
RIP Tony - SAO 10th Anime Anniversary Double Case Opening (Part 5) - Weiss Schwarz

The good news is that he was able to find a buyer for her 0:00 Box 11 (x2) 5:10 Box 12 (x2) 9:31 Box 13 (x2)


1 year ago

uh uh so the master case between them  there's one sec so there's two cases one sec that had it so I won the 58. together okay  Patrick let's flip the PRS who meets her do something oh you got awesome again these problems  this is crazy I'm sorry this is crazy oh my God sadly you ready yeah I'm ready start oh  my goodness hold on you might have just finished the whole game right now over here right  here do it up and be right here common cup okay I'll just put the commas down  here oh okay okay
nice the nice nice girls in lingerie oh let's go okay I'm coming [Music] I think four of each one oh like it's like a place in the beach yeah yeah oh my God  it's just like that two playsets okay these are some nice cards Vito Xenon I don't  know who this guy is but I remember him oh something shiny oh Corrido please Tony this  this freaking box is full of man stop it oh I'm sorry no don't say that [Music] men  in the background men in the background where is this Double R wait where is it what'
s  it good you know you want this to go fast but it won't go fast because we are we're bad I  mean like we're bad at hitting it the hits nice nice guy we we hit the hits but it's  gonna go back to going backwards on the box oh okay sorry Anthony but I gotta  what's up oh what was that that's all right that's one carrot wait oh  my god oh yeah oh yeah one more hard climax what the heck is this to climax combo event yeah what is this plus two thousand  something Mommy um that's kind of interesting
climax card oh oh my  God comment uncommon rare climax I have two yeah oh my God not again I'll get this guy out of here you guys need one more Sr right nothing in here I have  two more my brother needs two more I'm gonna hit one yeah one more um always been Tony's white food [Applause] s i lead you with a girl not a dude it  happened worse yes imagine dungeon master HP is that not worth imagine yes it is probably a two out of five cheaper  I mean it could have been a one 5 000 Yen Thousand Yea
rs 40 bucks that's  like eight boulevards as much as the possible box I'll buy it off of you  oh [ __ ] that's like I want the 10th of Casino all right it's kind of like my  wife dude Jeffy hitting all dude Tony Fox [Music] that's all ready the power of the girls [Music] okay fire it's not on the right side and  we have the first set something okay oh God one hit left Patrick thank you Tony  has how about the whole case that's what we said when we fix our we had to we opened  the whole case beca
use we couldn't find it uh they're gonna probably miss it's actually  like three or four per box because oh my god oh that's like that one that's a hot one I got  like two more that's a good name for it yeah it's Elizabeth oh my God okay one more okay I normally open from the left side from ordinal scale nice box 2010  and she shows up in outside station she does yeah she does she shows  up back on it toward the end that might be a spoiler if he didn't watch  the whole thing but you wouldn't be
watching this opening if you I get a selfie I'm not a  big South Fan so I honestly don't give a crap that's why Anthony is untiltable yeah  dude this is it dude Sr that's a nice one is that it that's it oh that's what  I saw oh it's nice you got all three no I won't you got one more I got one more  there's a hot one there's a rapid fire finish it right now Anthony you're trying  right now kill the kill the whole video Patrick's be like where's your content  Jeff I'm like I'm done I'm gonna go ho
me you know the gold you're a different  country okay oh I got a friend to catch what country are you going to I can't so it's  Japan yeah you actually can't make it anymore right you can't actually have to deal with yours  oh I see it oh you see it yeah we save four packs we're about to pull the same SP here Asana oh Anthony come on the Poster's like  the same way it's the dude oh my God oh my God that's kind of nutty that's kind of funny oh no there's nothing here for sure  yeah I'm just there
okay no worries [Music] I just intensely just staring he's just like  standing up there definitely an Sr hours number one is the Double R anyway this is pretty cool he indeed did rip his eye or  something that's all I remember hold up I just remember there was that one scene  where like he was trying to stop like a break from happening and then his system was  like don't do it you can't do it that's all right another Moon thing like ripped his eye or  something like that I don't remember the co
de one more the sound let's see it  come on you know it right now come on we just want to pull an SP  let's get this shell a little bit more Pony second hit where is that oh  the Triple Ring what is that what is that that's like at the end of the  movie is that it or we have on my head or more right oh yeah yeah what the you  need one more here right Tony yeah which one that one this one okay ready to go ready to go  get the triple rare baby I haven't seen triple air with SP yet though so uncomm
on oh the shower  scene yeah we need the shower scene you need one hair uh yeah oh Tony is about to do it do it do  it I'm actually uncommon uncommon this [ __ ] is lean to the top of your titties  Anthony okay or bipolar yeah that's okay you still got one more this is it  dude this is it all right here we go here we go okay oh this is done okay no worries who the [ __ ] is this [ __ ]  who is that retcon character she's a raccoon okay that's it we have how many bones  yeah five more bucks oh we
do we have five what yeah oh [ __ ] I haven't  pulled the best ass to hard today either oh my gosh all right Jack  the Rope yeah I'm up sure okay



truly another weiss schwarz moment