
Russia sent new tanks into attack, but here's what drone FPV Ukraine did to them

Russia sent new tanks into attack, but here's what drone FPV Ukraine did to them In this video I will show you how the Ukrainians repelled several massive Russian attacks using only FPV drones. You will see many destroyed tanks and other armored vehicles. Over the past week, the Russians have failed to make significant advances on any front. Despite the lack of military assistance from the US, Ukraine confidently holds the front and doesn't give Russians any chances for success. Become a us update news Subscriber and hit the bell to be the first to know Thanks For Watching The Thumbnail/Videos are for illustrasion purpose only #usupdatenews #russia #ukraine

US Update News

23 hours ago

[Music] it seems like a Never Ending Story in Ukraine a small drone drops explosives on soldiers below or slam into an omed vehicle and blows up social media has been flooded with scenes from such attacks drones cheap commercial ones in particular are a terrifying new reality that is reshaping the modern Battlefield in unprecedented ways the utilization of weaponized commercial drones in combat goes back nearly a [Music] decade this threat however has been put on display for the whole world to s
ee throughout Russia's war against Ukraine both sides in this conflict have relied on cheap drones of all shapes sizes and capabilities to undertake a myriad of tasks and generally wreak havoc on the battlefield videos captured from these drones has shown the world death and destruction of both men and equipment on a massive scale often asymmetrically beyond their value drone usage has in many cases also stripped both Kiev and Moscow of a crucial element secrecy the constant surveillance that dr
ones can offer is forcing militaries to change how they move through the battle space and pushing troops to consider new measures of detection and protection sord said but the problem obviously doesn't stop with observation as these aircraft can deliver varying levels of explosive payloads becoming quite deadly Omi leadership has been working to implement drones into basic training employing practices like flying the aircraft above soldiers who can then learn how to react to and disappear from t
he aerial threat schul told be in an interview if you are not concealing yourself if you're not covering yourself your survivability decreases very rapidly he said it is a new reality for the battlefields of today today and tomorrow with exceedingly Grim [Music] implications the future of warfare is scary sord said the pace of technological developments for these types of threats is going to outrace your ability to create things to counter them figuring out how best to counter the Drone threat i
s what the jcu is hoping to accomplish since October hundreds of US troops have flocked to Fort Sil for 2 two weak courses that help them understand drones and practice different methods of defeating the [Music] threats fpv drones have become a common tool of warfare during the conflicts in Ukraine they aid in surveillance identify targets and potential threats and pose a danger themselves drones equipped with explosive charges play a crucial role in destroying targets their influence in modern
armed conflict is set to increase this was demonstrated by another two Russian soldiers who opted to hide under two destroyed [Music] tanks the footage of this incident recently circulated on social media drawing attention to an unexpected detail when the Drone stro igniting a small Fire Two Soldiers emerged from beneath the wrecked vehicle the first struggle to exit clearly dazed by the attack or injured his comrade in his haste overlooked pulling up his trousers and underwear the video can be
viewed below the ukrainians persisted they launched a second attack which likely neutralized both adversaries nean speculation mainly revolved around the solders activities under the tank it's a mystery that will probably remain unsolved and perhaps that's for for the best the conflict in Ukraine is perhaps the first military engagement that is view of almost live thanks to Cutting Edge technology footage of operations like the one described is uploaded daily on the internet drones with cameras
capture and immediately share the outcomes of their [Music] strikes unfortunately despite many such notable actions the situation on the front remains challenging for Ukraine after the Russian control of AA there's speculation that Vladimir Putin's forces May Target Kubin and kiv and possibly attempt to S Ukraine's access to the Black Sea Russian forces are concentrating their main efforts on making a breakthrough near the recently Fallen town of avva commanderin-chief alexanderi said on March 5
0 of dika a city IND theet scbl that has been on the front line of the war since 2014 fell on February 17 in what was Russia's first major military gain in 9 months several Villages west of vdco were captured soon after as Ukraine faced a severe ammunition shortage while us a continued to be stalled in Congress Ukrainian troops defending the area near Rd to face intense artillery fire the active use of fpv firstperson view drones periodic air strikes and daily assaults from armored vehicles and
assault troops in these conditions the most effective way to conduct defense is to destroy the enemy's armored vehicles and infantry assault groups by artillery fire the actions of armored groups the complex use of attack on man systems of various types the protection of one's units from enemy drones by means of L electronic warfare in combination with the destruction of enemy UAV unmanned aerial vehicle control points by missile strikes and artillery fire CSI said in a post on telegram cki adde
d that his main task currently was dedicated to the organization and provision of these issues in its daily intelligence assessment on Match 14 the UK Ministry of Defense said Russia was focusing attacks west of arka and the town of Minka accounting for 60% of all attacks across the front line however the average number of reported weekly Russian ground attacks on Ukraine has reduced by 133% since late February 2024 when the weekly average reached 600 the ministry [Music] wrote [Music] [Music] [



Glorie Ucrainei !! 🇺🇦✊✌️💪🇺🇦🇲🇩


Те що треба . Слава Україні !


Heaven is closer than they think!!!👿👿👿


전세계는 우크라이나에게 드론을 보내야 합니다. 나는 5만원을 보냈음.


Так тримати!!!!! Слава Україні!))))


I remember during Desert Storm in 1990-1991 laser guided bombs were used to destroy Iraqi tanks and armored vehicles. Now a simple drone with an explosive warhead a T-90MS can be destroyed or knocked out of commission.


War is horrible. Because of one man’s whim, thousands of innocent people fr9m both sides die.


Funny thing is the commercials I got were from the guy trying to help Russia against Ukraine. Let him spend his money. I want him to waste it on people who wouldn't vote for him.




Mabey they should have installed misquote netting around their tanks too😂


Narrator really had to fit 1 minute of information in 8 minutes 😂 We get it, drones are advanced and deadly😂


на 2:51 - этому кадру уже несколкьо месяцев. вы его в каждый ролик пихать будете?


Глупые генералы бросают гробы золотые против дрона. Предел иди Отто. Утилизация солдат предателями генералами. Генералов в танки пость их жп горит.


Абрамсы тоже хорошо горят от дронов.


Wow this script and commentary are both pretty amateurish. But the clips are good, and the video always wins!


Tanks are absolute!!!!!!!!!!!.


Cắt ghép phim


Brutal attacks




Louange à Allah ! Allah venge les Russes des centaines de milliers de victimes qu'ils ont faites dans les deux guerres en Tchétchénie et en Syrie.