
Rohan Dances To "Thriller"

Something I just cooked up in twenty minutes. Got bored. SUPPORT THE OFFICIAL RELEASE! All rights of ジョジョの奇妙な冒険 ダイヤモンドは砕けない (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Diamond Is Unbreakable) belong to their respective owners. Also support Michael Jackson.


7 years ago

マイケル・ジャクソンのスリラー \(゜ロ\) (/ロ゜)/ \(゜ロ\) (/ロ゜)/ ♪♪♪ \(゜ロ\) (/ロ゜)/ 完 ~★



1st dance move: krumping 2nd dance move: thriller 3rd dance move: stanky leg


Dance such as this can only be topped by the infamous Passionne Gang.


It is the law in JJBA that every action you preform must be a lyrical reference or a from of dancing/posing.


Araki should've named it [THRILLER]


Whoever does the Japanese subtitles for my videos needs an award. ヽ(・∀・)ノ


Rohan tried to dance Cheap Trick off of his back, but it refused to get off of him.


I can't wait for the Passione gang dance


Oh my god please add this to the abridge series


Sick moves bruh.


How do you people keep getting this on tape?!


The hands clawing at your back come from a「 STAND」 Rohan's Death Is Close At Hand


Why did I know this was going to happen after that episode aired XD


Somebody had to do it, XD


jojo: a serious anime the fans: haha rohan dance go brrr


Should've done Girly Man you know... indian bootleg thriller? and rohan is a girly man


this fits on so many levels. good work


That was amazing I'm actually crying


I Still Love This-


This has been made twice but it's still the best concept


this is gold