
"Road Trip" - Gabriel Iglesias- (From Hot & Fluffy comedy special)

Here is a clip of me talking about taking a road trip with my friends from my comedy central special "Hot and Fluffy comedy." Watch it and let me know what you think. Want to see me live? Check out to see when I'm in your area!

Gabriel Iglesias

13 years ago

Oh my God yeah! Anyways you guys before I go I have one more good story to tell you I took a... I took a road trip about a year ago after I got rid of the beetle in the SUV. Took a road trip from LA to Phoenix to go perform at this club Let me tell you who's in the car. I'm driving I got my buddy Armando riding shotgun he's another fluffy guy We call him sexy bitch I don't call him that his wife calls him that, "He's a sexy bitch" Anyway, the back seat I got my friend Martin Next to him is my fr
iend Felipe. So we take off We're on the 10 freeway we're passing all these Indian casinos Sorry, we're stupid like that! Anyway... All of a sudden all these cars start passing me, right? I'm getting annoyed because I'm driving a... I said next car that tries to pass me I'm not gonna let em. So I'm looking in the rearview mirror waiting... looking... waiting waiting and I see a silver dot. The silver dot turned out to be a little car with two hoochies in it right? Now some of you guys are like
how do you know that they're hoochies? 'Cause my friend Martin was in the back seat going I feel a disturbance in the force. They tried to go around and I cut em off I'm having fun, they're back there E E E whatever My friend Felipe's in the back seat yelling at me, Fool, what are you doing? I go dude, don't worry I'm having fun Gabriel you're going to get pulled over. Dude I'm ok, it's cool. We're arguing going back and forth I'm not paying attention, I don't see a California highway patrol of
ficer creeping up on us All of a sudden I hear I look at the speedometer... 102 Oh, I freaked out The little car that was behind me with the two hoochies they got pulled over because they were going just as fast I'm in the front seat of my car freaking out, oh my God I'm gonna go to jail, I can't believe it I'm on the verge of tears From the back seat I hear my friend Felipe, Fool what are you crying for, what are you crying for fool? You're not the one with weed in his pocket are you? You have
drugs in the car?! I told you to slow down didn't I? But noooo because chu knows everything Shoot, everybody roll down your window Air out the car Mondo fart, do something man The cop walks over to the window looks in, sees my face Recognizes me from TV right He's like hey I know you You're a comedian Yeah, you're that guy from Comedy Central you're the guy that does that joke about his friend at a hotel and you crank call him and you call him a dirty mexican and then you go But it was funny huh
? Oh I love that joke! That one and when you go chocolate cake! Oh I love that joke! I hate to do this to you but we got two cars involved I need your license and registration Ok here you go here you go So he takes my info goes back to the car with the two girls in it, right? The whole time he's back there I tell everybody in the car Check it out he just recognized me from TV Maybe if we have some fun with him Crack some jokes maybe he won't take the car I don't care if I get a ticket but as lon
g as he doesn't take the car Mondo be silly, crack a joke Martin be funny Felipe? What fool? Shut the hell up So the cop comes back to the car What the hell were you doing out there? Before I could think of something funny to say, from the back seat I hear Fool, he was testing the suspension Oh my God this pothead's gonna get me arrested Officer I'm sorry that's my friend Felipe that's the guy from the special That's the guy who says but it was funny huh He's just trying to get me in trouble I'm
really sorry Whatever... So he goes back to his squad car with my driver's license and he's swiping it in a computer The whole time he's doing that he's being yelled at from the back seat of my car Hey officer! Thank God you have a computer! Last week we got stopped in Mexico... That fool had a rolodex! The cop starts dying I go oh we got em going, we got em going I told my buddy, Mondo give me my CDs I take out my bad boys 2 soundtrack and I pop it in Track 3 is the theme song to cops I tell m
y friend Felipe tell me when the cop starts walking Ok fool here he comes I crank that song as loud as I could Bad Boys What chu gon' what chu gon' what chu gonna doooo Best part now the cop is walking to the beat Even better than that the two hoochies in the car can hear the music and they're freaking out like Oh my god, we're gonna be on TV The cop goes to the girls gives them a ticket let's them go Looks at our car and at this point we're like halfway through the song right We're like that mi
ght be going to be no rookie police don't give me no break I don soldier la la la la la chimica Bad boys bad boys We got our arms out the window like a bunch of idiots The cop is in the middle of the freeway dying He walks over to the window and he's like SHUT IT OFF! Yes sir Hands me my license and the registration and he tells me Gabriel... I want you to do me a big favor. I want you to keep his tank under a hundred You think you can do that? Do that for me Keep on doing what you do And you ha
ve yourself a nice day w w w w... that's it? No ticket? No ticket I don't know what possessed me to look at this man and go whyyy???? How come the girls got a ticket? And he tells me the coolest thing, he says 'Cause they couldn't make me laugh Wooo wee! You don't understand Gabriel I've been on the force now for 26 years This is hands down the funniest damn traffic stop I've ever been a part of Do you have any idea how hard it is to give two sluts a ticket while listening to cops?! I damn near
pissed myself I was laughing so hard This is going in the books as one of the funniest things to ever happen to a police officer I swear to God The only story better than this one is a buddy of mine pulled over some fat guy that gave him doughnuts So he starts walking away, right And just as I'm about to start the car So does that mean I could keep my weed? I turn around to yell at my friend Too late, the cop is at the window You want to run that by me again son? You heard what I said fool Oh yo
u think this is a big joke don't you You think that just cause I gave your buddy here a break I know who he is, I like what he does I don't know you I don't like you... Step out of the car I turn around and my friend Felipe is like woahhhh.... I'm so scared And the cop pulls out his gun I'm freaking out , I'm like oh my God! Back seat, my friend Felipe ooohhhhh ooohhh I am so scared Fool he is good, he is good And then he points it at him The look on my friend Felipe's face PRICELESS Are you ser
ious? Are you serious? I'm gonna go to jail? I'm gonna go to jail? The cop was like Nah! But that was funny huh?! I love you Bakersfield Thank you! I don't know



“I told you to slow down, didn’t I??? But noooo Pikachu knows EVERYTHING” I’m rolling.🤣


"So, does that mean I can keep my weed"? Killed me! He's the BEST Comedian in the world!!!!!!


Knowing its Felipe Esparza after all these years makes it so much funnier


“Fool why are you crying? Your not the one with weed in his pocket are you” -Felipe


That cop will go down in history as one of the most legendary people in a joke.


After all these years, only now do I realize that Fluffy was the was the “fat guy who gave him donuts.”


"But nooooooooo Pikachu knows everything!" XD LMAO


That police siren at 1:45 is accurate af


“Fool, he was testing the suspension!” That had me dying 😂


“I feel a disturbance in the force” 😂😂😂


“Nah! But that was funny, huh”? Killed me the most!!!!!!


“But noooooo, Pikachu knows everything” Favorite line ever


“Oh my God this pothead is going to get me arrested” 😂😂😂


“Beacause they couldn’t make me laugh “ Best cop ever xD


Why is it that whenever Felipe is involved, it turns out to be extra funny?! hahaha


This always makes me smile .. lost my younger sister last year and she was the one that made me watch this lol. Makes me happy cause this will always be funny to me and her.


I want to see an animated film of this


5:34 are we not gonna notice that “we got our arms out the window like a bunch of idiots” was on beat


“Fool, he was testing the suspension”


Don’t care if it was real or not, this man is LEGIT 😂