
Rise Of The Planet Of The Apes STORY in 4 minutes! || Movie Timelines EXPLAINED

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Jam Punch Storytelling

13 hours ago

[Music] in San Francisco pharmaceutical chemist will Rodman tests the viral-based drug alz 1112 on chimpanzees at the biotechnology company genis to find a cure for Alzheimer's disease alz-112 is given to a chimpanzee named brigh eyes greatly increasing her intelligence however during Will's presentation for the drug brigh eyes is forced from her cage goes on a rampage and is shot to death Will's Superior Steven Jacobs terminates the project and has the chimpanzees euthanized however Will's assi
stant Robert Franklin reveals that the reason for brigh eyes Rampage was that she had recently given birth will reluctantly takes in the infant chimpanzee eventually naming him Caesar discovering that Caesar has inherited his mother's intelligence through being exposed to alz-112 will decides to raise him 3 years pass Caesar becomes highly intelligent he can communicate through sign language will begins a romantic relationship with primatologist Caroline will and Caroline introduce Caesar to the
Redwood Forest at Mir Woods National Monument so he can roam meanwhile will treats his father Charles with alz-112 which seems to restore his cognitive ability 5 years later Caesar now entering ad alhood questions his Origins and place in the world Charles's condition returns as his immune system becomes resistant to alz z112 Caesar injures an aggressive neighbor Douglas huner while defending a confused Charles the local animal control subsequently takes him to an ape shelter Caesar is tormente
d by the alpha chimpanzee rocket and the chief guard Dodge Landon however Caesar befriends Maurice a former circus orangutan who also knows sign language Caesar learns to unlock his cage gaining free access to the common area with the assistance of buck a gorilla Caesar claims the position of alpha meanwhile Jacobs clears the development of a more powerful gaseous version of the drug the AL z113 when will tells him it can improve intelligence will takes the drug home to his father but Charles de
clines further treatment and dies overnight after attempting to test the drug on a bonobo named Coba Franklin accidentally becomes exposed to alz 1113 and becomes ill despite the risks Jacob orders continue trials and will consequently quits his position attempting to warn will at his home Franklin sneezes blood onto Huna and is later discovered dead will attempts to reclaim Caesar but Caesar instead decides to stay and steals the alz 113 canisters from Will's house and enhances the intelligence
of the other Apes in the shelter when Dodge attempts to get him back into his cage Caesar reveals he can speak he fights with Dodge while freeing the Apes inadvertently killing him the Apes free releasing Koba and the remaining Apes from jensis and freeing additional Apes from the San Francisco Zoo a battle ensues as the Apes fight their way past a police blockade on the Golden Gate Bridge in an attempt to escape into the Redwood Forest to rescue Caesar Buck sacrifices himself to down a helicop
ter Coba pushes the helicopter with Jacob still inside into the sea as the Apes find their way into the forest Will finds and warns Caesar that the humans will hunt them begging him to return home Caesar hugs him and says he is home will accepts Caesar's wishes and the Apes Embrace their new lifestyle in the forest meanwhile hunsa now infected with alz 1113 arrives at San Francisco International Airport for his flight he eventually spreads the virus around the planet leading to a deadly pandemic
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