
Rolls Royce Cullinan Mansory- WITAMY! *Ten film jest o tym czego właściciel RR pewnie nigdy nie robi

Widzimy się już za TYDZIEŃ! Rozpoczynamy wstęp do ostatniej akcji w której zgarniecie… samochodY! Rolls Royce- ciekawe auto. Ciekawe tylko, że raczej nudne i stonowane… No chyba ze wprowadzisz kilka zmian i „delikatnie” przystosujesz je dla młodych. Czy będzie to kosztować szczyt czarnej listy RR? Zapewne tak- bo zrobiliśmy naprawdę sporo rzeczy których NIE robi Wlasciciel Rollsa. Czy lubię te auto? -Kocham je. Czy nie jest mi szkoda kręcić nim bączki na farmie? -Nic mu się nie stało. Czy kupiłbym je jeszcze raz? -Nie wiem jeszcze. Czy jestem dumny z filmu który dziś wyszedł? -Owszem. Rzeczy których NIE robi Wlasciciel RR to powinien być tytul tego filmu! Oczywiście, że można było to zrobić w sposob grzeczny, kulturalny i stonowany- ale po co? Widzimy się za tydzień- na kolejnych zajęciach WFu. Podnosimy poprzeczkę. Piona!

Budda. TV

4 months ago

It's got a great sliding tendency. Now the duo, where we got the STO next to a gigantic Cullinan. It’s a beautiful duo. Keep in mind, what I said. Let’s go. Today: (Enough to be blacklisted by the company) (Oh s**t) (Put on the seatbelt, if we crash…) (I'm wearing slippers!) (Kamil! The police, Kamil!) Whose idea was it, to actually drive to the UK? A few months ago, I fulfilled my dream and ordered a R… Not a Renault Clio, no! No! It’s not gonna be the Renault Clio. What else starts with an R?
Rover! I don’t like Rovers too much. Never had a weakness for them. It comes to my mind – and slides indicate it too – that it might be a Rolls Royce. Could be a Rolls Royce. The slides clearly indicate that. So does this license plate, which – let’s agree – wouldn’t be installed on just any car. Indeed, my loves. It’s gonna be a Rolls Royce. Now, safety is our priority. First of all, such a car has to be picked up with something special. One should arrive classy. But, safety above everythin
g else. When I was a kid, being 10-12 years old… I’d love to take my scooter to the park, to play some football. Brings back great memories. That’s a fact. We’re now headed to pick the Rolls Royce up. Not just some, too. On a scooter. The kickstand! Forward. All good. All stylish now. He’s gonna get killed in these slides. Truck!! I got distracted! What a beauty! Now, a close-up on me. Having wind in my hair. Alright, we’re going in. There’s so many people sitting on a sofa. Screw that, I’m goi
ng in on a scooter. No f**ks given about them sitting on a sofa, having a laugh at me. -Can you store this? -Sure. -Take good care of it, it’s a safety measure. -Of course. So, why such license plates? I probably don’t need to explain the 777 anymore. KID98 – I was born in 1998. It’s a follow-up from the first, true sports car I had. The RS6, where the plates were K6 KID98. Think that’s cool. Think the car’s cool too, just look. It’s already there. What’s interesting, my loves – we’re now gonna
move a few months back, because I’ve been here already. February 2023 The same place F**k… Perfection. Seeing it in person for the first time, you know… February 25th, 2023. Gonna fit my ass inside the Cullinan for the first time. The way it smells! A bit luxurious, huh? Pretty f**ing cool. It seems to me, that… Somewhere deep inside the Rolls Royce factory, there’s a room… A room of some very important person, like a chairman. The wall of said room is decorated by photos of people… Don’t kno
w what to call them, maybe creative ones? Right now, if there’s any ranking among them, I could venture all the way to the top of it… With the beautiful face of mine – my picture may be placed there. And I mean no other than… The black list of Rolls Royce. My loves, not only do we have a Mansory Rolls Royce here… Rolls Royce itself addresses that as embellishing their “perfect” car. On top of that, we got ourselves the 23” saucepans here. Does Rolls Royce approve of such topics? I dare to say
: No. Furthermore, the car was lowered. The holy, huge and tall Cullinan, was put to the ground. Not enough? Alright. So, the holy interior of Rolls Royce. The holy interior – everything made out of a single piece of cow-hide. Or a single cow, I don’t remember. But, that holy interior was all stripped out and then stitched to match the colorway I wished to have. That’s plenty already and enough to be blacklisted by that brand. But, if that wasn’t enough, we took another step forward. Namely,
the holy badge of Rolls – the Spirit of Ecstasy – which proudly travels the streets… On the very front of this giant hood cover, atop the gigantic grille… We’ll do this: Start up the car… Now, which f**ing button was it to bring it out? Has to be one of these. The 7? No. Or maybe? No. F**k. 6, maybe? No. Maybe the 5? No. The 4… Not specified, not specified… Maybe the 1? Not specified, too. The 8? Yo, there it was! There it was for a second! Again. There! There! Now I’m at the top of Rolls Royc
e’s black list! Because I replaced that badge! For a custom made Budda, standing on custom 7’s! Thank you and best regards. I just made it to the top of their black list. They certainly won’t sell me a car ever again. F**ing never! Never! Moreover, I wanted to say… There’s a perfect spot – just look. We got: The brake, the accelerator and the footrest. Now, an important thing goes with that accelerator tap. Because I wish to stay at the top of said black list, forever! For ages to come! -Quiet
. Awfully quiet, right? -Yeah… Can’t hear a thing. Doesn’t sound at all, right? It’s got a 6.75 liter V12, after all. Michał, the owner of MG doesn’t pick up at the moment, probably some vacation. But trust me, I’ll do everything to have such an exhaust installed here… That’ll allow it to be a silent cruiser – just the way it is now. But one click later, through a completely different exhaust system… We’re gonna have a car sounding like a Formula One! Because we’re dealing with a twin-turbo
charged V12 here. Once we do that, nobody’s gonna push us over from the top of that black list. Nobody, ever! Come along, I’ll tell you about one thing more… That we had installed here. It’s gonna bring us content in the future. (Today*) That, I can promise. Namely, my loves. At first glance, a rear diffuser. But once we take a look here, there’s a gentle connection. A gentle connection here… This flap opens. We press another button and a towing hook emerges. We got the hook in our Rolls! I co
uld connect a semi-trailer here and tow, say the drift car… Through the city. Or anything else. Or I could do the Skoda of Lukomir. Or the Skoda we took to pick the GTR up. I could tow those cars through the city, with a Rolls Royce. Such a f**ing absurdity. Look at him! This is f**ing insane! Let’s do that. Why tow Lambo or drift cars? Screw that. We’ll tow the Skoda’s. A bit aggressive. But that’s the truth. I’ll be seeing it in daylight for the first time, now. Well, it f**ing looks black. W
e need the clouds to stop blocking the sun. Only now, it shows how huge the Cullinan is! I got a fun fact for you. This car won’t fit on a standard tow-truck, because it’s too high. It’s well over 2 meters wide. Has to be towed by a heavyweight tow-truck. Half a Civic. Talking weight… Civic is about 1000-1100 kg. The Rolls is 3 tons. Thank you! Three suitcases and three backpacks. Three handbags and three jackets. And one giant equipment bag. Dude. Just like half a ton of potatoes. Without a hi
tch. One button and it’s slammed! It didn’t want to do it inside the showroom, we had to drive it a bit. So we did the most important thing at the end. It looks the way it should, now. What should we even call it? Has to be stately. Edward. Something like that. Heritage of the Rolls is... England 3 months later… Somewhere in Germany How absurd is it, that 3 months have passed from the events you saw a second ago? We, however, right after passing 300 km from Warsaw to Cracow… We put the Rolls
inside the garage and then kept it a secret, basically in every video, whenever we recorded. Under the pressure of the events from the last months – let’s just agree there were plenty. We simply had no time to present you the machine… Which I don’t know why, is sitting in the bushes of a German parking lot. We had no time, but gotta do it in a special way. So, we had an idea that, nobody takes delivery of a Rolls this way, after all. Nobody brings it back, just to hide it away for 3 months.
It's rather driven, because it’s pimped out like a carriage to Licheń. But, we did it and thought, the rest of the episode should be treated as unusually, as we treated the Rolls. The test should be absolutely unique. Especially, in case of one’s own Rolls. That’s how the idea was born. We left in the morning, before sunrise. So, nobody could see us in Poland. (A few hours earlier, at Han Golkowicki’s) Damian, Han! I’ll wake him up, you know – gently. Considering the time. Damian! It worked!
Good day. Time seems alright. With a camera? We made it here in a flash, the mission seemed successful, because… I think so, at least, because as for now, we dodged all the tik-tok’s and other leaks. But, we aren’t even half-way through. We’re headed towards the Great Britain, England, London. We’re currently in Germany and got no idea, why we’re doing this. Also don’t know why it’s not… Wait, I know, why it isn’t being towed. Because it’s too f**ing big. Hear me, half a meter too long for an
y tow-truck. And half a ton too heavy, for any tow-truck. So, we’d have to carry it on a truck trailer. Which isn’t so simple, as England isn’t a part of the European Union – so it’d be treated as a trade good. At some inconsiderable value. So, we’re driving it. In Great Britain, we got a few unusual ideas for it. When you hear Uncle saying the ideas are unusual, better f**ing trust his evaluation. We filled it up a second ago, finding its big appetite. Compared to 40 liters burned by Przemek’
s X3, it burned only 75 liters. So, a few more stops surely await us. Ahead of you though, likely a historic episode. Either of this channel or YouTube in general – don’t know that yet. But, as I look at it, I dare guess. Now, not to prolong the introduction, as I wanted to share some info with you… Let’s move to what I prepared for the very beginning. We therefore have to open the trunk. We got such a mesh bag here, we’ll do like so. Swish, whoosh and bada-zing. We got some items, which I’m
not going to show you, yet. I’m thinking – maybe I’ll show you. They’ll tease the upcoming content, don’t ask, just watch. (Bada-bing, bada-zing! Many things are upcoming!) Getting to the point, I’d like to gift each of you, gentlemen traveling through beautiful Europe with me. Have such a bag, please line up. -Thank you. -Bunnies for you. For you, sir, we got… Yes, that’s especially for you. For you, sir, we got such like this one. Gentlemen, we won’t have you entering this car in dirty, f**i
ng shoons. No sweaty feet shall touch these sheep carpets. Won’t have that. I prepared slippers for each of you. The size 45/46 was meant to be for… Probably for you. For me, true. -Next up, what’s your size? -43. -And you? -42.5. F**ing hell, alright. You’ll have them a bit over-sized. There you go. Now, gentlemen. We need a clear rule during this trip. You enter the Rolls, you take your dirty shoons off. We put them inside the bag and look after it, like in the kindergarten. We wear the beaut
iful, checkered slippers. This is the worst sucker, 2 EUR for a pair. Yesterday, I wanted to have “Rolls Royce Slipper” printed on them, but sadly no company was able to do it in an hour. There! I’m ready! Here. Each granny would be proud. Mine’s with a f**ing T-rex! Immediately shows who’s in charge here. Like at PE lessons. Put it on your back. We could begin the whole episode with a slogan of: “Things Rolls Royce owners DON’T do”. Remember that slogan for today. We’ll surely get back to it
a few times. The next important thing, welcome. As we’re free to enter inside now. Inside the archdiocese. Listen, it doesn’t matter if it’s a Rolls, Mercedes or Fiat Punto or Bravo. Without this, can’t go. Yes or no? Surely yes. It immediately… It’s like the incense of archdiocese. Same thing here. Look at it dancing here. How it’s spinning. What does it say? Here: Aromatic and well-kept. That’s what it says! Just me being me, for f**ks sake! Dear chairman, Mr. Sebastian, is it alright? May I
close? May I? Alright then. Alright, I’ll throw it inside the trunk and off we go. 1800 km away from home, 3 months after the purchase. Only to deliver you the best possible content. Let’s go! We’re basically covering miles after miles, while the car absorbs liters after liters. An average of 22 L/100 km and off we go. The front surface works like a sail, so the 22 liters are here only at calm cruise. The beast’s got an appetite. You’d easily do 30. Certain amount of hours in closed space, how
ever, leaves a strain on one’s psyche. (Random gas station on our way) No fuel. You’re… Sticking out! -Am I? -Yeah! A bit! Wouldn’t call it perfect, but they’ll fit through! A full wheel was sticking out at first, now just half of the hood. It’s okay then. The best thing is, it takes up two spaces and it doesn’t appear like overdoing it. Because it really takes up two spaces. It looks, like I put it up for some show or something. We’re constantly headed West. Our happy carriage passes: Lipsk,
Kassel, Dortmund… During breaks for stretching out, tests were performed. When I was a kid, I saw such a test. Wanted to do it since. They’d place a coin on the engine and start the car up. The coin wouldn’t fall over. I heard of Rolls passing this test as well. Two euro’s! Let’s do it the hardcore way, straight away. How idiotic do we have to look? Four dudes wearing these f**ing slippers. Placing a coin on Rolls Royce’s engine? -So, what? It doesn’t hold? -It doesn’t. Alright, I’ll put it her
e for now. -Starting up! -Okay! Test failed. F**k it, then. Look how crooked it is, falls by itself. Alright, we’ll re-do it at royal land. For now, it’s failed. Handing it back, not to get in debt. Test wasn’t worth s**t, we’ll re-do it. It wasn’t trustworthy. We enter the Netherlands for a moment, then Belgium and after 15 hours, we’re in Brussels. Night awaits us here. We barely entered and a delivery van, cyclist and moped – all tried to destroy the Rolls. Unharmed, we made it to the hote
l parking, still full of surprises. Looks like you got it f**ing wrong. 1.75 meters maximum height. The mirror is as far as I can go. They must have marked it with some reserve, so it should be okay. Half a meter! Alright, but you’re the one vouching for that reserve! No, I won’t vouch for anything. Alright, the entrance is alright! Look at this. I love these f**ing trips! This turn ain’t s**t, huh?! Tell you what, somebody had it right. Think you'd never fit through. Someone even made it her
e! No, no f**ing way. We’re out to find another hotel, f**k me. The gate’s closing! I’m in my slippers!! Wait!! Oh, no! I made it! I dropped my slippers! He watched too many movies! It’s fun down there! Here, s**t’s Mount Everest! It’s all fun down there. No f**ing way. Alright, gotta ask them to let us into that one. 2.40 meters, tight fit. I scratched my elbow during that Mission Impossible, like a kid at playground. But, the guy said, they got one space left. He can let us in. Oh s**t, this
isn’t good either. What are you saying… Don’t f**ing say… -You’ll pass through. -Will I? You got, like 30 centimeters. -Damn! -That’s a heart attack right here. Am I sticking out a lot? Just a bit! A few centimeters… No, that’s pushing it too far. The whole hood is sticking out, am I am, look… I’m at the wall! This is the real test: Drive it to a cinema or shopping center. Were it a crowded parking lot, someone leaving from there or here… It’d kill a biker. Dude’s riding like nothing, suddenl
y half a car is sticking out of a parking spot. It’s impractical. Morning next day Brussels is an interesting city, apparently. We haven’t experienced that, too much. Everything’s f**ed over. This shot even reminded me of driving Maverick’s through the same renovations in Africa. Seriously, nothing special. The city doesn’t fit my preferences. It’s dirty, it stinks and the vibe is off. Maybe I’m the complaining one. While leaving the city, we constantly flew the drone, to bring your screen so
me nice shots. I hope we made it. The Cullinan barely fits through the center’s tight streets. It takes up the whole lane, all the way from left to right. A quick stop by the gas station before leaving. Ahead of us – 200 km of highway, to make it to France before noon. Wonder what it’s gonna be like. I’m pretty intrigued. Each of us present here, is pretty intrigued by the topic of the tunnel. Because… None of us ever passed it. No idea how many of you passed it. If you did, congratulations t
hen. Lucky you. We’ll be joining your crew soon. I don’t know how it’s to be entered – sideways or straight? How to enter, what to do? Don’t know, but we’re here to do it wrong. Just like the hotel lift with the GTR. It only took us to break it. Yo, we’re with the Tesla again! It has to be it! So huge. Look at the way it looks on the map. There’s such infrastructure, water going here somehow. Moreover, there’s so much infrastructure for the trains, trucks, some access roads? Looks f**ing seriou
s. Tell you what, there’s four layers of barbed wire. The sizuh… The… S**t… I’m switching to f**ing French! La Manche’s fault. -In the trunk, I left my… -Condoms. It’s called an International Passport. No s**t, you got a passport? -It’s international. -You brought it, though? An international one. Because you weren’t so keen on taking it to Romania. I forgot to bring my documents with me. The dudes are bringing a scaffolding, while Caba brought so many condoms, as if he wanted to f**k half of R
omania. Here’s Caba’s passport. It’s international. Look what I got! A passport! We’re headed in the right direction, because the fence is electric and about 6 meters tall here. We’re surely closing in to Great Britain. Heard they have great issues with refugees, immigrants. Truck’s tarps are being cut, they try to hold onto the suspension to somehow make it through. The way you see now. This really is a 6 meters high fence, also electric. So, it shows, they’re watching after that. The size of
this whole harbor complex may be shown… By how there’s 6 kilometers between the spot where we stopped to take the documents… To reach the spot, where the border crossing is located. Further part of sightseeing with Uncle Labudda. For now, this looks no different from some nice looking border crossing. That’s that. Yo, 264 EUR, one way! 264 EUR! For one way! And the same for the way back! Over 500 f**ing EUR for a round trip! Tell you what, I’ll dig up such a tunnel and charge people. I’ll go
pay for the other car, too. F**k me, who’s idea was it to drive to Great Britain, with two cars? One of which devours 60 liters/100 km. Likely mine. Alright, I petted the dog, I’m the happiest person on earth. We passed through everything related to the documents and so on. Listen, they didn’t even check the registry documents of the car, insurance – nothing. But as you see here, the guys are going strong. I was worried about Huracan making it on the ferry, now I see it’d fit. In order: Aven
tador, Bentley, Porsche, Porsche… Next up we got the M2, there’s also the RS6… Also the Dakar edition of 911, which is very rare. They all enter the ferry, towards Great Britain. Tell you what, I’m pretty stoked. Haven’t been to the UK for a long time, like I said already. Moreover, the whole journey through Europe, with you, is pretty fun. Leave a like and subscribe, if you don’t already. Keep in mind, we’re headed towards 2 million subscribers! For 2 million, as you probably guessed already,
we’ll hit you with something really, f**ing big. Let me tell you, it’s a huge train – look to the right! The f**er’s like a wall, like 10 meters high! Maybe not 10, but surely 8. And sure enough, you drive the car into it. Just like that. This train is a good way to prove, that the Rolls is really wide. Let me tell you, both on the left and right, I’m really close to that curb. Look, the gates are closing. Like in Star Trek or some other s**t. The way it looks so abstract and futuristic! Wh
at did you say, Rafał? Rafał said not to drive up this close, because once the train jerks and starts moving, he’s gonna hit us. Meanwhile, the staff guy: “More, come, there’s space left”. A nice vibe – I’m comfortable like a frog on a lily pad, having brought out the loading tray. It also nicely shows how the suspension works, as the train jumps, the car tries to eliminate it. The journey ride itself takes 34 minutes. The biggest achievement of all, seems to me, is how 100 meters below sea
level, it constantly keeps three range bars of 4G. F**k! I sometimes leave my house in the village and have no signal, but here? Three bars all the way. Oh s**t, it’s pulled by this locomotive. We basically just entered Great Britain, got to drive on the left. Couldn’t have done any better than Cullinan, in terms of testing grounds. It’s huge, it’s wide and you’ve experienced that already today. It’s impractical in the city, parking lots… On top of that, we’ll do some f**ing left lane drivi
ng, alright! Got a feeling it won’t be fun, at times. I’m feeling a f**ing storm brewing. I put that magical roundabout into the GPS. You wanna do the magical roundabout, right from the start? Yes, we’re doing the magical roundabout. I’ll explain what’s up with the magical roundabout. Because this isn’t the last of our genius ideas. You don’t know what roundabout we’re talking about, yet. That’s six roundabouts, not one. It’s six in one. You heard it right, my love. It’s six roundabouts in a si
ngle one. And that’s coming right up! F**k, where do I go? S**t, didn’t take long! However, to make it there, we got 150 miles to cover – to get a bit accustomed. We also find out about the extraordinary secrets of the car in question. We’ve been thinking – look, Cullinan’s got a physical watch here. Where do we find something to adjust it? But, Przemek started digging through the settings – watch! -We set it to – what is it, 14:00? -Yeah. Poof. Watch it. It starts physically moving, just lik
e that! You could fake a timelapse this way. F**ing dope, nice. Don’t know, if I’m getting hyped about a clock moving, in a car worth this much, but I like it. The time is right, while being headed towards our destination, perhaps final. We’ll find out about that. A weird Skoda passes us. The Skoda is normal, actually. But the woman’s shady. Is she f**ing angry? Is she offended? She’s showing us something. She’s showing “peace” not “f**k off”. I don’t know what it means here, in England. Got e
ye contact? Eye contact is one thing, but I’m not sure if she isn’t performing some exorcism there! She’s keeping these fingers up, all the time! She could’ve cut herself and doesn’t want to stain the upholstery! We’re also performing the first dry runs of left side traffic, by entering the gas station. These people have the priority at the roundabout and these have to wait, f**ing right? Hold on, we’re waiting! We’re now going wrong way at the roundabout. Happened before. And now leave thro
ugh here and… Hold on, doesn’t he go first? We’re now at the gas station. It f**ing works! It somehow works. But, why do they have it this way? Don’t know. If you know it all already, let’s get to the point. That could be diverse… The most complicated intersection of whole England Not only the most complicated, I also remind you of the tiny detail… We had no experience with left side traffic, yet. We’re currently in Swindon, exactly 100 km West from London. This is a place I really wanted to sh
ow you. Because I noticed it all the way back, when I was a kid. If I ever ended up on it, I’d likely s**t myself – I thought. You know what? In a moment, I’ll find myself on it. Like I said, back at the England’s border – we couldn’t have found a more hardcore testing ground. Look at the bird’s view of the intersection in question. Moreover, check out all the alternative passes through it! We may meet another car at every, possible spot! Wish me not meeting one, after all. Fasten your seatbel
t, during a side hit, it’s better to be protected. A crash could happen from each side, simultaneously! In general, we should wear 5-pointers here. Generally speaking, should be mentioned, that it’s 5:40 PM. Look, we’re already sitting in traffic. This is a rush hour, so the traffic is even greater than usual. What could I say, I think the sign speaks for itself. Think the “training video” also did. F**k me, where even are we?! Moreover, like I showed you before – this car is huge, long and i
mpractical. S**t, where do I go? For now, just go left. F**k! Didn’t have to wait long! Yo, hold on, hold on! What now? Do I go, or they do? No, I do! You know, I think we just passed through the middle of the small roundabout. We should have circled it. Look, there’s a car coming from the right. What are you f**ing saying, who’s going first now? It seems like they do, they’re not even stopping. Take a right now, just let them all go. F**ing what!! Now I’m going, because I’m already in, right?
Yeah, yeah. It seems so. That’s the way it works. F**k me, Armageddon! We now turn here… Hold on, these ones don’t have priority. Yo, we barely made it to the roundabout and they honked at us again, same f**ing moment. -Hold on, there’s the small roundabout… -Wait, this one doesn’t have priority. Look what’s happening. Look, look! They’re gonna crash! Kamil, you gotta take a left now. Left, left again… And then right. Alright. A left, left and right. Is that what he said? Or left, left, left a
nd then right? -Think it was three lefts. -I heard three, too. Look, we were where these cars are. So, this roundabout allows left and right. So, this isn’t a left or right sided roundabout… Because we covered both directions. Hold on, hold on. Don’t talk to me now. F**k! -What now? It’s their go now? -No, we’re already on the roundabout. F**ing look. Okay, you’re right. You were right. But we weren’t on the roundabout, what are you on? -No, we’re on the middle one now. This is like… -Oh, we’re
on the middle one now. -Wait, wait. What now? -Now wait, don’t think we’re going now. -But, it’s a roundabout to another one, I don’t know -Look, you go from one to another… And what? Now, you gotta force yourself in, to turn right. Alright, alright. Let me through, let me. Now I’m going right. F**ing hell, now our hood is on his head’s level. Now, the exit’s here. -Now, exit… -Wait, how do I? -Left. -Left, left. -This is a left sided one. -Alright, alright. What do I f**ing do, now? -Go there,
towards the exit. -There? Alright. Yo, I f**ing turned around on the whole damn roundabout! You made it! Damn! -Now watch out. -Let’s not screw up on the last one. Yeah, they’re going first now. Because… I don’t know why. They’re going first now, because… I wanted to give a reason, but don’t know it myself. -Wow, it really… -This is definitely the wildest intersection of circular motion of the whole Great Britain. -Satan’s creation! -No, differently. Here’s what I think. Kamil, Kamil. The polic
e. Yo, the police. -We ran a red light? I didn’t notice. -We waited for the lady to cross. -Yes, yes. -Which red light did you run? This one, here. There’s a crossing. Alright. A creation of Satan. Here’s what I think – having passed it, you should be given a UK driving license, automatically. You know, I did it all by feel? Like: This one isn’t moving, I’ll go then. Who had the priority back there – no f**ing idea! Yeah, looking through the camera, everyone went by feel. It’s an Indian urban
jungle. There’s constant honking here. A moment ago, someone went: They honked at me, as I barely entered. First meter and first honk. -They did twice, you blocked that roundabout. One, small one. -We did?! -Yes. -Don’t give me that, no way. It’s just a rarity for someone to turn around. Okay, we may have blocked it. This is such an invention! If we were to put a diffident person, even on Polish roundabouts… Add the left side traffic to that – you stop the car in the middle, smash the door.
Goodbye, thank you. The internal roundabout moves to the left, the external ones to the right. They’re connected by five different roundabouts, left going ones… Wrap your head around it. It’s nice of the policewoman, for telling me about running a red light and not fining me. Car’s got to be cleaned before further shots Oh damn, nice. It’s gonna rain right when we leave, remember my words. Alright, let’s go negotiate. In general, guys likely never cleaned a Rolls before. But, we like being fi
rst. Quite fitting. B-roll material: The moment we’re finished, it starts raining. Call me Labudda the fortune-teller. I guarantee, it surely is gonna rain. Now, the most pimped out B-roll of cleaning! You know, all the way out, like it’s the highest level of all detailings ever. Or another way, a slapdash! Let’s do a flute B-roll! It’s starting to pour already, know why? The things he’s doing both-handed, is the rain dance. Keep that in mind, that isn’t cleaning. That’s a rain dance. Add the
foot. F**k, almost choked on my chewing gum. Wish to trust someone, one day. Like they trust this table. Generally, I was taking off to an ATM, thinking it’s 50 GBP for cleaning. Yet, it’s 15 GBP. The man’s having a happy day. That’s for his dedication, cleaning a car while standing on a table, to reach the roof. More and more evidence for its size. Alright, let’s head to London! Rain dance, told you it was. Did I tell you? Or did I not? A rain dance. Always the same. I’ll bring my son under t
he hood, so he doesn’t get wet. 12 miles from London, in 1865 – that’s 158 years ago – the Hammersley family bought 6.5 ha of land. Today, we parked this gentleman on said land. Gotta admit, appears like it was born here. The reason might be, that the Rolls Royce factory is situated exactly 50 km from here, in a straight line. The manor we slept in has a quite interesting story, which I’m naturally not going to include here. Just to prove its value, it has to be mentioned, that Queen Elizab
eth I, used to be a guest… And in 1909 – King Edward VII. I’m telling you all that, because while cruising through Great Britain, I have the constant feeling, that it simply matches the place. It seems to me, hear me out… It fits the place, like grilled cheese matches the mountains. Or like a clod of coal matches Silesia. It feels like a cold beer served by your brother-in-law, in his garage. These comparisons prove of us truly being atypical owners of the brand. A typical one, would use mu
ch stiffer descriptions, you know? “Like a Stradivarius fits virtuoso’s hands”. “Like an orchestra performing Mozart’s masterpiece”. “Or like a bottle of Bordeaux fits the wine case of the finest sommelier”. But that isn’t us. I love the contrast of adding such a dignified car to the collection, while keeping up with frivolous behavior. -What’s up? -Somewhere around here. That’s what it looks like. Will you fit through? Barely, but likely so. Nah, seems fine. It appeared narrower. There’s an
old, British bus. Don’t see them on the roads anymore. Right, it’s of key importance, that we’re in Goodwood. That’s the place many of you may recognize, from Goodwood Festival of Speed… Where all the newest models are presented, just the stuff you see now. Many of you likely heard of certain accidents, like – not sure if it was a Rolls Royce or Aston Martin… It recently lost a wheel, which left all alone. We’re on the track, come on, how to turn the traction control off? -Somewhere here? -
Deeper inside the settings. Right, it’s not a single button. Traction control isn’t often turned off here. Stability control, DSC off. Watch it now. You’re kidding, this thing drifts? This is a narrow curve, f**ing look now. It has to be thrown like a boat! Caba almost joined us in the front row! Damn! It’s doable, you just got to throw the boat’s weight from left to… F**ing hell, what is this? Frame as if for certain naughty activities. This thing boasts 1200 HP... I'm meant to mount it onto
my back and fly. Right, a few warm-up questions, then what? Will they fly around the Rolls. What don’t the usual Rolls owners do? They don’t let jetpack-boys fly around them. What will we do? We’ll let them fly their jetpacks around it. They’re being rational, though. I was asked to first bring it aside, to see the height and so on. -Does it even work? -Whether it works… The topic never struck me, as something I’d connect with such a distinguished car. What am I to tell you, though. Many more
things, usually unconnectable with the car still await you in this episode. So, keep watching. Right now, we’re beginning the f**ing jetpack flying chapter, for good. Have you played GTA San Andreas back in the days? I know, about 90% of you did. Then, they did GTA 4 and GTA 5 – no jetpacks. None! No jetpacks in GTA 5! So, we’ve gotten us one in real life. The same one like CJ had. Whatever you say, the dude’s flying. Can one buy this thing? The engines, yes, apparently. I took a photo of the
company, easy. We’ll mount it somehow. Would be a second, between the house and garage, right? Likely so. My turn now. I know, what it’s gonna look like! I’ll look like this. He’s gonna look like the guy, you’re not meant to worry about. He’s such a Gigachad – comes up, gives a fistbump, flies off. I’ll be like this. Be calm, like I’m meant to be about not breaking my bones, right now. The dudes are cooling it off. The way it sounds, by the way – the dudes are cooling the jet engine off. Sev
en of them, to be exact. We should fly some, but I guarantee about not looking like him. He’s been doing it for 4.5 years. Me, 4.5 minutes. The whole flying process doesn’t really suit live recording. As you may have noticed, these jet engines are so loud, it’s impossible to do any speech. I need such a leaf blower! Generally, the learning process consists of you being strapped into ropes, so you don’t fly away. You got these jet power triggers under your fingers and try to work with that. O
nce you master such flying, these jetpacks are used for rescuing lost people in difficult terrain. More like finding said people, because their endurance is a few minutes at most. The army uses them, too. This is such a technology from the future. It’s an amazing concept, when commando’s are meant to board an enemy ship, during a mission… Instead of catching it up with the boat, a dude takes off, lands on it and throws a ladder out. Or imagine twenty such men landing on said ship. The techno
logy isn’t cheap, by the way. If you wanted to purchase such a jetpack today, be prepared to spend 350 000… British pounds. 350 000 GBP, which is roughly 2 000 000 PLN (400 000 EUR). The guys claim, that training allowing relaxed flying, takes around 4 weeks. Immodestly though, I think it’s possible immediately. Many attempts later. I’m already a pro No, think I was doing great. Didn’t look too bad. Doesn’t seem like I’m paralyzed, either. Thinking about it, I could be a cosmonaut. I felt a b
it like on a moon, back there. I was heavy, heavy, heavy… Suddenly, moon. I weighed nothing. I had lots of time to reconsider. Think I did great. As I flew, not only did I feel really attractive, like, cool… But also, I was free as a bird. Also, I think I did really great. It felt natural very quickly, I understood it right upon touching the ground – or leaving it, actually. The guys said I got potential. That’s it. What else could I tell you? I hope to meet you in the skies. I’m planning to d
o some more training, an hour or two more. I should soon make it to the level of airliners. I’ll immodestly say: It went off with a bang. They’re having a track day at Goodwood, but it ended right when my “training” did. So, we couldn’t leave that without proper action, right? The track would be too lonely. Now, a shot of the Rolls driving… Behind it, the jetpack guy flying, all around him and so on. Some total absurdity – like some test of innovative technology, NASA prototypes, 1990. But, th
is is definitely a thing, that… Got no car key. Does anyone have it? It’ll be easier to start up with the key – anyway, this isn’t done on a daily basis. The shots you’re about to see – these probably don’t exist yet. -How absurd is that? -Very much. I haven’t looked at the camera for the first time. Don’t even know, what I recorded. (Where am I f**ing working) Now, upon accidentally finding ourselves in Goodwood, we had to visit the place I mentioned once. Namely, the Rolls Royce factory. I
’ll tell you honestly, we passed a guy by the gate. He looked at us with disgust. He had a face like: “Friend, just turn back. You shouldn’t be here. What have you done?” I just upgraded it, the stock Cullinan… No big deal. -Oh damn. -S**t, they’re all looking. They all started staring, from the reception. The black list, right from the reception! F**ing trouble ahead! Look, they’re all staring! Thinking I’m doing a roundabout here. I’ll even stick the Budda out. -Watch it now. Are they looki
ng? -Incoming. We found trouble. They’re coming to kick us out, hide the gear. Alright, he looked at me with some disgust, too. That’s for bringing the Budda out. Anyhow, we’re at the great factory – quite small, actually. I once told you about it, but there’s a few fun facts related to it. Namely, the Rolls Royce brand only produces 4 000 cars yearly... While other brands, more similar to conveyor belts… Are able to produce 10 000 cars, but daily. Moreover, in a straight line to Goodwood, th
e track, it’s only 2 kilometers. The whole factory is built inside the landscape park. It’s only two stories high, so it remains invisible. Moreover, it’s situated in a sort of hole, so it doesn’t harm the landscape, anyhow. However, we can’t show you the factory, because Rolls Royce doesn’t allow any sightseeing of the production line… No recording and so on. You saw, we were only there for two minutes. Well, our Rolls might be going against their rules, a bit. But they kicked us out quickly
. The worst scenario, if they had a client and upon seeing us, he said: “I want that one”. First, I think the distaste might remain. Secondly, they’re now divided. Those, who are resentful. -And the ones, who… -Deep inside their hearts… Somewhere deep inside their hearts, but can’t say it out loud. That’s the way it should… F**ing right side traffic, almost crashed into a car. That’s the way it should look, leaving the factory. Right then, such a short cutscene. Farmer La Buda
(History in the
writing) (Andy's farm, middle England) We came to visit Andy. We’re at the farm of Andy. We’re waiting for Andy. Andy isn’t here. He went that way. There. He took a tractor, probably broke down in the field. Yeah. We oughta help Andy out. Fortunately, we invested in a towing hook for the Rolls. Basically, nobody’s got a Mansory Rolls with a towing hook. But, I had a feeling of Andy’s tractor breaking. Gotta help Andy out and tow him back in, to repair the tractor. Rolls Royce owners don’t usual
ly tow tractors through countryside roads, in the middle of England. That’s where we’re headed. Next to Kazek. That’s Bryan, we moved to England. No Kazek’s here. Let’s go and f**ing help Andy out. Hold on, Andy! I’ll be there in a minute. I’m turning the off-road mode on. Yeah, you heard it right! Coming to help ya. -Seat covers, I’m not out of my mind, right? -A bit so. Maybe a bit. -Got no beads? -I don’t, they don’t make them anymore. But, it says they’re universal. Let’s see how much. If t
hat’s true. We’ll do a test. Rear side protector. The car’s got such huge seats, I could only sit on this… That’s actually the most important. If I get my pants dirty, at least I’ll be seating on this. Dude, like it’s fitted. I’ll push it here. -Could you tell this wasn’t stock? -No, never. That’s how versatile it is. ♫ Old farmer Kamil, kind and wise. He had a barn beneath the skies. ♫ Push it in there, like I did. Ought to leave and pick Andy up, he’s waiting already. Seatbelts for starters
and then… Not sure if anyone used this before. We’re rising. The off-road mode. You could do it with the traction control off. Oh f**k. We’ll help, right? Look at the way it bravely rose up, upon entering that off-road mode. Not slammed anymore, pretty far from the ground. Anyways, just a car. The suspension is like from another planet, it’ll be fine. We’re just… Using it. Not breaking. Check again. Works the way it should. We’re good to tow. Not sure, if it’s gonna be that easy to move. F**k
it. Well? Alright, we got it. The start was the hardest, now it’s easy. Off we go. A day like any other. Considering the topic of towing heavy stuff with the Rolls: As you see, passed. I’m satisfied. It works the way it should. If you buy a Cullinan, not only can you tow a jet ski, a Maverick or another car. You could even visit your grandpa, grandma, uncle or brother-in-law and tow his tractor. Not just the smallest one, in case it breaks down. I think the test was passed, 5/5. 10/10? Pass m
eans a pass. Andy gave us another quest. We gotta take away such an old trailer. It’s been lingering here for some time. We need to pick up some hay with it. In the meanwhile, he’s gonna fix the tractor. Look at the cool function of Rolls. When I turn the steering wheel, it shows where the hook is gonna go. I didn’t know of this functionality, but it’s cool. It’s likely available in every BMW. Alright, back to being a farmer. Alright! He fortunately repaired the tractor! Try and load this much
hay with your hands, no chance! Ready to go? Let’s move, then! This is mandatory. We’re turning around. I haven’t seen Andy for years. I’m happy he finally hit me up, so I can help him. He’s got lots of work here, lots of land. A real lot of field. Fortunately, we’ve got a brave tractor. The test is passed. Each of you may buy this and register as a farm tractor. Hello, girls! Don’t run away, why! That’s only my weekend job! You never saw such stuff before, girls? Nobody did, ever! Keep tight,
you’re the first ones! So are you, by the way. But, the quest wasn’t just about moving it, but also unpacking. But Andy’s gone. Try loading this much hay with your hands, no chance. So, what? Roll up your sleeves. Three, two, one! -Gotta jam in with your foot. -Okay! That was intentional. See? All calculated. Rolls or not: Donuts shall be done I rate my chances 50/50. As we all know, pleasures only come after hard work. Work’s done. In a form of gratitude, Andy let us use a part of his cleari
ng. He said we could… You’re probably guessing already. Despite switching to farm-life, my interests and hobbies haven’t changed. I still enjoy doing burnouts and donuts. We won’t do a burnout here, but will find out about the donut. Like I said, think it’s a 50/50. It either works out and goes down in the history of the channel… Or fails and goes down in channel’s history as well. Namely, we’ll rip the wheel apart. But… I wouldn’t want that. Rather see it work out. We’ll rise it as high as p
ossible. Besides, turn the traction control all the way off. I’ll tell you honestly, the desire to do a donut with it, struck me right at the beginning, the moment I ordered it. Long, long, long time ago. However, we were busy with plenty of projects and had to postpone it. Let’s see if it’s even probable. Oh s**t!! There! Oh, f**ing s**t! -Dude, f**ing what!! -That went hard! Did we just do that?! I wouldn’t believe it! I wouldn’t believe it’d work! How smooth it was, too! Without a hitch! Ro
lls Royce, f**ing hell! What have you invented! I’m seriously shocked! I’m absolutely shocked it worked and went so smoothly! I thought, it’d immediately show a powertrain error. That there’d be no diff-lock whatsoever! I could’ve transitioned, if I wanted to. Dude, it flew like the 4WD of holy memory’s Ken Block. I was like: Flying like a 4WD! Interesting! Like it’s the same powertrain as Rolls. It went like crazy! I’m authentically shocked. Know how light the steering wheel was? All I did was:
-You could’ve sipped champagne with that. -I could have! It didn’t jerk whatsoever! Nothing! It was stable, you could give me something to drink in a calyx! I’d just do this: Correction, transition… What a stage! I’d happily repeat that. This thing’s gonna fly all over Zakopane in winter! Can't wait! I’ll change from a farmer into a highlander from Podhale! A hat and woolen vest! I’m really happy it worked, straight fire! We wouldn’t be ourselves, without doing it again… And showing you, how i
t beautifully picks out all the bumps, watch. Watch. I’m going fully sideways. I could chew and basically… Use a single hand… To steer. Drift away, away, do donuts… Drift away and chew on grass, forever. Easy, nice drift car. Meet my K.P. from 8 years ago... (The same day, evening. London’s whereabouts) Alright, loves. The place I brought you to, now… Is the place I never thought to take you to, in the channel’s history. Namely, this is the place many of you may have heard, if you listened to
interviews. Today is the channel’s 4th anniversary! Exactly today is the 4th anniversary of uploading the first video to Budda. TV. My loves, through a twist of fate, a visit here was moved from yesterday, due to recordings. We’re here today. This is where I worked as a dishwasher, when I was 16. I pretended to be 18, to be fully employed, for full salary. The building’s behind my back. It’s not important, that we’re here in such a car. The important thing is, how much has changed, during the
se 8 years, since I worked here. Now, have some photos from those times. In this episode, we’re doing all the things differently, as compared to Rolls Royce owners. I don’t even mean the fact, that Rolls Royce owners don’t usually work as dishwashers. Maybe there are such ones, doesn’t matter. The car’s owner doesn’t usually drive 1800 km away from his house, to visit the place where he washed dishes… To book a hotel in the same restaurant… Then, if it works out and we don’t end up in jail,
like I said in the beginning… We’ll try to enter the restaurant’s backrooms, remembering the layout… And show you the sink, where I worked. We got the hotel booked, let’s go and check-in and then… Create another piece of history, because it this works out… This should go down in the channel’s history. I’m feeling weird emotions, being in this place. I remember all of it here. Remember the restaurant, remember the staff house we used to live in, behind the restaurant. I’d stroll through here,
8 years ago. That way, to reach the nearest shop and a subway station. A train, not subway. It was a diesel train. Alright, let’s do it and waste no time. F**k me, what a rush! The gate I used to reach the kitchen, is open. This was the staff entrance. This had to be cleaned, twice a week. I mean… The floor and so on. It’s not as well maintained, compared to when I worked here. Don’t wanna enter immediately, because I’m wearing a purple hoodie… The moment I enter the restaurant’s “backstage”,
I’ll be noticed. I wish to prepare it better, not to ruin my first attempt. We’re holding onto the plan of checking-in first. Actually, if we check-in and they catch us, maybe at least they won’t call the police. I feel like at home here. This is the staff house. I f**ing lived here as a worker. They must have re-done it, because back when I was here, there were only 4 hotel rooms. Now, it says about 10, before the entrance. You’re f**ing kidding! This was the living room! There was a couch,
washing machine here and the kitchen was there. -Yours was upstairs? -Mine was on the left. My first month here, mine was upstairs. That room. You can also access the roof from said room. A fan hums there. I promise, the kitchen’s extractor fan hums until this day. I’m going upstairs. I used them to reach my f**ing job. Unbelievable, how they changed it into a house! This is where I lived through the first month. The room’s layout hasn’t changed. I’m having such a mindf**k right now. They fin
ished it nicely. Upon entering a moment ago, I said the fan was hearable from the room. Moreover, know what? If we go onto this roof, I know exactly where we’ll end up. This is gonna make the task so much easier. We’ll enter from the roof side, to see the sink. From the roof, we’ll see the sink from the roof. -Like, we’re going now? -Yeah, come. They won’t see us from here. I see the sink already, come. This was another room. We’ll pass through here. We’re currently walking on the restaurant’s
roof. Moreover, there’s such a glass, which lets you see it whole! The sink is there! I see the guy working at it, but he’s f**ing seeing us, too! -He does, right. We either have to turn the lamp off… -Yeah, let’s turn the lamp off. We need to pass down, lower. Hold on, boss. I don’t know the way like you do. I see the sink. But, there’s someone outside, I think! -Can we leave through there? -Yea, that’s the courtyard. There’s a storage with all the cleaning detergents, floor cleaners and so o
n. -Hold on, a window’s open and somebody’s cleaning it now! -Where? -There, something’s moving. -Yes, that’s the sink in question. Alright, so we gotta be quieter. It’s really open and someone’s cleaning it now! As we pass onto the other side of the sink, we’ll see a sort of tunnel, connector between the buildings. For the staff. There’s such a room, or at least was, where lots of aprons and towels are kept. If we somehow made it there, we could at least take an apron. Then, we could… S**t,
I drifted off like being inside Hitman, the game. Somebody’s moving by the sink, wonder if he’s Polish. This is the place I told you about, the tunnel, here. I’ll see, if there’s passage to the apron room. It’s here. The thing you see now, is the kitchen entrance. Nothing’s changed here. This is what I told you about, the tunnel and to the left, the room with aprons. It wasn’t simple to execute. We had to crouch, move without light… On our way – lightning rod, chimney or some grid. All, while
remaining alert, not to step on a landmine – this would be hard to explain. I got a few, nice shots, that we got you. See the steel shelf, behind the sink, for example. It stores clean dishes. You’re now seeing a picture from 2015, when we used to take breaks and use it to chill out. The sink itself – the so called “K. P.” – hasn’t changed much. Forgive the quality, I had a calculator for a phone 8 years ago. This is what my working spot looked like. Next, you’re now seeing the current view
… Now, the exact same place, years ago, where a homie is seated. Gotta tell you, this episode went in a strange direction. Because we’re breaking into a dishwashing room, in a village by London. But, it’s gonna get way, way weirder in a moment. While coming back, we checked who’s sitting by the table – our guys! I therefore sent them a pic from above and they… All f**ing looked at the ceiling. The waiter almost spotted us, but fortunately didn’t. We’re therefore free to strike harder, now the
level’s rising. Now, the topic of the roof side view is complete. But this is the garden entrance to the restaurant. And this door is none other, than the facility entrance. That’s where we could take the aprons from. It’s open, we could make a mistake and enter. We won’t find out if we don’t try. Yes, that’s here. The tunnel I told you about, at the top. The sink’s right there. Here, on the right… F**k it, maybe they won’t lock us up. Not there anymore. It isn’t there anymore. No apron rack,
just a boiler. -What, then? -The other one’s a pantry, if we fancy something sweet. That likely hasn’t changed. The light’s on, someone’s coming. Good thing they got these sensors, we can tell somebody’s coming. I’d snatch something from the pantry, like a candy bar or chocolate… And leave them 10 GPB. I’d swipe it just as a souvenir. Alright, he left the Pit. Now or never! Oh f**k, he’s back. Alright, I’m not gonna show you the whole thing, as we tried to make something work out for good 15
minutes. Every other moment, a tactical retreat was called. The door might not be far, but the camera doesn’t give its justice. Right next to it, is a kitchen window, with like 10 working people! We got to risk and approach the task confidently. (Kitchen full of cooks) Quiet! -Was someone walking? -Somebody walked here. -Did he see you? -No, no. But I f**ing saw, like 5 people there. F**k, someone’s coming. *Steps behind the door F**k, somebody just passed. F**k me! Close the door, for God’s s
ake. Somebody walked by! The door opens by itself. -Someone passed! -Put it out, put it out! -On the wall, the wall! -What did you see?! -Point it at the wall! -Alright, alright, alright, s**t. Where’s chocolate? I’m leaving a tenner and f**k off! -Alright, I’ll take the sugar. -That’s twenty, then. This one’s too big, no. F**ing cocoa? No. They used to have chocolates. What the f**k are we doing? In this episode, we bought a Rolls Royce and now we’re hiding inside an English kitchen’s pantry.
Alright, give me a f**ing souvenir. Alright, I’m taking virgin oil. No idea how much this is. What if it’s worth more than 20? F**k it, I’ll leave them 30 pounds. Can’t be worth more than 30 pounds, right? Now: First, you got to peak if someone’s coming and only then… Someone’s coming. You got to crouch immediately after leaving. -I’d leave just like that, as if we’re staff. -Alright, let’s go. (Just as someone was walking towards the tunnel) -And I got this s**t! -I left the door open, hide! T
his is f**ing amazing, I want it! Look at my leg f**ing shaking. And we were both inside, thinking: This is surely gonna end badly, they’ll think we wanted to poison the food or something! The only thing we managed to take was this virgin oil. Don’t know its worth, but I left 30 pounds for it. So it’s likely okay. You took virgin oil worth 11 pounds. This homie, is the one I worked with back then. What’s interesting, he remembers me. -Do you speak Polish? -I do, yeah! -Don’t you watch YouTube?
-I recognize you! -Do you? -Yeah, Budda, right? -You work at the Pit here? -Sure I do. -Know I worked there, too? -No, actually. -8 years ago, on this very Pit. -8 years ago… I worked here too… No, I began working here 9 years ago, in 2014. -F**ing hell! -Tiny world, huh? -F**k me! -Surprising! -To me, this is a huge piece of history, dude! -I’m in awe. -So, what? You watch the channel, too? -I mean… I sometimes watch with my brother. -I even participated in the Nissan lottery. -You bought the t
ickets? -Yeah, I did. -Damn, dude. The biggest event in history is coming up. It’s coming this year. You gotta take part, it’s gonna be an absolute game changer. -Wish you all the best. -It was nice to meet you. You surprised me! Jokes aside, let's speak of: Alright, this episode can’t skip the thing, many of you probably await. Namely, pure information about this, very Rolls Royce. And more exact information about Rolls Royce in general. Their cars definitely aren’t common. I promised you a mi
x of atypical activities, in this episode. Let’s agree, there were plenty of them. But also: Fun, technical information. A little something for everyone. Let’s start one by one: The Rolls Royce brand was founded in 1906. Yet, despite the general opinion, it isn’t owned by BMW. Indeed, they do have quite a lot in common. It could be said, that Rolls “belongs” to BMW. However, it’s not exactly like that, because Rolls never sold its logo or trademark to BMW. They said: Listen, let’s do it toge
ther. Let’s keep improving and take advantage of your technology, as you’re a huge brand with a gigantic technological infrastructure. But, we’re not selling you our brand. We can lend you our logo. And that’s what happened. For now, BMW is renting Rolls Royce’s logo. That deal was made for 125 years. The sale of the logo itself, however, never took place. Moving onto the model we’re in, we’ll do technicalities in a moment, of course… It’s worth to note a short history lesson. Back in 1905,
in South Africa, the planet’s biggest diamond was found. Currently, it’s divided into 105 smaller diamonds. It decorates ears through earrings or wrists through bracelets… Or necks through necklaces. As you may have already guessed, the biggest diamond in history was named Cullinan. Which is exactly how the biggest SUV in the world, from Rolls was named – the Rolls Royce Cullinan. That it's large is evidenced by the fact, that the Cullinan is built on the Phantom's chassis. Let’s agree, Rol
ls Phantom truly is gigantic. I got another fun fact for you. I basically found it online, but its truthfulness should probably be divided. However, I found photos proving of said fun fact. The Hindu King, whose name is unpronounceable to me… But I can try: Once entered the British brand’s showroom and wanted to buy a car. However, it was decided he was surely too poor, not representative enough… A person who surely couldn’t afford the car. He returned to his homeland, resentful. Then bought
10 such Rolls Royce’s. He used them as garbage trucks. They were responsible for cleaning the streets. Let’s agree – it was a truly atomic bounce back. He probably managed to hurt the English. One could think, I’m doing something similar. That I don’t like something about Rolls, hence such laughing about the badge change. That when we drove under the factory, they couldn’t believe it and grabbed their heads. Actually, no. I truly respect what the Rolls brand does. Could even say I’m in love
with their cars. Yet, I got such an attitude, where I state: If I bought something already, paid for it and it’s my property now… To it, I may do whatever I want to. I’ll tell you honestly, today! Literally today, we passed a stock Cullinan. An absolute stock piece, Nardo Grey color. I completely disliked the car. I wouldn’t dream of such an SUV. I dreamed of it, in the form I got. If I got blacklisted for installing the body kit, changing wheels or re-stitching the interior… And changed the
badge into what we liked – so be it. Personally, I got nothing against the Rolls Royce brand – quite the opposite, I love it. Nothing personal. Let’s move onto technicalities, these are likely interesting to you. We can nicely begin with the fact, that Cullinan… More than just Cullinan, the whole brand, actually… It rather aggressively mocks the contemporary exhaust emission standards and omnipresent engine castrations. Firstly, we got 6.75 liters here. Having passed 4070 km, it shows an aver
age of 26.7 liters / 100 km. If that wasn’t enough, each new car has to be equipped with a start/stop system. This car doesn’t have it, at all. It doesn’t have to removed, anyhow. It simply leaves the factory without it. Speaking of the engine, one might think: Why does it only have 600 HP, if we got 12 cylinders, almost 7 liters and two turbochargers? Let me explain. The Rolls Royce cars are truly mighty. Considering both the powertrain, suspension or the engine itself. Do you realize, tha
t 75% of Rolls Royce’s that ever left the factory, still drive the public roads? Only 1/4 of them made it to the scrapyard or sits somewhere by the bushes. 75% of them still drive. This proves of the engine truly being effortless. On top of it, there’s a very important solution here, which affects the driving comfort – key in case of Rolls Royce. We got two, really small turbochargers. What that means, when we got really big capacity, V12 and two small turbochargers… The torque is: Firstly,
available really low. So, the car doesn’t have to rev up high, strain and scream… While we wait for the power to come. In addition, the torque chart is really flat. Let me explain. More or less, if any of you drove an electric before, you know what’s up. You press the gas there and get immediate power. Same thing here. If we’re having small turbo’s, there’s no turbo lag. What that means – I barely press the gas and the car accelerates swiftly. Considering that this machine weighs 3 tons with
out liquids… And can take 4 people aboard with lots of luggage… Then exceeds 3.5 tons in total weight, while going 260 km/h… The suspension knows and calculates it all well, that it’s hauling time. It stiffens up and the car itself drives really firmly. Just the average consumption reaches 68.5 liters / 100 km. I don’t wanna do more. However, I covered over 4000 km during recordings. I solemnly swear, with my hand on my heart – the things they did here are mind-blowing. This car really inspire
s admiration on the streets… And also inspires admiration both from the driver and his passengers. You don’t drive here, you flow. Absolutely all the speed bumps, holes, curbs or railroad and tram tracks are deadened. On top of that, it’s very lively. Considering their amount in Great Britain, it’s really a lot. We had situations, where we sat with two of these in traffic. We happened to see 3 or 4 on the same junction. But throughout the whole stay, we never saw one with a body kit, like M
ansory, for example. The stock ones are much more sacred in England. In Dubai, though – won’t find a stock one. All of them got body kits, wheels or are slammed. However, I’ll tell you one last fun fact, to summarize this speech. Actually, I’ll tell you two. Cullinan definitely isn’t perfect, it can be accused of stuff. Listen to that, because when I saw it – not having noticed before, it seemed so absurd to me, that I wouldn’t ask. Like I said, this SUV can go 260 km/h and weigh over 3.5 t
ons… And doesn’t have ceramic brakes! How is this possible? Who agreed to it? This car truly brakes quite well. However, if we brake down from high speeds for the first, second and third time… The fourth one means a soft brake pedal. I think of ceramics as mandatory in case of Audi RS6 – and it weighs 2100 kg. Here, we got a ton more and no ceramics. To me, that’s absolutely absurd. Another thing you could accuse it of, is the absolutely outdated infotainment system from BMW. It’s constantly
lagging. Moreover, you sense the ravage of time. No updates are made here and the Car Play continuously disconnects from the phone. We then have to stop, connect it again… This takes time, more time and pisses you off. Basically, you could spot a few more, minor things. No biggies here, but take the example of reverse camera’s of absurdly low quality. They aren’t retractable, so they’re basically useless in rain, being constantly dirty. The cameras showing us such a huge car from the outsid
e, meant to protect us from scratching the wheels or bumpers… Basically work like in a car from 5 or 6 years ago. Well, technically Cullinan’s were made since 2018… But, come on. This piece being a 2022, could undergo some system or multimedia upgrades. I got that one last fun fact for you, at the end. Wrap your heads around it, because once I thought about it, a serious topic developed out of it. There’s more Rolls Royce’s in Hong-Kong, than in all the other countries in the world, combined
. It means no other than the fact, that Hong-Kong used to be a British colony… So, they’re accustomed to the conviction, that the British car is a synonym of luxury and life success. Then, said conviction was passed onto next generations. In Hong-Kong, today – imagine 30 cars waiting at the lights or a junction. Five or six of them would be a Rolls Royce. Considering how many of these are in Poland: If someone bought it back in 2010 or 2012, newspapers would write about it. Today, there sure
ly is plenty of them. How many of them are there with this body kit and look? Don’t know. Won’t risk assuming it’s the only one… But I’ll risk saying, I’m 90% sure, that this is the only such one. Take a look some day, homie. Yes, you. Or homegirl – if you pass it on the street. Compare how much different it is, from the stock one. Because it seems to me, that they’re two different cars. I also hope, that with these few minutes of talking, I had you interested and sold a few fun facts. Homie,
I just got a quick question at the end. I really like such a Rolls, as you’re seeing now. This is basically a Mansory Cullinan too. Here, we got this green paintjob. Supposedly it’s cool, but a bit elderly. Not sure if this car wouldn’t look better with that look. I’m uploading such a poll to my Instagram. Let’s have a deal: If the vast majority votes for that look, say 70%, I’m gonna do it. So, I’m handing it out to you, completely. The car’s gonna look the way you want. If it’s below 70%, l
ike 50/50 or the current look wins, I’ll either think of something else or ditch the idea completely. Anyhow: Let me know, because I can’t decide for weeks. Personally, I’d do one like that. But, it’s a bit controversial. So that’s up to you. Thanks. Thanks a lot. The whole episode was created for you in Great Britain. Right now at the end, I’m already in the USA. We’re in California. We came back from England and jumped into a plane to produce another episode, here in America. My loves, you
might feel like something was missing, in this 1.5h long video. You probably missed the police intervention. Just like in the special episode, we covered thousands of kilometers without being pulled over. Worry not, as you see, police stopped us, of course. When we were coming back to Poland, they stopped us. They went through the whole car, checked under the carpets, all the gloveboxes, seats… They pulled out our whole luggage. They thought we were smuggling something from Great Britain to
central Europe. However, they found nothing and we even left without a ticket. Homies, another important information for the ones who watch till the end, is that… Despite it being a 1.5h special video, we’re seeing each other next week. Because we’re doing the last event under my control. You’re gonna get a lot of information next week, on Saturday at 2:00 PM. It’s pretty cool here, from the perspective of the longest video in history. I’m happy about being able to create such stuff for you
. Gotta swear with a hand on my heart, I never expected to be able to create such content for you. And the thing we prepared for you next week, that last event prepared for you… What’s up for grabs, how it works and the way it’s planned and so on… It’s just a smile on my face, because I know you’ll appreciate it, too. That you’ll take part in this historic lottery. Excuse me, quieter with that exhaust please. I’m talking to important people here. Right, logging off from the USA. We’re seeing
each other next Saturday. And… I’d like to tell you more now, but I guarantee… You’re gonna be pleased. See ya.



A co gdyby na ten finał zrobić 7 aut- zamiast jednego? Coś lubię te siódemki. Bądźcie czujni!


Jaki kraj taki Jeremy Clarkson, dziękuje Ci Kamilu, że stworzyłeś taki mini Top Gear na polskim youtubie, motoryzacyjnie ale z dystansem i w dobrym humorze, po prostu coś pięknego! Lecisz tam, pozdro!


Mam ponad 40 dychy oglądam twój kanał od początku obserwuje jak sobie radzisz ze wszystkim i naprawdę miło popatrzeć jak młody człowiek pnie się na szczyt ciężka praca Gratulacje i Powodzenia Oby tak dalej.


Słyszałem, że jest pan Budda , który lubi pomagać innym. Nie miałem pojęcia , że to również motoryzacyjny fanatyk , organizujący akcje dla tak samo pozytywnie zakręconych. Szacunek


Z uwagi na taki rozmach to po prostu brak słów. Jestem dumny jako motoryzacyjny świr , że dzieje się to w Polsce 💪🏻 Pozdrawiam serdecznie całą moto rodzine , widzów i was 💪🏻


Za każdym razem udowadniasz, że można w życiu osiągnąć wszystko czego się chce. Pełen szacun 💪.


Mam 44 lata a na sobotni każdy Twój film cieszę się jak dzieciak. Piękna robota dalej tak stary powodzenia 🎉😊


Jesteś idealnym przykładem tego,ze człowiek o niełatwej przeszłości może osiągnąć co tylko zechce. To strasznie inspirujące. Rób to dalej,bo wychodzi Ci to niesamowicie. Pokłony dla Ciebie,szacun Kamil!


Budda ty jesteś człowiekiem który naprawdę udowadnia że jeśli się coś chce w życiu to się może mieć dosłownie wszystko ❤❤❤ wielki szacunek do ciebie naprawdę jesteś już legendą ❤❤❤


Szacun za ten filmek historia od zmywaka do kolesia z kasa który nadal jest sobą z mega poczuciem humoru życzę Ci żebyś zawsze był sobą Powodzenia i pozdro z UK


Akcja ze zmywakiem mocna, fajna historia pokazująca twoją ciężką pracę włożoną w to, żeby być tu gdzie teraz. Wszystkiego dobrego byku, pozdro!!


Czuje w jakiś sposób satysfakcje, że mam przyjemność oglądać Cię od początku youtubowej kariery. Jesteś dobrym przykładem dla młodszej widowni za to zawsze będę Cię szanował.


Jak zobaczyłem Roysa to wiedziałem ze będzie użyteczny już kiedyś na jednym filmie mówiłeś ze chciałbyś takim filmy nagrywać dla widzów! Trzeba łączyć kropki ze, czekamy na prywatnego Jeyta! Szacun za robote 👌👌👌


Coś pięknego odwiedzić swoją pierwszą pracę na zmywaku z takim rozmachem pewnie nigdy byś nie pomyślał że podjedziesz tam rollsem, wspaniały kontrast, mnóstwo emocji widać


Pojechałeś po bandzie szacun jesteś kul pokazałeś gdzie jest miejsce pewnych snobów ze smakiem i w bardzo inteligentny sposób pełen szacun młody a jednak myślący ….. ktoś Budda oby tak dalej natchnienia i świeżości tego życzę tak trzymaj 😮😊


Mój tata to prawie zemdlał ze śmiechu jak zobaczył króla buddę na masce🙂🙂 rób to dalej i powodzenia


Mąż, który pracuje w UK zaraził mnie Twoim kanałem. Teraz masz 4 Wielkich fanów w PL. Dzieciaki uwielbiają. Dobry z Ciebie Człowiek. Pozdrawiamy ❤


Powiem tylko tyle. To co ty człowieku robisz na tej platformie przekracza ludzkie granice. Jesteś legendą polskiego youtuba i zostaniesz ją na zawsze! Pozdro Budda i oby więcej takich materiałów!


Najlepszy szczery chłopak który się niewywyższa, chociaż ma co chcę i jest sobą,tak trzymaj super kanał.pozdro


Jak dla mnie był to najlepszy materiał na kanale ! Polecam każdej kobiecie obejrzenie twojej pracy jaką wkładasz w te materiały, która marnuje czas na seriale 😜🖐