
Rolling: The Ball of Joy | Short Film

No characters. No story. No meaning. But still, we try. Camus re-contextualises Sisyphus as an absurd hero, entirely conscious of his menial suffering and striving despite it. In doing so, he echoes the fate of humanity; we are all shoved into the arbitrary whims of existence, choked by an infinite fog which shrouds the path ahead. Each step towards _'the torment of which [we] will never know the end'_ is a futile one, utterly pointless. We know this. And yet Sisyphus still rolls his ball of earth with ceaseless effort. He rebels against his own fate, doomed to fail but the ultimate master of his own will. The absurd existence repels suffering. Joy flourishes because we allow it to flourish. Futility, Meaninglessness, Absurdity: these flow from our joy-tipped fingers, not as burdens but as manifestations of destiny. Not as observations or performances, but as experiences. We must be the ones to roll the ball of joy and to never stop. _'If the descent is thus sometimes performed in sorrow, it can also take place in joy.'_ _'Each atom of that stone, each mineral flake of that night-filled mountain, in itself forms a world. The struggle itself toward the heights is enough to fill a man's heart. One must imagine Sisyphus happy.'_ Music: Mozart's 'The Marriage Of Figaro (Overture)' Direction, Cinematography, Screenplay: Harit Saravanan Editing, Sound Design, Storyboarding: Abel Sam Main Cast: Prakalya Nandha Harish Aswanth Aravinth Supporting Cast: Ashwin N. Gowthaman Ghuru Prasath Jayavarshan Nikkil Kartheesa Ranga Kowshick Senthoor Sharanya Jithesh N. Tharani Special Thanks: Shabeer Ali Khan .J Shivani Raju

SS Harit

2 months ago

What are you doing? Director: Ok, cut! Nice take... the expressions were pretty good Sam Sam: Thanks. Director: Uh... Cecilia, I feel like there's room for you to push it just a little bit more. Your eyebrows felt a little bit stiff... maybe just try emoting with them a bit more. Like remember, we're trying to convey to the audience that you are, like, completely overwhelmed with happiness, so there should be no confusion, uh, like relating to that in what you're doing. Cecilia: Even happier, go
t it. Director: Ok cool. While you practise that let's take a 15-minute break everybody, so be back here in 15. Director: Hey... c-can we try a different angle? DOP: What did you have in mind? Director: I don't really like how you can see the reflection of the camera in the shot, it kinda breaks the immersion. DOP: Sure, I'll try to work something out. Director: *sigh*... Man, I'm properly stressing out. The chocolates are starting to melt. DOP: No fridge? Director: Unfortunately. DOP: Can someb
ody charge the mics? I think they're close to run---



❤🎉 All the best 🎉❤


❤ nice ... Good work .. 🎉


All the best❤️🎉💐