
Rita Hayworth and Shawshank Redemption // Book Review + art // Different Seasons PART ONE

Here be spoilers 🐉 Let's talk about Different Seasons by Stephen King. More specifically, Rita Hayworth and Shawshank Redemption. Join me while I draw Andy Dufresne. // SOCIAL MEDIA // insta: tumblr:


1 hour ago

hello everyone it's Stevie King season again just as promised welcome to the small corner of the internet which I have proclaimed mine make yourselves comfortable today we're talking about different seasons full transparency I was going to make this one single long video that was always the plan but as I was nearing the end of writing the script for this I realized at a minimum it was going to end up being 40 minutes long and I don't think anyone can stand being here with me for that long unless
you're consuming these as a podcast which you know you do you after some back and forth a friend suggested I just split the video into four parts one per each Nolla and honestly that is the most sensible thing to do and in the long run it's probably going to stress me less so that's what we're doing I am telling you this in advance because the four videos will probably have intersecting thoughts from the different stories of the whole book so it's up to you if you want or don't want to watch th
em like it's one whole thing without further Ado let's get right to it though trigger warning for this section of the video I will be talking surface level about sexual assault so it'll be there in case you want nothing to do with it okay let's go different seasons was written by Stephen King and published in 1982 it collects four stories formatted after the season of the Year spring summer fall and winter and for this video we'll be tackling the first of a bunch Rita Hayworth and the Shan Redem
ption is the story of Andy defrain who's been recently convicted for the murder of his wife and her lover he's found guilty Beyond The Shadow of Doubt and ends up in shank through the years he faces many hardships and befriends the local man who can get it all and fellow inmate red who happens to be the narrator of her story here be spoilers Andy is in fact Innocent but we do spend the whole noela wondering ing if he did do it or not I've mentioned this before in my it review that when I've read
King books I usually like gulp them up like gummies and that did not happen here it was a bit of a stilted reading which to be fair I do usually read like that that or you know like that but starting with this story I had to stop about eight times probably more while I was reading a very specific section of the the book because I just knew that something bad was going to happen to Andy and by this point I just it grown so attached to him and I didn't want to suffer of course after doing some so
ul searching I came to the conclusion conclusion I came to the conclusion that that specific part was what started my UNS smooth reading of the book as a whole but make no mistake I enjoyed it immensely the book as a whole and this particular story but yeah a lot of the times I would just close the book and stop reading when I could feel something painful closing in on me I realized much later that I was doing this because I didn't want to know what came next but at the moment I just thought I w
as being my usual distracted self it's a very hard-hitting story at times Andy has a very bad time of course he does it's a prison not a damn reason Resort especially at the beginning most of the inmates don't like him because they think he's a stock up and a man who thinks himself better than the rest he's not he's just closed off and a little bit on the serious maybe even shy side now I don't know how much of what king wrote is true of about prison life I don't know how much research Mr King d
id but he certainly makes the reading feel like very well informed if that makes sense he writes things with such depth of information like what music was playing at the time political events the places all the day-to-day happenings are there in a way that makes the world feel real and I like that I really like that he puts things in such a way that even if he were making everything up I think I would believe him [Music] I wanted to go for a dark and dreary Vive for these drawings and chose to d
o them with pencil I used to do most of my art with pencil before many many years ago before I discovered the wonders of markers so it's nice to be back though I'm afraid I'm not as sharp as I used to be with it the image of Andy in his cell looking out of the window really struck with me just the hopelessness of the moment even though in the end hope is the one thing Andy has in abundance I Tred to not immediately watch the movies of the books that I'm reading before doing this videos out of fe
ar that I'll be influenced some way but I couldn't help myself I did wait up for a couple of days after reading the story but I ended up watching the movie pretty soon afterwards stop stop talking about movies stop talking about movies stop talking about movies stop talking about movies oh my God stop talking about movies stop talking about movies stop talking about movies I was weak I will try to keep movie thoughts out of my head as much as possible pinky promise with a cherry on top or howeve
r the expression goes but um I believe in two things discipline and the Bible here you'll receive both put your trust in the Lord your ass belongs to me your ass belongs to me now I'll be honest I bought this book because I really really wanted to read this story and I had heard there was a big change at the end of the book in comparation to the movie there is literally no easier way of making me read a book than telling me it's good and that there's movie adaptation coming out soon moving on I
really like stories where the narrators are not really the main characters in this case red is the one telling the story but Andy is the main focus I love the kind of framing a story like this can give us the incomplete Narrative of being a main character through a narrow lens you get to fall in love through only what bits and pieces the narrator can give you and I do really love Andy so it was very painful reading about the things that happened to him he is unfortunately raped several times whi
le he is in prison and brutalized because he refuses to stay down and take it it was just very hard to read even though King sort of sprinkles it around and doesn't actually shove it in your face like it's clear just not graphic eventually though financially Savvy person that he is Andy manages to play his cards just right to make himself so useful to the guards that he ends up gaining privileges hear me out he starts giving them Financial advice and doing their taxes later on which is just a ba
ller move and I respect him so much for it the perks of now being an ace to the prison management start with the guards keeping the sisters off of him that's the group ofs that keep assaulting him and bitting him up he gets to keep his cell for only himself and he's eventually moved to work at the library instead of the harder jobs that there are inside the prison my baby is so smart this really is a story about keeping hope and prison is a perfect place for a story like this what harder place t
o keep hope in than a cage without escape and the way red describes Andy throughout the story he says something like he's like a man who's not trapped at all just a simple Joe taking a stroll like he could go home any day I love it and this hope he shows in other ways too like helping the inmates graduate from high school from inside the prison once he's in charge of the library or making the library itself just a place of true knowledge being stubborn until the collection of books grows and gro
ws and grows until it gets to be the biggest prison library in the country if I remember correctly but all of these things things he manages to do and the coming of them is slow but Andy is a persistent bastard and it is with this same attitude and stubborn perseverance that he keeps his hope I really like this story a lot even though it made me suffer from time to time I just love Andy so very much and the only reason I would have wanted him to be the narrator of the story was just so we could
have spent more time with him thank you everyone for for watching I really hope that you stick around with me for the rest of the videos and please let me know uh if you've read the book or this particular story like what do you think about it I feel a lot of the times when I'm consuming a story I miss a lot of details either from the big picture or the small picture so let me know your Insight let me know what I missed on a last note I did not mention this in the review but one of the biggest a
ntagonists of the story is the last warden in Andy's time uh priest named Norton at least I think he was a priest I'm not sure and there is nothing much that disgusts me more like on a spiritual level than a villain who is also religious there is just something about them something you know just these sorts of characters being all high and mighty and complete Hypocrites and abusing their power is just vomit inducing there is this one Prison inmate that comes in later in the story Tommy Williams
and he has proof that Andy is innocent and Wen Norton just you know sends Tom into a different prison prison and Warden Norton just sends Tommy into a different prison and Chucks sendy into solitary for weeks on end because um he attacked him or something some I thought I was plenty disgusted but good Lord I didn't know what was coming my way I'll see you all next time when we discuss AP people welcome everyone to the section of the video where I make a liar out of myself yes I'm going to talk a
bout the Sha Shank Redemption movie adaptation buck up buaro so best boy Tommy Williams doesn't die in the movie right he's just sent off to a different prison and given a nice deal so he can be reunited with his wife and babysitter have you seen the movie by any chance they they killed my baby when I tell you I screamed so much at the TV when they shot him in the head I cannot but the cinematography of the movie is just so gorgeous and the acting of Team Robins as Andy defrain is just so so so
lovely can Frank dbr make any more Stephen King adaptations sha Shank Redemption and the green mile are his holy moly that is Legend material right there one thing that is absolutely hilarious to me is the fact that Andy in the book is described as small not short but just like small and he's played by the absolute mountain of man that is team Robbins Mr I'm 1.96 M tall that is just hilarity [Music] [Music]
