
Rural & City Japan React to Foreigners Speaking Japanese

Are Japanese people shocked by foreigners speaking Japanese? What is the difference in reaction between Japanese people in the city and rural areas when they hear foreigners speaking Japanese? After living in Japan for years, I video taped a few conversations that are good examples of people of different ages in different places reacting to me and my friends speaking Japanese. Below are language learning tools I have personally used for years. Direct purchases of software from these links goes to supporting this channel. JAPANESE LESSONS: CHINESE LESSONS: 50 LANGUAGES: Pimsleur 7 Day Free Trial: My instagram: anming7

Oriental Pearl

3 years ago

hello it's your friend Anming here i'm an american who's been living in china and japan since 2012 and in this long time span i've had the chance to see quite a few countries in asia and i have to say japan being an economic powerhouse and a country with a substantial population of foreigners you might think that speaking japanese probably wouldn't turn a lot of heads here especially foreigners speaking japanese in tokyo but despite how big and international this city is every once in a while yo
u might turn a couple heads so i'm going that way i'll see you next time now although those kinds of situations are pretty rare the further you go outside of the big city the more likely it's going to happen even in the suburbs of the city i've seen that head turn reaction quite a few times here in japan although admittedly it's much more common in china well with all the reaction videos out there on the internet about languages i've gotten constant requests for japanese reaction videos however
i think that how people really react in japan is going to be a little bit different from this is especially true for how people think elderly japanese will react so let's take a look at a couple conversations that i think are good examples and see if it lines up with how you think it would were you surprised that she didn't go OH! they speak japanese well that was a pretty standard city reaction and in the center of the city and in many stores throughout japan they're taught just to assume that
you know japanese until you prove that you can't unlike in china where the reaction is a little bit more like more like that but it's also possible that japanese people are indeed surprised by foreigners speaking japanese but they just don't verbalize it because they don't want to embarrass you or to cause a scene both are possible but it's certainly true that as you go out of the center of the city and into the suburbs and even into the countryside that the reaction changes a lot but that could
also be because people tend to be more friendly as you get out of tokyo and they're just curious to see you walking around the neighborhood they might even want to say hi to you going outside of tokyo to an area like this can be pretty fun if you know how to get there and you know what to see now of course when you come out here you're gonna have to rely on yourself a lot more because you won't find a lot of english speakers or english signs but it's really worth it to get out where it's a litt
le quieter and you get a better more realistic view of what living in japan is actually like because tokyo is kind of a special place one of the best things about leaving tokyo and going out to the suburbs is that it's so quiet here aside from the bugs those are just cicadas but you don't have that constant traffic going through and people constantly walking around at all hours of the night now i do like how quiet it is here and how peaceful it is here i like this architecture but i do like toky
o a lot a lot of people like to badmouth tokyo to each their own because i'm not such a big fan of quiet suburbia people choose to live in the suburbs either the north or south maybe east or west of tokyo simply because it's cheaper you could rent an apartment much cheaper out here in the suburbs rather than downtown and if you don't mind the commute then that's a good choice
