in on that, they're like, why are you taking a video of your butt? - No
, I'm done. - She's like, no, it's totally cool. - Just wanted to flex my glutes to my workout partner. Oh. - Oh, man. - All right. - What are you doing? - No, I'm just-- man. - Did he forget the door was open? He thought it was a secret passageway. - Just trying to see if there's testes in here. - Why did he honk it? - If you honk it, a double set of doors is going to open. - Oh, man. - A door opens. - Hey, man, look, you squeeze these, and it just opens up to all Coors Light. - Open sesame. -
You know what I mean? - Welcome to Natural Light Headquarters. - Man, I was just looking for the Natural Light secret room. OK, spider verse. - Uh oh. - Oh, OK. - Oh. - What? - Oh, man. Oh, man. - Who knows anyone or what's even happening. But that wasn't right. There you have it for Caught Being Weird. OK, do you believe that there's somebody for everybody in this world? - I like to believe that. Yeah, for sure. But then you meet some people, and then you be like, no, that person is not suppose
d to be with nobody. - You're like ooh. Ooh. - That person is supposed to be alone, for sure. It's safer for us that that person's alone actually. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. It makes sense for some people. - Yeah. Yeah, well, it makes sense. - Well, I don't know. Maybe there's another person that's just as awkward or weird or bad where it would make sense. - Yeah. - I think there's a person for everyone. - And that happens too. You see like a really weird or awkward couple. I actually get excited to se
e them. - Yeah, me too. - I'm actually happy they found each other. - I'm like, I'm happy you found each other. - Yeah, nobody else was going to do this. - We believe in love over here. - That's it. You know, as someone that loves loves, seeing strange love makes me even more happy. - That is true. - Because I know the odds of them finding each other was a long shot. - Yeah, it was God, for sure. - This category here is all people that found love. Take a look at Weird For Each Other. Oh, hey, he
y. - OK. - Hey, they're just vibing. - Forget that. - Yeah, they're having a great time. - Honestly, they're winning. - Yeah, they are. - They're winning. - Hey, hey, hey. - Me and you against the world, shortie. - Oh. Oh. - Me and you against the world. - Oh. - It's like oh, you make my heart beat. You make my heart beat. - Man, don't make me break out the heartbeat. - I feel like that little kid wants to join in too. - I was going to say, that kid wants love. - Look, but this kid is like so co
nfused on what situation is happening here. What are you hiding, mom? - This is a fugitive right here. - What are we packing in there? Not having it. - Real love. - Never found love. Oh, here we are. Just a couple acrobats. - Ooh, those dirty shoes. - Oh, man, man. - This dirty plane. What we doing here? - I can't believe the flight attendants are not around here. - Yeah, where are the flight attendants at to stop this? - Man, this man is so out. - So out of it. - This man's mouth is so dry. - Y
eah. Let's go. Let's go. - Dah, dah, dah, dah, dah, dah, dah. - Take your time. They look like Avatar. - Dah, dah, dah, dah. - I mean, again, they're having fun. - They are having fun. - They're having fun. - Tie me up. - That is a true match made in heaven. We'll be right back with more "Ridiculousness." OK, you may not know this, but I used to be a local at bars in Pacific Beach, California under the name Little Bill. - Wow. - I've heard this before. - Yeah, because I had a fake ID under the n
ame Bill. So I had my like ID card from Ohio because I used my friend's social security card and birth certificate and went in and got an ID. - Oh, you went in and got a real ID? - You got a valid ID? - Yeah. - ID though? - Yeah. - Like this isn't just like regular-- - Full criminal. Didn't want to-- eh, I didn't talk about it for 10 years thinking I had to like get through the statue of limitations. - Yeah. - He didn't just have an extra ID? That's how you normally did it back in the day. - Rig
ht. - Listen to me. He was 6'2. And like-- - Oh, I love it. - Oh, my God. - Dude, 6'2, blazing red hair. - Oh, hilarious. - And then I made a fake wallet. I had like-- - Man. - I had all his credit cards. - This is crazy [BLEEP] because of Rob. - Yeah. - It's just crazy. - There's no way that didn't come back and like bite the guy. - Yeah, at some point. - It's like he's like wanted by the IRS or something. - Maybe. Maybe. Yeah, one time I got jumped, and my wallet got stolen. I was like, oh, my
God, my ID. How am I going to get into bars? - Yeah. - And I swear to you, I went back to the park that I got jumped in. And I was like looking for my ID. And then the park ranger pulled up, he's like, you're looking for this? My wallet was empty of everything except for my ID. - Wow. - Oh, man. - And bless the people that jumped me and beat me up because I kept saying to them, hey, I just want my ID back. - My ID. - I swear to God. That's all I wanted. Because like how am I going to get into t
he bars? You know. - Hilarious. - And low and behold, those gangsters that beat me up were thoughtful enough. - Good guy. - To leave the wallet behind and just my ID. And I still have it. - That's so funny. - At my house framed to this day. - That part is not true, is it? - It's 100% true. - Oh, my God. That's amazing. - And that was a very long winded way of getting into a category that has nothing to do with any of this. OK. This category is right here is all about the weird people you find in
bars. Take a look at Bar Weirdos. [APPLAUSE] - Wow. - Oh, man. What's the name of this shot? - Man. - Die? - Man. - Like what is it even-- like why is it green? - It's the Incredible Hulk. - Man, it is incredible. - But it's everything in the bar turns green. - Oh, no. You just drank that, bro. Why would he drink that? - And you know that mat's never been cleaned. - Never. - Ever. - No. Why clean? - Look at the dude who's in charge of cleaning it. This guy? He's going to dance after. You're in
trouble, dude. - Oh. - What we doing? - Nothing, dude. - Uh. Oh. - I voted. This guy. He's got his sticker on. It's the same day. - Nothing like Election Day to get-- - I chose the President today. - Yeah. Hey, I don't need to tell you who I voted for. - You know. - I feel really good that that guy votes honestly. [LAUGHS] - Just in case you wanted to know, America, I voted. - Hey, as you know, I'm a voter. - You put it down. - Get it out. - Stand down. - Get it out of here. - Well, I mean-- man
, he's the best, man. - She don't realize what bar she in. They run that bar. - The Beer Boys 420. - OK, first of all-- - Love it. - Why you got this guy in the bar? - Hey, hey, hey-- - What y'all got. What y'all got in here? - What can I say? My horse is a drunk. We'll be right back with more "Ridiculousness." OK, I have this incredible memory of being so scared when I transitioned from elementary school to middle school. And I walked into a cafeteria that seemed like as big as an arena. And I
went and got my food. And I was shaking because I didn't know where I was going to sit. - Oh. - Yeah. - You had to be brave. - He's having an anxiety attack all over again. - Found them. - Oh, you found them? - Sat down. Found my group. I was two seats over from the end. And I sat next to them, I sat in that same seat for the entire middle school. - You didn't move? - You know what I mean? - I locked in. And that was it. - You found your gang, your table gang. - That's it. That's it. - Yeah, yea
h, yeah. - Did either of you go through that experience when you were trying to figure out where to sit when you got to school? - I was a mingler. - Oh, you were? - Unlike now, I was a mingler back then. Like you know I was out there chatting it up. - Me too. - Seeing what was up with everyone. - OK. - I used to pop in at different tables. - Oh, yeah? - I used to check in. I used to make sure everybody knew I was cool. You know what I'm saying? - Yeah. - What about like the Goth, or the Rock, or
the Punk table? You ever end up there? - I'm from the West Side of Chicago. I ain't had no Goth. - What's the West Side of Chicago's version of like the crazy table? - Well, when I went to high school was when-- yeah, and I used to rock with the Goths too. I used to talk to them. - Hey, man. - I like, what's good, bro? Where those pants from? Rick Owens? Nice. Nice. - No. No. He was like Hot Topic. - Maybe. - You know what I mean? Well, look, this category right here is what you would find at t
he Goth table. Take a look at The Weird Table. - This is like my old school, low key. - Oh, OK. It's the trash squad. - Yeah. You already know, boy. - Hey, hey. - We got pizza and drinks. - Oh, oh. - Ooh. - Disgusting. - I hope he planted that to be funny. - Disgusting. It don't matter if he did plant it. It's got to be an empty trash can. I mean, look, at him. Look at him. Already like, I'm not with bro. - Not into it. - I don't even know bro. - He's kicked out. He's kicked out of the table. -
Don't think it's worth filming. - Yeah, he's not our friend. He just transferred in. - Look at Robby. - He's such a [BLEEP] disappointment. - Is he? - Oh, oh, man. He's committed. Whatever he is, he's committed. - They must have broke up. He was mad about he's such a [BLEEP] disappointment. Then he deep throats an ice cream right in front of you. He's like, I miss him. - Yeah, oh, God. - I did not expect that coming from him. - What? - I don't know. - At all, right? - I did not see that deep thr
oating happening from this-- - You thought he was doing accounting. - Yeah. - He's such a [BLEEP] disappointment. - Like measuring it. - He's like, yeah, it's nine inches, guys. - Oh, god. - I love feet. - Oh, man. - I just love feet. - Oh, man. Do he know the flash on? Did he know the flash was on? - He's just creeping. - What the heck? - He can get the same picture without the flash. - You can also just get this on Google. Why does he have to sit there and take photos of it? - But he doesn't h
ave a personal connection to Google. - Oh, I get it. I get it. - He understands this wall. - He understands this wall. - OK, you know, we know that weird things happen the later it gets at night. You know what I mean? Like what time of night becomes sort of like the weird hours, do you think? - Anytime after 10? - Man, OK. - That's early. I was-- - You don't think it get a little freaky after 10? Like-- - Man. - The freaks come out at night. - Man, I feel like people are still having dinner at 1
0. - Yeah. - Yeah, I guess. - Like one, two. - Yeah. It's almost like 1:30 AM is the weird hour. It's just like everybody because they feel like they can't be seen as much at night. So things just get extra wild and weird. And, basically, every crazy person stays up all night. - Yeah, they're nocturnal. - They don't like the light. You know what I mean? And everybody in this category right here is in the middle of the weird times. Take a look at Weird O'Clock. Oh, yeah, classic. - Oh, no, bro. O
h, man, this is the type of [BLEEP] that happens at 2:00 in the morning in the country. You get to lamb running. Man, just, look, I got together, then we went out and picked up a couple sheep. Just a couple of homies getting together, doing some sheep running. - I love you. - Man. [SCREAMS] - Oh. He's in love. [SCREAMS] Oh, boy. Sending out the signal. - Ya. Ya. - Yeah. - Ya. - She's loving it. - Right back at ya. - Ya. - Oh, this looks scary. - Oh. - What is that? - Big, old raccoon. - Oh. - Oh
, what? Oh. Oh. Oh. - Raccoon. - Oh. - Man, hey, hyped to see a raccoon. We'll be right back with more "Ridiculousness." OK. How would you guys describe your sleeping style? - Sleeping style? It depends on who-- - I mean, look-- - If I'm in bed by myself. - I don't-- I mean, the best way I can describe my sleeping is coffin. Right? Like, I mean, I was-- - When I take melatonin, I'm the same, so still it looks like my bed was still made when I woke up. But if I don't have it or I'm out of it, I s
leep crazy. - Now do you stomach, side, side sleeper, pillow? - Oh, all over. I'll wake up with a sore back. Like what position was I in like this? That's why I need the melatonin. - I'll break my night up in like certain ways. Like I might lay on my side. I might start cuddling or something. If I'm laying, I'm like, oh, come on. And them I'm like, oh, cool. Break my night up, and do all kind of stuff. - Yeah. Look, I need-- I cuddle my wife to sleep. Then I lean back over and coffin. And like l
iterally it's like exactly seven hours from when I closed my eyes like and then I just immediately wake up, and the day starts. Like it's like full robot style. - Yeah. - Everybody in this category, not like me. They're just Weird Sleepers. - Oh. Man. This is what we call dead sleep. - Yeah, talking to spirits and [BLEEP].. Looking up. - No, this is how you wake up sore. Why is my [BLEEP] spine hurt so bad? OK, what am I looking at right here? - Yeah, I know. Yeah, I see it now. - Is it like a p
ainted leg? - It is. A tattoo on the leg. - Come with your [BLEEP] boyfriend. - Oh. Check your man, Debbie. - [BLEEP]. - Hey, it's nothing. He does this all the time. He's asleep. [BLEEP] it. - Asleep. [BLEEP] - Oh, yes. The classic Russian train rail sleep. - Oh, that is a person. - Yep. Hey, I appreciate them not mashing and running him over. We'll be right back with more "Ridiculousness." OK. And you know I've thought long and hard about it, OK, many times. And I would like my personal superp
ower to be rubber bones. - Rubber bones? - Yeah. Like I would like to be rubbery. You into it? - I think it sounds cool. Why not? - I don't know if you do think it sounds cool. - I mean it's cool for like-- - I don't think it's the best. You said, you thought long and hard about this. And I don't think you thought long enough. - Like I could just be flexible and move all the [BLEEP] around. Be light as [BLEEP]. Stretch over to you guys. High five, stretch back. - Maybe we could stretch you all t
he way to the moon. Climb up you to get to space. - Oh. - I don't know if I'm that elastic. OK, that's a pretty far stretch. But if it's possible, that would be a really good time. OK, look, unlike me and my ideas, everybody in this category right here is Weird Heroes. Take a look. - Damn, bro. - Damn, bro. You look like a deer. - This can't be real. - What kind of Greek mythology [BLEEP] is this fail? - It's like, what are you tripled like knee jointed? - On the block, you can row all day. - It
can't be real. - Boom. It's real. It's real. He is the real rubber man. - Oh, what? - Uh. What the-- I thought I had like saggy eyelids. - You're just wearing a mask. Take it off. - Oh, here it is. - Take it off, sir. - Just take it off. - Oh, OK. Oh, OK. - Oh, my God. What the [BLEEP] are we looking at? - We are looking at a bone. - He's popping his bones. He a bone popper. - Oh, man, he can treat his shoulder like a rubber band. And nobody cares. Welcome back to "Ridiculousness." OK, what doe
s it mean when you say the sky is falling? - [BLEEP] is just happening. Crazy [BLEEP] is going on in the world. - It's basically what's happening in 2020. - The sky is falling, everything is coming to an end. - Yeah, but the sky doesn't actually fall. - It might. We wouldn't be surprised if we were on Twitter. - In 2020 anything's possible. - What are we going to do, get crushed by clouds? - Yeah. The heavy ones, lots of rain in them. It hasn't rained in like a whole year. They probably are extr
a heavy right now. - Man. - I like her thinking about this. - [BLEEP] is going to be real [BLEEP] up if it starts raining frogs around here. - Yeah. - It'll start right by her house too. - It will. That's where the frogs will be. - No, no, no, no. Look, look, it'll only rain frogs in her [BLEEP] house. And she's going to be like, I knew it. It's the End Times. And it's just like her neighbors whipping frogs over. OK, look, this category is things falling on people out of nowhere. Take a look at
Falling Skies. Da, da, de. And just like-- oh, got hit by a tree from heaven. - Why are they pointing at him like they didn't know who got hit. - It's this guy. They're blaming him. They're blaming him. This guy right here, he hates trees. Da, da. - Who's camera-- - Oh, did he get hit by a duck? - He did get hit by a duck. Get Aflac mother- [BLEEP]. Get Aflac. You don't have insurance? - That's what you get. You better get insurance now, bitch. - Aflac. - Oh, man. OK. - He's going 60%. - It's wh
at the forest was made for. - Oh. Oh, damn. - Could have went through his heart. Could have went through his heart. - Imagine dying this way. - It would be the worst death. You got to just pray, you just praying you don't die. - I'm like, did he knock down all those trees that are on the floor. - He did. I'll take down the forest myself. - Da, da, da, da. - What the-- - Hey, yo, yo, yo. - OK, death is dropping from the sky. - What else are you going to throw, hibachi? - This may have been a murd
er that went sideways. There you have it for Falling Skies. OK, you know sometimes I get caught with some you know unusual problems. OK, I'm an unusual guy. I have unusual needs. OK, as you know, I only drink coffee that's grown where gorillas graze. - Right. Yeah. That's your thing. - You know what I mean? What about you guys? You guys got any strange problems? - Strange problems? - I have to wear socks at like all times. - OK. - You're not wearing socks right now. - OK. - Hey, hey, are your fe
et uncomfortable right now? - So let me explain. I cannot touch the floor without socks. Because like I just can't stand what a dirty floor feels like. I don't care if it was just mopped with Pine Sol. And you think it's clean, to me, it still feels dirty. - Yeah. - So I always am in socks when I'm walking around at home. - Yeah. No, I was thinking to myself is like, I want to do like a sock collab with you. You know what I mean? - Oh, that's right. You have the blue socky. - And like really do
like where these are special like for your feet that can't touch the ground. - OK. So I can't even wear those type of socks either because of the material. - It's too thin? - You guys need to make a thicker sock, a thicker one. Maybe it should be the collab. - Yeah. - But people like me who have the same issue, we like thicker socks. - OK. I'm more hurt that I've disappointed you. You know what I mean? - Because they're really cute. I love the socks. But they literally like irritate my feet. - Y
ou know what? I'm going to send you four or five pairs at a time, so you can put four or five pairs on at once and be standing on a cloud. - Well, just like me and Chanel, this whole category is filled with Weird Problems. Take a look. - Guys. Guys, I just woke up in a McDonald's playground. - OK, what? Oh, I mean-- - I don't know what's going on. - Guys, it's Daryl from YouTube. - He really like does not-- - He really does. - They about to arrest him though, for sure. - In a McDonald's playgrou
nd. - I was going to say, you got a tank top on and shorts, nothing's good right now. - You can't leave until the morning. - Man, I love that it feels like a maze. Like which one should I go down? I don't even know how to get home. - It's like one's a slide, bro. - Because I opened the refrigerator, and somebody put ice cream in the [BLEEP] refrigerator. Now you tell me who in the [BLEEP] put ice cream in the goddamn refrigerator. - He doesn't know he has this weird one, does he? - I don't think
he does. I think he just woke up. - He just woke up. And he doesn't understand, why do I feel so pretty? - He's like, why? Why I feel like George Clinton? - Let me see what books you got just to make sure you got-- - OK, so I got "Extraordinary Sex Now." - Great. - OK. - And then the next one is "The One Hour Orgasm." - Yeah. - But do you think I need "Extraordinary Sex Now" if I'm having a one hour orgasm? - Yeah, because this is very specific. - Right. - That is a conversation I did not expec
t to hear at a yard sale. - Well, yeah. And then the third book is "Everything You Wanted To Know About Sex," but then does that include "The One Hour Orgasm" in "Extraordinary Sex?" - Well, dag gone it. I mean, these two. This one's probably nice. - I mean, well, dag on it. You got to read them all. Yeah. OK. This show has all types of videos. OK. But sometimes, we show videos that just don't make any sense. Right? And it's just too bad that we got to just play them, laugh, and move on. Because
we'd love to know the backstory. - We would. - But we're not going to get that today. OK. We're going to watch these in mystery. And we're going to look at them and discuss them together and hope to find some sort of reason of why they happen. But we probably will never know. Take a look at How Did We Get Here? - Oh. - Quit taking a video. - Man, what's up? What's up? - At least she fell in the tub. [LAUGHS] - My toothbrush. - So she fell from upstairs? - She fell through the roof into the-- -
The tub. - The bathtub. - At least she fell in the tub. - How can you both be so happy? - I mean, it's pretty funny. - OK. - This has got to be in Vegas. - [SPEAKING SPANISH]. - What's their names? - Siegfried and Roy. - One of their tigers got it. - Hey, rest in peace. - Yeah. - Rest in peace. - Yeah, yeah. - Man, you're lucky this mother-mother-[BLEEP] thirsty. - Anyway. Back to the party. Ah, ha, ha. Ah, ha, ha. - Is this a silent party? - Oh, yeah, yeah. - They all got on head phones. - Oh,
ay, yeah, yeah. - Is this "The Last Airbender" audition? - We killed grandma. Pull the energy from grandma's ear muffs. - I don't know why, but I get the vibe that this is just in Brooklyn in the middle of like two apartments. - It might be. It might be, for sure. Oh, no. - What? - Wait, that can't-- - Yeah, still smells like it. - I got it. This is going to be-- I'm going big tonight. Welcome back to "Ridiculousness." You know, a lot of people say, we're in the apocalypse right now. You know, t
hat's End Times, and we don't know what to do. You know, we can see aliens in the skies. We see locusts. We see pandemics. OK, we see all types of craziness. - I hate joking about this stuff. But sure. - OK. OK. - Because it's all very real. And we're just making jokes about it and letting the devil take over the world. - We've been doing that for years. - OK, look, I'm not sure if we're in the apocalypse, but one thing's for certain, this category is apocalyptic. Take a look at Is This The End?
OK, what is it? It's raining [BLEEP] rocks. - What kind of hell is this? This is actual hell. This is-- this is the pathway to hell. What kind of hell is this? - Like-- - But, also-- - What is that? - All those cars, I want to clap for you. Not one window broke in this whole [BLEEP] process. Could be that-- - I think these are just birds. - Is that birds? - These are not birds. - I think these are birds. - You're making me sad. - What are we looking at? - It's like some birds just got caught in
like the wrong storm. - So weird. - Ah, [BLEEP]. - Are these birds talking to the sky? - Honey? - Open wide. - Honey? - They see something y'all don't see. - Some weird stuff going on. - They see aliens. - Oh, [BLEEP]. - What? - Man, like, what? - What? Did he just jump? - Boy just jumped. - Is there another animal right there? - It's just another [BLEEP] one of their monkey homies. - They jumped something. - Imagine getting caught in this chaos. - You just running, just be going, what's going
on, man? They shooting. Family, just run. - Man. - There's fire actually coming-- - What? This is [BLEEP]. It's tunnel. - Yeah. There's smoke over there. - Oh, look, the Walmart in Porter Ranch is lit right now. - I've never seen that before. - Well, you've never seen the devil before, sir. And he's flew up from the underground. Here's the deal. What's TMI? - TMI? - Too Much Info. - Now how often do you give up TMI? - All the time. - Yeah, I'm a TMIer. - I tweet all the time. - I be giving too m
uch info always. - You know what I mean? It's so easy to overshoot the mark. But when you get TLI, right, you get confused. - That's true. - And you're like, what the [BLEEP] going on here? - Too Little Info? - Too Little Info. OK. Because you see something like this next category, it's all these videos where, look, tell us what's happening here because we can't tell. TLI, Too Little Information. Take a look. OK, all right. We got ourselves an accident. OK. Oh, OK. - OK. - All right. OK, we got
a guy. - I think I know what happened though. - What happened? - I think that that person crashed because this distracted them. - That's the man from "The Goonies," first of all. - OK. Look, my guess is he's a runner. You know what I mean? And like he was like, I'm I ain't [BLEEP] paying for this. And [BLEEP]-ing made for it. And they just said, hey, we got to-- we got to lock him down. And they just locked him up. But we don't know. We don't know. - Oh. How much they selling dogs for? - Oh, and
guess what? Hundredth customer, gets Rover. There you have it for TLI. Hey. - You got to do it. Got to do it. - Tell us about "Woke", man. - It's the greatest show of all time. That's just what the fans say. - Yeah. Man. - No, but it's a show based on this cartoonist named Keith Knight. And he's kind of been a guy who would walk the road down the middle politically. He didn't want to take sides. He was on the brink of success. And he just kind of wanted to stay to himself. Until one day, he kin
d of gets jacked up a little bit by the police. And then that opens his mind a little bit to what's going on around him. While that's happening, inanimate objects start talking to him. He thinks he's going crazy. He could be going crazy. You got to watch the show. But, yeah, man, it's a cool show. We got T Murph, Blake Anderson, Sasheer Zamata, Cedric the Entertainer, JB Smoove. I mean, we got a dope cast. - All right. Well, look, basically, your character's out hallucinating left and right. So
we decided to open up a category of something that cannot be real. Take a look at Seein' [BLEEP]. OK, all right. I'm working. Working. - Imagine being a ghost and still working out. - Man, imagine being a ghost and still being insecure about how you look. - I feel like he definitely got in like an athletic accident. - I know. - Yeah. - Look, but, hold on. What even is this? - That's a ghost town, for sure, man. - Oh. - That's creepy. - OK. - You peeking out the window, you just see that. - God d
amn it. What is this show? I don't want to see this. - It's cabbage patch. - Yeah. - That's creepy. - I'm out of here. Help me. - Gone. - Be free. Be free, ball. Like they really work together. - Like gee. Go haunt somebody else. - It is Friday the 13th. We've got an SRT 4 sitting here. - What can I do? - Wigging out. - Friday the 13th. - There's no keys in the ignition. - There's no keys in the ignition. - There you have it for Seein' [BLEEP].. OK, like I literally-- I don't care what it is, ma
n. I don't care if it's trash, a piece of gum, I don't care if it's a big box, if I throw that thing into something, and it goes in, I [BLEEP] feel like I won. - Yeah. - OK. When I shoot a piece of gum into a trash can from across the room, and it goes in, I [BLEEP] feel amazing about myself. You know what I mean? Like do you feel the same way? It's never not an amazing feeling to sink something. - I never make it, so-- - Oh. - Literally like every time I'm in my bathroom, like, go to throw a Q-
tip, misses. Go to throw a cotton ball, misses. Go to throw anything, it misses. I'm like, why do I even try anymore? - Like, man, look, I don't believe in giving up. And I want you to keep pushing. OK? - Eventually that Q-tip will make it in. - I want you to keep trying. Because you're going to know the thrill when you just tink that little Q-tip. And it just whoosh, right in the bottom. And you'll probably do something a little bit like-- yeah. Everyone here knows that thrill. Everyday Buckets
. Take a look. This is how you get rid of Christmas trees. It's January 3rd, we need this mother-mother-[BLEEP] out of here. Whoa. - Let's go. Let's go. - That's a pretty good shot. That's a pretty good shot. - I need some help. - Oh. - Oh. [BLEEP] - That was a sick shot. - I thought it was like postmates or something. Trying to tell me you're just cornholing from four stories up flawlessly. Here we go, flying. - Whee. Higher. - Oh, God. - You don't want to make yourself, bro. - OK, let's talk a
bout one of our favorite subjects in the entire world these days, fake news. - Fake news. - You know what I mean? Don't you just love fake news and that it just became a real thing, where now you just don't trust anything? - I know. Now it's like all fake. - Yeah, but the news has been fake. - I know. But it's like-- but now that it's like triple fake, now stuff that's just straight blatantly real, you're like, nah. Nah, not buying it. Right? Because the reality of it is unless we like literally
see it filmed and watch it actually happen then we like, OK, believed it. - And then we still don't believe it. - Right. Right. But this first category is dedicated to things that if they weren't on video, we would have never believed it. Video Or Didn't Happen. Take a look. I don't know what happened. Oh, man. I just-- - Oh, my god. - I don't know. Did she give up? - She didn't help her at all. She like, this [BLEEP] happen all the time. It's just Margaret, y'all. - Just out on a big lake, and
I don't know. Just a semi truck. It's like, what the [BLEEP]? There ain't no road there. Maybe this is like some weird Nat Geo show that's like "Ice Road Truckers," but it's like "Deep River Mack Truck." - On the lake, mom. It's like what the [BLEEP]? - OK. [MAN CRYING] - I refuse to believe there's a man with a loud, explosive diarrhea crying. - He might be trying to do the fake cry to cover up the poo poo. - Have you tried this or something? She's like the fake cry everyone does. - Please, ju
st leave me alone. [BATHROOM NOISE] Are you OK? I'm just, [BATHROOM NOISE]. OK. - I'm so confused. - What the [BLEEP]? What in the [BLEEP]? - I love this just talking to him normally [BLEEP] like. Is he [BLEEP] a psychiatrist, like-- he's just listening to all your problems. - Ah, tell, panda everything. This is unbelievable to me, man. - It's like-- - What is that? - What is that? That's the most, tastiest monster chicken ever, man. What's up? Anybody looking for some breakfast? Who's a 12 piec
e now, [BLEEP]? All right, there you have it for Video or Didn't Happen. We're talking about all things devil today. - OK. When did that happen? - You know what I mean? I don't know. Somebody just cut in right now, they'd be like, damn, this is the devil episode. So look, do you believe in possession? - Like being possessed by the devil? - That's right. - Yes, I do. - Yeah, [BLEEP]. - She knows somebody. - What's up? What's up? - Have you been-- - The devil was in me not even three weeks ago. -
No, I think, I mean, I think, yeah, people can be like possessed by the devil. - OK. What do we do to get it out? - An exorcist? - I'll tell you what we need. I'm going to say it right now, Jesus. Yeah, no, [BLEEP]. Man, we got pumped up. I felt like we were in church. All right. Well, look, you know the truth is, you know, we don't know. OK. Something's inside somebody when they're losing their [BLEEP]. And they just got that devil sound, they sound like a [BLEEP] demon. And their [BLEEP]-ing-i
ng soul is on fire, and then you hit them with a ah, or spray some [BLEEP] holy water at them and they calm down, there's something to it. You know what I mean? Everybody in this category is for sure possessed. Take a look at Inner Demons. - Oh, no. Oh, no. Oh, no. Oh, no. - Hey, hey. Hey, hey. Man. - Hey, he hit him some crazy dance moves though. How he doing it? - That's how the devil dances. OK. - OK. Well, the Devil is dancing inside of him, for sure. - Oh, oh, oh. - No, no, no, Jesus. He's
looking at Jesus though. Him no, no, no. - No, no. - I'm with the Devil today. Oh, no. - OK. Seeing is believing, right? - Yes. - You know what I mean? You see something, you believe it. But, I think, at this day and age, like even if I seen something, I wouldn't really trust myself. - Yeah. - I have to like see it recorded and then be able to rewind it a couple of times, zoom in, and be like, oh, OK, that's real. You know what I mean? - Yeah. - Do you think it's more important for stuff to be s
een or recorded? - Ooh, it can get tricky. It can get tricky. - I think seeing with your own two eyes in real life is definitely more important. - Yeah. - Yeah. - You know because things that are recorded could be altered. - Altered. - Edited, messed with. - Yeah, yeah. Can't trust anything out there. You know what I mean? I need to lock in. What I need is to lock eyes on a UFO. And I need that UFO to stand there for a while and allow me to take a mental picture. - Yeah, yeah. - That I could the
n share with someone to make a rendering. - Yeah. - OK. That became a super authentic version of what I just saw. - Yeah. - Where they would be like, wow, this has this like crack right here with this red light. There's no way he could have made that up. You know what I mean? Type of vibe. But, otherwise, the truth is, when you see something crazy on a video, you know it's real. Take a look at Recording Is Believing. - Oh, my God. What is happening, Brad? - Oh, it's this New Balance leaking thro
ugh. - I see a New Balance N up there, for sure. - Yo. - Oh, he was in the attic. - What? What? Are you good, you dumbass? - At least he's got his mask on. - Are you recording me? - He said, stop reporting me. It's a pandemic, Mike. - What the [MUTED] is happening? - Oh, boy. - What the-- - A break up. This is a break up situation. - Man, she's got some endurance. - Cinderella, you left your slipper. - Do you want a ride? - Oh, my god, yes. - It's a runaway bride? - Imagine she really just decid
ed she didn't need to be married on her wedding night? - Oh, oh, my god. - Whoa. what's in here that we have to blur? - Yeah, I know. - Man. It's an anaconda. - Look, I love that like it's veiny nutsack still need to be blurred. But, hey. Here. - They are like that's fine. Nuts are fine. - That tip's a little aggressive for me. [WHISTLES] - Oh. Oh. Is that the lady from "Incredibles." - Oh, my God. - I'm just going to sit here parked until somebody rescues me. We'll be right back with more "Ridi
culousness." OK, look, I'm the type of guy, you're having a conversation with me, I'm getting distracted. - Like all the time? Every time? - 90. - Half the time. - Half, half. - I'm kind of that person too. - You know someone will say some [BLEEP] to me, and I'll just be, like, oh, yeah, I didn't even think about that. Like, now, oh, yeah, and then-- do you understand? What? - OK. - What are we talking about? What we doing here? What's even happening here? How did you get here? Like it can drift
really far. That's basically like everybody in this category, Besides The Point. Take a look. - Stop it. The things you see. She stopped traffic to twerk in front of that cab. - She stopped traffic. - OK. - Anyways, I want-- - Anyway. - Some of this. - But I want the little street dog. - Well, this is more important than that, for sure. - Some of this. - Especially if you're leaving the club. - Don't know where you got that meat from. - OK. What do you got, a personal tooth cleaner? - That's br
ushing. - What? - What? - I eat [BLEEP] is hilarious, kid. You got a future. - Who taught you? - Oh, my god. - Like what type of parent do you have that takes you to the dentist and hit him with the eat [BLEEP] joke. - Yeah. - You eat what? - I eat [BLEEP]. - Why does she giggle instead of say, oh, that's not appropriate. She said, he, he, he. - I feel like I would giggle too. - Again, we're here to hear comments about the rezoning. - Well, I don't like Facebook. - First of all. - And I don't li
ke the internet. - Look at him. He is so pissed about her existence. - Oh, man. This is anger. Damn it, Deb's back. - I don't like the internet. - I don't like the internet or the Facebook. We'll be right back with more "Ridiculousness." - Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. - Do you guys kill bugs? - Yeah, I do. - OK. - I know people that'll be like, oh, let them back outside. I'm like, I didn't invite the mother-mother-[BLEEP] in. - OK. - So he got to go. - Yeah. - So, yeah. - I believe I'm an evolv
ed human being. - Oh, really? - Where I used to stomp them out good and quick, right? Get a little bit of crunch in there. Now, I'm like, oh, shoot, come on little fella. Come on now. Oh, yeah. Here we go. You know because I feel like that bug is a person too. You know? - I guess. - You know, do you kill bugs? - You kill bugs? - When I was little, I used to. But then I saw "A Bug's Life". - What the [BLEEP]? - And I felt like-- - That changed everything for me. - I felt like I was like, yo, like
, I could relate. Like they just out here struggling. - That's it. That's it. - Now I'm the same. I try to like scoot them back out to the wilderness. - Oh, I feel so bad now. - That's right. That's right. We're not like Steelo over here. OK. Next time, Steelo, when you look at one of these poor insects, and you think, ah, what you doing in my house? I'm going to stomp you out and put you in the trash. Maybe you look at this next category to remind you that Bugs Are People Too. Take a look. - Oh
, my God. - Harry, buddy, I haven't seen you since last season. How's it going? - High five. - High five. - Yeah. OK, cool man. Promise not to sting your daughter. - Look, she's fed up. - She is not-- - She is so ready to go. Dad, this is the fifth bug today. - OK. You're not friends with the bees, dad. - I haven't seen you since last season. - Oh, no, I am, Honey. - High five. - That's amazing. - That is. That is pretty dope. - Oh, yeah, pass the doobie on the left hand side. - Oh, he's addicte
d. - Yeah. I mean-- - Is he on the alcohol bottle too? - Man, this is a drunk drug addict. - He turned all the way up. - He always parties with us. He's cool. - What do you want? What do you want? Huh? - What do you want? - Want some money? - You want some money? - Take it. - Oh. - Bro. He did some "Matrix" [BLEEP]. He caught that penny like, come on. Try me if you want to. - Yeah, I'll take that. You know how far that goes in bug world? - So you tell me you're not killing a bug that can catch c
oins? - I'm saying-- - Oh, I'm killing that bug. He gotta go. He got to go. - I'm going to send that bug out and try to get some money. Yeah. [BEATBOXING] Love the beat. - Is he pop locking? - That's crazy. Oh, boy. - Oh, my God. Oh, my God, bro. Age 23 hours. 23 hours is hilarious. Died today. Born yesterday. - We love you, Antonio Pipis. - Pipis. - I just want to know in that 23 hours when they came up with this nickname? - Bro, how did they locate his family? - I mean-- - I don't know. - Man,
Antonio died, bro. That is definitely a lot of funerals I done been to. - That is how you treat a true bug. We will be right back with more "Ridiculousness." OK. How do you guys feel about ants? - I told you guys after I watched "A Bug's Life"-- - OK. - My whole view on bugs changed. - Is this recently? - But I did have an ant problem around Thanksgiving in my house. So I had to kill a lot of them. - Ooh. - Yeah. - I just had to. Like they were in the-- they were not invited to Thanksgiving. -
But it's like remarkable like there's no ants within [BLEEP] miles, and you drop one bit of food on [BLEEP] ground. - Everywhere. - Blah, send out the [BLEEP] signal with their little alien brains. And there's [BLEEP] like 900 of them there in like five or 10 minutes. - And they're so strong. - Yeah. - They're so [BLEEP] strong for no reason. They all have the same body structure. - How come we're not [BLEEP] studying ants to figure out how to [BLEEP] get gains? - You're right. You're right. Or
a moving company of just ants. - "Bug's Life II, The Moving Crew." Well, look, this category is dedicated to that very strong, amazing, little creature the ant. Take a look at Ants, Man. - Oh, yeah. We've seen this. What do we do? We go around it. - Panic, panic, panic. - That one when back to see his [BLEEP] mom who he left behind. - He all of a sudden is like, where did everybody go? - Nobody's smart enough to just go around? - That one, that one did it. - He almost did it. - Oh, my god, man.
He got to the edge, it's too dangerous. I'm done. I'm turning back. I'm turning back. Whoa. Cool. Whoa, look at the power. - Hi, Mr. Ant. - You got yourself a nug? - Busy today? - Where are you taking that ant guy? - Nice. - Where do they generate the power? They don't even have [BLEEP] muscles. They're robots. - Hey, high time. - Pause it. That's literally like Chanel carrying this couch and if it was a giant piece of weed. You know what I mean? Like eh. - He's going to smoke it too. - He reall
y is. I don't know what this is, but I know I'm going to like it. - That actually is probably the most epic ant clip I've ever seen. - Man. - Cheetos. - There it is. - How do they split that up? How you split it up? - Literally, they're the movers. Right here. - Pause it. - They really are. - Pause it. Look at this lazy guy right here. I'll get up and watch. Here. Perfect. Perfect. No, it's going to be amazing. Wait till you eat it. There you have it for Ants, Man. You know, when I see a bug, I
get freaked out. - Me too. - And I try every now and again, I try to like, you know, help the bug move on. Right? You know what I mean? - Yeah. - Like every now and again, instead of stomping it out and going through the process, I'll be like, oh, yeah, why do I need to kill a bug? I should send-- you know. But most of the times, I don't know what it is. To this day, bugs freak me out. And it's not even like this little bug probably doesn't even bite people. - Yeah. - But it's more like, ah, [BL
EEP],, a bug. Why? - Because they're bugs. - They're bugs. They're just creepy. - But some bugs do bite people though too. - My biggest fear always is like a bug like if you don't see it, and it somehow worked its way to crawling up and on you. So like when I see it, that's just my biggest fear is like, oh, my God. Is there another one around? Like has one already worked its way up my pants? You know what I mean? - If I see one in my room, there could be one in my bed. And then like, oh, what? I
got a nice little [BLEEP] bite over here on my leg. - Yeah. - Right. You know they're coming for you while you sleep. - Certain bugs you just kill right away. - Yeah. - And then certain bugs you're like, you know what? I don't know what you do. So let me help you get up out of my house. - Bees-- I'll let bees do their thing. I'm like, I'll help a bee out in my pool or something, get out, bee. - I feel like bees come at me. - But if a mosquito or a fly, you're getting this work, fam. - Yeah. - I
'm going to kill you. - Yeah. - On a spot. - Yeah, anyway, look, it's just what we are. We just can't help but feel like it's a battle between us and the bug world. OK. Everybody in this category knows exactly what I'm saying. Take a look at Man Versus Bug. Here we go. The old alien bug. Ah. Ah. - Where is it? Where did it go? - Inside your brain, silly. - Yeah, definitely. - Oh, here he comes. Let me get this. What's up? What's up? - How are you going to square off with it? - Man, yeah. - All r
ight, fail. - Hey, hey, hey, hey. - Catch the thing. Catch the thing. - This is so funny. - You are on Ring, fail. - Oh, get the shoe. I need a tool. - This is so funny. - Got it. - Here we go. - Oh, he got him. He got him. He got him. He got him. I heard it. I heard it. - He snapped him. - I love him flexing on him. And then ringing the doorbell. Hey, I'm here to pick up your daughter. - Oh, yeah. Oh, it's a setup. [SCREAMS] - That one rules. - Is that a spider or a bee? - A spider can kill you
. I think I know what kind of spider that is. My friend's mom when I-- - What kind of spider is it? - I don't know the name, but how it looks. - Don't worry about the name, it's the technique on how it murders. - OK. - Well, my friend's mom got bit when we were kids. - Yeah. - On her stomach, by that spider, it looked like that spider. And it basically looked like she had a big third titty right here. That's how big-- - OK. - Oh, the spider was giving out titties? - Basically-- no, no, no. It wa
s like a third titty, it looked like a nipple, the part where it was bit. They're called like something Recluse or something. - They are called The Titty Spider. I don't even know what this thing even is. - This the one that gets you right here. - Oh, man. - Why do they all jump? - Man, but you could tell this is a [BLEEP]-ing athletic spider. - Yeah. - Look how diesel his spider arms are. Like, you want something? - Push up game crazy. - Oh. - If you miss, you only got one shot. - Yep. OK, that
was ineffective. And now you're pregnant. Ineffective. And now you've got a titty on you somewhere. There you have it for Man Verse Bug. OK, are you familiar with the insect the cicada? - No. - The cicada, I know the name. I don't know exactly which insect it is though. - The bug that burrows in the ground for 17 years. And every 17 years, they all hatch and fly everywhere. - Like lotus? - Like locusts, yeah. - Yeah, locusts, yeah. - But they stay in the ground for 17 years growing. And then th
ey all come out at once and [BLEEP] and have like a festival. - What do you mean? Is it a new set each time? Or is it like, no, it's some that's 34, it's some that's 17. I'm asking. Is it one that's 51? I'm asking. What's going on. - Hey, hey, I'm not sure if your math was accurate. - It is. - It was. - 51, 34, 17. Yeah, let's go. - Yeah, maybe. You know what I mean? Now when I think about it, it'd be amazing if like, you know every 17 years, look at you, you haven't aged a bit. You know what I
mean? Like you know and you look just like a 17-year-old. You know, the first time you see somebody, they're 17. - They're all 17. - But, look, that's getting too technical. I don't know. One thing is for certain, each and every time, they get all over you and really ruin your day. Take a look at The 17 Year Plague. [SCREAM] - Sir. - Love the scream. - I just got here. - Sir? - I know these dudes. - Sir? - I mean, what do you do? Because it's like, you don't want to step on it, but I don't want
to hear this. - Look, because every 17 years, they're like, what the [BLEEP] is this? - Yeah. - Starbucks, what the [BLEEP] is a Starbucks? - An IPhone? - IPhone? Who, Google me? Google you, what's Google? [SCREAM] - Get it. - I can't do it. I can't do it. - Cat's like, somebody's got to do it. [SCREAM] The sound continues. You did nothing. - Right. I know. and. It's one thing that you come out every 17 years as a giant gang. But it's another thing that you'd like to come out and scream. - Oh, m
an. - Punch him. - Get him. - [INDISTINCT SPEECH] - Oh. - It's a pretty good punt. - Man, see you in 17 years. - 17 years, you get your ass knocked out right. - Man. How do you guys feel about roaches? - Disgusting. My dad lives in New York. Growing up, like that was my biggest fear about staying at his house was that I was going to have to deal with roaches and rats. - Have you ever had a roach on your physical body? - Actually, yeah. Oh, my God, one time I was in his little kitchen, and I'm li
ke chilling there, I forgot what I was doing. And like I felt something. I'm like, eh. And it was a roach. And I freaked out. - Yeah. - Yeah. - I mean, in my house we lived there, we didn't have roaches there. At our apartment before we moved there, definitely was roaches in the project building. But then, my friend, one of my best friends, he used to have roaches. And like I used to want to hang out at his crib. But I couldn't because I used to be like, yo, fam, we ain't got roaches. I'm not us
ed to this lifestyle. And it bothers me that I want to hang out with you. But too much be happening. One night I did stay over there. I woke up with a roach on my goddamn shoulder. And I was like, never again. Never again. - Because I feel like some people like roaches just live with them. - Yeah, for sure. - You know what I mean? Like I lived in houses like I feel like I've told this story again. But my roommates in the basement, there was like 40 or 50 roaches in the pile of all their old food
and clothes and everything. - Uh. - And they didn't care. It was just keep them tight in there. That's where they live. We live over here. You know what I mean? - Oh, god. - It's just nasty. But when the roaches come out, they really come out. - They do. - Just like in this category Roach Season. You nasty, little roach. - Oh, OK. One, two. - Get that work out, yeah, girl. - I did that. Yeah. Hey. If you got roaches, you need to include them when I ask, who all over them? - That's like you with
your friends. - Yeah, for sure. - Everything about her just impressed me. - Yeah. - You know what I mean? This is an incredible women. - For sure. - So is this like an obstacle course to practice dodging roaches? - Hey, if you got roaches, you need to include them when I ask, who all over there? - Who all over there? Who all over there? - Is the roach your [BLEEP] pal? - Maybe it is. - Can you do something about that? Why are you all just chilling like that? Why are you holding hands? - They to
uched hands. - They did. - I felt like the cat was like, we're protecting you. - Yeah, don't worry. She'll calm down in a second. She knows you're with us. - Or they just had a meeting. Put y'all hands in there. Count of three. Take over the house. - Come on. You got to-- you got to. - Just commit. Just commit. - Don't let them stay in your house. - Just commit. - Because they will reproduce. - Just commit. - We never even get to see the roach get caught? - Man, she just gave up. She passed out.
- Oh, no. Damn. - Man. - The roach came in for the close up. - Man-- - What was he-- - He felt it on the shirt. And then he knew it was real when his neck got tickled. - It was a cockroach. - He was like ha, ha, ha, ha, ha. - Yeah, hey, hey. - Yeah, you know what it was, a roach on the neck. We'll be right back with more "Ridiculousness." Either of you ever been stung by a bee? - Yes. - Tell me about it. Was it traumatic? Did you cry? - Yeah, I cried. And I got stung in the head. They poured mi
lk on my head. I'm not sure what that [BLEEP] does. But they told me it was going to work. - I think that was a set up. - Might have been. - What about you? No? - Yeah, in cheerleading again. - What? - What the-- - Well, look, you're not the only person. Because these bees are aggressive. And they're coming for us. Because we're in the middle of something very serious. It's called World War BEE. Take a look. - Three. - We are so dumb. We've been drinking. - Two. - Oh, wow. Dancing with the devil
. The bee devil. [SCREAMS] - Close that window. Ah. - Little think in the little nest. - The queen is angry. Ah. - Wait. What was that? - Oh, my god. - Well, we want it to be a bee. Because this is category is called World War Bee. But, I think, this is a wasp nest. - OK. - And this is a high speed wasp going for a man's neck. Which if I'm not mistaken, they could go into the vein and suck out your life. Well, I tell you what, if I just cut off the branch here I should just be fine. Oh, no. - Oh
, no. - Oh, god. Whoa, whoa. - He's way too calm. - Yeah, you want to know what's not good? 1,000 bees on your neck. We'll be right back with more "Ridiculousness." Welcome back to "Ridiculousness." Give it up for our guest, Daymond John. OK, OK, so, I just found out that you have a million bees. Is that the truth? - I have a million, a million, five bees. Yeah. - Yeah. What? How did you get into bees? - Somebody came on "Shark Tank," and they pitched, you know, bee colonies or bee hives. And I
realized that they say that if the bees go away, we only have anywhere from five to 10 years to live because they pollinate everything. So I started just collecting bees. - Yeah. - He's going to save the world. - Yeah. I'm going to save the world. - Well, I'm going to be alive, but I'm going to have my bees. Y'all mother-[BLEEP] dead. I'm good. - Look, there's just survival around your bee circle. Now, have you ever been stung by your bees? - Never. - What? - They get to know you so they don't a
ctually sting you. - That's crazy. - All million five? - Yeah. - All million five. - No, good. What's up, Jeff? What's up, Mark. Hey, guys. What are you going? You good? You good. It smells great out here. Love the way the honeycombs are coming together. Well, look, this category is dedicated to bees getting a little wild. Take a look at Respect The Queen. - OK. - Tell us what you're doing. - Well, so, there's we used to have harmonicas. But now there's bees. - OK. So [BLEEP] somebody put my har
monicas there. - So I'm going to get them back for us. - OK, so you're going to dust. You're going to throw them with some dust. What are you going to do? - Pocket sand. Ah. - Man, he did not plan that out at all. - Didn't plan it out. - Pocket sand. - Look at those drippy nubbe right here. - You know the best part about getting stung by a bee in your eye. - Oh, no. - Is that one eye makeup does not have to match the other eye. - Oh, man. - I'm looking good. - Oh. - Wink. I had to say wink becau
se you can't see me. - She said wink. - I'm looking good. Wink. [LAUGHS] - Hold on. - I got an idea. - Give me a trash bag, I'm going to bag these guys up. - Look at that bad boy. - Oh, those are wasps. - Oh, you got panic. Panic. Dive. - Ah. - Why are you still-- are they still in the bag? What are you doing? - OK. You know, I don't have arachnophobia. OK, I don't see a spider and get scared. - What do we swallow like five a year, average? - That's like a fact. When you're a kid, you think abou
t this fact way too much. - Yeah, for sure. - I mean, you hear this, and this sticks for a week. You're like, oh, my God. Did you know this? - Yeah. - Like you spread it. - Well, it's funny because it's stuck with this man for life. - Forever. - Because I forgot about it already. - Yeah. - I mean, I'm over here talking about how I don't fear spiders. And now I'm like, damn, did I have one last night? You know what I mean? I woke up a little dry. But, look, everybody in this category is fearful o
f spiders as they should be. Because these are Eight Legs Of Terror. Take a look. - Come on. - That's too-- no, no. He's going to jump up. [SCREAMS] He jumped. Oh, man. Oh, man. Oh, man. - This feels like grandma just I-- I just want to say, hi, how y'all been? - I'm beat you. Mommy, you're using all my paper. - Hey, hey, hey. - Oh, where did it even come from? - Look at this? - Where did it come from though is the question. [SCREAMS] That was a magic trick. No. - You know better. You know bette
r. You know-- oh. - You're accuracy not even on point like that, fam. - Don't trust yourself. Don't you trust yourself. - Oh. - Oh, where's it at? Right on the neck. We'll be right back with more "Ridiculousness." Welcome back to "Ridiculousness." Give it up for our guest, The Real Tarzan. OK. How much do you love spiders? - It's there. - It's there? It's not all the way there. - It's not all the way there. But it's there. - Chanel, can you sit next to a teeny, tiny, little spider like this? - N
o. I hate spiders. Sorry, no offense. - OK. None taken. He's just The Real Tarzan who loves animals and doesn't care what they are. He knows that some people just don't like spiders just like this whole category, Arach No Thank You. Take a look. - He's not too close. He's far away. - I can't do it. - He's far away, Honey. - I don't know how to get under that. - Bro. - Look, she can't even get near it. - Just like I did it. Right here. Come on. Look, I'll put my hand right here. - How am I going
to get back? - You want me to knock him down? - She is crying. - No. - OK, well, come on. Come on. Come on. - She can feel it on her wherever it touches her. Look her grab her arm. - She's like, eh. - Oh. - Come on. Oh, get it off. - He is everywhere. - Ah. - Oh, man. No, I can't do it. - If I saw that in real life-- [SCREAMS] - Oh, [BLEEP], bro. My man did the long jump on they ass, didn't he? - Man, he just said, I've got to defend myself. - Oh, my God. - I'll have to do it really quickly. - O
h, my God. - OK. But it's like, are you even-- [SCREAMS] - Oh, god. Oh. Bro. Bro. - Where does this exist? - Either that's a Bird Eating Spider from South America. Or that's somewhere in Australia where everything's giant. - And you just approach it with Tupperware? [BLEEP] [SCREAMS] - Oh, damn it. - Bro, this right here is hilarious. - Stop it. - Oh, God. - It's not funny. [INDISTINCT SPEECH] - That's the smallest spider. - Where? I didn't even see it. - If you miss it, you're dead. If you miss
it, you're dead. I'm dead serious. - Look at her. - Stop it. It's not funny. Get it out of here now. Uh. Get it out. - You just know they are just going to get into your shirt and get right to your veins and just get to work. - I don't get-- eh. [BLEEP] - Oh, my God. Oh, my God. She literally couldn't breathe right there. - Like legitimately, it would be like, how did she die? She was attacked by a spider. There you have it for Arach No Thank You.
